HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 24:.kuLL GUL L SPORTS AND RECREA-TON LTD. 519-262-§809 . VARNA,, ONTARIO • Get Ready for Spring at our KAWASAKI Bike Show Over 100 motorcycles on special new and used at Hully Gully Saturday, March 119° Sunday, 'March' 20 FREE bike rides on rentals - FREE movies - Financing available - FREE • pancake breakfast 9 - 1 — Bring this ad with you and receive a CSA • approved hermet for only $15.00. . . '21 l-k Fan-tastic o Spring Selection GOWNS BLOUSES SLACKS — SWEATERS JUMPSUITS PANTSUITS OVERALLS ACCESSORIES 44: e. —NEW SPRING FASHIONS DAILY ' LIFE — and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. " Income Averaging Annuities Ask for our new Flexible Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING — -Dave Robb PROFESSIONAL 'PHdTOGRAPHY Weddings - Anniversaries Portraits - Industrial Team & Group Pictures 527-0064 ARNOLD J.STINNISSEN Tel. 527-0410 Sun Life Assurance -- - 117 GODERICH ST. EAST Company Of Canada SEAFORTH for 17 years. FE a WC&7 WO 1, FARM ,0QuiemENT. Lino. ill SEAFORTH -AYR -CAMBRIDGE di --Tillage Smoker We are proud to have with, us Mr. Jack Lept from Hamilton\works ENGINEER ON CULTIVATORS Mr.'Larrke Pollard from Hamilton k4orks, ENGINEER ON SEED DRILLS 1.H,Company reprosentativitis discussing SEAFORTH 527-0120 I HELPING PROFESSIONS HURON CENTRE: FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH This new venture in the field of Children's Mental Health Centres is located at Clinton in the heart of Huron County. The Centre is beginning to hire its professional staff and is looking for those competent experienced-professionals, who would find both personal anti professional satisfaction in . shaping new preventative and ,theraneutic prograins for troubled children and adolescenti. PSYCHOLOGISTS, SOCIAL WORKERS, CHILD CARE WORKERS and NURSES with experience in work with troubled children are invited to apply to -- THE DIRECTOR 4+URON-C-ENTRE--FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH"' P.O. 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TRUCKS 75 G.M.O.r '/2 ton pick up 75 GAM:C. 1/4 ton pick up 74 Ford 3/4 ton pick up 74-Chevrolet C65 series either van or cab & Chassis 74 Ford' Louisville with 18' van or cab (Y. chassis 73 Chevrolet 1 ton pick up 73. Chev C50 series either van, or Cab & chassis 73 Chev. C 65 series with stake body Number of 71 - 74 Chev & Ford vans 30 Gauge Galvinized 1 9 98 • Per Sq. Order Your Steel Roof!ng Siding Now Before the Price Increase SPECIAL Protetts Your Investment , BALLAACAULAY • • • • S eaforth 51*491:0 Hirrtla li 2620.041:8.• 4824514 . • 470 24-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH v,. 197T- 71, (Continued from Page 1) studied in great detail during several meetings. • The board is detirmined to. maintain the quality of education._ There are no excess expenditures. .Separate:board.--pet'bud Inflationary trends are evident approved ' extending French ' in ...all. sectors. -of ...society- • • and. instructien.fr9.RgradeS 7 and 8 to education is no exception. • at least'Grades .6 in the separate- This is a " bare bones" schools in . Huron and Perth budget," he concluded, CountieS, exclusive of Ecole Ste.. In other business 'the board' Marie which. is a bilingual school.. . In Grades 1 'Wand 8 oral' French - . 'Anniove French , i t-.' . has.beema part of the eurticuluM in all the schools..since the board was formed in 1969,.Superinten- dent W.J.Mills reported as he presented the feasibility report on the teaching of French following a (Continued from, Page 1) pumping equipment for the Brantford Street well could be obtained for $5,000 then the well should he brought into operation. If the cost of such equipment is , higher then mains should be .7' extended to reach the well, and it should be left unused except for emergency situations', Mr Sawyer said. He told the commissioners that the PUC Should drill .a test well at the Welsh Street site 'just as soon as you can." He recommended that the test well be drilled this year. Do Something 'It seems imperative that we do something" Mayor Betty` Cardno said, when Mr, Sawyer had made his 'recommendations. No firm- course of action was' decided upon at Wednesday's meeting. The Layne pump on the well at the PUC's Chalk Street substation is currently supplying about 150 gallons of water per minute, though the well, whichhas been operating since 1948, ' has a capacity of atleast 350 gallons per. minute,. Manager Tom Phillips reported. He told the commis- sioners that the electric motorjon the well is drawing excessive amperage, and shuts off if the pumping. rate is, increased. Technicians from International Water Supply' Company will carry out a test pumping on the well Director of Education, John Vintar, said' this will mean an increase of two itinerant Fench teachers when the extension comes into effect in September. He pointed out this will only mean 7.5°4 Fleming, the trtUstee who attended- the session, said it was Well organized and praised the program. Chairman Mickey Vere attended the 'luncheon only as he' was working. John O'Drowsky questioned whether it' would. be possible for parents to attend some of the - professional development days. He was 'told the auditorium was filled with teachers at the last • P.D.Day. Mr. Vintar said a larger hall could be considered. • Every week more and- more people•discov'er what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Huron Expositor Want. Ads. 'Dial 527-0240. meeting, Mr. Phillips reported that job descriptions had been presented to the employees, and that the descriptions had been accepted. A letter - drafted by PUC employees said they,wished to seek an eight -percent increase under the terms of the AIB. Mr. Phillips told the tommissioners that this increase would still leave the pay scale lower-than that of some other area PUC's. The commissioners felt that (Continued from Page 1) himself. The letter mentions two of the charges and says witnesses will refut e them. However, police committee chairMan Wayne Ellis says the two weren't among the actual proposed charges. Mr. DeVries also claims that the chief did • not do the investigation he said he did before telling Mr. Lauzon of the ' charges. Piohably the most serious charge in, Mr,. De Vries' letter is that although councillor Ellis said the town consulted with the Ontario Police Commission before originally voting to deny Mr. Lauzon a hearing, OPC chairman 'Elmer,Bell told Huron 7 Middlesex MPP Jack Riddell by phoneon February 25 that Mr. Ellis had not contacted the OPC.• The Expositor 'attempted to confirm this, by phone with Mr. Bell in Toronto Tuesday but as of press time Wednesday, he had nor-returned a reporter's call. Mr. Lauzon's lawyer, Mr. Kilpatrick.. said "there could be many answers to that apparent discrepancy. Council could have contacted someone. There could be lines crossed in Toronto rather than in Seaforth." one additional start member, as one room is'being-phased .out in -' St. Michael's School, Stratford, due to a declining enrolment, Board members gave themselves an eight 'per cent increase in their honorarium, effective January 1977. The increase from $150 a month to $162 a month foreach trustee was approved in a repcordecl vote asked' for by .Ted'r-Geoffrey who voted ' against the increase, as did study made by the administration Ronald' Marcy. , under his direction. Superintendent William Eckert reported On the professional development day last week on the reading program in the schools. He said the teachers commented 'most favourably on the workshops. Trustee Gregory Water not adequate and examined in 1965, Mr. , any salary proposals should be , submitted in dollar figures. "I'd "Phillips said. Mr. Sawyer told the • commission an examination rather see it in cents than percents", Commissioner Go'rd should be done every five-years,: Pullman said, The matter was put Water Tower aside to be discussed at the next Still on the subject of water meeting. supply, Mr. Phillips reported that Warren Steeplejatking of Brantford • have indicated their Cound I willingness to examine the Friday Mr. Phillips reported, at a cost of $62 per hour. It is 'hoped that this testing will show whether the problem with the well results from inadequacies in the, motor or in the" pump mechanism, Mr. Phillips said. Durl Hopper, of W.D.Hopper and Sons Well Drillers, told the commission•at an earlier meeting that a new motor..to..inctease the' well's output by 50 percent could-- be obtained at a cost of $1322. The pump was last dismantled present water tower at no cost to • • the PUC and provide a free reiects estimate on repairing it. The tower is reaching the end of its useful life, and the examination should, tell if it can be repaired, Mr. Phillips indicated. ., The 1969 McLareff ---report• recommended the 60,000 gallon. toVveri". be replaced with an elevated storage tank of 417,000 gallons capacity to meet the Town's future needs. The commissioners agreed the tower should be looked at. In other busineSs it . the SPRING s S Put Some Spring On your Feet Our new Sandals are HIGH FASHION AT A LOW PRICE BRUSSELS MOTORS •••••••44:4*ii gigin No • 44' ► --v•son• . • • *:%• 07",...•••••••..-• , A;;;:;:•Y PHONE 887.6173 MIN III OPEN EVERY EVENING 440.014a.10.44ww.m...m".1"..mir 4::341 *** W•:•:" *:•:4 n:+4 044.vi KZ** tigta.„ .se "THE HOME OF BETTER-USED CARS" BRUSSELS, ONTARIO