HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 11• .
discusses lives
treasurer, Mrs. M, Sholdice,
dedicated by Mrs. B. Thinner,
- "Tell me the Old, Old .Story''
closed the devotional period, • •
„. 44)iftergni views on our liveS." MrS. EmersOn Mitchell took
.9.04.4JIA..rherue.-•. chosen by Mrs. the topic, reading an article from
*-R.0.40:Other .for the Walton Unit the book. "Journer to
meeting .141 in the,church merit" purchased at Alma
1*C1000t. ---"WenesdaY College.- The title of the chapter
everting, March 9. . " • .from the book "Guideposts along,
Mrs:. Hunther opened with a the Way" kept in with the theme
poem "Somebody knows," of the meeting.
"Come, let ussing of a wonderful Life's . journey does not -fife7r. was sung with Mrs. approach fulfillment witholit right
• Huether as pianist. The seripture,,,,,,,...direction, trustworthy markers
was taken from Psalms' 1 and 2, along the way., You may not be
followed by • the • .meditation ' aware of it or be willing to admit.
"Children learn what they live" it, but every life has a center
and a poem "Just for today" was - which sends us off in.. one
read by Mrs. Huether. Mrs. Bill direction. Through your daily
Thamer offered prayer„4,,The offer- conduct and . your thought
ing was received by '14rs.,-.; E:....liattern,'Ilfe becomes as great or
Mitchell in the absence of the • , as Small as 'that • for which you
rS,13ertY McCall
visiting with her sister Mrs. Jean
Bid Bell has returned, home
from a Loidon Hospital Where-he
was a patient• for several weeks
and is making his home 'with his
`daughter and son-tn-law, Mr.• and
Mrs. Ross Bennett and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGavin
and Mr. and Mrs•. Dave Collins
spent last week holidaying in
Jamaica, compliments of the
Avco New Idea
Londesboro WI
see packers film
toriclesboro •
.personals.., •
Sy tnothy 'is'-extended NI Mrs.
Laura Lyon and Mis$ Edythe •
;Beaetani on the death of their'
sister Kathleen, Mrs, George
Nell,.Stratford-, on Friday, March
11th. A number of .friends . from
here expressed their sympathy --
with them on Sunday at Leslie-
Heath Funeral Home, Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Snell and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook' •
attended the service' on .,
Sunday nighta t.Stiles Funeral
Home, Goderich, for ' Jean
IDIoc971t2s.t7a3d)er D.D.G.M. . of No. S
Mr. Tom Allen was admitted to
Clinton Hospital on. Wednesday
March 9th.
-..Mrs.; Murray Lyon was
song using . a shillelagh for
.The church hall was decorated
in Irish fashion with shamrocks,
Irish 'hats and green and white
streamers. Mr. McDonald
showed some cartoons for the
children. Mrs. Watson Reid
showed slides and commented on
a trip to Hawaii and the ,meeting
ended with "Blest be the tie that
binds". Thanks mere extended to
Mrs. Reid, also to Mrs. John,
Pollard chairman of the
fellowship nights during the
.GE has reduCed prices to us on se-
Jected models, and produced some:
special models like the ones shawl
here, which Tepresent exceptional val-
ues:-Come on in and see them today—
we're passing all .the savings right along
to youl
We have a law in•Ontario•which riermlts any pregnant
woman, 'married or not, to take'a 17-week unpaid leave,of
abaericejrorn work to have her baby. ThiS law covers part-time
• . as well as fyll7 time employees,, provided that they ha'veheen
'corking for the same employer for at least 63 weeks before the
expecteddate of birth, •
When she returns to Work, the new mother is guaranteed •
' thefight to her former position or to,a_Oomparable
pOsition with no loss of seniority. or benefits at the salary. , • , •
'Naturally, pregnancy does not prevent an employee
frpm being dismissed-for Valid reasons not connected
. with pregnancy; but pre'g'nancy alone cannot be the cause ,
of dismissal where art employee is eligible for
An expectant mother is required to give TWO weeks'
notice in writing'of the 'day she intends to leave. She is
entitled to begin her leeve*fy tittle within 11 )4teeks,
before the babys birth but she riaet ta.k.e atleatt six
weeks•of her leaveafterwards. If the employer wishes the
employee to be§ircherteave before She. wants to dO so,.
the ethployer must prove that the it,Un-ablia_tO perform
her normal duties adegga)ely . •
• The ertioloYeeiSellgidle.for'Uhemolojiment insurance
.seek. Therefore it is of ••utmost
ItlIPOrtanee that we recognize our
control centre and start out in the
right, 'direction. We are
responsible- for our view of life.
Mrs. Ron Bennett presided for
.-the business opening`with a poem
"The Package of Seed." Mrs.
Howard Hackwell read the
Minutes. The roll call was.
answered by 14 members. Quilt
committee reported $65. on hand,
with more quilts to be done,
Mrs. Bennett gave report of the
executive meeting of March. 4.
Invitations were read from Blyth
U.C.W. to attend their Thank-
offering on Sunday evening, April
3 with Mrs. AndreW Gaunt to tell
. of her trip to the Holy Land, and
-from Seaforth Northside United
Church to their ThankOffering on
TuEsdai; March 29.
- The Walton U.C.W. will hold
h their spring Thankoffering on 6th ni t leave. Sunday evening, April 17. ,
Hostesses for the lunCli, were
Mrs. 'Frank Kirkby, Mrs. Edna supper prices same Dundas.
Hackwell and Mrs. Torrance
W.I. held their Canadian
Industries meeting March 9th at 8
p.m. When President Dora Genevieve _Allen secured a film
Shobbrook welcomed all with a on "Canada"' Produces -.from
thought on March. Roll call was Canada Packers shown by Jim '
answered by naming an area,Jamieson. He was thanked by Beth
industry that is no longer active. • Knox and presented with a gift.
Minutes of the lastnieeting and
financial report were read by
secretary-treasurer " Addie
'A branch executive meeting is
to be-held in Belgrave April 4th at
1:30 p.m. and a steering
committee to be held in Kirkton
and Listowel on March-30th. An
information letter from Mrs..
Carter told about ARC 'Industries
at Dashwood. They are 'selling
tickets • on Stereo, to be drawn
Asril,lst. It was niched to donaie
$25. to their work. admitted M Sallie hospital on
Friday, March 11th'
Friends hope both
will soon he home again.
Rev. McDonald attended the
Lunch was served by Genevieve
funeral of his friend Cyril Prescott
Regele and Le,anne Whitmore preSent; the pair-with - held-from Watts Funeral Home,
KAlelennne, dAyd.die flunking and -Joyce
flowers. , , (Expositor Photo) Brmusrselsa,nFdridmayrsafteBrnoobOn.Burns
Use- shillelagh at final fellowship night
_ , visited on Wednesday with his
Tiverton.Mrs. Percy Collins,
. ,
CHAMPIONS SKATE —7 Highlight of the figdre
skating demonstration at Seaforth arena last Friday
night was the performance of Canadian Novice Pairs
Champions Lori Baler arid .Lloyd Eisler. Here Wayne
The March meeting of the 8th the business: Minutes were read 'Personals
• and 16th Unit of 'Duff' s . United by Mrs. Don McDonald and 10. Mr. and Mrs.' Glen Haase of
• Church was held on Wednesday members answered the roll call. Sault Ste. Marie spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. evening at the 'home of Mrs. Jim Programs for the coming year
' • - were handed out . by ...Mrs. Gordon Murray-and Susan, also Fritz.
• " Mrs. Gerald Smith opened the 'Houston. „ . visitin' gr-other-relatives in the
- meeting with a poem "Sprinkle of There warn discussion on price ' community. . .
'Sunshine. ",,__Hymn ,,, . 388, "0 for tickets for ham'supper on June
The many friends of Mrs. Hilda
'Sellers will be pleased fo hear she Master let me walk with Thee" 8. It was agreed to leave 'prices as
• was sung. Mrs._AlVin McDonald la* year, adults $3.00;-. children" ' was able to leave hospital and is
staying with her daughter • and ' read the scripture from Lamenta- • si.50.
tions, Chapt. 23; 24-33, and Mrs. Houston and the hostess Traviss. . .. ..
ambulance Monday morning to.
Seaforth Community Hospital.
• • to illustrate the pain that' with all The Quilt Course will meet for " -
the storm of life, if we ask God to ' their third meeting this Thursda A.. Du ffs evening in the Community Hall.
be Our help and guide, 'lie will see %A 1
us safely through. "Breathe on • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan
Greeting worshippers to the me, breath. of God" was sung. Sunday morning service at Duff's Mrs. A. McDonald read a United Church were Mr. and
moving essay, "What the _ Mrs. Ray -Huether. Rev. Ed. C.N.I.B. means to me" written by
Mrs. Schildroth from near Port
Elgin who- was blind when she
was 40 years of age. Mrs. Smith
----closed with prayer.
Mrs: Rae Houston presided for',
son-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Herb
....offered prayer. served lunch. Frank Kirkby was taken by Mrs. G. Smith used as her topic •
an article "March winds and
sunshine," using the.comparison. Greet
was held at the March meeting Of •
the Mission Band on Sunday
morning, hC10','„ in the church
band meets • The flowers at the front Of .the -
church were in rriemoryetthe_late---
Cyril Prescott-aid Archie. McKay.,
The choir sang an anthem "The`
sun is always shining" 'accom-
panied g • Ian
Offering was received by Keith
Clark, Graeme Craig and Keith
Lacy ladies
each class taking ,parts in-the talk patterns
spending this week. -withMrs.
read the secretary's report • and
Cathy . McGavin'the treasurer's
- Mrs. Neil McGavin and Mrs.
Merton Hackwell were pianists_
for the tyinns.
Children went to their classes
with regular teachers, ,,Mrs.
Mac Sholdice, Mrs. Ross.
Bennett, Mrs. Merton Hackwell
and Mrs'. Neil MeGiVin.
Maluske, President of Federated elders Lorne Flunking, Harry
Women's Institutes of Ontario Lear, Jack Lee, Don -Buchan-an
asked for stamps floated off in saunpdmCrlaarat 71lrmy-with 'a pot luck
water,' carefully,. dried-. and
packaged in groups of 25 (no -:...,Rev. McDonald welcomed'all
Kings or Queens) also quilt blocks and asked Grace.' After, supper
with the name of pattern, size of games and contests were
conducted by Rev. McDonald. quilt, yardage required and
number of blocks, detailed Harry Lear led in an Irish sing
touch-of stitchery - needlepoint .
were voted on and selected were a:
instructions on assembling the
block. •
The Senior training. courses • Monday evening for their regular
business meeting and training
night under the direction of
The Sunday School staff met on
for beginners, and Food .Eoriun -........5
Wm-litter is helping out at the March 23rd at 8 p.m. church. • •
W. I. Card party on Friday night.
Winners were High - Pearl
Cummings; Lone Hands •,,IVIyrtle -
Fairservice; Low Eva Mills;
Men-Hign- Enic'Anderson; .Lone
hands - Margaret Taylor (playing
as a man); Low Ted Bunking.
There will be another in two
weeks, March 25th 8:30. Those in'
charge will be Margaret Taylor,
The last Fellowship night for
this season was held on Friday
night March 15th 'for district'
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton
of Moorefield spent weekend with
-• their daughter Mr. •and Mrs. Bob:
Thompson .
The 4-H girls , their leaders.
and others took the bus from'
Clinton to London on Tuesday
night March 8th and enjoyed the
Ice .Capades.
If you love-to cook, bur hare to clean up,
youil love this'Rapid,.clean automatic self-
cleaning oven! Mini-broil feature automat-
ically top-browns as you bake, Plug-out
surface elements are easily removed for
cleaning underneath. Other features in-
clude on oven lamp, appliance curler ;
automatic oven timer., clock and minute
Idaughter, Mrs. Alex Gulutzen are and. Marjorie . I Vi Burns , and Hattie Snell. basement- with, mernberS from
Gertrude Churchill in South Berea!, unit send quilt to mission prayer service. • Carolina. . .
"Lacy Ladies" 4-H Walton 1 Club
The Berean unit - of U.C.W. for Margaret Whyte and Alice
During business,' Cheryl Fraser The second meeting of the Attending the Ice Capades in
London last ,Tilesiday- eveningheld a work meeting on Tuesday, ,
was held at the home of Mary March 8 were: Mrs. Lin Steffler March 8th when two quilts were - The 'April meeting,' one week
Alice Ryan on Monday evening . Nand John; Mrs. Marjory tied and a box lunch was enjoyed. earlier on April 5th at 2 p.m. will
March 8. Minutes we're read by Humphries and Peggy; Mrs. Hattie Wood,, President thanked be the Easter meeting with Nona
Peggy Humphries.
Leaders discussed cutting and
marking of the pattern and how.to
shorten and lengthen the, crotch.
The next meeting is to be held
at the home of Nanci Bennett on.,
Monday evening, March 21,
. . .
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tsaxer spoke on My ion ns
Alive." from the' scripture read,- ,..
ing, verses in Hosea, 1. John and
Watson home, since she came The course on "Quilts" will 13e 1A/I card party
Pipe and Ida Durnin in' charge.
land Dwayne; Mrs. Joanne' Plans The president read a number of ' Sunday SclooltrokInole '
"'d Karen; Mary . Alice Ryan psalms ending with 23rd psalm . The Sunday . School .are
Nanci Bennett;' Margaret Short and prayer. It Was moved to send sponsoring -a spring crokinole - .
reed; . ' Karen and Joan- the quilts to - Scott " Missions. party on M arch 23rd at 8 p.m. in
Middle.gaal. . Isabel 'Adrie is-to Clean, brassjor, , the Sunday School rooms. Ladies
•• Miss- Amy Love of Toronto is April. Happy Birthday was sung hring,..lit.n ..._.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge. duets, "When Irish -eyes are
It is nice to_see_Charlie, Murray `My Wild kiih Rose"
-he keeps improving and is able to Thx:e 6
er• co ducted by Hazel Reid were -be out in the good weath
MrS. William Thamer and won by Elnut Dewitt; Gay' Datema
Mrs. Roy Bennett arrived home p.th , in the hall.-- Leaders are
on Saturday from Jmndon where Marjorie Anderson, and Marjorie
she has spent the- past several Duizer.
weeks with her son arid family, The program included Irish
h ilW homeis from osp ta . e. hope and an Irish lullaby-
P y . and family "eand Mrs. Laura
Machan of Sarnia spent the- . tricks with a mix. Plans were made for special
4 Also read were a letter from
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Porter, Holmesville W•1•, World Relief program in which
' school Nelson Reid. ' card of thanks from Mr. Alc the Sundystudents would take part. ,Mrs. Earl Watson spent a few ...Dark._Beryl _Reid reported
Sunshine Sisters Banquet for The annual Spring, Crokinole days—last- - week iii7.-Winghain,
home. • held on Tuesday,- March 22 at 4 ' •'there Weie 10 tableS in play at
Mrs Jim Sanderson -of' • party plans were completed for Hospital • • April 12th._at f.c.30_41.,m__in- United
Kathy; Achilles, Danny, Chrisie all for corning. • •
,2, _...S:.$.. ...,., , , .......1"...`... ." • . . ..:' .....,” . S. . • .+4 , .S. . •
you are employe and going to
ave aba y're entitle
to pregnancy leave.
This is what Ontario
is doing to make ce,
you receive it.
b`eriefitsAriring her pregnancy leave (even if she does not
intend to resume work when her leave expires) if she had
at least 20 weeks of ensured employment duringibeyear
before the birth, At least ten of the 20 weeks should have
fallen betWeen the 30th and-the 50th week6 before the
4f yOuNor.dalike more information about pregnancy
leave orrother labour legistatiOn of interest to working,
women, write to:
Employment Standards Branch
Ministry of Labour
400 University Avenue'
Toronto, Ontario tA7A 11-7 r
-and we will send you'abrochure.
Bette Stephenson, M.D., Davis,
Minister of • Premier
Province of Ontario
. a
This family-sized special
.model hos wheels that make
it easy to roll out for clean-
ing. It's totally frosr-free, and
adjustable cantilever shelves
move up or down in 1-inch
steps for storage flexibility.
Other features include' a bur-
ter conditioner and a slide-
ourmear drawer.
Si).10:13 540. ,95
Model 1.17.1RM
Just follow theeasylo-read recipe guide
-land the complete microwave oven recipe
book InbILIded with this model, and
. you're on your way„to fast, convenient
and delicious c66king. "Model features in.7
clue an easy-to-clean (nrerior,1,3du. ft.
o ' capacity, and a tiMe,serting control of, up
to 35 minutes.
549 `95