HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-10, Page 13lizehrs fine markets... of fine fobds • •• 4r THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 10,..1877 .7,13 Perth. .to: lea rh" from:Hvion c:1.Oxford, Vitants no:In0r Ltither, National • '• ••••• - — • - • . • EarmerS Union ,Director for • district five, has urged farmers in • ' eve l o ,ments Perth and Oxford counties to learn from the official planning process now underway in Huron Huron F of A Y. r V r)i, K '0 0 6 0.4 0 p.N....xs.N.N.Nx , v.N.v. ‘‘.\....*Rm.‘•‘• ‘s v &v.'s. ..,. ... v.\ Ns, ‘ &, The Seaforth' Jr, Fornrierp . • thank all those who donated trophies . - . for our to urnament n ,..., MacLean Flowers SeaforthsInsurance Agency. .Fee'ds Ltd.' . ' Seaforth Farmers Co-Op." , Martin Murray.- , Gieri • John n E. He McNichol nderson .. , Jim Etue Insurance'Agency. Seaforth Imports Ball-Macaulay . Seaforth GTO , ' . aim Bos Hotel sman's' B.P. Fuels Qmeen' • -.- . Commercial Hotel _ - The. Foi'g.e. • .. Seaforth_Optimist Club , • • . •. . ../ . 7 / p 4 4 r / "William. Newman's statement, that there is all Alio land available to supply our food needs in the foreseeable futbre, can only lead you to conclude, 'if highrises pay best -.grow-them,' Mr. Luther says, "These irresponsible statements by/Our elected leaders are enough to make any agriculture producer throiv up his arins-in disgust and say what's the use ... let!s'Sell to the highest bidder and let the chips _fall where they May." With zoning •agricultural land, the problem of severences arises, Mr.„, Luther observes. "Here opinion is divided, some want no severences at all, some , want •• complete freedom to sever as they ° wish, and some watiLeonditional, • severances. The majority seem to feel that any fartirthat• had an additional house on it should be ...granted the -privilege of severing ,it and quite a few are in favor of a 'once in a litctime' severance." Mr. Luther says that once a severance is, granted these .severances' would then bantlie residential,_probably belonging to urban people. was a rural county not affected by urban develOpment 'such as is found in the • York or 'Muskoka regions„ • "Only two percent of Canada's total land mass is considered prime agricultural, land," Mr. .1444her observes. "Society • is being made aware of the importance of. retaining. this natural resource . for food Production, but unfortunately the. problem is just • being given lip service.' Society. is not willing to pay the piper and there are costs involved.' Mr. Luther ! said farmer's suspect that until a crisis arises, such as the oil and gas crisis, the majority of socioty will, not come to its senses. • As the'Old adage XayS 'buy land, they just ,area' making any more'. InVesting in land for farming •purpoSe's does not give the return that 'investing in it for urban development does, "As a result," Mr. Luther says, ''food. producing land always loses' out, .io urban development." . ' . • Mr, Luther goes on to charge that' Darcy Mckeough ,is only „prepared to establish guidelines without teeth. Home builders ihoUld some place else besides rural Huron County says the Huron Federation of Agriculture. Federation, members. Thursday .night adopted in principle a tough,-' eland-use policy' which cecommends that no s.eArances i; be allowed for new' residences in ,rural • • areas. . • . The policy, which is to be' •preSeritod to all township cOuncil- • • • •,Ioti.*nd • the County Planning !•-Departnient .. for consideration, pags ,limited amount of i,Plfigihtd.: • expansion may be „permitted • in, • or adjacent to ''VEL5ting towns." But the Federa- Oon.wants .no, major develop- . t.'nierifS tO Lake, place in Huron, ""Major disrtiptive industrial tend institutional complexes should 'be prohibited in Huron • •-.NCoupty, ,eg. power plants, steel 'I - the brief ;'Lrecorturiends, • „ TO policy paper was drawn up t by. the Huron Federation's Land ',Use and Tariff committee consist- •9•ET 'Of Merle Gunby, Gordon i'Blatiehard, • •Chartio. • Thorrias, George . UnclerwtiOd, Douglas .Cameron and John ,Oke." • •• 4• k" The committee, according to • ;:.Merle Gunby, was split 'on , the issue Of granting 'severances for, • • • ••exieting'surplus residenceX in the. "This is just sitting on the fence," said one farmer. "Surely we can take a stand on this." Other farmers said it would be "a waste" • not to allow *severances in some cases. After 40 minutes discussion the resolution passed as originak presented by the committee: The Federation also recom- mended that steps be taken to "preserve the agritulturally • oriented 'cominUnity, which -provides a compatible economic and social .environment in• which the family farm can function efficiently." Mobile homes should only be permitted .as part of a, mobile home park, or as residence for someone who is actively engaged in, operating a farm, the brief states. The brief rejects the Ontario Governments stand that land use Planning be &tine only, at the municipal level. "We-suggest that there is a need for Provincial Government involvement in the planning process, to designate large 'areas for specific uses," it reads. . Federation members' heard an explanation of new income tax, laws from Bill" McEachern and Fred Sisson of the Kitchener tax " I is reasonable to assume that members in those counties could be involved in this type of Planning before long," he observed. "Maybe something ,is belpg thine already ...if so, get invalved for you will be affected." Mr. Luther's comments were made in connection with a report 'prepared by James F. McLaren Ltd., Environmental Consultants, consisting of methodology and 'policies for the County of Huron and the province of Ontario in the field of planning. That report was first made public in July of 1975. The 190'page report is a....ktudy in land use pOliciies .in the agrictilture perspective. It is broken down under topics of agriculture, recreation , urban, forestry and mineral. Huron County was chosen at that time because it has no plan while .most other counties shad incomplete plans and .some had .numerous separate plans in a single county. Secondly, Huron • Always drive to the right of the lane on a hill, not the centre line, warns the Ontario Safety League. Unseen traffic over the crest may require evasive action. - ARNOLD ISTINNISSEN .. -7,.. 7 LIFE ---and Mortgage Insurance Plans Income Tax Deductable Registered " -•tr*P ; Retirement Savings Plans and Annuities. Income Averaging Annuities ' Ask for our new Flexible • Premium R.R.S.P. — REPRESENTING — • Tel. 527.0410 Sun Life Assurance- 117 GODERICH ST. EAU Company Of Canada: SEAFORTH for 17 years. •t. super special ECONOMICAL SLICED SCHNEIDERS BOLOGNA super special SUMMERS SLICED SIDE BACON ENDS lib. PKG ' 19 FOR $1 oz. 6 1 PKGS,. 1-ural • area: The cOmmittee 'office. compromised on the issue saying A tesPlutioni was passed they had "serious reservationX" • banning smoking at all future .about. such , Severances- Federation meeting's: super special PORK HOCKS ib. MEATY FRESH super special ' SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED. 9 A,M. TILL CI,OS.ING SATURDAY MAR. 12. PRODOCEOF TEXAS CANADA NO. 1 • PREVIOUSLY FROZEN' es-appointed The 1977 Goderich Airport Committee will, seed County ,:- representative Warden Doug McNeil, and Property Committee ChairMan john Jewitt. In addition to Reeve Flannery, J. R. Hunking, Chairman of the Social Services committee, Warden Doug McNeil, and J. F. M acDonald • were appointed to the Board of the Children's Aid ..7 _ - - Society. James Mair of Brussels will serve on the Board of Directors of Conestoga College, Warden McNeil on the Huron Center for Children and Youth, Donald Eadie-;on' the -Htiron Power Plant • Committee and the members of - „ the 1977 County.. Execu tive Committee were all appointed to life Lodal Government` Study „ Committee. _ For Rent .... - Representativ _ . Members of the Huron r _ Courier Council : lag2'.311110.4Y NEW CABBAGE _ _ -"voted to 'uphold the redornmen- 41ations of its Executive Commit- . „fee in the matter of appointing - representatives to various koards '-and committees for 1977. Only two ,of the appointments, that of'Clarence Boyle of. Exeter 'to the South Huron Hospital :030ard an,d J. F. Flannery to the ..Children's Aid Society 'Board, were actually new however. ' , The remainder represented a Pmove to return present representatives to their . with,. the exception of appoint- dients involving the new Warden. John Fischer of ' R.R.#1, Bluevale Will serve another term th4 Cattriff representative en he • Wingham• and District . ""Board. E. •Beecher Menzies of t'Clinton was returned to histseat•-• 't:orl the Clinton Public Hospital Board as was Gordon Rimmer to the Seaforth ComMunity Hospital Board and Mrs. John•Berry to the Board of the Alexandra Marine and' General Hospital in Goderich. Warden Doug McNeil, Property Committee Chairman John Jewitt and Executive Committee Chairman W,I.Morley were appointed to the Huron Historic Jail Board. W. Elston - will -------repre'serit-Huron-on-tho-Board of the Victorian Order of Nurses. super special t FRESH ONTARIO PORK 1. QUARTER. LOIN •CHOPS SPECIAL! 3 !h. AVG'. $ LOIN END -ROAST Ib.00 SPECIALI SPARE RIBS FRESH COUNTRY STYLE , Ib FRESH PORK super special SPECIAL!• FLORIDA PINK OR WHITE super special FRESH LOIN PORK .38 more special savings 8 fo'l BURNS CORNMEALED SWEET PICKLED • 0 OTTAGEIOLL „ 1/2 OR WHOLE Ib 1.29 PRIDE OF CANADA REGULAR OR BEEF • -1 Pb- PKG GRAPEFRUIT SIZE 48's CENTRE . CUT CHOPS SPECIAkr B,C. CANADA FANCY WIENERS • ,44,,C• C D'ANJOU. PEARS FRESH BAVARIAN STYLE • BURNS4AUSAGE MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED PORK SHOULDER ' SMOKED PICNIC SCHNEIDERS FAMILY PACK _~09 B PATTIESEEF PAES .... • 2 lb. CTN. $ I 4 .801 SCHNEIDERS- BLUE RIBBON - lb. 98c BOLOGNA "-SPECIAL! U.S. NO. 1 FRESH CRISP lb. 89 SCHNEIDERS • 6 VARIETIES • 8 oz. SIZE 89, SPINACH 10 Sr. PKGS. BYTHE PIECE SCHNEIDERS • 3-VARIETIES ' SPECIAL! • ONTARIO N0.'1 TENDER MINI SIZZLERS lb.PKG..09 MiN1 DELI'S 2:99° CARROTS super special BETTY CROCKER - 7 VARIETIES SNACKIN' CAKE 2113. BAGS super 'special HEINZ CONDENSED 'SPECIAL! PRODUCE OF CALIFORNIA NO. 1 Two one bedroom apartments, electric heat, wall to wall carpeting. Mature tenants preferred. Available April 1st. Apply to 3261 The Huron Expositor. - EA. 69c TOMATO SOUP • 10- CELERY STALKS sPtcuti-- • 14 oz. .19 ALL PURPOSE MONARCH FLOUR SPECIAL! INSTANT COFFEE , super special PURE GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR' super -special CLOVER LEAF SOLID WHITE 98* ,TUNA 7 oz. TIN 2 KILO .:- C 6 . .• • 1‘1111.11"841011NLIWIr • NESCAFE— ring is on the way.. • 10 oz. JAR SPECIAL! 100% PURE VEGETABLE SWEET MiXED: iwy DILLS OR BREAD & BUTTER I32;$113a, ROSE BRAND PICKLES _ _ _ 24 oz. 85 COOKIE-JAR, LUNCHTIME OR PARTY PAK _16 o:$1 249 DARES COOKIES 2 lb' .69 KELLOGGS INDIVIDUAL FROZEN CHEESE PIZZAS CRISCO OIL 48 oz. KELI,OGGS INGIVIQUALFR4EN. DELUXE _PIZZAS _ _ _ _ _ 1211 z $ .39 BREAKFAST PRUNES - - - 24 or• 79 a oz $1.39 HAMBURGER HELPER IZ V SRIO ES AUS 69 SPECIAL! BATHROOM TISSUE - 5 COLOURS WHITE SWAN 4 ROLL PKG 8• 9 COLOURED OLD OR MEDIUM CHEDDAR ' CHERRY HILL CHEESE CHERRY HILL•CHEDDAR c RAT TRAP CHEESE C • BETTY CROCKER VARIETIES SPECIAL! BIRDSEYE AWAKE FROZEN ORANGE DRINK— ...12 or_ TIN -...BLUE` BONNET COLOURED 1/41b, PORTIONS SPECIAL! MARGARINE • HIGHLINER FROZEN FAMILY PACK $ _ SEALTEST FRESH CREAMED' FISH STICKS COTTAGE CHEESE YORK FRESH FROZEN, '32 oz. 7 _ _ - - 111 • - SEALTEST COTTAGE CHEESE SPECIAL1 16 oz. 2 F, 10 oz. LIGHT 'N' LIVELY RSP'EtIALI 1 CRISPY CRUNCH 'CAULIFLOWER_ NEILSONS ICE CREAM BARS YORK 14 OZ. COOKED SQUASH OR FR. CUT THS RRY PKG.. NABISCO CEREAL 3 lb AU SHREDDED WHEAT 21.2 oz, 78c 16 oz HANDY FOR SANDWICH—ES 75c REYNOLDS WRAP 98c 12"x SO ft. From March 13 to March -18 " oil., • 4 REGULAR COLOURS — ID" ROYALE 'TOWELS .... TASTING • . • 9.25 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 2 ROLL 98 5% Discount , on all• our store stock • includes• c. CREEP FEEDERS }WRENCH SETS FLY CONTROL PRODUCTS DAIRY SANITIZEkS MEDICATIONS etc. • 17 " '1•69 12 PACK EXTRA STRENGTH LOTION PKG. OF 6 696 INTENSIVE CARE IC RASPBE WIT 3 F BUTTERHORNS 200 MI. $1.29 18 oz. $111,59 -GREEN-BEANS , R STRAINED FRUITS. VEGETABLES OR JUICES JOHNSON6SHOUT 4 1/4 oz. PRICE 23c STAIN REMOVER HEINZ BABY FOOD sufp,eif special at.A0 DIAMOND • PROCESSED • IF CHEESE SLICES BATHROOM BOWL. CLEANER 4 VARIETIES 47 °2' 99c PLAYTEX TAMPONS „,„20)_9299 Cl WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREM ENTS. SANI-FLUSH super_special ZEHRS FRESH GRADE 'A' LARGE. ' EGGS- super special WESTONS FRESH APPLE PIE 21b. super special 8 FLAVOURS • DELUXE QUALITY D02. super spepial WITTICHS LUNCHEON ROLLS ” PK super special SKIM OR 2% PARTLY SKIMMED FRES H' . 3 CIT. BAG OR JUG 2 LITRE • •••4•4•, >>>>>> VVE Attr CANWNIENTLY LOCATED IN - Fergus, Elmira, New Hamburg, Hanover, Kincardine, Goderich and Orangeville. TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED • I, ••-•••%-- It DS 2.1 t DDATIONS IN KirCHF NE 11 WATER( ory. 001LPFt AND CAMEAll 10(4 PlItne.,5g7•1910 Seaforth "14 I- r:4•-••••••••4..... • 1 Y.r w . , • ....:A•••••••".--.1.!:•-•""',• • ,