The Huron Expositor, 1977-03-17, Page 7by Elaine Townshend Think green Who 'needs St. fatrtick'S Day, to think green?. I've been thinking green since. November. Tome, green means spring and spring means freedom: And freedom means walking down the sidewalk without the fear of falling on my fanny,. Freedom also means hopping in the car and driving for .miles with no danger of becptning stranded for days in a restaurant with' seyeety, other motorists. The only -thing I have to worry about in the -Spring is the thousand maniacs I meet on 'the roads and the. other nut in the car behind the one in front Of me. - .The word 'white-out' will become ob4olett, at least for a few months. What a thrill to drive on bare, dry pavement with green grass lining the roadside instead of walls (*white! If I try.hard enough, I might even convince myself that the blocked roads and one-lane highways of February were just part of a bad dream... • I; ' On orbefore April 2, when the landscape has -hopefully -turned to, green, 1 predict a mass exodus from Ontario's cities, towns, villages and farms. After being copped up for almost five, months, the urge to roam will spread like a ' fever. Leading the convoy will be yours truly. I don't know where I'm goiong, 'but I'm going somewhere. Although I may be paddling a.canoe instead of steering a car, I will nevertheless be' on the move,• when everything turns to green. ;The colour means different' things' to quite • cool. She reminded us the waters from Maritime Provinces to. Newfoundland can • be very choppy and rough as we 'cross today in our large boats we can't help, but think what an athitvernent7"it Was for the Indians crossing those waters In their" canoes. Have you heard any Newfy jpkes? she asked and' left us with a smile and chuckle as she recalled a few for us. Mrs. C. Britton of Hensall and Mrs. Luther sang two duets with an Easter theme, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Erratt of Henson. The motto "A man's feet be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world" was given by Mrs. K. Campbell. .Should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world" was given by. Mrs. K. CampbelLt President Mrs. H. Hugill opted the- Meeting with a poem and. conducted the buStness. Roll call was answered. with "A way to teach our children or grandchildren to be good citizens." Correspondence Correspondence included an invitation to • attena""' open " meetings sponsored by a Steering ComMittee looking into the pogibility of forming a Huron, , Perth District Health Council;:' meeting to ,be held in Kirktoti Community Centre and Listowel Central Public Schdol Library on . March 30th at 8 p.itit. Watch "Pocus" program on CKNX TAP'. March 27th-for more informationk _ • , .,Give youttel6 break. Take,a walk. e•iittei• .r*eirieetreffie Wake. • eiette.,....44 ra rms. mom ammo . FREEZER SPECIAL'S' -4 d • Fully prodessed HIND of BEEF • 994 lb. Fully prdcessed RIB 'of BEEF 99; lb. Fully proesSed LOIN of BEEF 1.09 10 lb 11O?c---of TURKEY,WINGS 3.90 10 lb bag Of. 0.2E:6F-riAllit*-' 7 90 sl !resh. .(HICKEN 89; lb LEGS r Schneiders WIENERS 79`,,. Pork SAUSAGE 981b. Sliced CHICKEN 8 cr b LOAF Medium GROUND. BEEF 89 r4 ' Ontario Career Action Rrogram Out of school? • Looking for work? -~s hack experience7- • At least 16 but less than 25? The Ontario Career Action Program (OCAP) prOVides work experience to help you land that atkmportant "first job " .00AP includes on-the-lob training plus a gross allo.Wance ' '• of$100per weeirfcrrep-to-2erweetcsPrhestm-ta-to-provide— — practical work experience acid guidance to enable. yoii to find. employment in private business or industry. • To apply fill dui an application form at your local Canada Manpower Centre 'Final selection of applicants and allocation of traTning-ossign-rnerns Warbe ma-dein-I he °Marro Ministry • of Colleges and Universities •• Ministry of, Colleges and Universities • HOn .1-6rry ParrOlt nns 'hl uii$Ir•r Or ..l .Go"rdoI),Pir•r (5(prity M ,nrsIr; ' Ontario WS RIAL FFER o Obligation 1. We Connect You To Cable! .1_ 2. In 30 Days We tall Back And Either: A) Re-connect you to your original aerial and it, costs you nothing or- B) We charge you asi S.00 for the installation and 2051'a day forCable Ser- vice (for one outlet) from that day" on: YOU C 1 LOSE1 This of fe r iex es in 9_ days rt Phone your Operator, and •ask for. Zenith 82110 i and leaveyour Name, Address and Telephone Number on our Telephone Answering -Service (or write us at Mitchell. Seaforth -Cable Mitchell, Ontari0 We; will contact you just prior to hoo,king you up. • The. annual Dine and Relax•will Monday's activities in the Normal Care 'Sitting room followed . .by sin0-lorrk. The musical ,program for "FamilY Night" was .prov'ided by: ',the Pepper sistets of Hensall, .Watson Webster. of Clinton and the Huronview Orchestra. Brenda, Joe Ann. Laurie and Martlyn Pepper sang s'everal Countrjriffd-Weseern uurnbers as well as two sacred son0 and help.ed to lead. the sing Song, Watson VV.elyster enterta•ined vvith. mouth Organ selections a.nd joined the Huronview Orchestra. for- some Old Tvme and Irish ,tunes. Morgan.11alliTtrgarIg-Th-VdUrite "When:Trish Eyes Are , „Smiling" and Miss Ellis thanked thu guest on . behalf of the resident's. , ifiorpur.hciy, •-• SE • •TEI Atilt r not:ob164o service • and .0i000 t f Seaforth south fie tiftway, Tracks, • , • THE, 1109.N pc.POSITORg 'MARCH -17f 197? —7 • n family law (By Jack Riddell, M.P..e.) Last fall the government proposed legislation to reform Ontario's "family law, to guarantee equality to both spouses with respect Co the division of assets at the time of marriage break-down, regardless of who has been responsible for the acquisition of these assets. The Family Law • Reform Act, 1975, was proclaimed on July 10th, of that , year. It abolished the archaic common law doctrine of unity of legal personality.-- the fiction that husband and wife were one persOn in law, and that person Was the husband, 'and provided that a spouse shall net, because of the marital relation- ship, be disentitled from claiming contribution 'or an interest in property where he or she contri- butes work, money or ,money's worth—to property held in the name of the other 'spouse. In December of last year, an all-party legislative ..committee decided to delay passage of the proposed marriage law reform bills to give interested groups more time to make submissiOns. Members were torn between a wish to delay the legislation to provide opportunity for public input; and conTern that if the reforms were delayed they might be stalled yet again by the )election. Following of a provincial election. Following • mounting pressure, the Committee agreed to advertise ;for public submissions and give clause by clause consideration to the bills in committee rather than in the. House where the public cannot take part, in the debate.,: • Members of the Seaforth Women's Institute Citizenship and World Affairs meeting convened by Mrs. J. Keys and Mrs. K. Campbell met at the home of Mrs. Lorne Lawson on Tuesday March 8th. Mrs. Eric Luther of Hensall spole on 1 r.. her homeland "Newfoundland", oldest part of North American and "the cradle .of white civilization before New York was though of." • ‘..-__---______, , :.----,..... r.---- • ,,,-------"----.. ----_,/,,, .,.....--..-. 0,-,---- --.... ---% ....,----r• --;..----•% ' ..,---' _, ,..., Iter4t".",•i`r,%°, ".... ,.....-- ...--% -- ..---:" '....:,•... , ..------.%%, ..--'%* .77---• Odds a' Ends l Mr. and. Mrs, - Eric -Luther, of Hensall, led the _Sunday, evening song :Service sponsored by the Christian Wemens .Club.. Glenn Slade, a nepheW of the Luthers,...assisted_with instrumental numbers. - . uronview family nig different•people.. To, some, it's simply the shade between blue and yellow in the . spectrum; the others, it's a certain kind of jade. • When some people think green, .they picture a glass house filled with verdant plants or a thumb that nurtures beautiful flowers, .vegetables, and fruits.- Many people see a golf course. Meanwhile, others conjure: up visions ..of cat's eyed glowing in the dark or the eyes of jealousy spinning fiendish 'get-even' schemes. , For' many people, thinking' green puts money in their pockets. If you're one of them, remember that kind of green is the root of all evil, according to some folks. March is the greenest month of the y ear for many people. They think of shamrocks, shillelaghs ,and leprechauns wearing green suit's_ and tiny _shoes with turned-up toes and silver buckles: They also 'picture a pot of gold just.beyond their grAp. They dance to lively jigs; they see Irish.• ei/es. smiling warmly, and they dream of the Emerald Isle so far away.• Their celebrations culminate on St. Patrick's Day. 1 With all due respect to my Irish friends and their kin, I consider the first day of spring to be the most important date in March and,„the most beautiful green' is-the kind that grows under my feet and on the, branches of trees. ' Thinking, green brings me one , step closer to spring. .., • Reforms ' The major `-proposals for consideration are: 1. the creation of legislative guidelines for the sharing' of family assets on Inarriage break, down, and in certain cases, other assets; • 2. the creation of a new kind of support obligation on the part of each ,spouse to support the children of the marraige and the other spouse' if he or,, she is 'in need, when the spouse from whom support is sought has the . means; 3. the replacement of dower b.y the, provision of rights for either spouse to remain in-possession. and to control, deatingsl with• the matrimonial home and household many marriages. In what has been considered the traditional type of marriage, the husband is the breadwinner and the wife is the homemaker, who manages the household and. cares for the children. The' wife often ends up with nothing because she has neither earnings nor savings of her own. Her contribution as the hoMemaker and in caring for the children is largely unrecognized and conse- quently not valued in property or dollar terms. While it is generally felt that there should be more sharing of marital .property and responsibility -for supporting. the _family, there is considerable difference of opinion about the best method of doing this. Joint Ownership The "full community" system invOlved jOint ownership 'and . management of property acquired during marriage (including busineSs assets) and automatic, . equal sharing on marriage break, down. 'Deferred community" of property_ involves separate ownership and . management Of • property, acquired .during marriage but automatic equal sharing of property, again including the business, on marriage breakdown. This latter Another pospihility is instead of sharing all assets acquired since the marraige, legislation could PreSetibe that a single asset, the, matrimonial home, be autornatii: cally jointly owned and managed during marriage and on marriage breakdown-- The PrOvince conld, alterna- tively, adopt the English system of judicial discretiorn- During marriage • ownership aged management of property continue to remain, with the spouse who paid' for it. Upon marriage breakdown, a judge exercises a discretion to divide all property, including business assets, follow- ing statutory guidelines, regard- less of whether the property was acquired before or during the marriage. A blend of the judicial diScretion and deferred community systems results in What may be called the family assets approach. Family assets, that is property ordinarily used or enjoyed by members of a family for shelter, household, transport- ation, education, recreational, social or aesthetic purposes, would be shared equally unless the judge exercised his discretion along statutory guidelines to vary the share of family assets, or in unusual cases, to divide other , assets. Each of these possible alterna- tives would- apply only in the absence of a marraige contract. In essence, the proposed legis- lation places the onus of responsibility for the support of children on both partners' equally, and provides that in common-law situations which have been in existence for two years, both parties have the same rights as married persons. Chang nsfitUte hears of Newfoundland A letter was received from O.M.A.S. Clinton stating that Mrs: Loralee Marshall will be -actirrg Home Economist for • Huron County till a new one is appointed., , A quilt course sponsored by Seaforth W.I. with Leaders Mrs. „ A. Crozier and Mrs. R. McGregor will begin shortly. Those interested in taking the course wilr be contacted. First choice for Foed Forum Newfoundland is very historic the •!`calorie Count Down" with said and boasts many "Tricks with a Mix" is second "landmarks" standing after 'choice. Choices' for "Training hundreds pf years. School" were "Personalize 'your' • Rick Regodrces • Pattern" and "Needlepoint" for It is rich in natural resources beginners. - with fishing along its manyorniles of coastline one of its main industries. Pulp and , paper mills are located there also lumberine. gypsium and-iron ore are mined with 40 percent oiron ore in Canada mined in Newfoundland; there is an abundance 'of water power resources and have no shortage of hydro she said. When asked the best time to visit Newfoundland She replied,'J uly, August and_ Septernber; J utie = mild be still Dine and Relax. .. —The fluronview orchestra prOvided old tyme music for. • , be held in Grange 'Hall. Thursday March 17th at 6:45 p.m, Mrs. G. Papple showed members how to send-in quilt blocks made frErland Lee Home project. - Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. K. Campbell. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Hugill, Mrs. L. Carter, Mrs. McNairn and the hostess. goods; • 4. the recognition of marriage contracts between spouses who prefer to create their own rules governing economic relations. Ontario's current law of separate property operateS- to assign ownership of property ,to the person who pays for it. A' • married man's earnings and • property purchased from those earnings belong to him and a married woman's • earnings and property bought with her earnings belong to her. The apparent equality of this system was recommended by the Ontario of property law is not suitable for Law Reform Commission. . AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE From Your_Docts-to-and-From TORONTO I NT_ERNATIONAL AIRPORT PASSENGERSPARCELS • AIR EXPRESS ,• FREIGHT iri Ornate cO'ntrolled•ccirnfort UNITED TRAILS INC. SEAFORTH 527-1222 or enquire at your local travel agent