The Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 8M1 H. McINDOO. WE ARE ENTHUSIASTICwvq„ About our WI lines of Mantles, Capes, Wraps, Fur Coats and Capes now an extdbition. When you see it we be- lieve you will, understand why we are so. This is going to be a great fall season for us, because we have prepared for it in ARTINTIO, NOVEL, ORIGINAL AND PRETTY DESIGN% Our high grade goods are more worthy than ever •of your best atten- tion. Out low and medium, priced garments are particularly good value, We Can Suit alt TasteswitA, Our Mantle Stock affords you an opportunity of proeuring a Mantle at the following prices. We have a number of Mantles over from last year, which we will clear out at the following prices: No. 1 Mantles from $ 5 to $ 8 all for 02.50 8 to 12 'f 4.00 " 4 12 to 15 4‘ 6.00 This is no talk, but broad, plain 'acts, Drop in and see if we are right. Dress Goods Stock has such a fresh, clean, up-to-date snap about it that those desiring STrms, QUALITY and VALUE can make no mistake at Town Council. The Town Council met in regular sessionl on Monday evening last. Present -Mayor Broekenshire, Reeve Sperling, Deputy. Reeve Holmes and Councillors Messrs. Mc. KinJa Golley, Dore, Neelands, Gordon, Hanna, Dawson, Herdsman, Ei1I, and Wilson. The minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and confirmed. A communication was read from A. Williamson, Clerk of Kincardine, stating that, the Town of Kincardine had petition.. ed the Postmaster -General asking for an open mail on the 11.20 train going south and the 10.07 p. in. train going north, and asking Wingham Corporation to co-operate. Moved by D. M. Gordon, seconded by J. Neelands, that this Council co-operate with the town of Kincardine in the matter of increased mail service -Carried. A com- munication was read from Miss M. Hough- ton, staling that the concert held by her on the 26th nit. had not been a financial success, and as she intended holding another entertainment on the 22nd hist , THE WINGRAMTIMES, OCTOBER 11, 1895. rfieveviiiks.swvo,iotvwcolit.102.41:1,,,t"iot At#M#414.4.444/0 Tremendous xeitement! •Zoec•c4-.QQ•c&, JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, -THE NEW - PALACE CLOTHING I -10118E3 In the Macdonald Block, have the finest stock of FRENCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, FRENCH, SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH, and CANADIAN TWEEDS and OVERCOATINCS All the very best goods ever imported into \/ We areldetermineti to do a first-class T °ring Trade only. All we ask is to give us a trial, id if a first-class fit and a garment made up in artistic yle will please you, we guarantee that we will give y i entire satisfaction. Most Tailors can make a sui b t to build a garment suitable to the build of the rer, is an art that few make a study, and fewer still practice, but John Ruettel Sons will prove to -you that Wingham shall be noted or its First -Class Tailoring Establishment, as well as Toronto or any other city in the Dominion. Our motto is : Cheap for Cash, the Best Goods at the lowest pos- sible price. READY-MADE CLOTHING In our Ready -Made Clothing Department we excel anyone in the Trade. We get our Garments made to our own order, and as every garment is inspected as it comes in, yon may rely on getting the best value for your money. Have you seen our $6 HEAVY ULSTER OVERCOATS, the best value to -day in the Dominion ? Our READY-MADE SUITS for $5. They were never sold for such a price before. We do not sell shoddy, but first-elass goods, and you will always save money by buying your Clothing from JOHN RUETTEL & SONS. GENTS' FURNISHINGS We select with the greatest care and keep nothing but the nobbiest and best goods. Gentlemen can always rely on getting the best goodsm from us and just what will suit the. Come and see our HATS, FUR GAPS, CLOTH CAPS, FUR OVERCOATS, WATERPROOF COATS in MELISSA and TWEED. No goods will leave our establishment unless you are perfectly satisfied. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. JOHN RUETTEL #1,- SONS, Macdonald Block, Wingham. 'il/evillAbribeilWIrvotriVeriNiviltrRVed.W4WOAS,Ww~A she asked that the hall be given her at half 1 drain on Josephine street be continued price for such concert. Moved by a-. Nee- northward as far as it may be necessary to lands, seconded by 1, M. Gordon, that the go, as a sewer, to improve the sanitary request of Miss Hooghtou, for the use of condition of the town. Moved by W. the town hall for 05, be granted, on account Holmes, seconded by It. Hill, that the of her previous concert not being a Arian- communication from the Board of Health cial success. The Mayor declared the be referred to the Street Committee to motion oat of order. Moved by B., Hill, report at next regular meeting of the seconded by .f. Wilson, that the request of Council -Carried. The Finance Committee Miss Houghton be laid over till next meet- ing of the Council -Carried. A conmonni. cation was read from Mr. W. J. Chapman, offering 075 for the gravel pit lot adjoining his tannery, owned by the town, allowing the town Ave years in which to move the gravel. Moved by D. M. Gordon, seconded by T. Gpney, that the request of Mr. Chapala:3 to purchase lot, be referred to the Property Committee - Carried, A communication was read from Mr. Thos, Bell, asking for exemption from taxation on his furniture factory and premises for ten years, commencing with 1890. A cern., munication was read from Messrs. zero - lavish Co., asking for exemption frorn taxes on their factory for 1895, and also, if in the power of the Council, that their taxes of 1894 be refunded. Moved by it .#$ C. Sperling, seconded by ,T,Golley, that the tommunications from Mr. Thos. 13e11 and Messrs. McTavish & Co., in reference to tax exemptions, be referred to a special committee, consisting of Mayor Bracken - Aire, Deputy -Reeve Holmes and Council- lor 14ordon-Carried. A communication ; was read from Mr. E. D. Dickinson, Solicitor, in reference to the loan to the ThionVarniture Company, Moved by J. Ranna, seconded by IL Herdsman, that the taxes of the Standard Furniture Com - patty be refunded for this year. -Referred to the special committee on exemptions. Mr. D. IL Gordon addressed the Commit, stating that a gentleman had called on him to enquire if the Council would grant ex- emption to any industry employing /limbo? of bands. The Mayor and other' members of the Coancil, said they would favorably consider any application in be- half of exemption for anyworthy industry. Try his Mr, Thos. Forces asked that a crossing be put down on Patrick street at the internee - tin of Minnie anon Patrick streets. Moved BAKING powDER byl. Galley, *sanded by A. 'Wilson, that the request of Mr. Forbes for crossing On ONLY PatiAck street, be reform! to the Street Mignilttere-Carried. A communication2 CFNTS PER LE „t Iv:v*4mA froo, the Vecretary of the Board et 03.11ov/a at Wingliarn, giving I It is the best, reolution passed by the Doer& an re -1 eoninzendleg that the eighteen Inch oh I. F. Gordon's Old Stand. reported, recommending payment of t following accounts: Thos. L. Jobb, r pairs to water tank, 85.85; Win. Bober son, work on streets, 05; S. Mitchell, wo on streets, 820.87; R. J. Blackwell, r pairs to sprinkler, 810.60; 4.. Briaboi repairing fire alarm, 81; Wm. Holme material and work for waterworks, 016.15 D. MoPherson, work at wheelhouse a waterworks, 82.50; W. 13ond, keeping ol Mrs. Wadby, $10; Winghart • Electri Light Co., lights for September, 042.99; J he future the town do not pay for or supply fuel or light to parties using the town hall for practice. The report was adopted, and the accounts ordered to be paid. A by-law to borrow $800, was read three several times and passed. Also a by-law reducing the dog tax from 08 and 02, to 02 and $1, was read and duly passed. A motion, to place 0300 to the 1 credit of the School Board, was carried. The Council then adjourned • t - .k e- s' d B. Ferguson, salary and postage, 877.50 John Dickson, salary, 825 ; Jos. Bullard, salary, 086.41; Firemen, selary, 4250; Jos. Coad, salary, $15; Tho. Irwin, salary, 020; W. King, work at waterworks, $2.50; W. Patterson, teaming, waterworks, $2.20;. L. McLean, lumber and blocks, 026.32, The Committee recommended that in CALL ON ampbell, THE NEW DRUGGIST, FOR PURE DRUGS. • Uortiv. ltaxwxra,-Irt Morris, on Sept. 28th, the wife of Mr, Jas. Maxwell ; a son.v, \MOO/MIDGE-In Lower Winglaarn, oo Sept. 27tb, the wife of Mr. Robert Lock- epdge; a son. Vt Ny, WATSTALL-IO Win gharn, on Sept. 26th, the wife of Mr. Omar Waistall; a daughter. mart- Wroseter, on the lst inst., the wife of Mr. W. H. Kerr ; daughter TTIMN-In Turnberry, on Sept. 280, the wife of Mr. W. Aitken; a daughter. VRnxnp.ion»t0 Turnberry, on Sept. 29th, the wife or Mr. John Rutherford; a son.tV Wausaa-In Carrick, on Sept. 80th, the wife of Mr. AL Weber; a daughter; EMU/TT-MOPPAT -At St. Andrews' Church, London, Sept. 18th, by the Rev. Robt. Johnston, Mr. A. Etia itt, London, to Miss J. A. Moffat, youngest daughter of the late Wm. Moffat, Newfield Farm Oplross, VMITEL-BEOKETT-At the residence of t bride's parents, in W. T, Plot, on Wednesday, October .2, by Rev. L. G. daughter of Mr. James Beckett. Wood, Edward Smith to Alice, :/iecond .....TILSMOKER8 _ To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. 9. Timkett & San Co., Ltd,, tnarket A. E. THOMSON, Teajler. Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the Kinnon, Stella Miller. I A Combination Plug of , wlitTtommen. . The wide,aivake salesman of' tile $ Whitechurch Creamery has sold the July and August make of butter, realizing 18 cents for the same. Mr. SMOKING TORACCO Zinkann, of Wellesley, was the pur- chaser,, and the butter has been 4 • ory4444UN4114,4,144!!!!!!MW444PPRPOR,TIMIMIOAMMITTPT4.5MqIIMWM! P!”!!!PPgPT4MIVRIIPPI/Ng!1,4@lqgF , .41,14R4M1,111!,, 1,4iM444,0*4 u ..14.4141.40114.0410404444i44,44#4044M44.0 . km* . Omom*mmmeMmAgammasim ' '3'41 11 a 11, E kiikkk* . mi*kmMikkikmikm**04M*M4MMMMmk*MiiM*Mg3 SO as just received full lines of all the most fashionable OVERCOATINGS, SUITINGS, P.NTJNGS 8LC., And can and will make them up in the latest styles, and on the shortest notice. 11•31111.1110711111•11110•1111:19...1•11.7...L Et 11.134 IMMO MUM WM. km. ulvom Call and see the Goods, get our prices for Coats, Suits and Pants, and see that our prices id are as low as the lowest. ormanommemonsaqvilobanstmosearsars...... WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. A.n inspection of goods invited, whether you buy or not. CEO, 11, UV CITY TAILOR, Wingham, Opposite Bank of Hamilton. Ont. g ... f .411j1"21!"11'q245-'1..M5.ggh-N.15'''''gSgb-B1,-.AMCbc. E.--,- - r'ERNE.R.E.Vi; g eth amemA2,,-a=rummIerm?rremmunirrrimulmournremmlersumarsemmtimm..14 . - '1URNBERR,Y. • Ranger. -Mr. Henderson was at Langside on Tuesday evening taking part in a Foresters' concert--; The weather has taken a decidedly cool turn, and as the semen is be- coming pretty well on. we may look for fall weather. 1: Following is the report' of S. S. No. I Found and Kew hare moved into the stores. --Last Saturday's Toronto 6, for the month of September : 4th elass-Total 400. Aggie Cowden Globe contained a very good mit of , 328, Mary Cowden 269, Foster, Fyfe our townsmanMr. H. D. Henderson 225, Ichi Homuth 224, AndylViitehell 222, Lizzie Bryee 208, Mathew Fer- guson, 2nd, class -Total 400 - Harry Goy 294, NettieBryce 275, Alice Little 243, Mary McKinnon 215, Lucy MelCague 184, Johnnie C I Mitchell 179, George Little 149, Willie Kelly 124, Sarahr,Crowe 57, in connection with the Canadian Order of Foresters, of which society he holds the office of High Vie Chief VINO UP BUSINESS U WINCHAM, ......................-... Part 2nd -Bertha. MeXague'iJoe OUR LARGE STOCK OF Holmes, Francis Foxton, Willie Cowden, Frankie Johnston, laggiei DRY Ci-OODS5 CLOTHING , Stapleton'. Sen. Part 1st-TomMY Lin Hater, Freddie Elliott, Pearl HATS, CAPS, ETC Kelly, Ilerbie Elliott, Tommy Goy, , Will be SOLD AT -COST. • 9 Sun. Part lst - Aline Stapleton, Margaret McKinnon, Mary Crowe. This will be a arand opportunity to get cyc,cx1 seasonable Z:r Leslie Bryce, ,Sarah Foam, Percy goods at wholesale prices. • Stapleton, Russel McKinney, Russel. SALE TO START ON FRIDAY, OCT. 1 Tit Xing, Minnie Unkiater, Retty Me • the consumer ono 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent pieceof theft:moue make to Mr. Ilibbard, at the hand.- Dees not grass, a subieet readily wo repeat and ...:4 ...:I kle gete s#S drill.' shipped. A day "118 supplies a la". hit "nts or. two ago, 'gr. r Cash OR, TRADE ONLY. Nengham, AS CLEAR AS A BELL. If of the Henderson dispOsed. of the September °rest City Business, and Shorthand College. tondono Onterrint T 4tt, " brand of pure Virginia some pew of 101 cents, The Tobacco. souls 11013°01s on t. We got our reputation Jn that war, and intend to sustain it h Creamery is atilt waking, and has giving a thcrongh grind, all subjects taught We teach Bookkeeping and rtss est suecessful d pro. nets paper by a new method. Vnquire about it. Your money back if not itatisfltt-, The tin tag "T & is on every enjcP4 " all Catalogue tree, Mr. E.rn A,Coou has accepted a position in the office ot Sc11411% fitable year. -Mr. P. Troy's brick Winona Out oleo block is eompleted, and Messrs, J. W. WESTIMittir,Principtd.