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Fresh & Cured Meats
Government Inspected-Slaughter . House
Phone 3.45.!2360 `DUERIN
and _
', •
St.. Pai,..*k's
DUB.LIN,ONTARIO NOK 1E0 (519) 345'2800
, •
' •
All Kinds of Grain
Bought and Sold
345.2330 Dublin
10 as'
I a
Speciallits in • p.
Conserve energy
Ttiefriture.depende on it.
• IN.••••••
Phone 345-2754. DUBLIN
t:' Patrick's Day
Mike Doyle
Shipper of U.C.O.
Phone - 145-2549 345-2200
R.R.2,°Staffa THE DUBLIN DANCERS — These four beauties ‘yerecaUght striking a pose during
a br eak from rehearsal for the program at St.Patifek's School this, Thursday. Eat
your heart out Karen Kain. TheY'i*e really boys. From L., Paul Peinen,
--Vandwalle, Greg Ryan, and Michael McCarthy. (Expositor Photo)
DUBLIN'S OWN IRISH ROVERS ,-;7--Oractising. thairadt-lbr 'the Srizatil:ok's Day
program at St. Patrick's School, Dublin are, L., Richard Ruston, Brian Flanagan,
Teresa Van Bergen. ' ..(Expositor Photo)
D ublin mar s 1 years next Jul
Dublin ' and area is
celebrating St. Patrick's Day
to day but next 2earthe village will
,, mark its_Centennial.
A series of public meetings:will
be-held soon to decide plans for
the 1978 celebration. A
committee, under the direction of
- Matt cCreight, will head the
pubic meetings. People will be
asked to volunteer their time and
celebration, -which will centre ,
around the 100th anniversary of
the naming of Dublin on June
25th, 1878.
The Centennial will be a chance
for area people, to look back on the
history of Dublin and to relive
some of the events which make up
its past. In anticipation of that
centennial celebration, the
'following brief look at Dublin's
early days appears.' Details of the
slaty- lie—round . in Hibbert
Review, by Isabelle Campbell.
It was shortly before 1840 that
the village 'which, now bears the
name of Dublin got its start.
Robert D6nkin, a native of
Northumberland, England, built
..a-.log tavern on the northeast
"corner of Lot 16, concession 1,
Hibbert Township. Mr. Donkin
called the place Carronbrobk,
after the little stream which
flowed 'nearby, and, it bore the
name for the next 28 years.
• A surveyor, Mr. Donkin was
Lou Rowland instrumental in the development
of the village• which grew up
o around his land. He surveyed his
TRUCKING holdings i nto village lots, and sold
them-topepple who would soon
become !central figures in 'the
growth of the community. One of
' the first .to buy land in Donkin's
survey was Joseph Whitehead.
Born in Yorkthire, 1•Mr.
Whitehead had a contract to build
Phone 345-2301
their ideas to inake plans-for the a railway, • from Buffalo to well near Seiforth to the salt pan was said to have been a short
. Goderich. H,e bought a large piece
of land from Mr. Donkin running
parallel to the railway traCks, and
° in turn surveyed lots on the land.
These he sold, bringing more
peOple in to the area.
First Store
The, first general store- in
Carronbrook was opened in 1849
on the McKillop side of ,the
village by Uziel Clark Lee. He
became the village post matter in
in CArronbrook. 200. barrels of
salt were produced each day,
second only, to Goderich in the .
entire Dominion of Canada. Some
4000 cords of wood were burned
annually to produce the salt. A
sawmill, stave factory and
cooperage shop• were kept busy
making barrels to store and ship
the ',salt. At • the peak , of his
business operations' Mr. Kidd
employed nearly, 50 men.
streets were decorated and a
parade drove down Main Street.-A
Eight -little girls representing the
pl'bvinces and one representing
the Village of Duhlin rode in
carriage .pulled by four grey
horses. A mounted guard dressed--
in scarlet, carrying swords and
'lances accompanied •them. The
celebration lasted long into the
. .
• At the sametime that the name
was changed, the Village became
.1115.3Or C4, an2f.rentained,
office until 1872. As is. the ease
with many at-he area's- earliest
residents, nothing more is known
abput, Mr: Lee.. •
•• - A chemist shop was opened by•
J.W, Cull, early in the village's
• history. The shop, which also sold
general wares, was in Mr. Cull's
hands until 1864, when he' moved
to Mitchell.
. The name of Kidd is elo;Sely
linked with the early development
Of Carronbrook and the eventual
changingof the village name :t6
Dublin. John Kidd arrived in
Carronbrook from Athlone,:
Ontario, and began a• number of - • 7
bnSinesses. . soon grew
restless, however, and invited ItiS
brother, Joseph, to take over his,
• interests: ".
Born in:Dublin, Ireland I-11)1825., • .
Joseph Kidd came to Upper
Canada , in 1844, and: soon
founded the village of Athlone in.
Simcoe County. He came to
Carronbrook at his brother's
urging, sometime in the 1850's.
A:and started one : business after
„ another,. helping to turn the
-harrilet into a thriving village:with-
•Tapopulatiori of 750, or 500 more
' than, today.
' Brick Store
He soon built a large frame
building on the east Side of- what
is now'Main Street, and in 1868 a •
brick store on the west side of the
same street. He built saw mills as
well, ,eventually-,coning..Ahree.
His b.igg est venture was the
Josephy Kidd and Sorts Salt
Werks,_ which were operating by:
Julyist, 1875. Brine for the works
'was carried in iron pipes from a'
tempered man, and customers
who dared 'to suggest how
something ought to be done were
sometimes thrown out of the shop
and told never to return.
An early carriage shop ,was
owned by Henry Sigman. If was
sold in 1875 to Ben Allen who
'later moved 'to Stratford. There
was a wagon shop as well, by the
18'70's owned by John Doeit.
The first grist and'feed mili,
y • . • ~
......-the....store, Printed invitations to broiler plant. This mill ' burned ... .• Fire of 18.79
• ,the" opening of this Grand Opera sometitne'after Joseph Kidd. left : The secoricl-major event in tle_
Hall .are dated January 30, 1880. the village. , history.of Dublin was 'the fire of
The biiininiOn. , , Telegraph .,. Tom Deland 'was another early' 1879. It began* in a refuse, pile • .
'Company and the Post Office blacksmith. His . shop • Av. a 'behind the Dominion Hotel and in were -alsO loCated in the Kidd . . 'destroyed 'in the 1879 fire. . • a matter of minutes flames spread •
• store building: Goettler's ' Hotels Important . - to the hotel and stable, , then".
Supermarket ,and the Whetham's Hotels were an importants part travelled north two blocks along
,butcher. shop now . occupy the ,:, of early life in the village. At One, both sides. of Main Street. 17..
ground 'floor of' this 'building. --- . time there were seven hotels in buildings were lost, and. Many of ''
By the late 1870's • a railway Dublin.,•and a total ornihe places the burned out businesses were
siding had been . built to the rear ' where liquor could be. bought. It b -I -28' f' ' 'I' '
,heavy goods "Kidd' sold. , • flourishing husineosy The•i•Huron•• • • The story of, Dublin does not"
Died in Chicago , Hotel, is the only one of theseearly -;end with the 'fire. The bank came •::
•These and other ventures made hOtels which is still ,in use. around the turn of the century,
Mr. -Kidd" a wealthy man, but , . Boot and shoe repair, shops telephones by t903, and a
problems beset him throughout were also numerous in those early 'number of industries carne • to
the.1870*-s. A ship loaded 'with his -days. most. of these. cobblers are Dublin later'•-on. But it is those
lumber sank in Lake _Huron. A • now fOrgotte.n........hut.,one, Patrick -early days, those days of growth
dock he built at' •Goderich was Jordan, is known to have had a and, -.Change, of industry and
destroyed in .a storm. Fire took shop in a. building 'on, the, Logan pioneering spirit that will" provide
• sore: of his bu•ildiiigt over the • corner of Highway 8. Con Friel inspiration for the centennial
years, and when the- village -was was another of the shoemakers of celebration' next year.
largely destroyed in the 1879 fire. the 1870's.
Mr. Kidd lost • most of his' Matthew Williams 'Was the '
buildings.. By the late 1880:s Mr. undertaker -in the early days. .
Kidd was' forced. to abandon his Coffins were rough affairs, that
holdings, and Moved to.chicago, had to be .rnade .0 measure. The-•
where,he died May' 3. 1890. He is undertaker made them, as they . .
largely forgotten • today. despite .werc.needeci, sometimes using a - •
his ..large contribution to. the passerby, Of the appropriate size
village. growth. Mr. Kidd is to check the fit., .
buried in St. Columban cemetery. Livery', stables'. too ~were
Carriage and Blacksmith .silbps central to life in pioneer days.
also played an important role in Aniong: the' early' owners • of
'the village during its- early days. stables . were Thomas De
An old frame. building which still Caritillon, John • McConnell .Jr.
stands on the west side. of Mail :11161.1ack_.1,6.4" mond.
Street was the blacksmith' shop of • Named Dublin • -s
a Mr. -Gourlay, who., came from • it was on' June 25, '1878, that • •
Kirkton. As early as the 1850's Carronbrook became Dublin.'
For Local
and •
ong Distance Hauling
— Call --
Class C Carrie!
345.2206 Dublin
an Opera .House was built above a little north west of Stapletons today. •
The store which Kidd built in the Village was operated by sornething very "
1868 was expanded,' and by 1880-,----+Iyman-ond-Bean. It was situated • rdre in -Ontario. It 'remains one
of the' store, making it easier to • sold for 50 cents a gallon:. and it is left' homeless•
unload the hogsheads and other said that all nine places did a
never re tit t. amt ies were .
• James Pierce had a blacksmith was named after Joseph -Kidd S
lIVIIVVIFVFWVIIIMITVTIOV.. shop on Main "Street. Its location birthplace, and ' the event
_is _not, known. today, _Mr.-.7-Pierce • - prompted-a gala-celebration: The-'-
, and
Appliances •
For General Hardware NeeCls
on St. Patrick's Day and all
year round,- visit
M. J. McCreight, Proprietor,
Phone 345-2273 Dublin
There are tWoways.
saving-electricity can save
• • First, thebbviotts.One.
The lesSyou.use,• the less
yOu have to pay for. And to-
'day, electricity is simply too.
valuable to waste, • . .
. Second ; something
not SO obvious. Ontario use7s
more and More power eve
year. .This means an ever. . •
increasinginvestmenrin plant
-and equipment...and their .•
cost is rising rapidly. The cost
of fuelS increasing
rapidly.. TheSe costs inevitably
- show 'up in the price you pay ,. , ...
' for electricity. •,• .• .
You can help to'slow
• down'the growing demand
by Using electricity wisely.
Don't Waste.it., •
Save electrici
save money. --
1 '
It. •