HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-10, Page 14.Mrs. John Soldan presided over the Carmel 'Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society 'meeting held on Monday., The -meeting was called by reading a paragraph entitled "Smile". Mrs. Agnes,' Madge was in charge of the Devotional, Her subject was "My Cup Runneth Over When the Spirit is Free", Which was Much enjoyed by all, - Mrs. Soldan took the , topic • "Ecology and the Missionary".: She schooled the group as to the meaning' of Ecology by talking about . changes,),which roan has „made; A. In birds we live close to man: B. Insects inadvertently brought into our lotalities; C. The breeding of a super bee in south America called the' "Killer Bee" who could be here in ten years. In a talk on the . "Great Draught", in the F Sahel area of . Africa and Eth opia 1973; poor economic , practises were cited as causing the great shortage of water and food. It was the old missionaries in these areas who Were best adapted to help handle the situation. Praise' was given to the United Nations for, Unicef. There were-ten-ladies present and one visitor, Mrs. George' Walz of Stratford, a life' member -who paid a friendly visit to-the group. This part of the meeting concluded by repeating the 23rd Nairn- in , -unison. Mrs. Clarence Volland chaired the meeting for iliFLadies' Some matters of improvement were finalized and ordinary business attended. The meeting concluded with. the Mizpah Benediction. Kiiven WI to host others Correspondent Mrs. Rena Caldwell Kippen East Women's Institute will.be hosts to tjhe institutes of 1limville, Hensall and Hurondale when they have , their Cultural Activities meeting on March 16 in theLegion Hall, Hensall. The rail Call will be "What. I hope to be doing ten - • ,.. years from-now." Each member is asked to bring a t'reasu'red piece-- •-," - of china, glassware or silver and give its history. Mrs. Vern Alderdice is convener of the lunch,, cornmittee and the hostesses are Mrs, Harold Parsons and Mrs. AI Hoggarth. • Don Kyle, Amherst, N.S. visited his parents' Mr. and 'Mrs. D.E. Kyle last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Wood- burn, Greenway visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eigar • Mousseau recently. environment and extractive resources. After each - workshop a summary will • be mailed to everyone. who attends; The ,summary workshop of April 19 will bring together all the ideas of the previous workshops and the, goal will be to unify the various ideas and suggestions into a land use concept which • reflects welfare of the community as ewhole. From these workshops -a draft plan will be prepared, and when council has reviewed the draft plan, it will be -'printed and distributed to all residents and a second round of public, meetings will-then take place to discuss a specific plan. Hensall groups meet t SPECIALS • . CLOVER FARM TAa Mmiragemelil Reserxes .the. Right . 10, hmlt quantities to hoilinol,! •..• . Inmily regnireitienIS VANASTRA STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO IN0 • SPAY f A Ac I. FRIDAY S A M 1 P M SATURDAY I, AM Pm SUNDAY if k M. S PM Pricesellotliyo closing Solurdoi, March IT. SEAFORTH MEAT MAR KE Boneless Sirloin Tip RUMP, ar STEAK ROASTS 11 • LEAN SIRLOIN ' OR WING-STEAKS -, Schneiders Skinless --- WIENERS No. 2 2/1:29 lb. .. alma* - vim, Fresh Killed' Stripped and refinished by a revolutionary new process and then refinished and reupholstered by our, expert Craftsmen. The stripping process gently lifts the old finish from the beautiful wood beneath VELVET TOtin• Refinishing Products -4 W io fai OFF Stripping_ 1,7 14—THE HURON, EXPOSITOR, MARCH. :10,,:1977 Carmel WA4S 'studies ecology Odds n' Ends by Elaine Townshend What gift• ? 1 • I have a problem. My. brother in law's birthday is only a few days away, and I no idea what to give hiM. He's one ok those - , people who has everything. With a charming wife, three great kids. and a sister-in-law like me ,. what more could he want? - he was turning their basement into a family room, a gift presented no problem. I " simply took my oldest th.estore, - and and he pointed out the tools his dad needed. Now, the tee room is finished; John has a huge collection of tools, and I'm confronted with the same old question-what can I. give him for his birthday? ' 'I learned long ago not to ask him what he- wants, becanse the answer is always "a corvette." He rates horses as highly as corvettes, and since_ 1 can't_____afford a --real horse, I've substituted inanimate' objects. So far, I've given him a wall tapestry with threepalominos embossed on it, a pair of book ends in the shape of horses heads . and-. a brass door , knocker that resembles a horseshoe: I' far another horsey gift for the house will cause my sister to holler, "wheal" Maybe. I'll combine his two loves, horses and corvettes, by buying an Ornament shaped , like a horse, that he can mount on the hood of his corvette whenever he gets one. • • I could give him a box of turtles;. they're the .only kind of chocblates he likes. He'll have to . • eat them quickly or hide the box 'before the rest of us nab onto it, though. I'd. take ,hint. out to dinner, but he'd probably expect a 'restaurant other than M cDonalds. - - fie thinks John Denver is a fantastic singer, and that's one point on which we agree. He'd enjoy listening to a Denver LP, but that's what I gave •him for Christmas. For three, weeks, I wrestled with the temptation _to: spin: the record on Iny own turntable. I don't feel, strong enough to fight a similar battle, in; • March. I'd give him a subscription to this newspaper, but he might read my column now and again. I wouldn't be able to make and remarks about him, and that would cramp my writing style. - My parents are giving him, a shirt. Maybe I'll buy a tie to go with it. There's always room. for one more in' his closet. In the past few years, lottery tickets have becothe popular presents. If' I bought John a Loto Canada or Wintario ticket and if.he won a Million dollars, I wonder how much he'd share with the generous person who, made it all possible. , I've put a lot of thought into John's birthday present, and' I've reached this conclusion: Regardless Of the gift 1 chose, he'll be happy because he values the thought behind, the present niore than its monetary worth. . • Therefore, he'll accept an ornament instead of a live horse; he'll appreciate a tie more than a tuxedo, and he'll etijOY,a- Big 'Mac' as Much as a steak.' I hope. , ,0•1101111W ......Correspondent , • Mrs. Mary Chessell Mr. and Mrs, Grant Webster spent an enjoyable, 8 days in sunny Jamaica in the West Indies, staying at-Montego Bay` and Ocho Rios. They -toured Kingston ..by bus, and at Dunn .Falls they met Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller . of London, formerly -of Clinton: They; were interestede in the various, crops •grown, which included pineapple, sugar cane,. bananas, coconuts, coffee,, cocoa and citrus fruits. There were feedlots there, too.' ' Big cars are scarce, as gas as- $2.00 a gallon. Bread is $1.50. They found the native people very" friendly, and were impressed with the very white sand on the extensive beaches. With an air temperature of 90 and water 78,'it • was great for swimming. We are pleased to report that Rev. -Taylor i$ off the heart • monitor and coming. along fine. The ladies were in charge of the church:service on Sunday. Mrs. Lois Taylor read the scripture and Mrs. Tom Consitt told the • children's story. Mrs. • Bill written by a" mentally' retardedd child. The members voted to donate the balance of '1976 envelope givings ()Vet allocation- tO World Relief, VolenteerS were listed to canvass for the Cancer Society in April. Dates were announced for Westminster Weekend - May 27 to 29 - and Alma College's One. Day School' for Women, Tues., Aug. 16. . U.C.W. members are invited to Goshe,n U.C.W. meeting at 8:00 ;o'clock on' Thurs., Maieh • to hear Mrs. Pat Wheeler of the Bluewater Resource Centre. Mrs Mary4ane Schuessler of Brod- hagen will be the guest speaker at the April thank-offering meeting ' on April 7, in Varna. 'A dessert„ euchre and bake sale is planned for Wed., April 20 in the township , hall. • • After the benediction, members' practised hymn 103, Herald! Sound the Note, which his become, according to the' March Observer, one of the favorites from the new hymn book: Lunch was served by rO *ShanTChater and Mrs. Reid,„ Turn T ose,iiingy Old . The Hensall Legion Ladies' met 'on Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Mona Campbell, Treasureth_ presiding, in-the-absence of -the ' President Mrs. Beatrice' Uyl. A donation was voted to the Crippled Children. Members were informed the Zone. Commander Mrs: Peg Coombs 'of Seaforth • would be present at the. April meeting. The sports officer Mrs. Iva Reid outlined the' bowling tournaments. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Iva Reid -and Mrs. Vera Smote won the atte'ndance prize. A social hour was enjoyed., and 'refreshments - ;— served. , • .. RebekaliciAttend ktaiiquet The officers and, members of Amber Rebekah Lodge it 349-were guests of Pride of Huron Lodge Exeter, on Wednesday, evening at „Jantes.,St4Inited Chtkrchi_Exeter in fittiba of the AssFrubly Warden Mrs. Helen Spicer who was making her official visit. The World. Day of Prayer service ' was held 'in Carmel Presbyterian. Church on Friday March 4th at 2:30'0.in. with the organizations Of Hensall United Church, Chiselhurst United Church, St._ Paul's Anglican participating in the program. The 'President of Carmel Presbyterian Church Mrs. Harvey Hyde presided and the program was taken by Mrs."Nan Britton, Mrs. Carl Payne- and*Mrs. Ken Eldetl - from 'Hensall United Church. Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. Jack Brintnell from Chiselhurst United Church. Mrs. Annie : Reid, Mrs. Frank Forrest, Mrs. Ted Roberts from St. Paul's Anglican church ,and .Mrs: Ruby Bell and Mrs. Malcom Dougall from - Carmel -Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Gwen Whilsmith, Exeter was the guest speaker. and Spoke on the theme, "Love in Action". CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF TENDER & JUICY - CHUCK "Famous for Quality" MEATS Heirlooms Into Six workshops are planned for Stanley Township residents over the n ext two months as the municipality embarks 'on . the establishment of a secondary • plan. In a letter to all residents, Reeve Tom Consitt urged everyone to participate in the preparation of the plan by attending the workshops. "This plan will have far•reach ing implications for all residents , and landowners and I believe that the residents of • the township should have the opportunity to -participate .in its preparation, " he explained. • Varna couple- The plan will be 'prepared by the Huron . County planning Tell of Jamai i ca . vsit . the Stanley Council and township , department in cooperation with residents, All workshops will be held at . • , ,Dowson led the service, and very ,poem which might have been the Varna hall and will commence at 8:00 p.m., with the exception of- a planning wockshop review which' will be held between 1:30 and 4:30 on March 15. The introductory workshop will follow that 'evening with Consitt as chairman. . Subsequent workshops-t will be held on March 22 and 29 and April S., '-12, and 19 with the 'chairmen being Paul Steckle, Don Brodie, Clarence Rau and Don McGregor. Topics, to be considered at • various' workshops indite( agriculture, recreation; urban,. development,. natural • • WORLD DAY OF PRAYER A large number of Seaforth women joined to mark the annual World Day of prayer service at EgmondVille United Church On Friday. Florence Elford-Wes guest speaker on, the therrie, Love in Action and Barbara Rivers was' in charge of the program. (Expositor Photo) Stanley k h.' Series Dave Robb PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings - Anniversaries Portraits- Industrial • Team & Group Pictures • SEAFORTH 527-0064 capably delivered the sermon. The Men will conduct, the service next Sunday. We wish to express the sympathy-of-the community to the., d, family of Mrs: Fred--Re Fred-Reid,: who passed away on 'Saturday. 'We are sorry to hear that Mrs'. Morti$ Taylor's mother passed away in New Brunswickyiii late February. Our Sympathy to Connie' and her husband , and family. CpngratplatAcins,. , rto Ivan McCIYmont, wbobas been named Master of the Orange Lodges of Huron County. . U.C.W. Donates The worship service for the U.C.W. meeting on Thursday evening had a March theme. Mary Chessell opened the meet- ing with the poem "There is no Unbelief." Breathe on Me, Breath of 'God was sung,' and Sharon Chuter read-Luke 6; '12-19 and gave a meditation on it. Mrs. George Reid led-inpray,er. Sharon read "March Winds and Sun- shine" and Mary Chessell read "Think- of me as Persbn", FROM THE TROPICS BANANAS Lowy. I TIN WITH EvegY - • REGULAR GROCERY PURCHASE "Famous for Qualify" PRODUCE anadion Furniture .--Restor is , . Hwy. 83 across from Acme Signs EXETER /35:0131 er 2622648 OWNED AN6,ofiEftkttti BY EUROPEAN TRAINED CRAFTSMAN • WITH 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN FURNITURE" RESTORING 7% OZ. MACARONI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER