HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 10s. relzehrs fine- markets...of fine foods SPECIAL-PRICES IN. EEF,,F„CI-FROM'WED. 9 A.M. IItL-CI-OtiVG SATURDAY MARCH 19. CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS , NAVEL ORANGES DOZ. j9 BUNCH 58 :CELERY, HEARTS‘ CALIFORNIA NO. 1 CRISP super special- nuE_ 1,\ • ALITY BANANAS lb. SCHNEIDERS WEEK. AT ALL ZEHRS MARKETS BONELESS CANADA 'A' GRADE OR 13 ?"IN RUMP .ROAST super Special SCHNEIDERS SLICED • :CORNED super special SHOPSYS VAC CORNED BEEF BRISKET 1b. VAC BEEF PACKEQ DEIGF THREE 2 Oz. PKGS. - THE SEPARATE SHOPPE. MAIN' CORNER - CLINTON (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S HENS WEAR PANTSUITS lb. 1 'lb. TUB, SOFT SCHNEIDERS ',MARGARINE WITH THE PlITICHASE OF Al IbAUB OF SCHNEIDERS SOFT MARGARINE NI> WI Alit CONvf NH NTI Y f OcA1t C1 IN > > Fergus, Elmira, New Hamburg, Hanover, Kincardine, Goderich and Orangeville PL (IS .:14 I CA IONS IN KIM III NI II NAT I 11100, 0(11. I. NI AND CAMBRIDGE . 10-..THE HURON ENTSITOR, MARCH 17, 1977 F ma e 'hew tsi endin Seaforth conned considered the f011oWing matters at its March meeting Monday night: • On the recommendation of the arena Committee council awarded a contract for the installation of storage bins at the arena to.Ron Driscoll with a bid of_.$1242.65. A contract for electrical work at the east end • of_ the • arena---was ' awardedid Lloyd Electric at a cost of $1035. The committee also recommended to 'Council that the inside. of the booth area be refinished at a cost . of $1832: VanBussel Construction, are to do the work. The committee feel-- that the floor, of the community • centre should be replaced with new sub florin and hardwood- parquet. Total, costsrf„.this work -will be $4,400.- $3,200 for the flooring and $1200 for the sanding and A letter was received from James F: McLaren Limited quoting a price of $121,000, not including - catch basins and engineering fees; 'for the.. proposed Huron.. 'Street storm Sewer. A meeting to investigate possible subsidies will be held March 15th' • The cost of , operating the municipal dump was $4414 in 1976. The Public Works committee recominended- • to Council that Seaforth pay 60 per cent of this, with a 30 percent leVY against Tuckersmith; $1324, and 10 percent against Hibbert Township, or $441. _ .Seaforth. police,'-are seeking a' ten percent wage increase, Police committee chairman, Wayne Ellis told Connell. The committee has, offered an eight percent increase, Which was rejected by police. Negotiatons are stalled Mr. Ellis Council briefs programmes shifted to the provinces) is. nearly $10 billion - an -overall erovith of one-third. This year the i operating and capital expenditures 'of the bureaucracy will exceed the growth of the economy rising by 14.5% If tire overnnaent" is, as the former- minister of finance once proclaimed, "giving a lead tto others in thp -'exercise Of restraint" then the manner with which crown corporations are handled is nothing short of remarkable. This year's main estimates increase the share of taxpayertts money allocated to crown, corporations by 35% over last year. Atomic_energy of Canada Limited, which • recent public accountants committee bearings_ have revealed virtually • incompetent at managing its finances, has doubled its funding •to $400 million from the $200 million in last year's estimates. Real restraint J The need -for real restraint in government is not something dreamed up by opposition politicians for political advantage. It has come as economic reality to very nearly every one of the western industrial nations, those countries such as West Germany and Japan which have cut back the bureaucratic overgrowth so that the productive elements of their economies can remain strong have ridden 'above the world economic crisis and are now entering upon a period -of full employment and prosperity. Those which have not, such as Great Britain and Canada, must face continued uncertainty and high unemployment, _'Cosmetic catn0aigns4hich are based more on the politics of illusion than the reality of economics only create complacency, not jobs. I would also like to draw to your attention a number of other bills' that are before the house and might be of some interest to you. commission of five to nine members, empOWered to investigate complaints of discrimination. Privacy One member of the body would become the government's privacy TOEING THE LINE — MemberS of the Seaforth Figure Skating Club_ go through their paces at• the skating demonstration at the Seaforth arena last Friday night. (FxpoSitoi• Photo) super special CALIFORNIA GROWN CANADA NO -1 CA.ULIFLOWEV conitnissloner, responsible for investigation complaints from citizens who feel the govetriment ' is. unjustly withholdin$,, personal information from thenr. lated phone systems, suchas Canada, would be outlawed. The huinan rights commission would have the power-to enforce a . code banning discriminatioe on. grounda of rape, colour; national or ethnic origin, . and religion, age; sex,' marital status or , physical: handicap. —RED-, HOTS lb. Ri(G. QUARTER CHICKEN lb super . special FRESH ONTARIO super special SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR SCHNEIDERS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS ' ROUND STEAK ROUND: STEAK ROAST C -super-special C super special SCHNEIDERS - 3 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA ZEHRS FRESH .MEDIum, FROM ONTARIO PORK - CENTRESLICE FRESH HAM STEAK Ib.:11.19 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN. • BUTT OR SHANK PORTION FRESH HIND HAM BEE lb lb. _ PKG,... 09 Constable Fred Burton, who has• completed three years with the Seaforth' police was praii-Oted to 1St class constable effective February 18. Constable David Dale,- --with -tWo—yeari---and-- Month' experience was promoted to 2nd class constable effective March 7. The province has awarded the Town of Seaforth a total of $5,760 :in retroact ive milage charges for the use of the police cruiser to transport prisoners from the Stratford to the Goderich jail. Council' will cOtTSIdef how the money should be spent at a later meeting, A' grant of $50 was awarded to the Seaforth-Dashwood band. Figures tablfq . at the meeting showed the_MVCA7claims 30 percent of Seaforth is in their watershed. Reeve John Flannery felt the assesment was too high. - "We should never have been assessed at more than 10 percent" he said. What doesn't drain into the MVCA watershed goes into the Ausauble Authority watershed William Dale said. "You're going to , be assessed at 100 percent either way" he said. Council ,took. no action on, -the matter. The London Humane Society . again cancelled their meeting with Council. Wayne Ellis told Council several charges on dog by law violations have been laid recently, He said the problem of stray dogs • seems to be ; improving. Council, passed a by-law exempting farm lands in blocks of five acres or 4norb from regular taxation. Such landS _are to be assessed at a rate-10 mills lower. This by-saw is passed every 'year at this time. (By R.g.McKiniey,m.R) Spring in Ottawa comes not with the melting of the snow but _with the tabling of the estimates, the blue book - a massive, nearly incompreheinsible volume which details the government's spending plans for the coming financial year: Thus it was, that last - week Robert Andras introduced this year's main estimates by claiming that government restraint, so long promised, has finally arrived.' For many years now federal spending has consistently exceeded the growth of the economy with increases in spending ranging from 10 to 16% a year. This year however the government has finally realized the key role they play -4in controlling inflation by attempting to keerthe increase to only 7.1%.* • The initial favourable impression, does not last long when the realities contained in the fine print of the "Blue Book" begin to sink in.The reality of "restraint" appears to be not a moderation which the cabinet has imposed upon the bureaucracy, but cuts which the bureaucracy 4 has imposed upon the' millions of Canadians who .receive assistance -of one forM or another from the government, For, while the "transfer payment" element Wander payments are 'a tribution of income from one person, .to another; i.e.; family allowances., medicare, etc.) . will be reduced in real .terms, the size of the bureaucracy and the size of its wage bill .will increase _in real terms. Shift to province The reduction in real terms of the size of the transfer payments was also accomplished by the , shift of much of the burden of "shared-cost" programs, such as health care and post secondary education, to the provinces. These reductions, in themselves ' which merely represent ashift in which level of government —actually -spends the __ money_ reduced the anticipated size of the estimates by nearly $1 billion. In faCt,lif one looks at the growth of the Federal Govern- ment ,since mid-1975 when the "restraint' campaign. began the total increase (including The first of these is Bill. C-25, -the human rights legislation, this bill would establish a— federir 7-- anti-discrimination code and give individuals opportunity to examine government files on' themselves. Under the hin s the govertithent would establish a human rights FUTURE CHAMPIONS? •-• These youngsters ,Were among the skateri. who look part in the...prograrrtjast Friday night which was capped by thil, gerWO:m*1.4g champions Lori Baler and Lloyd Eisler, , (Expositor*Photo) OPEN. 1-6 OPEN 1-6 said. JERViS ALUMINUM Sales and Service 64 Albert St., Clinton * Atittninum windows and doors * Ornamental railings, 'awnings' and shutters * duality Hunter Dogg)aS, siding * Glass Out to size *. Fast Window repair .service --1 • e also p 111k u 011‘.e.er. FISH run ,2,,„, : COTTONELLE 4 ROLL PKG, , V WITH 'A MtNItijitil$4316.00 PURCHASE a WESTCANE II PURE GRANULATED III. 11WHITE SUGAR .11 . LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER PLEASE., U , ' AI. IA It it 11,c.i'll i • ZEHRS . : EXPIRES SAT% KAP. 11.-: °LIE° lifillS BREAD- .34204Vif ZEfittsa l 'iAninI!' ill li ol COUPON m iairis oil li iif is Nip im IN in is • Ifs ii am ii ii is is on is.= SHORTENING . ti.,:p.s. 2 is tALUMINUM' FOIL INGERSOLL BEGULA,R PROCESSED • ,KOTEX MAXI PADS ' . • ' 1; oz: 1 .39 NEW FREEDOM CHEESE SPREAD NEILSONS FROZEN TREATS "•••• • — :„ - . ' ELLENZWEIG FRESH 'ORANGE JUICE STICKS .Aq, 99c RYE BREAD WESTONS FRESH 4 CRULLER,. DONUTS_ .;;__ 2 i 89c 'aiiiiali§ Ai tsa TASTY,. . ., • , SCONE ROLLS PKG. OF 12. 55° .50 tiOICRiOlmto IL " 918 • BAG OR JUG .....110111UUNIIIMMEMUM01111.1111111111141MSMII.M.M1 McCAINS FROZEN — SUPERFRIES,_ BAti $.11491 • VALUABLE ;GOOD FOR ONE ' itousHRooms_ DELICIOUS FRENCH'FRiES • VALUABLE II PIECES ANDSTEMS 111011-0101FRotEk SCHNEIDERS e (t5, s E ACED $3,79 wHilt PINK )1149W on G:BEEN BUCKET OF. .8Amobforissur otikWMmost2E . CHICKEN 1 RUPERT Fliorts Boston! BLUEFISH FLIP FRY 16 oz, $1.49 PALMOLIVE DETERGENT $1 89 .PIE FILLING 'FRENC S • ALLENS • 7 FLAVOURS _ _ $CHNEID.ERS CHEESE1201,11 129 TISSUES 1-20:z. $1.29 PREPAREDH MUS1:11. RD:101,2 cR) 89c FRUIT DRINKS 100,. 3 0 FIVE COLOURS'-'FACIAL : MONARCH Mpitg:t hAVOURS E PUDDING' 2 FcRI 9 '48 oz. 2 fc: scastistps CRISPYO.AKE • .KLEENEX W CREME ASSORTMENT OR CHOCOLATE CHIP lb. 50 FT. ROLL 98c iticCORMICKS COOKIES: 129 sCHNEIDERS,CANAMAN CHEESE . MILD. CHEDDAR MEDIUM, OLD COLOUBBITOR OLD WHITE SUPERB FRESH , DUTCH GROWN , ALL COLOURS 'POTTED MUMS _.91_$2.99 SCHNEIDERS FROZEN STEAK •PIES TIDE- -- DETERGENT DETERGENT;;: super special FOR YOUR LAUNDRY ZEHRS FRESH CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS CALIFORNIA NO. 1 TENDER YOUNG CARROTS 7-B.UNCHES , 2 8 9 c 'PRODUCE-OF CHILE NO.,1 MIED• • :SPANISH ONIONS___ IAA CAADA DRY 8 oz. SIDE LIQUID DIET GINGER ALE :itsE°Fr 3.191 oz. IN LIQUID - FOR YOUR DISHES 1.517 • E.D. small BLUEBERRY... s. b., 4' 39c super special $ CANADA C+ ORANGE GINGER • ALE -VIE. Ki4 SCHNEIDERS BREAKFAST LINK BURNS BONELESS PRESSED READY•Ta' EAT -PORK SAUSAGE _.1.!,_$1.19 PORK SHOULDER BONELESS STEAK OR ROAST SIRLOIN TIP $ EN 1 A8 BURNS POLISH- SAUSAGE CARNATION .MILK 16 LOAVES.- ° 16 oz. '31vs sgai 9 POTATO-,.. CHIPS ..".$1111..,126iyA_P_..0RATp • 'ERITO LAy .REGULAR tia,aUFFti • • BEEF STEAKETTES 1 i° PKG 88 69 lb 98C 12 oz.PKG.79c lb sl 159 super special EFFECTIVE-PLEASANT TASTING. AIM, TOOTHPASTE 1.39 NO,N•AEROSEIL EIEUDORANT BAN -BASIC 5.3 oz..99 ,T01111IT JUICE CARNATION INSTANT REGULAR on MABSRMALLOW HOT-CHOCOLATE a F FANCY VEGETABLES [Lis_ °R DELMONTE FANCY • stoKtpticlt-eans OR HONEY POD PEAS RING BOLOGNA BURNS SLICED -3 VARIETIES COOKED MEATS SCHNEIDERS BY THE PIECE THURINGER SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS LARGE-- 48 oz. TINS - 19 oz. TIN 2 KILO DAG 68c 23 0z '89 lb. g 69c C 10 oz. TIN 63