HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 7• THE WING LlAM TIMES, OCTOBER 11,1895. XETRR FALL FAIRiJ I3rethaucr; cabbage, 0 Baker, erocliet quilt, l) II Moffatt, 14 Brown, B P Aylesworth cauliflower, 1? knitted quilt, w II meeraeken; The annual fall fair under the Wright, J I3rethauel ,squash, W 11 knotted quilt, L Brown, J I3rethaner;. auspices of the WroxeterIIortieul- i1'feCrael.en, Jas Stewart ; punipkins, ' log cabin calk, w H McCraekeu, L turas Society was held on Tuesday W II Eagleson, F Wright ; citrons, : Crown ; �ratob tworl quilt,elwoIlt,w II i - I find Wednesday of last week. W II McCracken, Geo Johnston ; Wednesday was a beautiful day and celery, J Brethauer, W 11 McCracken; Brethauer, Geo Moffat ; sofa afghan, there.was a very Beach attendance of water melons, W II McCracken, 1? W M Robinson, R Ross ; tray eloth, spectators, and the show was a P Aylesworth ; musk melons, W 11 lig Ross, 3 Brethauer ; coileetion of i,...s:splendid success,' The attraetions McCracken, P P Aylesworth : beans, , ladies work, L Brown, Geo ltiofiat; were a bicycle race, in which there II Thompson, P P Aylesworth ; corn, collection of millinery, highly recom- were six entries; and a speeial given Geo Hislop, W II McCracken ; mended, Miss Lang. whocould harness, • arness hutch cucumbers P P Aylsworth, L Brown., for the lady 1 , Gems of Thought. and drive a horse around the ring GRAIN. -Fall wheat, red, W I1 They who undergo no trials enjoy the quickest. There wet e three en- .Eagleson, Geo Moffatt,W Bolt s no triumphs. Knox, J wheat, tries, Miss Stewart, Mrs. D. lI. Moffatt white fallg watch, is to be and Mrs. Wtn. Pelton. The latter Stewart,U Moffatt ; nlillin wheat,'; A man, like a won, though very closely pressed by any kind, J McEwen ; spring wheat, valued for his manner of going, the others. The show of horses was Geo Moffatt, J Knox ; 6 -rowed iAdvice is seldomwelcome; those fairly good, as also was that of cattle, barley, J Knox, Gee Moffatt ;r white I who need it most like iee' least. ' sheep and pigs, The poultry exhibit milling oats, Geo Johnston, Boit ; was small, but the display of roots, large peas, Jas McEwen, Goo Mof- 1 1 There is no sweeter repose than vegetables, grains and ladies' work fatt; small peas, Jas McEwen, W 1l that which is brought with labor. }' was first-class, Some of the business Eagleson ; timothy seed, Jas Me- Iii hope is the ruddy morning of joy; ., men made very creditable displays Ewen, S Snell ; barrel of flour, RI , recollection is its golden tinge. of their wares in the hall, Black. There were six entries for the IMPI,I;MENTS AND MANUFACTURES. Every day brings to us some new special prize given by Mr. R. B. -Lumber wagon, Gillies & Martin ; lesson in life if the heart is willing to Barris for the best colt from his sod plow, Gillies & Martin; stubble grasp it. low, Gillies & Martin; buggy, Jas Don't you know that Hood's Sarsapa- andafined bred stallion, "S s ata l- p fine ones they were. This sial- Walker, 1 and 2 ; light carriage, Jas rills will overcome that tired feeling and lion bas proven that he is a splendid Walker ; iron harrows, J Davidson; give you renewed vigor and vitality? and no doubt will be set horse -shoes, A 11 Moffitt ; assort- The best way for a man to get .stock -getter, went of leather, J Laekie ; pumps out .of a low position is to be con- Thewell patronized by our farmers, D Showers 1 and 2. spicuously effective in it. fallowing is the Prize List: DOMESTIC ;1S.tN UFAOTUR> s.--1Iome HORSES -Draught -Span horses, Geo Johnston, Geo Small service with a high motive Wilkinson Bros, T Jackson; brood made blankets,acceptable than large Moffatt; homespun yarn, P P Ayles- 1s mare, W 3 Johnston ; two year old p gelding or filly, Jas 13e11; one year worth, W 1:I McCracken ; flannel, • gelding or filly, W J Johnston, Jas P P Aylesworth ; fine coat, R Ross ; Bell ; foal, R Miller. General Pur- house -made bread, Jno Davidson, pose -Span, W Casemore, T Henry ; Jas McEwen ; bakers' bread, W 11 brood mare, W Casemore, G John- Kerr ; collection of photos, H R ston; two year old gelding or filly, Brewer, Brussels. W Bolt, D Fraser one:year gelding' FLo\VERS.-Basket, foliage and or filly, R Miller, L. Brown ; foal, W fl plants,J &cal uer • cut Casemore, G Johnston. Road and Carriage -Span, J M McKay, Chas Edgar ; brood mare, J Lambkin, J Davidson ; two year old gelding or filly, J Lambkin, J Davidson; one year gelding or filly, B McTavish, J Davidson ; foal, J Lambkin, Jas Stewart; speeding, single driver, Chas Edgar, Geo Hislop. R 13 Harris' special for " Surrah " foal, Jno Lambkin. BEST FOR. ASH •R.vhtirx• - vrn; s••'%• a.,wi+s K , Corner Drug Store, far more aecepta e with a low motive.. We often mistake worry for trouble. Trouble feeds; worry starves. Trouble pulls up; worry ELLIOTT BROS.. of the Wingham palls down both body and soul. Brickyard, have lots of BRICK tied Trouble comes because God allows DRAIN A I �a o hand. eel mIt is as said d that it ; we worry in spite of hinl' otprices, but we cannot be linderdold, -The Trntxs and Toronto Weekly Globe asdany r brick n and the a are as good province. We can sell by the cur lond or 10,000 or 12,000 tile fully as low as can be pur- chased anywhere. We have also a great quantity of all kinds & 1E. ELLIOTT.m her for e Wingham, IA ay 10,1895.+ service Bixby --What idiots girls are when they imitate men. Marie (flattered) -Do you think so? That proves how excellent the imitation is. --Truth. Heart Disease !relieved In 30 Minutes. -All eases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at. Chisholm's Drug store, Wingham. Little Girl to Her Mamma -What is a dead letter, p MAE gad Pl'OS r than e er. Sold e.• lustve ly by R SS, rsi,�llfni ,• e Blood Karl's Clover Root, the great purifier gives freshness and clearness to the Comnlnxion and aures Constipation, 25 eta., 50 ors., $1. Sold at Chisholm's oaf WI -DEAL MUSICAL INS SEMi LEM MEN S, ACHINES QTS. and FARM I The followin and Piano co Gu from the pany explains it ph, Ont., July lOt • lease? Mamma -`To W OM MAY CONCERN: One that bas been given to your Words. or s I father to post. -Household W mgrs! LoAk �� hi flowering ' ' g will bo sent to new subscribers from now flowers, J Brethauer, W Douglas; till the 1st of January, for 25 cents- dried flowers, geraniums and dahlias, J Brethauer ; table bouquet, J I When you make a mistake, don't Brethauer, W Donglas; ornamental look back at it long. Take the grasses, J Brethatter, treason of the thing in your mind, POULTRY. -Turkeys, D Showers, and then look forward. Mistakes C Barber ; whiteeese A Robertson ; are lessons of wisdom. The past gray geese, 0 Barbee, �S Snell; gray cannot be changed. The future is ducks, C Barber, 1 and 2 ; white I yet in your power. ducks, D Showers, 1 and 2; black Spanish, J Brethauer ; Plymouth rock, J Brethauer : white Leghorns, J Brethauer ; brown Leghorns, J Brethauer ; light, Brahmas, J Breth- auer, Jas McEwen ; black Minoreas, J Barnard, 1 and 2 ; . black Lang- shans, J Barnard, 1 and 2,•; pigeons, T Rae, 1 and 2. Bicycle race, Thos Hemphill, W Sanderson. CATTLE. -Durham - Cow, J R Wilson, 1• and 2 ; two year old heifer, J R Wilson ; one year heifer, J R Wilson ; bull calf, J Knox ; herd, J R Wilson. Grade -Cow, J R Wil- son, R Black; two year steer, A • Gibson; fat steer or heifer, A Gibson 1and 2. Si -LEEP. - Leicester Ram, Jno Stewart, J Sanderson; shearling rrm, Jas Sanderson, Geo Hislop; shear - ling ewes, Jas Sanderson; ewe lambs, Jas Sanderson, John Stewart; ram lamb, Jas Sanderson, Jno Stewart; ewes, 2 shears or over, Jas Sander- son, John Stewart; pen of ewes, Jas Sanderson. Downs -Ram, McEwen Bros, Geo .Hislop; shearling ram, C Barker, J Knox; shearling ewes, McEwen Bros, •7 Knox; ewe lambs, J Knox,. 1 and 2; ram lamb, J Knox, D Fraser; ewes, 2 shears or over, McEwen Bros, J Knox; pen of ewes, McEwen Bros; fat sheep, Jas Sander- son. 1 and 2. phos. -Berkshire -Aged boar, Jas Ross ; spring pig, A Wells, A Robert- son; brood sow, A Wells, C Barker. Yorkshire -Aged boar, A Robertson; 'spring pig, L Brown, 1 .and 2. Chester -Spring pig, S Snell, A Robertson ; brood sow, A Robertson, S Snell. FRUIT. -Winter pears, R Ross, H Robb ; fall pears, L Brown, H Thom- son ; crab, apples, 11 Robb ; Baldwin, Geo Johnston, 11 Thomson; yellow Bellflowers, A Miller, L Brown; Ben den Davis apples, L Brown ; russets, 11 Thomson, W Douglas; Fameuse, P P Aylesworth ; Northern spies, W J Johnston ; Smokehouse, J Knox ; Rambo, w J Johnston ; Rhode Island Greenings, Geo John- ston ; Colverts, L Brown ; Seek -no - further, S Snell • Tolman sweets, P When Baby was sick, tiro gave her Castoria. When she was a Cltiid, aha cried for Castoria. When elle became Miss, 1ho clung to Castoria, 'When she had Children, s:te gave them Castoria. For Over Fifty Years AN OLP AND 1V1SLL•Tn1E1) RsMiDY.-Mrs. Wins- over fifty boon used for o Y has low's by milli usoSyrup years by millions of mothers for their chiluren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sotfens the gums, allays all pain. cures wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists in glory part of thc worm. Twenty-flvo cents a uottle. Its Yaluo is Incalculable. Betsu e andd ))o gttor akirs. •Winslow's Soothing syrup, 'Sy 1 ot HAMILTON ti Organ lf; 1893. This is to ortlfy that Mr. T. H. Ross, of', ,ghnr, is our nga and that he only is authorized oiler our gond or sale in li'inghanr and %loiuity. Any one else to may offer to supply our goods c not get them from us and parties desiring tha go,' • lie article shold apply to Mr. Ross only. Trio BM On0AN k PIANO Co.LTD. Vis. moi, i�L-r�-r��a t:„ j WINGHAM. Capital, $1,'350,0110, hest, ;1050,000 President -JOHN ETuea'r. Vice -President -A. G. RAMSAY. What have you for a hungry wheelman? inquiredth glancing over an the in knickerbockers, b bill of fare. Our saddlerock oysters toll ler, , are very fine, sir, said the solemn 1' Aylesworth ; Maiden's Blush, A I waiter, unbending slightly. --Chicago Miller St. Lawrence, H Robb; Tribune. DAIItY PRODUCE. --'1101110 'Made cheese, Jno Knox, Y P .Aylesworth ; 51bs table butter, W C I-az]ewood, L Brown ; 20 Ms table butter, L Brown, P P Aylesworth ; crock of butter, W C Hazlewood, L Lovell; N ns P P 4.ylesworth fa ounce pippins, y e If, on blowing the nose in the morning, cY Collection ar ed colored fruit, w II McCracken ; grapes, 00 time in applying a remedy. Robt Ross. of the very worst kind has become seated, the walls are sora and full of small LADIES' WORK.. -Berlin wool work, ulcers, and if not soon cured will be Robt Ross, D Il Moffatt; ,braiding, J hrirditto cue re oand s nie eradicate. "A stitch h Cowan, Geo Moffat ; centre piece and iCatarrh Cure. Newton wren p i pl ) P P Ay 1 sworth ; A Caution! A warning! fall pippins, les, Pi Douglas , • canned) lumps stud flakes aro discharged of apples, P P Aylesworth , with blood, especially on one With a cough, cold or sore throat. Use a remedy that relieves A�L7from the start, seethes and heals the inflamed tissues of th• ]crynx or bronchial tubes. ®® Y�l�. i�: G�know a good watch when rj,l 4CAIEATS,TRPIEMARKs 1 you see it ? Of course youill f •'t COPYRIGHTS. DI do. 1.� I CAN I ()DTA IN i PATENT n For a r_ prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to 11 MUNN 'd C(>„who have had nearly fifty years' Cr 11 experience in the patent business. Commnnica- �i[if�, I tions strictly confidential. A Handbook • of In. C,1 t formation concerning L'atonts and bow to ob. l• t� ' tarn chum sent free. Also n catalogue of modinn- r ti it tl �i ii 1ca1 and Patents token, bo ros ghnt free. J� j� rJ iem taken through Munn & Co. receive t Ens are t•c,entific American, and RI; I'I Ens are brought widely before the publicwith- C� out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, o far the RI; hal Movementsis s bash 1 Den our S eC elegantly illustrated, S p Lr larges weekly. tlegan y in Gold, Silveri and (;cold `r. ve -gait St circulation of lscientific atpiessontSvkree the rillTilled Cases? New Styles i ,lild1Ed1tBon,Nme numberlcont tans bienue and YtLttel'rlg• tifui plates. in colors, and photographs of new i�J -, houses. with plans, enabling builders to show the J 1' latest designs and secure contracts. Address 'AO i�,� bIUNN & CO., NEnr Yonli.:ifol BnoanwbY PYNY-PECTORAL is a certain remedy based on a clear know• ledge of the diseases it was created to euro, LARGE BOTTLE 25 CENTS. DIT RCTORS JOHN PROCTOR. 010. lto.t011ss (Toronto).' M•P, A. T. • Cashier -J. TUR.NBULL. Savings Bank -Hours, l0 to 8; Saturdaye, 10 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards received and interest sed. alto current Special Deposits also received at curre rates of ir:-crest. Drafts o„ Oreat Britain and the United State* bought and sold side, lose d Catarrh B. WILLSON, Aetslr E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. doilies, R Ross, w M Robinson; cone work, J Brethauer, P P Aylesworth ; tea cosy, R Ross, w M Robinson ; crochet work, R Ross, J Stewart; darned net, R Ross, J Brethauer ; screen, R Ross ; drawn work, J Cowan, Geo Moffat; arrasene em -1 offered to trade 'itu a byslekle.- broidery, Robt Ross, w M Robinson; Indianapolis Journal, embroiders' in muslin, Robt Ross, Jas -•--- I I wonder, said Tommy, who had been reading the poem about the old Arab who refused a purse of „ for his beloved steed. I wonder what be would have did if they had • firkin of butter, D II Moffatt. I Stewart ; • embroidery • i outline, J ROOTS. -Seed onions, W 11 Me- i Brethauer, Geo wort .7 Cowan; Ro- W ter a 1 „ y Craeken, J Brethauer; potato onions, I in silk, Jas SNorway Pine Syrup, and of It Ross • elnbroid- few doses found great relief and one ease,btit a ,s very called upon to ots- H McCracken, Jno Knox ; dutch , man embroidery, ' , e enttrel cured toe. it is the best bottl y play the:istroublingver symptoms of palpita setts, 5 I3lethatler, W II McCracken; cry in worsted, R Ross,J Cowan • tion, fluttering,', labored breathing, op - play potatoes, P P tiylssvorth, 1'4' 11 tidy, R Ross, sv lI Robinson ; feather 1 cough medicine I havo ever taken. R p Elephant, L flowers, H Thomson, P P Aylesworth• i WALrcrz C'isrrlf, pression, etc., on account of diseased McCracken ; White Elep ' 1 B liueriuo Man Kidneys offering increased resistance to ` Wright• Be'Luty Hebron paper flowers, w IT McOracken, J s7gc of the blood through Lovell, I PPA 1 defective t •e secretive structures, causing I y SwOr t _ • t, • the inn iCl o turnips, J Kno:I, Geo Johnston ; any ytoff OS D MO , �' and this foul blood, resulting to the muscular 'rtox lO' Wright ; field R Ross, L Brown , cotton stockings,' Corbett asverd cC fo ups inti- w - of blo arteries ing the ventricle muscular other, J It , 1 �j100 damages returned. Ed. Leem- the heart hccorntn partially carrots 'iV It tYieCraclzen, 'iV II It Ross, Inco Atotlftt; tatting, s� At offs much of tof he h' Distressing Cough cured, DEAR Sirs -Flavins; a most distressing cough for some time, I tried Dr. Wood's t k'ne. a 0 r- DON'T YOU r', think of purchasing until fr; you call and obtain our r faits prices. J� Caveats and Trade Marks obtained. and all patent B1 la I bt:siness conducted for h10DRIitTit FEES. My ice is in the immedi•+tc vicinity of the PategtOGice 1� EYESIGHT TESTED Free of fill;,,,dmyfaciiiticsforseruringpatentsareunsurpas5e� f li Charge and suitable looses given r, :old • end model. sketch or photograph of invention with • at right prices. 11- description and Statement as to advantages claimed. 4fiNoclssrrveisrnarlefor anopanion.aat* lYl UN SHA •T7C•r' r1- I patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the rr riJ 1V IJ 1'1 YY 1 application rill nob be called for lentil the • Ir utfntis allowed. "Isvr.Tolts' Giornn," con- raining full informatiansent free. All i]Ofllfnaai• The Optician. Wilms Considered to btrictiy Confidential. Win Ilam Ont. FRANKLIN t1 HOUGH VA, , K•L '4 nh 1"i C °trn arx �• t. nY ro Valuable treatise end two bottles of medicine sent Free to any Sufferer. (live Express and Post Office address. x. A. SLOCIT�r CTIVIIr_i`.'tA . 00•. Lid.. 1'erenie. Ont. ix;som mumesiman s tF ilk STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. EAK , K E'+:ift� wr4`T,AV.rail::y:S: hOfti'slt OkW:tiiA .. •b3 GHEE rCURES GUARANTEED OR No: PAY Si The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: C the common every -day ills of humanity. , ARE y ey Nervone and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; noarn- E � � ; liftio sunken, r; I rued burro easllmy flteigoude l fn e;l drela ns andtni ht oyes sunkeng red and blurred --_-...- ;ea:. P • p losses; deposit iu urine and d pins back; stool;distrustful; want of confidence; lack.o energy and strength - WE OA CURE YOU 1 RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY Dpea. (C. & K. JOHN ,'. MANLIN. JOIIN A, MANLIN...o CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. HEART -BEATS, Th Henson Why flits Heart natters. Pal- e r IItltates, 011(1 Is Oppressed, nnti lt!oW to Relieve The heart has a hard old time of it and within itself does not excite much dis- a ' •their thepas, s r , ve :, ) es- e ec t� o V •k` o Lovell, 1' 1' Av]swortll; any other, Brethauer; wax, work, ,A.t the Stratford assizes last week L Lo morbid chttnl*e in the blood unsuited t P Aylsworth; Swede worth • knitting in cotton, •Geo, ..ails prosecution n ease-- nourish the tt�tiues ant, noxious to them. C Baker, P 'i,-1 II ffatt• l tuttln 1g' wool, I h 1 p 1 as Th minute a �c,rt(.s resist the passage f n • garden carrots, long horn, Robinson, R Ross : NV00 en gloves, ins'; for criminal assault, and James Eagleson , i? H moffatt, Geo Moffat; woolen tilts, �, Stewart and James Cummings, for P I* Ayisworth, Vtr J Johnston ; carrots, short born, 1? 1' Aylsworth, J I3ret utUer ; blood beets, p P Ayls• worth, W 1I Me0raekert; turnip beets, W 11 McCracken, W .7 .john- ston ; parsnips, J Brethauer, W 1I McCracken; Initmmotll long rod marigold, W 11 MoCra.eken, .7 13re- W lI Mc- Cracken 1) II Aioftatt, ;Geo Moffat ; woolen ; fat eeny of beef, were acquitted• In socks, Jas Mc1 wen, w II ;.te0raekeii; + Ronald ovf, beef, ac iu ttbd. red rag mat, D 11 Moffatt J Stewart; set ; h J moCrae1 on;' 53,500 for a fire engine , sold to de - table mats, It Moss, w I ; Pendants. novelty, L Brown, s1' m Robinson 'll Velvet,I thrown I painting' on silk or + - tttSblt • painting, water Cblars, i Dont Tobacco SpA Away Ybur LLfo .r ILlI p t fho truthful startihr' title of n book A Jets te�sal't, pencil drawing � rated tebneco habit bout 140 -TO. r , , s , luno fine, .la n in e., atea tale braces Robb ; ,• that gain sMOSdie ]llbw shams SS, , 11 c'poison, nliod. you run no physical or t pan• tr - • „ paralyzed, and from this cause res so-called heart disease, which is owing to wasting- Kidneys not being able to per- form their fiinctions. In older to relieve heart trouble remove the cause in the KCidneys with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. . They relieve the blood of poisonous de- posits, e-posits, it goes on its way a stream of health, relieving the heart and imparting strength to every, tissue of the body. When your heart is in trouble Chase's di- 1 C, 4 ns. ,, e Pills quickly remove the causing cots thftuel ' long yellow, tr I tr iC t tion, no matter whether it exists on ac- s stn, Itos eu, ttR rt ea 1 s0 ns. obLn inived , C 7 t ll r globe, R iib drape w lit R I b os. np nicer disorder f the sexists s ]fiver ,� � ' h r " 11 `�f:cCraclten p h f , leer and ma t to stomach or of nervous rackenGeo. cTh niton;ye ;yellow 1 , count of tsor ere kidneys, liver nue R ROSS, D II Moffatt t otlnt Uois n mr,kei acsk loco 6 1 affCCtiori, SO1fY • LB1.1 i,. •- - Large I sofa pillow, R Ross ; patchwork sofa rin; risk, s.5 No eh nded s j u„do" �(r ear Ing st all dealers.'rPrice tit tion. EarnartsOn, GATiDI.N t i.L: ^ Bt'bwn; caro ormenty s,. tomatoes, P Il 1. )la tVOrtll, J Bre . pill0srr, P A�r]eglt'al'111, L Remedy Co., 8i4 St, Paul St., Aionttgal, bold icy, •$i><te5 Rt Co., Toronto. aver; smsli Iv11.0 vUS, II Thompson, point lace, P P Aylesworth, J Cowan; C, I:.1Vllllatna, lVintthnnl. • 1'�' "1 �1it , L9',,�11, Nal .LJ tl f I motif: IICAT318NT. AL•Tl:a T114ATstEST. BEFU1I:'rlrMAlalki(T. Ali'1'1•.li .vita lesr. T. NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manlin says: -"I was one of the countless vie - tints of early ignorance commenced at 15 yours of age. I tried seven medical firms and spent 8000 without t aware I gave up in despair. The drains on my sy weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical life. My brother advised me as a lust resort. to commit Drs. iiennecly & iicrgan. 1 commenced their Now Method C D Treatment and in a few weeks was a new min, wcth new _ I life and ambition. This STUB four yours ug,) tieaa ramble ant married and happy specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY. ---CONDI `DENTAL. "The vices of early boyhoo(llaid the foundation of My l�tt �IIIS Emissions ruin. later nn a "gay life" and eXposuro to blond di- d j of i symptom xh oda 11 the reek,... the w aeasea completed{�ancoocia, Cured \*ervous Dehilitr-sunken eyes 'einiasions, drain in urine, nervousness, weak back, etc. 'Syphilis caused my hair to fall out, bone pains, ulcers in month and on tongue' inose" CHAS. PCtV}'i!3: blotches on body, etc, I thank God I tried Drs, lienredy r& Iiergan• They restored mo to health, visor and hopp r' We treat and cure Varicocele Emissions, Notions .Debility, Seminal ` hilus, Unnatural Discharges, f Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Sys Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 'YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. _ on a victim? Rave yon lost 'Ong', Aro yon rq? Vag' Our READER! Beg rinse? Hce yens i. `hat it lin' done for othetre twwin do for Your. New Method Treatment FRE.will afture you. CONSULTATION Charge., h FREEsason ble.BOOKShFRtreated E .- "The Golde (Monitor" (illustrated), un of Charge., charge DieVir'NO N I1ESeUiostaRa,2cants, Healed.6 CONSENT. jot• PRlw ATE. NAMES USED C t 0. Du No n toes Non os or PRI- VATE. Vo yhinmedicine n nt ossa. Everything cont°iciertilal. CluestlnMs ilei and jcoat of Treat.. merit, FREE. - _- No.14S SVEl.i Y S h'. DETROIT, T I IICH; EGG K �IEDY & ORS KE _. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Atm IM POTENCY