HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 15',71-11.ElikoRoto. g.xposiTon 1)'p OTT. . • • • • •• • ere fr - Eastet Seal -facts and, figures.: The Ontario Society' for Crippled Children's 197T Easter Seal objective is $2,300,000. This figure is based on a careful analysis of the Society's Minimum needs in order to meet its obligation to almost 9,000 physically handicapped youngSters throughout Ontario._ - , Devoted to the welfare of physically handicapped youngsters throughout the Province, the Ontario Society for Crippled Children is based on the work, of 23j affiliated servicti clubS and finanCed largely by contributions to its annual Easter Seal appeal. The Ontario Society_ for Crippled Children's services and facilities are available to any youngster in Ontario, whose restriction of activity by reason of neurological, musculo-skeletal or other non-acute organic defect produces a physical handicap. The Ontario Society for Crippled' Childten's objective is 'to assist physically handicapped yoinigsters in achieving tbeir'maximuni potential by means of a coinprehensive treatment and training program. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's program includes skilled diaposis, clinical evaltiation, specialized 0. dental services, active rehabilitation treatment, district nursing services, camping and _ 'community recreation programs,,artificiallinibs, braces 'and' other- aids, training' for ,employment, counselling and medical research. • The Oqtario Society for Crippled Children's current active case load • Ontario. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children's 23 District Nursing OffiCes provide a consulting nursing service to physically handicapped children andtheir parents in the home through its 40 specially trained public health nurses.. The Ontario Society for. Crippled Children's five summer 'camps provide the largest specialized camping program of its kind in the world to more than 1,000 physically handicapped youngsters each year. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children offers parent' relief by-- providing special hOlidays for severely handicapped children unable to `tend the Society's special camps. . The Ontario Society for Crippled Children arranger-OF -Spoirsbra—diff — needed transportation for physically handicapped children to treatment centres, hospitals; clinics or camps. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children provides wheelchairs, braces, crutches, artificial limbs and other eqUipment :for permanent Use, and lends similar equipment from •-its • Loan Cupboard Ao meet short-term needs. .„ . • . The Ontario Society for Crippled children sponsors basic and clinical research into crippling disorders orchildren, preventive measures and .. consists of tlmost 9,000 phYsically, _handica.p.ped. children__throughout- new treatment-techniques. assistance. 1The'Ontario wi • de goal (C for the society, which provided ,streatjaaent _ senters:day care facilities,_s*tner----- -- camps and equipment for 12,000 " physidally handicapped children in the province last year„is $2:39.0;000. According to J.A.Butler, _-President -0.S.C;C.; they, plan to enter the field of genetic investigation and counselling of , parents with a view_ to 'igniting the number of childaqborn with handicaps. c This year's TiMmy, is Steven Fitzpatrick , a 12 year old' of Scarborough. This year's Easter Seal campaign theme is "Back a Fighter" -- a 12 year old fighter like Steven. Over '1,500 appeals have been mailed out to Seaforth and District in the annual Easter Seal Campaign, by the Seaforth Lions- who h -andle fpnd raising here for-the-Ontario , Society .fOr Crippled Children,[ Tom. Young, chairman ofthe local lions Club Committee said returns are Coining- well, even thottgli the' campaign just started officially this week. • Mr: 'Young said that this, year's objective is $3,000.00 which, is to be raised. from Seaforth and Seaforth rural routes, Egmondville and Walton and Walton rural routes.' He emphasized that 50 per cent of the funds raised remain in the area to provide assistance to children in the canvass area who may • equire 4b hAii 41 !CP k G kb Afk*,4,46 1. Y OU 0,,O IT.THIS. WAY TIMMY As hbnourary provincial chairMan for this year't, Easter Seal Campaign, Bode Salming -knoWs only fob weir' just what pftin and injury is all about. But, as he says, all athletes accept this as part of the job and-choose to those parents who need help. "And that's where live with it: Then — there are the others who _didn't you and I come .in;" says Salmirig. "These kids have a choice — rike his young, friend here, Steven aren't quitters they're fighters. And **theyzre- Fitzpatrick. As this year's'Timmy, Steve represents fighting to get back in the game. That's why "I want to thouande.of crippled Children through O out nt ario, help them." Although Easter Seals have 'helped him, there are thousands who •need even more help. But these parents aren't alone. That's where the 9ntario Society for Crippled Children comes, in to assist • I ..maietimum The thousands of crippled from the Easter Seals people, children in Canada-all struggle using your money. The money ,,,..under a variety of handicaps. What you send to Easter Seals once. they halie in common is the grit and a year supports these courageous spirit to work hard to work children all, year 'round. themselves into shape. „7.ft .;•• They need differing amounts of help to do it: And they get all they need When Easter Seals arrive in the mailbox, use them. And send a cheque.To_back these fighters: 4 4.140,,the addressed envelope you have received with your Easier Sei als in the mail,• but if this has been misplate4, 'send your EAMR SEA(.OONATION o4way. Campaign Conducted- by LIONS CLUB OP SEAPORTH, TOM YOUNG, ChtOrtnaii, Easier Seal Conimittee associationin with TA:it ONTARIO SOCIETY VOA CRIPPLED..CHILDREN TO CONSERVE MAltING ERFiENSES, REOPYS FO*01113 UNDER OM ONLY -043i4vOinser.