HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-24, Page 4 Augloo laur., mommorm. T US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN -NEW! For a free estimate and a look- at our newest samples of materinik CALL •• COOK UPHO-LSTEOY "Put Your Upholstering Ph. 523-4272 R. Cook, Prop. Needs In Our Hands" myth, Ont. WE HAVE FREE. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE LE Used guitars from 00 New r , guitars 00 0 up to OFF -COME EARLY FOR Eye '13,0pOlg Savings. We must have, more room to accommodate our expanding. KEYBOARD DISPLAY Pulsifer 5?7-0053 Seaforth AiltGkEGOR Top'(:)pa I ity BE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED • VVhOle Beef ';90 Half Bef Price subject to change INCLUDES: CUTTING . — WRAPPING and OtICE 'FREEZING • Fre4trelivery Nvithin 10 Mile MeGIREC() Ph. 262.5839 SEAFORTH JEWELLERS lor DIAMONDS WA1 CH ES EIF RI, I- INF fINA 15 FOR OCC ASION All Pt-, of Rupairs, rhone 52 7-0270 o .0blii00:006. 1. we, Connect You To Cable! 2. In le Days We Call . BOCk And Either: A) Re-connect you to• your, original . aerial and , it costs you nothing or- We charge you $15.00 for the installation and 20' a day for Cable Ser. vice (for one outlet) from that day on. • T_ _ his-offer-w-expires m days • • Phone Our Operator• and ask foi,Zenjth 82110, and leave yetii Name, Addreis and. Teleph,gle Number ;Wiwi T,lephene Ariswering •Service (or write us at,Mlicheli Se_aforth Cable t.M.,_tittirtchell, Ontario) We will' contact you jt41. prior p hooking/you up.. Egmondville se f:Ohlo'to.see./!0.4. it .01friet! Rail) • .0,,p-otiop of. ..$i)tifort .4.107 4-4HE HURON ,EXPOSITOR, MARCH 24, 1977 Still snowing I • s ot new Lut er League hositsa First Logan young people hand in my inside coat pocket and weekend- with their daughter, • Vincent Lane came up with the tickets-. Mr, and Mrs. Brian Melady Mrs, Leo Smith, St. Columbarvwpat e Correspondent the Hillside Nursing Home with other friends. . A very pleasant day was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Fred Young and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young in Stratford when some ladies from this vicinity were their guests last week, Congratulations to proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hinz on the arrival of their baby daughter Elizabeth who was born in Seaforth Hospital, a sister. for Linda, Marvin and Freddie, also the proud grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinz. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown visited with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kettlewell, Janet and Elaine at Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rode have returnecbtiome from a flight to Germany where they spent some time with their son and Correspondent Mrs. Lavern Wolfe neyoung people of the Luther League at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen entertained the First Lutheran Walter League, Logan 'Sunday evening. A religious film was shown and euchre was enjoyed by all. Officers, elected were: President - .,t Gayle Beuerman; vice pres., - Darrell Dietz; treasurer - Lyle Bennewies; secretary - Lois Horst. Rev. and Mrs. Robert 'Rock, t. Timothy and Philip from Dart- mouth, NOva Scotia, were guests at the home of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock and uncle Norman last week from Tuesday until Friday. ' Neighbours 'and relatives of Mrs. Emma Dietz are pleased to know she is as well as .can' be expected and is now residing at daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs:, Harold Rode and girls atHeidel- 'berg where Harold is engaged in medical research and called on Mrs. John Vock since they returned from Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanhevel and friends Mr. and 'Mrs. Tonle De Grolit, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Boersens have returned safely to their homes from Cuba where they enjoyed nice warm weather and found the folks there very friendly and say there is no shortage of work' there. Our new neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Buuck •and sons have taken up residence in their new living quarters above the Brodhagen store. Much more renovating had to be done than they had anticipated and 'they don't expect the store will be open until the middle of April. —Brotitia-gen—and7community say welcome 'to the Buuck fanniV. Howard Bode, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bode, is studying for (Continued from Page 1) Environment Ministry spokesman M ark Bell discounted citizens' statements that poorly laid pipes and inadequate compaction allowed underground leakage into the system. "Because of the rate at which the water rose, we're sure that this must be a surface water • problem" he said. He estimated that "millions of gallons" of water had entered the sanitary sewers. Mr. •Sawyer said there were leaks in the system during construction, but said when the final inspection was made. these leaks had all been repaired. The_ initial approach • to repairing the system is to carry out a visual inspection of the sewers during a period of heavy rain, Mr. Sawyer ,said. He ,said this would 'be done by McLaren engineers"as soon as possible". When asked if he could give ratepayers a guarantee that sewage would not back , up into basements again, Mr. Sawyer said "If I can find out where the is getting ,in, yes." • Mark Bell ' suggested people worried about . backups co* install a check valve • on their connection to the sewer. He said the homeowner would have to bear the installation costs. The ratepayers were adamant - • that it should be the responsibility of the Envirnoment Ministry; who own the "sewers until the town takes them; over later this year,to instal the, check valves on' the effected li nes. They also felt the installation should be done at the property line, and not, as Mr. Bell .had suggested, in'the ratepayers' basenients. It was not established at the meeting whether cheek valves would be installed. Councillor Bill Bennett expressed council's concern that the large volume of 'water that flowed through the sewer would result in excessively high gallonage charges from the Ministry. "We won't charge you for every gallon received at the pumping station" Mr. Bell said. He said the town should send a letter to the Ministry asking for a . review of the bill, and that an adjustment would be made. Concern was expressed at the meeting that if people refused to hook up to the sewers because of uncertainty about backups, Council would be unable' to meet the September 23, 1977 deadli ne for taking over the sewer system. Clerk Jim CroCker said only, 13.8 households had purchased hookup permits so far, and that 425 permits remained to be, sold. •Mr. Bell said it was', up to the town to request an extension on payments to the Ministry. He said Council should send the Ministry a registered letter requesting a review of the deadline. The problem of compensation of damages was discussed 'at 'the end of the . meeting. Mayor.' . Cardno.. ,,:.people who sustained damages should, list them, and submit the list to the town. Compensation will come from the Ministry or from the contractor, as soon as responsi- bility can be determined. 'Mayor Cardno' said Council would 'take up the ' 'ratepayers' cause, and would keep people inforined on all aspect's of the sewer problem. What's new ix 'St. Coltimban? Well this morning, Tuesday, the weather isn't. It's snowing, blowing and cold. I hate to sound pessimistic, but I fear it Woks like • a cold, backward spring. Saturday, March 19, was a beautiful sunshin y day, and the date the senior citizens of Dublin .had reserved a bui 'to Kitchener for the Ice Capades, about 40 made the trip including 8 from here. Mr. and': Mrs. Jas. McQuaid, Mr. and—Mrs. Albert Cronin, Mrs. Rose Burke,, Ted Doyle and Mr. and.. Mrs. Correspondent.. 'The show was fantastic, about 2 hrs. long and a good mixture of skill and comic and the scenery was something else. Naturally in a, group such as this, there has to be one or two ' "goons'. I happened to be one. We purchased our arena tickets before entering the bus and wouldn't you know, when we arrived at the arena, I couldn't fmd ours. I searched every pocket inside and out-,-"*Nbrtickets4.1v1y.., wife became excited, and she tried. Well I knew right away she had done this before. She 'did everything but stand me on my head, even look in the bus in case I. had- dropped them there. I decided that since I knew the seat numbers and the area no- I could bluff my way in bia as we went to the entrance I put my Annther. chap Iniin • Dublin looked somewhat depressed because his wife was unable to accompany him, but when he saw who was sitting next-to him in the arena, he looked much better. I also noticed that after watching those skaters go through all' their Stunts, we were 'more loosened up in our step afterwards. I hope up one tried any of the stunts on their wife when they got tfoine. There were some from Mitchell as well, including Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ducharme and by the way, Mrs. Duchapne invited us, in fact demanded, that we brinaload to their church card party in ' Mitchell Town Hall, March 31' at 8 p.m. Are you listening out there? Maurice Melady. Mr. Melady is now in. „Seaforth hospital for treatment. Sister Jean Moylan, Goderich is presently spending a few days with her mother Mrs. Mary Moylan. Mrs. Moylan was in TorOnto visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bas Lane a week ago over the Mr. and have purchasbd the home and • • building recently vacated, by ourselves on the 2nd cone, Of McKillop, We welcome them into. the vicinity. • Mrs. Marie Mela::!y who has spent some time in Seaforth and' London Hospitals Is out and around again. We are glad to see her looking so well. 'Mrs. Beatrice Fabben (Maloney), Burlington, was a visitor in St. Columban Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin were in Acton over the weekend SEE THESE VALUES . students missing school during the bad weather had pulled their children out of school early for a holiday in the south. Chirman Mickey Vere indicated he was planning on, attending the official opening of Education Week in Windsor on 'April 16-17. Vincent Young, chairman of the negotiating committee, said that negotiations were continuing and , everything seemed to be going well.. The first meeting 'in April will be held on April 12 as the regular meeting date of the second Monday of the month is Easter Monday. — . Arena will. get AA/into-Ho funds (Continued from Page I) on the first $20,000 of this amount, or $40,000. On the remaining $40,000 of money raised by public donation, Wintario will donate money at a 1 to :1 rate, or $40,000. Thus Wintario will supply $80,000 while the public supplies $60,000. In addition, a Community Centres Grant from the Ministry will' pay 25 percent of all capital expenditures on the arena. The total_ cost Of repairs to the building are estimated at ; $240,000.,, , Crocker, felt: debentures 'would not be necessary to met the cost now that 2 to 1 funding is' confirmed. "It looks like we are in pretty good shape," he said: An Expositor Clagsified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Describe HPRCSS library services Library services in Huron Perth • Roman Catholic Separate Schools were explained to board members at their meeting in Dublin last week. The presentation on library support services was given by • three teachers: . Mary Margaret Cassoni of Immaculate Conception School iand Mary Lou Shantz of St. Joseph's School, both of Stratford, and I Barry 0. Linden of Ecole Ste Marie Superintendent William Eckert, under• whose direction the presentation was made, , explained that while most schools have library resource centres._ other schools have only-an area for library books. H e said the students are instructed' in the use of the library resources in these schools so that they gain information appreciation of the. resources. He showed slides' showing the library as a ,child centred place for learning. • The three teachers gave detailed outlines of the uses of the libraries in their schools as the 'students progressed- "from kindergarten, class to Grade 8 as they acquired library skills in Using and enjoying the library resources. • John yintar, Director of, Education,'reported that': principals in the various schools' are dealing with the problem of filling the gaps caused by missed classes due to the winter storms. • He said in some schools where the children are bused the prinCipais may decide to shorten the noon break by 1 -to .20 .minutes; in some school pupils may be given extra homework to do; and in some schools • individual assistance .to certain „selected students or those requesting help .inay....be__all_..that. is needed. Mr; .V.kitar said at a Meeting of the principals on April 14 it would be determined if these methods closed the gaps or if •further measures would be taken such as eliminating' a professional development day: —4. Mr. Marcy suggested each principal send' home a note with the pupils the method his or her school will be using in dealing with making up the lost time. . The remark was made that two of the parents complaining about further technician training. He left for North Dakoll last week. Visiting with Mr. and )Mrs, Lloyd Kellen, Johnny and Richard in Stratford on' Friday was the latter's mother Mrs. Freada Scherbarth and brother Irvin. A ibirthday party was held for little Kevin- Leonhardt, son of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Leonhardt, Embro who celebrated his 4th birthday with a birthday cake. Guests at the party were his uncle Earl Leonhardt, his grandparenti Mrs, Herman Leonhardt and Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Davis from Fullarton. Accompanying them were Kevin's great7 grandparents Mi. and Mrs. Sam Squire from Mitchell. Four generations attended..,-::.}., Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe visit ed with the latter's nephew and niece. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Connolly, Jennifer and Susan and called on Mr. and Mrs. Erlyn Wilkey in-Stratford-last-week: Brodhagen and community wish Mr. and Mrs. Norman Riehl a happy anniversary. Compensation available GORD KILDEBRAND DON COLEMAN .30 Year 'Experience •18 years wiperienct, Complete Coillsion and Refinish- Serviee" to cars • • • 'Paint mixEtitoyouRgAirSSI3epiOicAiioNs §27470-. Lower Interest Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction _ or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE SAFEWAY INVESTMENTS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Head Office: 56 Weber Street, Kitchener, 15191 744-6535 , Branch Office : _504 Tenth. Street , Hanover 15191 364-3121 WE. BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH • Personals Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coyne have returned home after spend- ing the winter in Florida and San Domingo. Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Melady, Brighton were weekend visitors with his pre-fits Mt:- and Mrs—. 2,-.11tiet"---111"--.110141111,ige, - - GUITARS are OUT KEYBOARDS are IN We're CLEARING all guitars, cases, drums, banjos, electric guitars and bass, strings, mouth organs, etc.