HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 19-.-'---T — Correspondent - -'- - IvIrv-Stoltopeneirtheineetng Mrs. Hugh Berry with a poem "Ireland". Followed Tuckersmith Unit 1 Brucefield witb Prayer by Mrs. Thomson and United Church U.C.W. met in the a reading "They rolled the Stone church on Monday afternoon with AwaY", Hymn, Faith of Our Henson UCW hear of co-ops in• Phillipines an atter,' ance of18-altsvrered-themPathers—Living—Stilr -A,''' sung roll call ',.!St . Patricks". with Mrs.-Scott at the piano. Mrs. Grace Thomson and The offering was received by Mrs. Rebecca Stoll were in charge ' Mrs Tboms6n and dedicated by of the Devotion. Mrs Stoll, Mrs. Stoll spoke on St. r— " WISEWAY HOME'S BUILDING CENTRE.-_. •t) Turn Those Dingy 014 Heirlooms Into We've lust completely... renovated our Carpet Centre. And it's stocked with all the'new Spring and Summer carpet lines, from such famous makers as-Bigelow. Celanese, Rich- ' mond and Constellation. in,the market: for carpeting? Drop; to the Carpet Centre with more .... at Wiseway & Building Centre. SPRING CARPET' SPECIALS! OUR REGULAR $27.95 SQ. YD. 1 9 5 JUTE •BACK —'NATURAL • _ Armstrong "Artistry s so • REG. $20,95 SQ, YD. SOMERSET BEECH, WEDGEWOOD BLUE RICHMOND—RUBBER BACK—BOLD RICHMOND—KITCHEN CAR P E1 — RUBBER BACK PATTERNS . REG. $9.95, SQ. YD. ) L 9 BROWN, BEIGE, GREEN SHADES IN-A , , , COFFEE SHADE - REG. S8.95 $ GOLD FLORAL PATTERN • ' • III-SQ..YD. Many More In-store Carpet Values! , * SQ yo. SWORTH GOLD, PARCHMENT BEIGE, fl Celanese "CharMant11$11 7 95 WOVEN CARPET. 4 SHADES - CHAT. JSO. YD, IIIP rssa YD. 95 5 "Snowflake lloral Lace" A Y HOME ING CENTRE FRED J. HIJDIE LiMITEb OPEN: MONDAY FRIDAY 88.tn..60.1Thi SATUtiOAY 0 0441..000 p.m . • ISAYFIELD ROAD, CLINTON 4824441 EWAY • II( )t.Ai 141 ni I iffsli f I .77-77777,77. .4% 4- Brkefield.UCW rol $45 at ,.bake sotO THE HPRQN ,EXPQ$ITQR,, MARCH 17. 1977 ' Kipp:en: residents • The March meeting of Unit 2 of the Henaall United Church was held on Monday evening,..March 14. Mrs. Carl Payne was in the chair and opened the meeting with a- poem, "Being Kind". This was followed by the hymn, Saviour like a shepherd lead us. Mrs. Grace Drummond led :the devotional on living a rich, satisfying life. It is up tons -- our gifts are, from God for a rich, satisfying life in His • service. Spring is a time of renewal of faith. She closed with the hymn; Faith of our Fathers. Roll call was answered by ten members showing interesting articles and telling about them. The March meeting of the Hensall and District Kinettes was held at the home of Sharon. Shuman with president Marion Heil in the chair and all members present. The Exeter Kinettes arrived with the travelling boot - a fellowship promotion among Kirlette Clubs - and joined in the meeting. New member, Mrs. Sharon Fink, was installed • and ,welcomed into the club. During the meeting, it was reported that the bus trip to the Ice Capades was enjoyed by all who attended. Plans are .now Three Links Eight tables of members sat down to play euchre at the Three Links Senior Citizens meeting on Tuesday evening, March 8. The rooin_was tastefully decorated for .St.P atrieit's bay and the play was preceded by a reading by Mrs. Sadie Simpson, "The. Pony whO couldn't Neigh" and "The Le gend, of the Blarney Stone", and by an. instrumental "A medley of Irish Tunes" by Mrs. Laird Mickie.' Winners of the euchre were: Ladies High - Mrs. Glayds Coleman; Ladies' low - Mrs. Sadie Simpson ; Gents' 'high -Clarence Volland; Gents lbw - Bill Fairbairn; Lone hands - Mrs. Mary Mellis and Percy Campbell. o During -the business it was I. announced that no' further.-word had been received about the Carpet Bowling equipment. The financial balance stands at -S139.17.• Mr. Percy Campbell and Mrs. Irene'—"Fifilayson will represent Hensall at the, Zone Executive meeting in Clinton on March 10 and letters were Minutes were read and a letter .f m die • Queensway Nursing Home thanking us for Christmas tray favours.. The offering was dedicated. The story was given by" Mrs. Vern Alderdice on • the life and work of Ralph and Joyce Burtt in church in the Phillipines where he organized consumer go-opera- tives. Anther poem, "A Friend" was read by Hilda Payne and she then played three .Irish Hymn tunes after which the meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction in unison. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Mickle and Mrs. Ross Corbett. underway for the Easter Shut-in visits• and the Spring Rummage ,Sale. The Kinettes will be preparing the meal for the, Kinsman's Elim ination draw on April 7 and that samenight will be having an informal card party. Five members will be attending the Kinette interclub ity,Wingham on April 13. Fpllowing the business pprtion of the meeting, Karen showed a Slide presentation of her travels to Rio, Hong Kong and Tokyo and served a delicious lunch. play euchre received from the -Huron Volunteer Bureau and Rev. Mills regarding help with Income Tax. After a dainty lunch the meeting was closed with- "God- ,. Save the• Queen"... PatrieltS and closed this part of the meeting. The' president, Marjorie Broadfoot and secretary Doris Sillery chaired the. _business portion. Mrs BroadfOot read a poem and welcomed all to the meeting. Mrs. ,Sillery gave the Secretary's report. Mrs. Berry .gave the treasurer's , report. Think you notes were read-by the new Card Convener, Mrs Stoll from„Mrs. Genevieve Griffith and Mina ." Berry, Mr., Wilson McCartney, Mr. Jas. McNaughton. An invitation from Seaforth United Church was accepted on March 29 also to Varna on 'April 7th. It was also decided to save pennies this year. The captains are. Mrs". Muriel Allan and Mrs. Beatrice Stoll., A quilt making demonstration at the Church on March 25th. In the afternoon a banquet Lunch and dinner to be served April 16. . After the meeting a bake sale with Doris Sillery and' Hazel McCartney as auctioneers, realizing forty-five .dollars, A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Broadfoof. Personals Congratulations are in order for Jane Allan, Brucefield, who won the public speaking contest at Central Huron High School. Jane will continue' to compete in -the Zone Competition. - Mrs. Anna Aldwinkle and relativesare holidaying in Florida. Mrs. Edna Paterson and Mrs. Helen Thomson are on vacation in Florida. Visitors at Queensway Nursing Hothe this past week were: Mrs. Betty Smith visited Lynn Latimore and other ladies. Marion Schenk and Jeanette Lippert visited Hugo Schenk and Harold Glanville. Verna Coates and Vera Pinkam and -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker and Jimmy of Sebringville visited Louise Mitchell.: Howard Alms, Ahn & Katie Shannon, Frances Sweitzer visited Mabel Johns. Chester and Lila Dunn visited Veralammie and Roy McDonald. Hazel Snell visited VEra Lammie -and Louise Mitchell". Mrs. Sasrarus celebrat ed hex A public speaking contest sponsored. by the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Lgion for pupils of Hensall and Zurich Public Schools was held in the Legion Hall on Thursday evening with the following ' winners; Seniors: TrOphy Winner-S.-Tammy Turner,' Hensall Public School, 2nd runner up-Brian •Beer, Hensall Public School, 3rd Runner 4-Rebecca " Jantzi, Hensall Conn'munion held Holy Communion was observed, at the United Church Service on Sunday which was conducted by Rev. Don Beck. His communion meditation, "Does Christ live here" pointed out that Christ should be a Guest, a Guide and a Guard. The members of the choir sang, "The Cross on the Hill". Flowers decorating the Church were from the funeral of Mr. Ross Forrest plaCed in loving memory of his family. birthday, last week' and had Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sararus and Mrs. Laura Hubbert, Toronto and other members of her family present. Cake andtea was served to , the family: Weekly visitors at tbe-Home were:$ Mrs.Catharine Bell; Mrs. Sharon DoXtator, Mrs. Greta Baker with ' their• mothers namely : Mrs. Montieth, Mrs. Lavery, Mrs. Johnston. - Mrs. Erratt visited her husband Mr. Russell Erratt. Allan Johnston visited his wife Jean. • Church"service was conducted -by. Rev. Glen Wright with Louise Mitchell at the piano. . Bertha MacGregor and Hilda Payne Correspondents Public School. Juniors-Trophy Winners: Tracey • Ducharme, St. Boniface School, Zurich; 2nd runner Hensall Public School; 3rd runner up-Jim Legere, Hensall Public School. Contestants took part in .,the Zone Cpntest held at Clinton Legion Hall on Saturday March 12th, which was the Zone Command Speaking Tournament. The public speaking in the Hensall Legion Hall on Thursday evneing was largely attended with over seventy persons packing the hall. Personals „Steve Corbett, ofFanshaw College spent the weekend with his parents 'Mr: andMrs. Ross •Corbett and brother Jeff. Mrs. Blanche Chapman of London was a recent visitor with her brother-in-law and sister Mr,. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. • Mr. and Mrs. Don Dalton and Carla visited recently with Mrs. Dalton's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Parker. with Mr..and Mrs. Ross. Corbett and sons on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark of London visited with their cousin' Miss Mary Goodwin on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Chaffe and daugh- ter Sally of Mitchell visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Chaffe's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. , • Mr. and Mrs. George Dowson returned home after a pleasant trip to Padre Island. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Volland and family of Stratford were recent visitors with the, former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volland. • Mr. and Mrs. ' George Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Waring 'returned from , a - snowmobile holiday at Port Severn. Rev. W.D. Jarvis ,conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, the sermon subject was "Jesus Our Brother in Suffering". Miss Brenda Pepper presided at the piano for' the service of song. The flowers in the church were placed in loving memory of the late Ross Forrest by member, of the family. relatives in the area. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLellan are on holiday in Hawaii. • The combined charges of Brucefield and St. Andrews Church, Kippen, held a social evening and pot luck supper at the Brucefield Church last Friday night. Mrs. Striling , Graham, Cromarty; visited with Mrs. Harry Caldwell last week. 7 Rena Caldwell Correspondent 262-5935 Mr, and Mrs. Dave Triebner are holidaying in Florida. • The Executive of Kippen East Women's Institnte met at the home of 'the President Mrs. Al Hoggarth on March 10 to discuss finances, Mrs. John D. Moore, Mitchell and Mrs, Robert .Baillie visited Hensall Kinettes plan Easter shut-in visits • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz of Queensway Happenings •, Dashwood were_clinner guests , • THE RELAXED GENTLEMAN'S LOOK First in Fashion for See them all at NewlyRenovated Carpet Centre! New Spring Carpeting! New Styles! New Lower Prices! ampbelr's Stripped and, refinished by a revolutionary new process and then refinished and reupholstered by our expert Craftsmen. The stripping process gently lifts the old finish from the beautiful wood beneath VELVET TOZIC Refinishing Products 0/ & Stripping ,4 /0 OFF .Canadian FUrniture ...J. . IRestorers Hwy SI across from* Acnie Signs Elaellt 215.013i or 262.2648 OWNED AND OPERATED BY euttopeAN TRAINED CRAFTSMAN 'K. WITH 24 YEARS txpEoleNtE isgu Nitwit RESTORING 0, ,