The Wingham Times, 1895-10-18, Page 2la,
7141111tcrW1441"r (111'QvIr7 .BISY BOOM W W Fisher; brood, sow, II Edwards;
It doesn't pa,y to. be crosii-
It's not worth while i /.. spring boar,. 11 EdwardS, 1 and 2;
For mamma's eyes so elr "•1` ""' . Splitla• SOW, W W Fisher; 1 and 2,•
A pinch on. Billy's arm
e very 5; , Any Large 13reecl—Aged boar, W
Arsore to spy t ''''D
A snarl or a sudden k Sinelaar, W W Fisher ; brood eoiv,
No longer WO stay Ix gloom* W Sinclair, W W Fisher- spring.
To the HowlerA' it must up Mul away boar, W W Fisher, 'IV 'Sincl
,row1y sponl. os,
Hit the Howlery
I the Sniffer 1 bo! the Growlery
There we may • 47, Stiarlery, Scowlery!
It .we'clioose, stay,
Bat it's only all day ;
a. smile that can bring us away.
If mamma
A-pitehi catches me
If Billy t ug into Billy.;
Or sea 'maks my whip.
It's res uy rabbit silly ;
0,1e it up, boys, (pick
ssWeer lee you know your doom !"
LUBt kiss ad be friencts,or the squabble
a the Howlery Growlery room.
Rilthe Howlery ! IN! the Growlery !
Hal the Slattery, Sitrlery, Scewlery
There we may stay,
If we choose, all clay' •
But it's only a smile tliat can brio g us away.
So it doesn't pay to be bad;
There's nothing to be won in it ;
And when you come to think,
%there's really not ;much fun in it.
So comet The sitwis out,
spring sow,. W W Fisher1.
elate. -
Improved Berkshire—Aged boar,
W Thuell, W McAllister; brood
sow, W McAllister, 1 and 2; spring
boar, W AleAllister, II Edwards;
spring sow, W MeAlcister, 1 and 2.
Yorkshire — Aged boar, John
Potter; spring boar and spring sow,
W Sinclair.
POULTRY, —Turkeys, D Showers,
W Irwin ; geese, W Irwin, D
Showers ; Rouen ducks, W Irwin,
1 and 2; any other kind, W Irwin,
1 and 2; Brown Leghorns, W Tay-
lor, 1 and 2; Write Leghorn; W
Taylor 1 and 2 Light Brahms, W
Irwin, 1 and, 2; Dark Bralamas, W
Irwin, 1 and 2; Homburgs, W
Irwin, 1 and 2; Dorking; W Irwin ;
B B Red Game, E Ilaggit; Buff
Cochins, E Haggit ; Bantams, W
Taylor, 1 and 2 ;, Polands, W Irwin,
1 and 2; Red ,aps, W Irwin ; Ply -
The lilacs are all arbloom, mouth Rocks, 1st Irwin, J J Walker;
Come out and play, ;Ind we'll keep away Pigeons, J T 10,milton, G Henry.;
From the Howleri Growler room.
collection of fowl, W Irwin, 1 and, 2;
CI. los, Guinea fowl, W Irwin, E Haggit.
Rt 1 the Howlery 1 o! the Growlery ! IAIBLEUENTS. Lumber waggon,
Hal the Sniffery, S6arlery, Scowlery! Brunsdon & Son; J Ferguson ; - bob
There we may Stay,
If we 'hoose, all day; sleighs, Slater & Sims ; Iron beam
But it's only a smilepat can bring us away. sod plough, 0 Hamilton; iron beam
—Laura, B. Bi4rds in St. Nicholas. general purpose, 0 Hamilton, Slater
& Sims; gang plow, Slater- & Sims,
0 Hamilton ; iron harrows, J Phil-
lips; single opegi buggy, J Ferguson,
Brunsdon & Sop ; covered buggy, J
Ferguson 1 and 2; doable covered
buggy, J Ferguson 1 and 2: cutter,
Slater & Sims,i5 Phillips; trotting Hamilton, Mrs HI R Walker ;p air , and flowers,John tewart, Br:miller.
horse shoes. J gPhillips; iron pump, coarse boots, J. Sherritt 1 and2 . 'Roots, Jos Allans - , Clinton', John
J L Wanless:: wooden pump, D pair hand mad o gent's boots, j 1 Richmond, Blyth. iPoultry, i Elliott,
Showers, J. Fefarm gate, fargate, 11 Sherritt, 1 and 2. Winis
vham. Oat e, G Johnston,
Edwards; laid roller, C Hamilton; LADIEs1 Wortft .—Gen t's flannel !Londesboro ; Jae Wilkinson, Bel -
turnip drill, Brunsdon & Son, Slater shirt, G Nott, T ' Hamilton ; gent's , grave. Sheep' 0 Proctor, Belgrave ;
& Sims; cooper's work, W Taylor; white shirt, Mrs W McKenzie, G t'k Anderson, Dungannon. Pigs, E
seuffier, Slater & Sims, Brunsdon & I Moffatt ; pillow shams, Miss Ander- i Bell, Londesboro; a Hunter. Horses,
San; churn, • . HamiltonA Craig; son, G Nott; patch Neat, ,!heavy draught, John Searlett, Me-
i?ended,J B Tierney. Mquilt, G
i rs Robertson; crazy quilt, .G Nott,1Killop; W H Cruikshank, Wingham.
treadmill,recom!Light horses, D 131Kennedy, Clinton;
GRAINS.—Re fall wheat, R IP Mi t5 Symington; crochet or knitted.
Laidtaw, R G AcGowan; fall wheat, I quilt, D Stewart, G Nott; pair. F W 31cDonogh, mith's Hill.
white, R G- MeG wan, M Brethour ; • woolen socks or stockings, T Hamil- •
spring wheat, a y kind, M Brethour,-17.4
ton, Airs W McKenzie; gent's mitts, CURES CATataltRHAL DEAF -
D Brethour ; fal '. wheat, any kind, NESS.Miss Symington, G Moffatt; darning
R G McGowan, Moffatt ; white e on socks, Mrs W MeKenzie. T
spring wheat, J o Potter, 3 ' Ellis; Hamilton; three patches on. old STRONG AND UNRESERVED TEsassioxy Ibe sair missed oot o' POy's abundant
6 -rowed barley M Brethour, D pants, Mrs W Afplienzie, W Hartry ; Or TRE OUR
Wain sewing, T . Hamilton, Mrs W AGNEW'S eastanonars POWDER.
rev POWER'S OP nu.. store. Peter is. behandsn tae the
Lord for mony things, aii\is atrtittivbin;
Brethour; largeg white oats, D Breth-
oar R Sellars; - i
t.--. example o' the never-failia!
our, G Quinn ;
McCallum, G 3
Brethour, Jas 11
G Moffatt, M
seed, M Brett our, D Brethour ; on bolting cloth, G Nott, Miss
Symington ; embroidery on silk or
satin, D Stewart, Miss Symington;
eatsup, Id Hamilton, W Taylor; ing, sirs Campbell, miss Sage;
The fair was Wild on Tuesday and
Wednesday- of teat week. The fol-
lowing is the priz list:
Jas Reynolds,W Wise S. Son, Housas—Heasir Danght—Team
0 -
Dale; ' brood mar, Jas Reynolds, G
Dale ; mare foal, Jas Reynolds ;
horse foal, G Dale ; two year old
gelding, G Dale ; two year old filly,
John Shortreed, J F Dale; year old
gelding, J F Dale, F Dale • year old
flIty, John Sill -treed, W Vale.
General Purpose — Team, Jas
Reynolds, Jas, VanEgmond, W F
Miler;' brood, G Christopher,
Sas-Potter; nae foal, G- Christopher;
hoise foal, Jas Potter, 0 W Taylor ;
taro year old, Oly, T Ross, W Dale ;
year old geldipg, J McKinnon, R
Corley ;' year fad filly, 0 W Taylor,
W Dale.
Co, V Vannor an.
Carriage—Ia,m, MeAlurchle &
• Roadsters—Span, A Turnbull, L
Lott; brood bare, P Alcsarther, G
1tollinger ; htse foal, P McArthur,
G- Hollinger; Imre foal, R Pollard;
two year old 'gelding, J Tanner, II
Kirkby; two year old filly-, W Knox,
R Pollard; tar old geiding, H
Kirkby, Miss age; year old filly, G
Dale, 2nd not "known; best. single
driver in bug, 0 Johnston, W
Snell; saddle horse, L Lott, D Den-
holre ; sweepitakes, best mare or
gelding„T F Ilitle.
Camases -Thorog libred Durhams—
Mileh cow, ,TaeASnell, Jas Ta,bb ; two
year old heifers M II Harrison; year
old heifer, .4s Snell, R Corley;
heifer calf, Jae Snell, R Corley; bull,
2 years, J Shertreed; bull calf, W
Snell, Jas Snell,
Any Other) Registered Breed—
Mitch cow, 111 E Brown, A Jacobs;
two year old heifer, Jobe frieGregor ;
year old heifer, John AVIeGregor ;
heifer calf, A .tocobs; btill, 2 years,
R 0 McGowan; bull elf, john Me -
Gregor, i •
Grade—Milch cow, Id H Harrison,
1 and 2; tw&. year old heifer, T
Ross, It Corleyi year old heifer, lit
H Harrison, 3 ?atter; heifer coif, AI
11 Harrison, 1 pd 2; steer calf, R
Corley, Id H. Harrison; two year old
steer, T Ross, Jas Potter ; year old
steer, ril ]foss, :11 "Morrison; fat
steer, T Ross, Illand 2; fat cow or
heifer, J. Tabb,lt Corley.
Snersa—Cotspold — Aged , ram,
shearling esves,fam lamb, aged ewes,
ewe lambs, all 1taken by Jos Potter.
Leicester—Aged ram, N Cuming,
Jas Snell ; shearlingrare,-breuming,
Jas Snell; rani lamb, John Barr,
Jas Snell ; sbeltrling ewes, N Outn,
ing, Jas Snell; taged ewes, Jas Snell,
X Gaming; oil, lambs, jas Snell, N
Shropshiredolvn—Aged ram, Jas
Cooper ez San; i shearling ram, Jas
Cooper e4 Son, A and 2; ram lamb,
W fine% 1 an 24 aged ewes, .7 dairy ebees, Stewart; home-made
Cooper & Son; as Snell; shearling bread, Mrs /I It Walker, S McKin-
owes, j Cooperez Son; ewe lambs,i non ; plain tea biscuit, Jas Jackson,
Any other Weed---Shearling rand 5 McDowell, M Brethmir ; maple
W Snort, 41 Cotiper a San. - Mrs C Washington ; maple sugar,
rta lamb, at evres,shearling ewes, syrup,. Jas McDowell, Jas 'McCallum;
linabeall taken by Jas Tabb; collection eanned fruit. Mrs 11 R
pickles, mixed, Mrs -o Washington,
J Al Hamilton; pickles any other
kind, W 11 McCracken, Jas Jackson;
painting on pottery', mrs W 11 liele,
ars 0 Campbell; pencil drawing,
lairs W 11 Hele, Airs 0 Campbell;
Giving Out Notices. I
"The congregation will noo be 1
seated. and gi'e theirundivided atten-
tion tae the followin? intimations,
jelly cake, Airs Not, Mrs MeQuarrie. hand painting' on sac, sateen er Souse a' them are moist as important
ritUIT.—Wintor apples, ha Jack- plush, miss Symington, mrs 0 Camp- as the sermon," said the Rev. Tammas
soeo Nett ; fall apples, Geo bell; painting on glass, sirs 0 Camp- MacPherson, as he finished !'address-
ess ; Baldwin, Jas Jackson, R I bell, 311SS SYMthgt011 ; pastelle, any in' the throne 0' grace." Ile was in
Elliott; Meg of Tompkins, N Cum.' subjees, airs W H Hoe, mns 0 CanT1his 80th year, and had worn out five
Mg, R Elliott ; northern spy, R ball; oil painting, marine view, xlee ll3iblea in beating the dust out of the
Elliott, N Gaming; Rhode Island Boyd, Airs 0 Campbell; best collee- pulpit desk of Auchterbirnie Kirk
greening; R 11 Laidlaw', W Jackson; tion photographs, 'W Cash, il R during 55 years.
ribston U'aiett,- G
; russett, golden,_R ;
russett,Roxboro, R BIllatesk, seek -no -
further, R B Laidlaw,
swear, R Elliott ; Wagner, Me,
Gowan, R Elliott; Ben Davi R
Elliott; vandervere, W Jack ou;
Spitzenberg,REMtt, R.G McGowan; plants in flower, sars Walker, D
tion of foliage plants, sirs II R
Walker, airs Dr Carder;' geranium.
in bloom, D siarsh, 1. and. 2; ftsehias,
D marsh, 1 and 21 hanging basket,
sirs R Walker; best display of
talman sweet, Jas Jackson, R •
Laidlaw; Mann; R Elliott, R
McGowan; maiden blush, It ;1
snow, R Elliott,. 0 Campbell; Canada I
Clos? nowEusi---Table bouquet,
Irs WashinganA; hand bouquet,
rs R Walker, WV Taylor; floral
red, 11, Elliott, AI arethour ; Cote,ign or ornament, D Marsh, 1 and
W Jackson, Jas J,aeltson. Alexander, !2; ',dahlias, Mrs H R Walker, W
R Elliott ; 20 -oz pippins, 'R Elliott, R ,Tay1o,r ; pansies, W Taylor, 1? Met.
B Laiallaw; any ,;variety, R. Elliott ; : ealf. i.
collection of apPles, R Elliott, Jas ! Sr46'..u. ATTE,. ACTIONS. — Lady
Jackson; winter pears, R • G Mc- ' driver, rs Bele, Mrs W Snell; - bag -
Gowan ; fall pears, R Elliott ; tome, !pipe coin etitionaD McKay. Kintail;
toes, W Taylor,4 J Metcalf ; collee- ; 0 MeKe
tion of grapes, I Ss Symington, R G dancing,
McGowan; fifte n crabs, D 13roth- . Lena M
our, R. Elliott. - I Lucknow ;
MANDFACTi7174. — Homeenade Stalker, MI
fla.nnel, G Nott; !flannel, union, R B Son ;
Quinn; specire
Laidlaw, G .:Nott ; home-made .
blankets, T Hamilton, JO - Igo. • pupils under 15, 4 I.
E Metcalf.
Callum; bIanketi, Mrs II R Walker, it
JUDGES—Grain, J. B Ke
Jas McCallum; horse blankets, home i
J L Eidt, Auburn. Fine aa
spun, Jas McCallum; coverlet, home '
spun, G- Nott, .31$ D Stewart ; rag ,0 I -I Mounteastle, Clinton.
Miss McClelland, Belg
mat, Mrs R H Walker; yarn mat, ! work,
no. Dairy produce, lete., R 0 Sparli
G Nett, Mrs It - H Walker's
,ie, Mutat.' ; A .A.neerson ;
aoys Qr girls under 15,
urchie, A MeMurchie,
''.• arga# competition, Miss
a Boald, Miss Ella Ander-
; !test, B Quinn, A
of writing .by
er, Alay Code,
parishioners worshiped the
ground on which be walked; and
though he was practically penniless
—for he gave most of his large in-
come to the poor—tbey saw to it that
the minister lacked for nothing. The
old man reads the announcements in
the guid auld mither Scotch, and
then says :
"I bear that Widdy Tamsou is in
destitute circumstances. This ina,una,
be. None o' God's heritage maim
suffer in the midst o' the guid folks
o' Auchtorbirnie. Think o' this on
the way Inc yer homes. We have it
in Holy Writ, that nivver fails, that
he that,giveth tae the puir lendeth to
the Lord. There is a blessed privi-
"Think o' the farmers Auebter-
birnie bein' lenders, au' ba'in' the
Lord for a customer. An' nae need
tae foreclose the get back paymen' ;
for it'll be returned twenty, thirty,
fifty, and a hunnerfold. Noo ye can
a' raise fine craps o' wheat an' corn
an' tattles, as I can weel testify; for
the Lord has moved yer bowels o'
compassion, and ye hae been uneo
generous tae me.
. "Then see if ye can raise gala
craps o' britherly compassion, an'
-bring the first fruits o' that harVest
carpet;G- Nott; , stocking yarn T Winghaui; T W .Blyth. Frinsito pair Widdy Tamson. Sanders
krant '11 send her a load o' firo-wud.
Ape da e 1 ken that ; see't in Sanders'
geNons c'e. An' fine kenlin be
keeps\ tee, as I weel ken ; for I'M
burnirl\sotne o' it myser, thanks tae
Sanders\ kinclnesa.
SancleN, sitting in his pew, the
toibmseerveeedttielpiaQltleolybservers, was by this'
won over by the
never-failing`eomplirnent, and would
Tamson the ear'
*.tiveandgiventbe fullnessiddy
very gladl3r
thereof, had he oeasied it, at that
'An' Peter Miehi 11 send her a
pickle (little) tea. 0 , but it'll. no
The only way to rogenerato the
world is to do. the duty which Ilea
nearest us and not to bunt after
grand, far-fetched ones for ourselvee.
If each drop of rain chase where it
should fall God's showers mulct. hot
fa as they da now.
• sem From Bad MOnti
DiOalt Stas,—For quite a long time
ray blood was very bad, large sores
would break out an ma from a small
scrawl:. X started to take your 13, 13. B.
whietx completely mired me. rectal,
mend Burdock Blood Bitters to ail
sufferiog troin bad blood.
OLIVER. Conn, Lynedoeh, Ont.
31eKenzie ; old t laches collection,
mall white oats, Jas any kind of UAW. work, G Nott,
ffatt ; small peas, Al Miss Symingtoll; braiding, D
Actions speait louder than words. Holy Writ: 'The han' o' tlis. diligent
Mr, John MocInnis, of Washabue,k maketh rich.' Peter's.aharclAvorkin'
Bridge, N. Sa made use of Dr. ehiel, as we can a' testify."
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder and says: Peter, too, fell hi. line. •
flax seed, 11 i'dwards, It ' G Mc- "I used the iledicine according to 'Jimmy Grant wis tellin' ma the
directions and 4 found it to be a ither day,' continues the reveOnd
Gowan. wonderful cur for catarrhal • deaf:, Tammas, 'that he. was millite come
.Roors. — E mre State potatoes, Kensington embroidery, G- Nett, ness, I can hhar as good -as ever. fine meal. noo. I quite believe '..t.
F Metcalf,. R G McGowan; rose Miss Boyd; Roman'. embroidery on You will find160 cents enclosed for Heis the only miller in Auchterbirnks
potatoes, Jas Barr, Jas McGee; linen, Mrs C Campb'ell, D Stewart which please send me another bottle. an' there's no mil'er frac. Maiden
; large peas, Stewart, Miss Boyd ; arrasene work,
Brethour; timothy G Nott, Mrs W H Bele ; embroidery
elephant potatoes, I) Marsh, Jas Barr; parlor screen, Miss,Symington, Mrs After recommending the catarrhal
potatoes any other kind, T Hamilton, 0 Campbell ; sofa'Cushion. G Nott,
cure to my nefghbor, she seeing the
G Christopher; collection of potatoes, Miss Bradnoek ; fancy panel Mrswonderful good it has done me, wants
E Haggitt, W 1 McCracken; field 0 Campbell, D Stewart; best piano
carrots, P Wiljows, Jno Stafford; or table surf, G !Nett, Mrs W 11
garden red car ots, W Ta,ylor, Jas Bele ; drawn work. Mrs .W Me-
a bottle, so Au will please send a
bottle and bloatrer to her also."
One short puff of the breath
Kirk tae John a' G-roat's can compare
aviS him. Better send a pickle tae
the widdy, Jimnay, an' keep up yer.
account wi' the Moister.'
And after so pOwerful an .adver-
tisement how cold Jimmy refuse?
McCallum, wede turnip; saa"" Kenzie, Mrs 0 1Vasbington ; honiton through. the lJlower, supplied with 'Beaton Scotit'll send the widdy
Edwards, Jas eCallum ; collection or point lace, G Pawcll, Mrs ay H 'each bottle oft Agnew's Catarrhal some 0' the fine tatties I saw in his
garden produe , W Taylor', W 11 Bele ; novelty, in': fancy work, G. Powder, .diffu this powder over barn last Tuesdsay, I needna ask.
McCraeken; b Nott, Miss Boyd ; 'ancsr work not the surface of the nasal passages. Beaton for I ken fu' .well he wadna
Oracken, Jas -J' work, D Stewart, Mrs W II Bete; Painless and delightful to use . lt be backward in dein' a kind act to a
McCallum ; ma on list, D Stewart, ci; Nott, crewel '
G McGowan, crazy work, Mrs C Campbell, miss witty cures catarrh, hay fever, colds,
relieves in ten minutes and perman_ deservin` widdyin Auehterbirnie.' •
'An' oor guid. freen Wull Chap -
W 11 McCrae Symington, java 4tnvas work, -Airs headache, sore throat, tonsilitis and man, wha, by the • looks o' lam can
onions,' Jno C Washington, A rs C Campbell ; deafness, 60 eents. Sample bottle scarcely keep hi seat, sae anxious is
crotchet work in si k, strs W H Bele, and blower sent on receipt of two he tae doe some hinS can throw the
miss Symington ; crotchet work in three -cent sta4ips. 5, 0-. Detchon, neck o' a chicke an' a rabbit tae fill
cotton, D Stewart, miss Symington; 44 Church 86•1 Toronto. Sold at the widdy's p t. Nae fear 0' 'the
croehet in wool, mrs 0 Campbell, Chisholm's Cotter Drug Store. widdy statvin' hen the Lord has
miss Symington ; bedroom. slippers, put the sant o' t e earth in the parish
mrs 0 Campbell, las 0 Washington; Fie Ought o E'ave Known. kirk of Auehtet irnie.
fancy toilet bottle and mats, Mrs C "Your soxi s ends a good deal of 'The Lord h s promised to be a
husband tae the widdy, an' he wants
time on his bicy le," said the seholarly ye a' tae be b •ithers-in-law; an' I'm
neighbor. glad ye respon sae nobly. Ye'rp a
"Yes, indeed," replied the boy's gallant lookin' ert cs Christians, t&
mother, "Id on' knOW What he would yer hearts are s big as yer bodies.
do without his heel."
"Aren't you a 'aid of typhosis biey- i
The Lord'll r ward your word o'
eve. Noo it'st
ets, W Taylor, Jas
gold wurtzels, W 1-1
cGee ; pumpkins, It
s Jackson; squashes,
en, It Sellars; red
afford, W Taylor;
yellow onions,1 Jno Stafford, W
Taylor; silver Skin onions, W Tay-
lor, W II McCracken; potato onions,
Jos MeCallum, W Taylor ; white
field beans, jas1;Barr, Brethour;
ears eorn, J Sheeritt, Mrs II R
Walker; citron, G. Henry, T Hamil-
ton ; watermelo s, W H Mceraeken,Campbell, Miss Symington ; best
P Willows; be ds cabbage, drum- 'footstool, 1) Stolen, 3trs Dr Carder;
head, W Tayl r, Slater &, Sims; applique work, 4- Nett, Miss Boyd;
heads of red platting, R. Sellars, W fancy pin cushier', silss Sage; fancy
Taylor ; heads f any other kind, ir handkerchief or glove case, airs 0
Metcalf, AI Bre hour ; heads mull- Washington, W Hardy; mould work,
flowers, W Tylor, Jno Stafford; mrs Campball, G Nott; wax work,
roots celery, Taylor, R Sellars;
cucumbers, W Taylor, W 11 Hard-
DAMY AND ig"RoVisiO1S.-111111 of
butter, J W Neils, Jas MeCalltim ;
special, tub
special, tub bu
ton, .1 W
G, Jenkins, '21
W Knox,
eheese, Myth
tter, T Ilainhjton;
n', 60 lbs, T Remit -
20 lbs crock butter,
miltom 5 %abutter,
feKinnoni factory
ease and 13titter Co:
4 .)•fb ,:;
Walker, It ; grape .wine, Mrs
H R Welter, .1 Tiamilton;
miss Symington, sirs 0 Campbell;
suit of ladies underwear, miss Me-
Quarrie, amiss i Symington; knitted
lace hi cotton, p Stewart, miss Sym-
ington; beacf work, G Nott, G
Moffatt ; button holes, Airs W Mc-
Kenzie, G It1offatt ; collection of
ladies work, miss Boyd, airs W 11
Hele,'Airs 0 CaMpbell, •
. FINt AltTS.—ColIection of oil
paintings, lamp Campbell, sirs W II
}tele; figure,' painting in 011, Miss
Boyd, sirs a Ca,ropbell; animals
grouped or srgle,in oil, 'sirs 0 Camp.
bell, ;iiiss 8of
e; best single picture
in oil, lars 3 triegton, Mrs 0 Camp -
belt; water,* color painting, any
subject, vers "C Campbell, mrs W
yea in portraits,
eta; calm draw-
H Hele;
sfita W 3
"Doctor," shi said, with cold
dignity, "you or oldenoug•h to know
one thing."
"Why, madan , to what do you
"To the fact, sit, that calling tames
never does arty gtod.."
Doctors Say4t re the Best.
1 woe very weak o eau a not epeat
jj ec? 1
Luegs aril was in is for. four week
Dr Lawson of
above a whisper
Ilamiota, attende
of Milburn's Emu
beat made end eo
and brought me T
me aria sett a bcittle
ion. It is the very
restored my voice
to health again,
A.. Sian%
praise Ms name for
raisin' up in Atiehterbirnie sae mony
wha, honor the faith.'
And. Tamntas ante more approaeh-
ed the Orem o* grate.—Indepen-
Not Moro!,y teller Bat Cure.
It is said of nany remedies that they
relieve tor a tiu hut the diocese after-
wards returns. Burdock Blood Paters,
bottig a radical (sure, not only relieves
hut permanently Mites Dytip6osia,
Constipation, Billionsneas'Stott Road -
ache, Bad Blood, ete. llondrede of
healthy Wit1109909 telt gladly that D. D.
13, tures to stay 'Mired,
Men might li
enough, if they
to give themael
, bar meddli-1
ple.. .1 •
&iE RB
Josephine Street • Ont,
J. A. mama ur, Scow.
Mount Forest. I Listowe
Deposits Reoeived and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men,
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale • notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parts of Canada at reasonable charges,
Special Attention Given to Cole
looting Accounts and Notes.
Agents to canada-The ivierehantsr iia*
f Canaria
Office Rours-From 0 a, m. to 5 p. m.
Being N. E. part of Lot 33 and N. W.
part of Lot 34, Concession 9, East Wawa.
nosh, containing 73 acres; 45 acres clear-
ed. Farm in good state of cultivation;
good bard and stables. Well fenced;
good bearing orchard; good water, both
well and spring. Suitable for either
stock or crop. Will be sold reasonable.
Apply to
St, Helens P. O., Ont.
A complete brick cottage in the Town
of Wingbam, on Minnie street, one of
the most desirable streets for a residence.
Heated by a furnace; a largo wood shed,
with hard and soft water in wood shed;
a good stable. The lot has 55 feet front-
age and runs 105 feet back to a lane.
Terms easy. Apply to
The subscriber otfershis house and
lot in Lower 'Wingham for *ale on
reasonable terms. The lot contains half
an acre, on which there is a frame
dwelling house containing Ore rooms;
also good stable and poultry house; good
well, 16 fruit trees, &c, For particulars,
apply on the premises.
For sale, about 000 -tcres of land; 200
otit nearly all in pasture; with iirst-class
buildings; large part of it unclerdrained,
the balance, about 400 acres, mostly new-
lan4 with a large quantity of timber
still ,in it. About 730 acres cleared and
Bewail for pasture. Land will make a
Ara -mass pasture. Farm situated two
miles rom Winghatn. On the premises
is a goa saw mill in running order, All
will be told on reasonable terms. For
particulars. apply to Post Office Box 125,
Winghatt, Ont. •
An Agreeable .razatIro and Nmv-ki TOXIC!,
Sold by Drogid a or gent by Mail, 25o., 00c.,
and 51.00 per pa kap. Samples free.
Ko ig f'..Pritt.F5.Taltid'Ealaw10.
Sold at Chisbnim Corner Drug Store,
my wiftiot
Pain. EiSaitt
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. , • lehr. 31jIldre
avec! with n1,,tnsatlpnii
that 1 could not even Alt
visodL. Menthol
tr e 6 on wog soon galtitt about all
to, Sweet's corner*.
quietly and easily
ould be careful not - ,„ Rem
trouble, and for-
with what other
in which
for emorh lo the
se, furl tspeat
Or reo,
o,INrarreo, Pa.