The Wingham Times, 1895-10-18, Page 3THE WING A,M ` .M S OCTOBER 18, 1895,.
WAST AURID TFi .fl13' 1.5,
The 8em1.Annual Meeting.
Teti~ IZ' SPECTOr MZFe—SOMI. C wre,s .
reeves PRUSTas7=—ELECTxrsr Or
oirrlt'P IiS—NoTI'<S AND COJitv[£i :TS,
The West Hunan Teachers' As-
8oci,atiorn met hi the Assembly room
of the Collegiate Institute, Godea'iell,
pursuant to the can of the E:secu-
tive committee, Thursday Oct. I, al,t.
7.30 p. tai. The President, Mr. J,
B. Weatiiaerhoad, °cocpied the chair.
Inspector Tom opener the proceed-
ings with, prayer, The minutes of
the last aneeting at Clinton were
read and adopted. , T'he following
committees were appointed, viz :
Audit—Messrs, S, P. Boyd and J. S.
Delgaty ; Resolutions --Messrs. R. E,.
Brown, Strang, Sheppard and Misses
Halls and Watson ; Business --
'Messrs. TOM, Hu11s and Holman.
Misses Martin and Curran gave an
excellent instrumental. The next
part of the programme was the Presi-
dent's address. Mr. Weatherbead
chose for his subject success in teach-
ing, and delivered a splendid ad-
dress, which was listened to with
attention and was highly appreciated.
Miss Bailey gave a well rendered
solo, which was well received. In-
spector Tom took up book-keeping,
dealing with the paper set at the
last public school leaving examina-
tion. Mr. Tom said that the pupils
must have the practical work, the
sets should be short; it 'is a mistake
to have them too long ; pupils should
be given exercises in ruling the dif-
ferent books used. Mr, Belcher was
then called on and gave a splendid
solo in his well known style, after
which the subject of book-keeping
was farther discussed by lltessrs.
Holman, Delgaty, Tom and Sheppard.
The Collegiate Institute glee club
rendered an excellent solo, and the
n motion S. P. Halls
association, io o z l t n of ,
adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock a. m.
The association met next morning
pursuant to adjourntnent; the Presi-
dent in the chair. Devotional m.
The a• sswere conducted by Air. Delgaty.
the minutes of the evening session
were read and adopted. The busi-.
mess committee reported the order of
business for the day. This report 1
• tri o • r
being adopted, J. A. Gregory pro-
ceeded to discuss . his -method of
teaching physiology, dentine.,with
circulation, and illustrating his
method with blackboard drawings.
This lesson proved very interesting
and instructive, and was `further
discussed by Messrs. Delgaty, . Halls,
Sheppard and others. Mr. Delgaty
discussed his motion in favor of
tiiolding only one session of the .In-
Stitnte yearly. Mr. Delgaty did not
press the matter very 'strongly, but
simply left it for the teachers pre- C
sent to decide, S. P. halls seconded i
Air, Delgaty's motion and spoke in
favor of its adoption. The question i
was ably discussed by Messrs. Boyd,
Brown, Sheppard. Strang, Weather.
head, Tom and Baird. Mr. Boyd,
seconded by Mr. Brown, moved in
airiendlnent that the Institute hold
two meetings yearly, and that
Fridays and Saturdays be the days
selected for such ' meetings. The
amendment was adopted, unanimous-
ly. The next order of business was
a literature lesson by Miss 'Charles,
B. A, The -lesson selected was "Tile
Fbreed Recruit at Solferno," one of
the :Entrance selections for 1896.
Miss Charles' method of teaching the
lesson was greatly Appreciated by the
teachers. . Messrs. Brown, Tom and
Baird highly eomplitrented Miss
,Charles on the excellent address
presented. Roll call showed eighty
tettollers in attendance. ' The next
• paper taken up was the public school
1ee,hinlg literature paper for 1895 ex-
nmittation, M. Strang dealt, with
this subject in his usual a'ile manner
to. the satisfaction of all. Mr. Strang'
tnrgled the teachers not to take too
trio h for &ranted, but be sure that
pu ils understand the full meaning
of the lessons. Several of the
to hers took/part in the discussion
tri t followed. The Association then
ad anted to meet at 1,34 p. n1,.
he Assoeiatfon met as per ad.
jo rnmeut, The minutes of the
felnsnoon session were read and
ai ,pted. The auditors' report was
pr "seated, and on motion of S.
I3•tyd, seeouded by G. Sheppard, was
ar pted. The election of officers
w s then proceeded with, and result.
ed; as follows: president, J. S. Del•
ga y, Centralia ; vice-president, Miss
Ch¢trles,13. A., Godcrich ; see-treas.,
G. W. Holman, klnrondalo; exectt.
tt� aeinmiltitrec, G. M. Nilty, Summer -
bill ;
iumtner-bill; R. E. Drown, Lucktlow; Geo,
Baird, OE'nton ; Af ieses Wiggins,
Goderiebs Halls, Eli ssirlie. The
resolution committee torted and
their report wos adopted, .on motion
of AIte frown, seconded. by Mr.
Boyd, as 411OWS ; That doable entry
boul aseeiii+tg should be tetbstituted
far sirsgle sentry in the P:: f. L, eourse,
2, Tica,t the thanks of the :sssoelation
be tenderer to Misses Marton, Curran,
Bailey, eltndrews, and Messrs,
Belcher, .tend Hemphill, also the
Goclerieh Collegiate Insiihr .te glee
club for their vocal andinstr%umental
selections *:t last night's meeting'.
3, That the thanks of the oee cion be
tenderest the trustees of the G. C. 1.
for the use or the assembly room
during the sessions of the Asseeaation.
Mr. Tont took up perspective idraw-
ing, and gavte the teachers witch
valuable information on the tcaehiug
of this subject. The teachers being
provided with the necessary material
took notes on Mr, Tom's lessons.
Several of the teachers discussed this
subject. Mr, Strang took up P. S. L.
gramtnai, dealing with the examina-
tion papers of 1895. This lesson
proved .very instructive and the
teachers took much interest in it.
Dr. O'.Tlagan, M. A., a well-known
ex -High School teacher, who was
present, was called upon to address
the Institute, and did so in. a felling .
wanner, after which he „gave two
readings in a masterly fashion, much
to the enjoyment of those who had
the privilege of hearing him. 13e
was accorded a hearty vote of thanks
at the close of bis splendid effort.
The Association then adjourned to
Meet at the call of the - executive
G i.o, W. IIoLM.LN,
Wise View.a of Women.
A woman's fitness come by .tes—
Sh tkespeare.
Man is the circ.&ed oak; wOMAll
the Ivy.—Aaron Hill,
I( 'wolatitn lost us Eden, such as she
aione.ean restore it.—Whittier,
The bearing algid training of a
elitist is woman's wisdoms—Tenny-
isdom, Tenny:son.
Women see without looking; theij
husbands often look without seeing.
--Louis Desnoycrs.
I chose xny wife, as she did her
wedding gown, for qualities that
would wear well. --Goldsmith,
A woman who throws herself at a
man's bead will soon find her' place
at his feet.—Louis Desnoyers.
The training of children is an
occupation where we must know how
to lose time ',In order to gain it,—
Welcome t&.the parents the puny
struggler, strong in his weakness;
his little arms more irresistible than
the soldier's; his lips touched with
persuasion,, which Chatham and
Pericles in "nunhood had not.—Enver-
son, relief, with seine slight misgivings I Seareb. was not Ended.
A Boman lawyer on a business
trip to Athens the first tinxe he met
Diogenes 00 the street.
"My good fiend," he said .accost-
ing'haanr "may 1 enquire why you
are wandering around in the dayy,
time with a lantern?"
"I am looking for an honest lnan,
said the cynic, eyeing flim sharply.
"Welt, I like that," laughed the
"Niko what?" inquired Diogenes,
"Like to see an old party like you
poking around a big town with a
lantern looking for an .honest man."
"Well, you don't have to," retort-
ed the old Allan, "you notice that I
don't blow out the light and stop
searching when I meet you, sir,"
Thus slid the old eynie sometimes
get even.
OriIlfa'a Prominent Furniture Puler Gives
Orillia, Feb. itOth,1804.
Binkai`sox, Bans & Co.;
GerlrLsxsx,—About three or four
weeks are 1 had an attack of Itching
Piles, 1% tried two or three diirerent
remedies recommended by druggists as
"the best and only cube," etc„ etc., but
got no relief, ;about t7e time I was
beginning to despair of finding any
bought a box of your pilo Dore, which 'I
are pleased to say gave ma almost instant
relief and permanent core. I consider
your Ointment a God send.
riz s, J. D West
Monotony is the cause of many of
our diseases. The dead sameness of
many lives gradually produces a
tinder date of .September 1st sense of meatal and physical depres.
1894, Count de Dory writes as follows andsio
wndire is injurious, both directly
indirectly. All therefore should
from Neepawa, Man, : "I have been try to obtain variety of occupation
ailing constantly for six or seven 'and alnuseln.ent.
a wi ci . ey e
trouble. I have doctored during all
year~ til severe 1 do anti bladd r
WANTED A WIPE. --A faariner in,
BEV. L. W. SHOWERS this time with \physicians in different Manitoba recently wrote to England,
countries without any relief. During asking for a. wife to be sent out to
For lutiny.years my greatest enemy
has been organic heart disease. from
an uneasiness about the heart, with'
palpitation more or less severe, it had
developed into abnormal - action,
thumping, fluttering, and choking
sensations. Dull pain with a peculiar
warns feeling were ever present near
the heart. I have tried many phy-
sicians;and taken numberless. 'reme-
dies with very little bonfit. Seeing
Dr. AgnewY s Care for the Heart ad-
vertised in . the Kittanning, Pa.,
papers, I purchased a bottle and -
began its use, receiving almost in-
stant relief. I have now taken
several bottles of the remedy aucl 1
can speak most highly in its favor.
The choking, abnormal beating,
thumping and palpitation have
almost_ entirely disappeared. The
remedy is certainly a wonder -worker, .
for my case was chronic: Rev. L.
W. Showers, Elderton, Pa, Sold at
Chisholrn's Corner Drug Store.
What to Wear When Being Photo --
The sorrows of the trying ordeal,
having one`s photograph taken, may
be mitigated by following a few
suggestions made by Mrs. Catherine
Weed Ward in the Photogram, the
magazine which she and her husband
conduct in common. Mrs, Ward
Says: "The greatest number of
sitters are utterly ignorant as to how
materials, colors and styles of cos-
tumes will appear in the finished
portrait, and the operator is blamed
for what is, as a..rulnrnot his fault.
As a rule it is well—and should be
required to avoid very po;Iitive pat-
terns, such as large plaids, checks,
wide stripes and ' much jet or other'
glittering trimming and =tell jewelry
Sharp contrasts in materials,trimn'ling
or style of Out are a decided detri-
ment to a pleasing portrait, and as a
rule, the tone of .color should, her
nlonize with the sitter's complexi
Glistening r. d` -
hair. silks are l�
cult to light well, as in any material
which does not easily !encs itself to
soft folds. Dead luster sills, soft
woolens, crapes, fleecy . tissues and
similar materials are always effec-
tive," Mrs. Ward advises, too, that
one should soften by rendering it in-
definite the line between skin and
dress, both at neck and wrists,re,
znemberinen always that however
well a eastuine may appear in reality,
it alters before the camera and may
call attention to what might other-
wise pass unnotieed,
"rs Cure Croup.
Dealt Sr1as,-1. have used fIagyardt s
Yellow Oil with all my children for
Orono, and .1 think it is the best niedi-
oiine ever mtrda. 1 am never without it
in the house,
Mos, T. H. J.toirso.r, Hilton, Mitt.
my travels I'wasa induced to try, him. We believe be meant well,
South American\ Kidney Cure, from and we hope he met with success ;
which remedy
I 'received. instant t
but g
001 wives
are not usuallyto be
lief. I most heartily endorse this jobtained
in this way. In such a
remedy, as I do not think it has an' matter a man cannot safely trust to
equal." South American Kidney i the judgment of another, but must
Cure invariably gives relief within I use his own. In choosing a wife,
six hours after first dose is taken. i every man's judgment varies. In
Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug other things it is not so. For
Store. !instance, the judgment of every
sensible man is in favour of Hello-
. Courtesy Counts. I way's Pills and Ointment for the cure
Courteous attention ---politeness— of liver complaints, disordered
is as much a stock in trade as in I stomach, shattered nerves, rheuma-
ti err fur without a certain tism, gout, lumbago, scalds, burns,
and all slin•diseases.
Belief in six hours.—.)istressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." 'This groat remedy is a great
a pleasant word are always returned surprise and delight to physicians on ac -
in kind by the average persons— count of its exceeding promptness invaliev-
mall or woman. ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
The man does not live who cannot Query part of the urinary passages in male
and female. It relieves retention of water I.
and pain in passing it almost immediately. I
If you wa t quick ielief ad cure this is 1
your remedy. Sold at Chisholin's drug.
Shipments of Canadian fruit by
cold storage to British ports ,have
st4 on 3,
amount of the former a merchant or
clerk cannot sell his goods to advan-
tage or retain patronage. It is the
little thing's that count. Asmile and
be more or less influenced by kind-
ness. It is, or should be the natural
method of intercourse, and is needed
in the store quite as much as in the
parlor. Business intercourse, at all
times, should .be free, affably con-
ducted and genuine, The spurious been abandoned for this year.
article is readily detected, and as Another experiment will be made
customers look for the former, so next season.
*hen disappointed they transfer —The Tiets and Toronto Weekly dobe
their patronage to some dealer who will be sent to new subscribers from now
studies politeness to better advent- till the lst of January, 1896, for 25 cents.
age.—Geyer's Stationer.
Worthy Your Confidence.
The suecees of .flood's Sarsaparilla oil I
conquering scrofula in whatever way it
ntay manifest itoelf,is vouched for by
thousands who were soreroly afflicted by
tbis prevalent disease, but who now re-
' joice over a.permanent eure by Hood's
,Sarsaparilla. Scrofula may appear as a
humor, or it may attack tho glands of
the neok,or break out in dreadful running
sorer on the body or limbs. Attacking
the mucous membrane, it may develop
into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead
to consumption. Come as it may,. a
s vhoods
faithful course of treatmenttith
Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working
upon the foundation of all diseases, im-
pure blood, the system is Clarified and
vitalized, and vigor, strength and health
restored to the body.
"Now, children," said the
teacher, "what do you call the meal
that you eat in the morning?"
"Oatmeal!" promptly replied a mem-
ber of the class.
fhottn7atistri Cored in a day.—South
American Bheumatio Cure of Rheumatism
androuralgia radically cures bill to 8 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
inysteriious. It roniovea at once the cease
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first . nose greatly benefits. 76 cents.
Wiirranteed at 0hiehotn'sdruft store.
Mr. P. Teeswater, captured
all the prizes for Orford Down sheep
at the Montreal Exhibition.
'host Don't IWO to $Wear Off
says the St. holds Journal of Agriculture in ilii
editorial Wrens ,ta!Co.hoc the famous tobace o habit
. h
cure. " We know of many casoa cured by No✓a,'o.
Bac, ono, h prominent St. Louts erehiteet, tented
and chewed for twenty yearn; two boxes eurcd hits
deo that oven the smell of tobacco makes blot sick."
No•Tmaae sold and rniaranteed iia cute no pay.
nook tree. Sterling Itomedv to., 394 St, Pout 5t.,
1`aluable treatiso and bottle of ,nedic7ne cont rroa to .n)
Su>[orar. Oivo Express and Post ORtce address. 11. e.
ROOT• M.C., 7S6 Nest Adotaido Stre.t, Toronto• Ont.
.� o,.'1
upp lies.
We have just opened up a largo stools
COPY I3001(S, .
SC1UBI3Li 1 S,
SLATES, &c., &c,,
To be in readiness for the opening of the
tehoole after the holidays.
Our New 300 Page Scribbler is
It has the mop of 'Huron County on
the back cover and is sold exclusively by
us WI and see it,
TISEAS S, T RAS'9, EQUAL. • n at 7t New t aNtd. Late lint, Caird attest, L6ndbtty
*hasslebyA ono an r'
Popular Booltetore, tV.Puirebnsere should look to the Label on the Bogies anti rots. 0 the �t► drtost is n
W thtg'hatin+ Aug.13tltr 185. • 588 Oxford :Street, t� udbn, they are epuriothe.
What is
t'' iltf„
', V. v,•.' �, r r, N', - f:':'�ar, . ,ty. ,rw ''yt
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contain neither Opium, MMMorplbine nor
other Narcotic substance,. It is. a. harmless. substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use. by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria t similates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowe'_:i, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa
Iberia. is the Children's Panacea—the 1Zother's Friend,
"" Castorla is an excellent medicine for chil-
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Da. 0, C. °•coop,
Lowen, Moss.
"Caztoria is tiro but remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo the day is' not
far distant when mothers will consider the coal
interest of their children, and use Castoria in-
stead of the variousquack nostrumswhich aro
destroying their loved ones, byforeina opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thoreby sending
Snore to premature graves."
DR, J. F. KnnCnrLOE,
Conway, Ar'
Tho Centaur Company,
"Castorla is so well adapted to obrldrenthas
I recommend it as superior toany prescription
known to roc."
U. A. Aucn$n,:l1. D.,
111 So. Oxford St., l;rookiyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians in the children's depart,
=cut have r;poL-en highly of the?r experi-
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although wo only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regtu.:r
products, yet wo aro free to confess that tl:e
merits of Castello has won us to loos: with
favor upon it."
Boston, litass.
ALLOt1 C. Stor;n, ,Pres.,
T7 Murray Strroot, Now Yoz'Ik City.
' I',Y�".ti's .. •
�R'."�.:Y':",�a°c�.4x"•ir"'Kip.'"'7•;�£"'x-t}r�uunrr'G"�i,'9';?t..r', Via, o:...
' . WOOD'S
• K
'4;•••• Ami• .y},�
roi e �`.�'L
by �:
V.1 .
f +c?I i•t
no sur,; ; e a * virtu r, of the ?ine
combined with the necthr:x �,,•• and expectorant
preps:tier. of other' 3octeeat herbs and barlos,
Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat
Croupand all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and
LUG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which
resist other remedies yield promptly to this
pleasant piny syrup.
PAfCt2 .?6C, AND "ZOO. PE 0 6OTTLEa
SOLO DY nL, CreoO,?.Tr.
»0 0
Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale
of our Choice NureoryStock. Speelaltlas controlled
by us. Highest Salary or Con,missinu paid weekly..
Steady employment the year round. Outfit 'roe;
exclusive territory; experience not necessary; bie
pay assured workers ; special hldueoments to be-
ginners. Write at once for pptticulars to
GEORGE T 1O SON, Proprietor.
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class phi.ngles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
.�srerdersby mail promptly attend eo
ok:Olt011 Tnonls0N,
Box 125, Wingham. Ont
For giving
;A light, pliable, elastic bone made
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The only Skirt Bone that may be
to wet without injury.'i;
The Celebrated Peatherbone L
Corsets are corded with this 61
k, Ladies'Dresses lnateti&1. ILL
For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. „
e r
5 -V `�" a'C 4'07G.AG_.AgrailZFOi l gk-V i"Lil r', 70-51.7 ii�Gi. ..-E-173 t .T7 7*'u,=i
h 7%�• f,
I1A tai This old remedyeverywhere.
known, used
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it by PA.
and all pains, external
or internal, are instant -
PERRYvcd by
Pain Killer.
A Blessing to Every Household.
"theft remedies have stood the teat of tttty years eXporionoti, and are pronounced the heat ttodlainei for
tfantily tee,
' 'Sin PILLS
Purify the blood, correct all dteorders of tbb LIVklt, STObtACa. iCIDNtYS AEI) DCN ELS
leraloabia to nil ooamlaintt incidental to fenostas of all ares.
' r Col T + w
tf the only reliahtb temedy lot batt eqs, sorra, etears, and +std. tr Cnd bolt ICr1C►2'I11Ur� 1S Sgltl
tlOUT E'BW).UA.Tr53f [3l,fi1JtAlt sWti'LINOS AND Ati1,SKUi
DISEkSES IT 2I.ASNO EQUAL. 5Anufactut0d only
�� t r0U
hbut the k
'�x�+ as h
l)t..,s � Vend
ere Medicine V K
�� l y!