HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-10, Page 15•••••••••••414•••:244.•••••••••"•""
Queen ay Happenings
(*gn-AWri•it insti91X1P. 110014
lie p
welcomes a new . resident 'WM Taylor visited Adeline
Mr. Russel Erratt, Taylor. • _ •
Two residents will eelebiate and Ian Reid,
birthdays this week, Mrs, rvus.stasauga visited Mrs. E.
Eliaabeth Sara, and Isobel Sarerns• _
SProat. Louise Mitchell was
,Ilsitors.durink the past week. visited by her son Leslie and
With Vera Lammie were Iva granddaughter Barbara Mitchell.
RiOleYt Mervyn and Rene Dunn, Grant, Dorothy and, Brian
Greta 4t, Amy Lammie and Mrs. Arthur visited Mrs, Sara Arthur.
Myrtle Sherritt. _ Churcl_j_mice_was_conducted------
_,_,,Xsitors-witii-Clara-PeatheifBev.: Van Essen assisted by
were Keith and Doris Leonard, of
Willowdale, Bill & Vera Parker,
Beula Sniith, Margaret Larson,
Louise and BElle Reid.
Wes, and Mary Neil and
Howard Johns visited Mrs. Mabel
.Johns. ,
Dorothy Prouty and Jean
Treibner visited Roy McDonald,
Lynn Latimore and Vera Lammie,
Marion Schenk and Jeanette
Lippert visited Hugo Sehenk`and
Speaking contest tonight
Mrs. Van Essen at the piano. '
The ladies' of ChiselhUrst
United Church entertained with
bingo and records on Monday.
. personals
Mr. and Mrs, Gerald ,Flynn,
Lorie, and Susan returned home
alter visiting' with Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Flynn and Mr, and Mrs. Don
Avery and • family at Deerfield "
Beach, Florida.
The Hengall Legion will be
sponsoring a public speaking
contest to be •held at the Hensall
Legion Rooms at 8 p.M. on
Thursday, March 10. This contest
is open, to all public school age
children from Hensall and Zurich
schools. Winners will be
advancing to the zone contest to
be held at the Clinton Legion Hall
on Saturday; March 12. '
exhausted it is anticipated there
will be an -overall surplus which
will permit the Authority to
receive !nest, if net, all, of the
required funds."
. The Authority had asked for a
budget of $587,760 at its year-end
meeting held December 10 bill it
was reduced to the current figure
by' • the. Ministry of Natural
Cut Back
The budget drop will mean a
cutback in some programs.
especially conservation area
development • according to
Resources Manger Pearson.
Pearson continued, "The
revised budget shows a change in
priorities by the Ministry. It is
placing more emphisis on water
management and erosion control
than recreational development of
-conservation areas."
In one of , the first items of
'business on the agenda,,
Authority members approved an
expenditure of about $100,000 for
erosion control along the banks of
the Ausable River at Grand Bend.
Of the, total cost, the. Province
will pay 75 percent and Grand.
Bend as the benefitting
municipality will be assessed 90
percent of the Authority's share.
. Grand Bend representative B'Ob
Simpson said- an agreement with
the owners directly affected by
she improvements to undertake
part,of the Village's cost is• being
worked out. .
The resources manager said
the work would consist of gabian
basket installation along the
banks for a distance of about 450
The water management budget
for the year--will'be $181,500
compared 'to $140,500 for
recreation and -$1.80,000 for
administra tion and 'maintenance.
2nd Term
Chairman' Roy Vtrestcott was
returned to a second term by
acclamation as was vice-chairman
Ivan Hearn of Lucan.. Mr.
Westcott is the representative
from Usborne Township.
Bob Austin of Arkona was
nominated for both positions but
declined ' but he indicated he,
would be in the running for,one of
the positions next year. _
When nominated for chairman
Mr. Austin said, "Last year when
also nominated I -said I would be
in the race sometime, but, this is
not the time."
When, commenting on his
nomination for vice-chairthan he
was more specific saying, "I will
be making my bid next year."
Chairmen of the various
committees making up the
advisory board are Bob Austin,
John Duncan, Joseph Dietrich,
Wilson Hodgins, Donald Liffigow
, •
Match is + 11111
Red Cross Month
Canvassers will be , calling
oft foil. Please give
- •
thetn youi support..
7A4 O
smaiv%twompa::,..a:iwammw4 ,,*#,evArzwir.,,,mfgar.ak.
:.• :1 1LS
Ar'• ::..OgadadkkantlEBtak
7h1S is a sale you can't afford to miss!, -
For the past 2 tnoriths we have been
planning old assembling.ci sale which is
one-of-a-kind! We have approximately a
$250,000 stock of first line TV's and
appliances, and the best service and
warranty in the business! And it's all
at our RR 2, Listowel location.
Owing ,to the spefial prices on these
items, our advertising budget is limited,
so we can't show pictures . . . so
We have brand names such -as:
* General Electric * RCA
* Quasar * Sharp
* Mors* * Moffat
* Gibson * Leonard
* Findlay
• * Simplicity
* Norge
Modern Maid '
* Electrophonic
- *G
We are putting unheard of prices in
these dbys of inflation.on •this high
quality merchandise from
* FEBRUARY 24 to MARCH 28, '77.
These are delivered prices. For pick-up,
t _deduct 3% of the prieb.
Here are Idst a -few examples:
'1 % .
30" Range . . . . from $289.00
30" Self Clean Range
with timer:. white or coloured .$429.00
no charge, for colour!
Refrigerator (white or colour) . . $414.00
4 Speed Washers f(white) . . . $319.00
Dryers (white).: . . 8T79.00
Dryer with auto. driCycle (white) . . $199.00
• Dishwasher - 6. push butidifs . . $309.00
. (white or colour) , - -
4implicity Spin Washer . . , $259.00
23 Cu' ft. Freezer (white), . $299.00
• Built-in DiShwastier (any colour) . . . $289.00
When you purchase a reffigerafer; choose from left,
or right hand doors; colours, side by side models. -
Many models...,sizes and makes in stock. Big
values in refrigerators, ranges, washers and dryers, '
dishwashers, TV's -and stereos.
20" Portable TV with automatic
AGC Control,. . $30.00
full Console TV with Castors. Complottily.autornatic . . $419,411
45' Console Stereo with record . . .12111.00
6C' 'Console with record . $214.00
Owing to the low prices on th.dr ltims, there will be no
trades accepted. Ask fo see our used dePartment.
15 cu. ft. Frost Free -
tt ' 1 f•r• Ni.9-a".4a .i.i W4-0T Si' . . N*2 : ,MW•flormilti 191 MOW IV
40 Elskiwol,aliforto 1 a
.A011,1.3140 ,
okt. . Vote Baal:— " - Snits
Diets daily Monday thni filday 1
9• a.m. to 01 patio' Saturdall
till S 0.m.
„.aosteemertatlq IStaisigillawwwwiewwwwww•loottalostmdti tiWill."701."
'AUTHORITY. ADVISOFIY BOARD - The annual meeting of the Ausable-BAyfIeld
ConservatiOn Authority was held. Friday. MemberS of the eitecutive and advisory
board are shown above. Beck, left, Joseph Dietrich, Wilson Hodgins, John Tinney,
Robert'Austin, Donald Lithgow, Frank McFadden gild Allan Campbell. Front, past
chairman Elgin Thompson, •chairman Roy Weston, vice-chairman Ivan Hiarr?
..„ and secretary-treasurer Lila Hume: (T-A Photo)
.• In accordance with' provincial
spending restraints, the Ausable-.
• Bayfield Conservation
Authority, Friday cut its annual
budget from 'a year ago:
At the annual .' meeting
Authority members approved the
1977 .budget as presented by.
secretary-treasurer Lila Hume. It
:ails for total expenditures for.the
,ear of $502,000. The comparable
figure for 1976,was $513,932. The
' 1975 budget was close to
;600,000. •
In the'flnancial report Mrs:
fume said the authority's
leneral .„ levy to 'the member
nunicipalities will be increased
y • about nine percent
a $117,000: '
The authority's' share of the
,Udget which includes levieS and
• flier revenue 'is $17000, down
-amewhat••from last year.
Resources _manager . Don
earson said the reduced budget
:suited from lower provincial
rants.. The province is expected
pay $331,500 in general and
• ipplementary grant' s.
In her. xeport Mrs; Hume said,
In 1976 a 'total of $333,701.59
as• -requisitioned from the
-ovince in grants irieliOng the
cperience, '76 - Program
• ' counting to $36,000. Patt of the,
ants.. for 1976 werek paid in
vance and the balance will be
id after the final claims are
dited by the , Conservation
itherities -branch." •
She continued, "Altheugh the
• Wings allotted_ for., 1976 were
Authority cuts back
or and Hilda Payne
'The regular meeting of Unit 4
of Hensall, United Church Women
was held on Thursday afternoon
in the_Cliristian Fellewship 'Hall.
Mrs;: James McAllister opened
the meeting- by reading a poem
"Praying Hands." Psalm hymn
709 was read in unison. M.S. Eric
Luther spoke mthe deity of Jesus
"and gave several Bible
references. •
Mrs. McAllister reported on a
recently held executive meeting
of United Church Women and
told Unit 4 what they. Would be
responSibie for'frw the remainder
of the year, MrsLaird Mickle
-played 1everal Irish numbers
which were enjoyeld by all. The
meeting closed With the singing
of the hymn "Take time to be
Holy" followed ' with the
• benediction
" In the' absence of Rev. Don
Beck, Rev. E. - Donald Stuart
• conducted the regular service at
Hensall United Church. Chisel-
Now you art paint With CIEs new Sitper
Latex flat enamel. and completely wash off
most common household stains. Your walls
'and trim will look just like the
day they-were first paipted.
And you can wash- them.
again and again and again. ..
Infact, CIEs never had a
flat latek -wallmainel filth
It's easy to apply and •
conies in a:kaleidoscope of, flat
CIEs rieW Super Latex.
Use it in yotir kitchen, your •
child's mom your Mc mom,
Ro rt L. Plurnsteel
Obituary .
A longtime, member of the
ckers-mith School Board and
mer Tuckersmith Township
incillor, Ross James Forresf, of
• .2, Kippen, died in Victoria
spital, London on March 4,
7. He was in his 57th year..
dr. Forrest was a trustee for 10
rs and a councillor for five,
a member of Hensel! United
re's survived by his wife,
rgaret (Treffry) Forrest, one
, William Ross, at home, and
ghter's, Deanna, Mrs.' David
etc of RR. 2, Staffa and Nancy
ne of Ottawa.
brother, W. Edison of RR. 2,
sail and two sisters,, Grace,
. James M. Scott of Seaforth
Mildred of Brantford also
ive, along with three
E.D. Stuart conducted the
ral service from the Bonthron
r.rial Home, Hensall on
day at 3 p.m. Spring burial
be made in Bayfield
Frank McFadden and John
New Municipal relIesentatives
this year are -Harry Klungel,,
hensall; William Dowding
Adelaide; Murray MacLean, East
Williams; Gordon • Johnson,
Blanshard,; Bob Simpson, Grand
Bend; Ernest Brown, Clinton -and
Allan. Roder, WariVick.
On the subject of flooding
superintendent Ted ,Jones said,
"We are working cloiely with
Toronto as far as snowfall and the
Parkhill ispur only flood control
dam.. and we are presently
maintaining it at loVver than
winter pond level."
• ' Bertha MacGreg
,Brie Luther hai been named
j' Chairman for the committee to
build new arena in Hensall.
Co-chairman is Dave Schulman.
• Council and the parks board
authorization of the construction
of a new arena-hall facility for the
Cost of the • new facility has
been tentatively estimated at
between $500,000 and $600,00, of
which $125,000 to $159,000 must
be raised through public
Deng Mock will act as secretary'
of the group and the treasurer is
Carr M cMahon. • .
Other members include Butch
Hoffnian, council appointee'
Harry Klung'el, Bob Caldwell and
Doug Shirray. •
Hensall Sales Barn
At the Hensall Sales Barn last
Thursday, demand was active and -
prices were"- steady; supply
consisted of heifers and steers.
accept change in life, Mrs. Belva
Fuss sank an appropriate solo "I
asked the Lord." The,postponed
Communion Service will be held
-next Sunday. - - . •
• • • • -Personals
Mr. and Mrs: Doug .Shirray
have returned from , a trip to
Florida. While there. they visited
'with the ,former"s :mother, Mrs.
Mabel Shirray; and visited .the
Florida Keys and Disneyland.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rader
,visited with the latter's aunt and
auncle, Mr. and Mrs..Sam Oesch
ont" Sunday.
- .- Charles Mickle of
'Hamilton spent the weekend' with
his mother Mrs. Laird Mic-kle..
Mr. 'and Mrs. Kenneth Parker
and Mr.aiidiNdrs. Don Dalton and
Carla of Seaforth returned from a
pleasant motor trip to Florida.
Rev. W.D.Jaivis conducted
serOice Au • ' "Catinel Presbyterian
Church on Sunday dispensing the
Sacrament ofHoly Ciainmunion.
Four new members were received
into membership in the seke, of
' t
-two weeks ' ago• approved
Ausable Bayfield
quickness-ef melt is- concerned.- Farcatticirelfers'S37.00 -139.00, burst congregation joined with Confirmation; ; namely Becky
top to' $40.75; steers, $38.25: Hensall for ,this occasion. The- Baker; Jeff Sangster;- JOhn
$41.00, %, top 'to"" $41.50. Pigs; subject of the sermon was the Mousseau; and Randy Moir. Miss
weinlings. $35.00 - $42.50; chunks casting out by Jesus of the evil Brenda Pepper presided at the
$48.50 $65.00. spirits - we must be ready to- piano for the service of
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