HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 18•
Sugai4 and Spice
by Bill Smiley
The spiooff racket
, -
-Demand at the Hengall
Livestock 'Sales was aFtive last
Thursday and prices were steady.
Supply consisted mainly, of
heifers and steers. Fat cattle:
Heifers $36.50 - $38.00, top t0
$41.50; steers $39.00 - $40.50 tap
to $42.25. Pigs': Weilings $42.50 -
$45.00, chunks $50.00 •- $56:50,
giving your height in metric and
most members had taken the
:trouble to research this factor and
both metres mid:centimetres were
During the business a letter
was read from Miss Jane Pen-
gilley telling of her resignation
and the temporaray appointment
of MrS, Laura. Lee Marsh. Food-
Forums for Huron County were
discussed and "personalize your
pattern" was chosen for the
Senior Training School. The
Steering Health Council for
Huron and Perth is holding an
open meeting at Listowel on
A large crowd attended the
benefit dance for Mr. and Mrs.
Neil Beucrman on , Friday
Mrs.'Thelma Mills and Mr s Ed
Regele spent Saturday in
Mrs, Thelma -Mills spent a'
week at the home of het' daughter-
and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs.
Edsel Dick at-Blenheim • Ont.
Mr. Walter Clark visited with
his brother Mr. Harold Clark at
Chatham last week.
Elaine Townshend of Clinton
was guest speaker at the March
meeting of the Hensall Women's
Institute at the Legion Held on
Wednesday, the 9th, She gave a
short summary of- her personal
life, learning- to adapt to her
handicap so much so that she now
lives a totally independent life.
Speaking 'about Huron
A,L.P.H.A., the membership has
grown from seven when first
formed a year ago to twenty-five
now. A.L.P.H.A. has four main
aims all of whieh endeavor to get
the handicapped actively involved
in the community, Public
- attitude is -changing , and
acceptance is now more wide-
. spread.
The roll call was answered by
speaks to W. •
Livestock sales
It's Here!
al CAR STEi'7E0
MILESTONE REACHED ,.-'Work stopped for a few minutes at the Genesco shoe
factory last Wednesday as the' staff honoured Julia Acheson on the .50th
anniversary of her first day of mirk for the company. Susan Bennewies, L.; read a
poem in bonour of the achievement, arid Flora Ann McAllister presented a gift on
behalf of the staff. (Expositor Photo)
Handicapped woman •
70 Ontario St- 48 2-346 7
We Offer
a Large Selection
of Samples 8 Stock
We have our own ,
we take Pride in
our installations
and Service
our work
.Phone 204481
18—THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 171 1977 ens It: t
Reeve Harold Knight , of
Hengall informed council Monday
night the finance committee of
the proposed new' arena.
is "optimistic tliey can reach the
goals set • for them.". •
Three weeks ago the council
atuthorized the construction of
the new facilities. At.that time the
cost was tentatively estimated at
$500,000.00 to $600,000.00 of
which $125,000 to $150,000 must
be • raised through public
_Reeve Knight added, "The Ball
is in their hands now and I believe
they will do an excellent job." •
Coucnil discussed
recommending to the committee a
public meeting to be held to get
One of the great rackets these days is the
televiSion series ;'spinoff." When a TV
producer has a popular Show, and one of
the secondary characters is even ' mildly
amusing, first thing you know that
character has -a show of his or her own.
This proliferates Until you havei spinoffs
o spino s. s aking abo e of fine
whiskey, doubling the quantity by adding
an equal amount of water, and Sellingit at
the same price per shot as the original.
Then you take this mouthwash and
further diltite it by adding more water, and
you go on selling this at the original price..
It works fine arid makes a lot of money until
the consumer finally realizes Ile could get
more bang out of rvglass.of buttermilk, and
he starts drinking buttermilk, and you are
left with a large supply of gargle on your
Norman Lear was the first TV producer
to realize that"people like watching bigotry
and bathroom jokes even more than they
like watching violence. Thus was born All
_kri, the Family, one of the great money-
makers of all time in TV land,
From this was spun off Maude. The
bigotry. became phoneyliberalism and the
bathroom jokes become bedrooM j okes,
but it was .the same slick formula, and it
It was only a step from the slick to the
sick, and brother Lear came up with M ary
Hartman, Mary Hartman, which, while not •
quite a spinoff, is of the genre. Its favorite
refrain is "Oh; GaVvd. Gh,. thy Gawd."
Excellent fare for the morbid or diseased
mind., . ,
Another good original show, The Mary
Tyler Moore Show,. spun; or spawned
Phyllis and Rhoda, each starring one of the
most 'selfcentred, unpleasant women a
writer could dream up, and each laced with
borderline had _taste. ' .
'There's 'nothing' wrong with all this, I
suppose, in a. free enterprise system, and
nobody forces you to watch the garbage.
But there is only so ;tech that the
stomach will take before it will spew. And
there is only ,s.o much that.the mind -will
take' before you 'Will -experience an
intellectual vomit, and switch to watching
the wrestling matches, where at least
nobody is" trying to pretend it's anything
but phoney:
HoWever, .perhaps I'M 'rushing my
fences a bit. I'm a realist. 1f-everybody else -
is-getting into the spinoff busines s, maybe
I should jump on the baedWaggori. There's
money in it; and besides, it might be one
way of putting an end to it. My record is
perfect. .,
Just after the war, I tnet an old buddy
who'd become- a broker..: He was. investing
in gold stocks and hauling in the loot.
Gave nie FPlunged, with Some of
the back pay I'd built, tip While in prison
camp. Met the guy six months later. He'd
lost his home and his boat. and was selling
farm machinery. I• owned 300 , shares of
,muskeg in Northern Ontario:
After:pat I stayed away from the market
until nuatuals were the thing. They were
showing . tr emendous growth and
potential. Once bitten, I hestitated, but
then dived in with my $200 savings. It
seems I arrived just after the mUtuatt had
nibbled some of, that biscuit Alice did so
she could go through the rabbit hole, or
'whatever. They shrank. almost overnight to
$85 worth. •
Last November, in one last . desperate
effort to enjoy a luxurious old age, I bought
two $100 Canada Savings Bonds. Two&
weeks later there was an election in
Quebec, and now we don't even know
whether there'll always be a Canada.,.
. In JannarY- a this year, I bought a
second-hand Ford. A week later I read in
the paper that the Ford Motor Company
ivas making payments' for extraordinary
rust to owners of- Finds in my vintage.
Then I read the small print. The payments
had ended on Dec. 30, 1976. My Ford has
• So, with a track. record like that, maybe I
can :administer the kiss of death to the
spinoff businesg. Thought I'd start by'
producing some spinoffs of my column
There's. no problem about talent. My
family, is loaded with writers. Both my son
and daughter specialize in pathos. They
can write letters .so pathetic that you are
weeping all over the page and writing a
'cheque at the same time.
My wife can knock out .a grocery list as
long as your arm without even stopping to
suck the pen. And- she is not only talented
as a writer. She's' an oetstandirig and -
outspoken critic, as well. Shecan rip up' he
punctuation and purpose, the style and
substance of one of my columns with bdth -
hands tied behind her back. Which is the •
only way it is safe to read some of them to
• her. • •
And there'll, be no difficulty about
content. My daugher is expert on women's .
Lib, music, and mooching.. •
My son is fluent in English, French,
Spanish, the Indian dialect of the natives of
Paraguay, and ritObching.
And the, old lady is an expert on
everything, and admits it. She has been
bottling up this veritable fountain of
knowledge .for decades, except during ,
breakfast, before and after dinner, and all •
:weekend. Giving her a column of her own
would-be like puinehini a 20-foot hole in
boulder Dam.
IN two or three, years, I might even get
the grandboys into it. At the moment, they
are busily stuffing their memory banks, As
soon as 'they-can write, you may expect
some sizzling stuff: ' Five Years' as • a
Misunderstood • Child;
Daycare Centre Depression: the Inside
Story on Sadistic Social Workers, Who
Make You Give Back a Toy. You've Ripped
Off From Some Other Kid. • .
If my column spinoffs dorist,pat an-end to
the spinoff nonsense in about 30 days; I'll
eat every paper.in, which this one appears,
with or without ketchup.
the ratepayers of the village and
surrounding communities
informed as to the prOgress of. the
arena plans and involved in them
huralftelrbefore such a meeting
could be of any benefit there are
many faCts which must first be
found concerning cost, etc.
As for theoll arena; conned has
applied to the Ministry of Labour.
for permission to keep it open
until October 15. The Ministry
had previously 'said the arena
could remain open until April 15'
with wind and snow monitoring.
However, council is optimistic the
extepsion will be granted, as they
have certification from B.M. Ross
and Associates that the building
does meek the building„...,code
requirements for wind.
Farrndr Bill just. has . .
Too many, too many
too many, too many, too many,
too many, too many, too many
March 30. It was voted to give a
donation to the Hensall Legion, to
the Huron County Historical
Society, and the association' for the
, Mentally Retarded. As funds Fare
low all members are asked to
contribute around $2.00 instead
of holding another euchre.
Elected to the Fall Fair
Committee are Mrs. Gladys.
Coleman, Mrs. Grace Peck and
Mrs. Isabel Rogerson; to ' the
nominating committee, Mrs. Sara
Simpson-7Mrs, Winnie Skea and
Mrs. Rosa, Harris. Tweedsmuir
petitions for the next triennial
were announced and that the
Huron County_Historical Society
would like to hold either their
October-'or November 'meeting in'
Hensall. Several• members
brought in quilt blocks to be -sent
to Toronto. Mrs. Janice Bisback
was put in charge-of arranging a
bus trip in June. A sale of white
elephants was held, to conclude
the meeting. A delicious lunch
was served by hostesses Mrs. Jim
--IVICAllister - and Mrs-. Gladys
Coleman and their committee.
Varna Lodge
Presents sWeaters to ball teams green plants
and we mean too many.
_Farmer-Bill-caret inove-around_.,:
in. hiS greenhouse and space
is needed for the. spririg, box plants.
-Mary Chessell
Winners- at the- Orange—Lodge
euchre party .on Friday evening
were: Ladies' high - Isobel
Rogerson; Low .- Cheryl
Thompson; Men's High - Bill
Pepper; Low - Jim Hutchings.
DrawLwinnerswere-Johiv Ostrom,
Mary .Grigg; Joyce Dowsan and
Mrs. Ward Neeb. . -
We are very pleased that Rev.
Taylor is 'home from Clinton
Hospital. Theehtirefi service .was
conducted by men : of. the
congregation, with 'Gordon
Johnston leading the ,service. Bill
Taylor read the children's
and the scripture, ' and •IVan
McClymont ,delivered the
sermon. We-were -fortunate in
having sermons 'which Rev.
Taylor had prepared. for use
during his winter- yacationaThey
were net used at that time, as bad
weather caused the cancellation
of services on those Sundays. We
are also 'fortunate in having
people •who can Aake over - so
capably. Mrs. Margaret Taylor is
taking next Sunday's service.
Mr. . and Mrs. Bill ,McAsh
returned on Saturday from an
enjoyable two-week vacation at
Waikiki Beach 'in' Hawaii. They
had a panoramic view of the
islands by plane;• and did some
sightseeing by car. They went to
the Kodak show and a Don" Ho
shOW, etc. With them for the
holiday were Mr. and Mrs.
ArnoldRathwell and 'Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce McGillivray of Port
There was a capacity crowd at
the Stanley Township Recreation
Dance at Nulty •Gully on Saturday
night. During an intermission,
Doug McAsh and Barry Taylor,
on behalf of the .Varna Orange
Lodge, presented 'the Recreation
Committee with sweaters for their
ball teams. The hall caps, which
they are also donating, have-not
arrived yet.
The door prizes ,were won by
Mr. -and Mrs. Cliff -Henderson
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul' Moirison.
Spot . dance winners were'
Maureen Hayter and 'Dew
MeBeatli and Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Chessell.
Picks pansies -
June Saldivar, .RR 5,
Seafoilli picked a bouquet of
pansies on Sunday. They had
been growing on the West side of
her house.
oQ ,o., ,,o.
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Exeher 235-0800
till March 31st
1)0-your home a favor and-save
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