HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-10, Page 81p6ium Nommomorimminiiiimmiakimi 1111i11 1110111 1 1111111111 1 1r1 n 111111;11a TRYING TO KEEP FOOD PRICES DOWN! FOOD STORES IMO still being received The annual. ,Red Cross fund raising campaign in the Seaforth area will continue throughout • March. Volunteer canvassers hope to raise $1800. to support the work of the Red Cross in the community. Honourary executive of the Seaforth Red Cross committee, which was one of the last two • independant Red Cross societies, in Ontario, and is now part of the London District organizatiOn.are: president, Lillian Kerslake; secre- tary, Mrs„Lorne.Dale; treasurer, - Ina Scoins. Treasurer of this year's campaign is Paul Baker. Campaign Captains for the drive are: Seaforth North East, Mrs. Donna Patterson; North West, Clarence 'Walden; South East, Mrs. Wilfred Titford; South West, Mrs. Glenn Staffen. Mrs. Don Stewart is captain for Harpurhey, Mrs. Wm. Smith for Egmondville and Bob McMillan is in charge of the country districts. Anyone missed in the door to door canvass may forwafd donations to any Seaforth bank, or contact -a member ,of the local committee. . The Red Cross depends upon public donations to support its numerous services: Locally, the Red Cross operates a blood donor clinin to supply Ontario hospitals with blood and blood products, 'provides, swimming instruction certificates, and aids victims of disasters, such as those who lose their possessions in fires. Established 1876' • McKILLO-P .MUTUAL . FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFlotT 10 .MAIN ST.;'SEAFORTi+,' ONT Mrs. Margaret Sharp, *See. Tr'fag.i Fh, 527-0400. • FULL COVERAGE Form and Urban Properties Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft Various Floater Coverages . Homeowner's, Tenant's FaCkage,Composite Dwelling Directors and Adjusters , itobi.ArchibakI,R.11.4, Sesfinth 527.1817 1 Ken Caninchan, R.044, Seafiiittr • 527-1545 LaveniZodkiffilLit.t01, Walton 527.1877 Miss Lionhnedtf li.R.J, Bornholm ' 145.4s4. John Met*Ing, it.k..1, tilyth 523-9300 kinfite#Miiitiothir, li.R.2,1GonlerIcli ' , 5244051 binntict810Ciiiher,11.1R.L..Dablia ' 51/.1817 Win. roenneil ttruintle1d 482./514 .1.1ttrevtitOnatottb1;attittnt . 4824591 * AtIENTO , '-- StaiesKeyii,:11:11.1,Seartaili . ,. 527.0461 Sliria,telotrilLiii,f, LOttiatshotp . gOve,l'Atimosh,ltja,$iiiiiiili • $1.1-41S1 ' a4S42172 ; CAftLL, AN AdErIVTOk THE OPPICi 8,+-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 10; 1977 Kilbarchan residents Area Weddings• Learn 'meaning of Ash [by Mabel Turnbull] Rev. M.E. Reuberi Northside United' • Church took the devotionals last week. He reminded us it was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season, and of our Lord's Passion leading.: up to his Crucifiction. He told us why it was called Ash Wednesday. The sign 'of the Cross is placed on the forehead using the 'lilies from the palm leaves of a previous year which have been burned. •This custom is still carfied on in the Roman Catholic Churches. Rev, Reuber took thoughts from St. Marks Gospel Chapter 3 and' St. John's Gospel Chapf. 5. After Jesus:healed the man with the withered hand at the synagogue on the Sabbath day, the Pharisies went forth and took cousel With • the Herodiaus against him: In St. John Chapt S there Was a feast of ' the JeWs, and they accused him of eating with pUblicans and sinners- also tax gatheretS who were hated He 'healed the cripple by saying, '.`Take up thy bed.-.and walk." Immediately the man was made whole. To get the' complete story, read the gospels _I have just mentioned. He called :God His her malting himself equal to God Which was blaSphettly:'Jesus told' Ahem he came to forgive and heal not to kill. A little 'informal talk • followed in which these notes . • were mentioned. I said I needed a course in Theology to write up the services by the local minsters every second" Wednesday afternoon.. Then Rev. Reuber spoke of refresher courses at the. Unviersity of Toronto \which he attended from' time. to time. Rev. lire 'Stewart oisganizes these meetings, choosing the Wed. various/Speakers, ,„-.,/rerennala Birthday Greetings to Maftie Aho, 73, who is a-, native of has been a resident here.for some years. • Don Hillis- called to see his aunt. He was on his way to the 'Mill' at lientniller with a group of fellow teachers from Ingersoll High School to d workshop there. Spring is round the corner. Mrs. Frank Hulley'reports seeing and hearing the 'crows in Munn's bush. They've escaped me yet but traditionally they should be there.. Antihistimines AntihistamineS `do a good job as cold-symptom and allergy fighters, but they can cause inattention, confusion and drowsiness. 'Read and heed the • warning on the label, says the Ontario Safety League. , 7-Ants February Meeting held last Thursday, .ff won County Council struck a budget totalling $2,420,000 for the 'operatiOn of Hnronview during '1977, . • Of that total figure the Province of Ontarie,:through the Ministry of Community and Social services, 'pays $1,1595.762 Je2art4g38.the, country's shire at $ Before making- final approval, the . Huronview Committee of io a Management brought number ' of revisions to their original estimated budget. An increase of $7,451 was made, to the area of Medical and Ntirsing. Services bringing that section up to a total of $1;098,555.. Building -and Property. budget was increased by $42,000 to $271,136 and , General and. Administration was brought up to $140,587 with- an Increase of $8T3h4e77 - item covering capital expenses. was decreased by..$19,000 however to $20;000. , other business littronVieW adMinistrator CA,41410ald told -council that RIO* reniav'ai coats at Huronview are the highest experienced in many years and activities inviliving• outside tale,* and voluilteerS have been considerably curtaileci'due to the illclernerit weather. ,Northside--UCVV, Mr. Archibald also noted that several cases of influenza during the early part bf ,this, year required a ban on residents visiting other areas. "The , outbreak has new subsided," he, noted, "and • residents have the freedom of the whole building again." Scripture verses taken from Genesis chapters 24 to 35, was, led ..by, Mrs. Allan with rs. McCartney, Mrs. Rae,, and Nirs. Malapuik as scripture readers. Mrs. W. roadfoo't led in prayer and "Just,, as I am without one plea" was sung. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Roberton , and Rev. M.E. :Reuber-closed the meeting with' prayef'. Mrs. Malanuik conducted • a SriOw" contest. Lunch was served by Mrs. Roberton, 4ers. Dunn and Mrs . Elgie. Council sats:HvroiWiew- 00400 GLAVILLE-MUITI, Jane Elizabeth Muir,-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Muir of • Seaforth, and Larry Stephen •Glanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Glanville of Egmondville, were married March 4 at the Egmondville United Church 'by Rev. R. Roberts. Maid of honour was LOH Kennedy of Huron Park. Allan Dale, of Seaforth was the groomsman. The couple will-reside on Goderich Street East in Seaforth. hrito by Phillips) MOP Unit 1 of Northside U,C.W. met Tuesday evening March 1st at the manse, President Mrs. W. Dalrymple opened the meeting with a reading, "Bedtime Story". Roll , call was 'answered by 17 ladies. Letters froth the Foster Child, J. Yung, ' Plan Social Worker,Kim Sung Ku., • Were read telling about the child and her family. ' Worship service in charge of Mrs, Allen and Mrs. Malaniuk- was opend with "0 God of Bethel by whose hand',.'. A Bible study of Isaac, Esau , and Jacob with Geti letter from foster child 11111•• UMW „ llll ...... = ...... ..... Tues. MarCh--15/77 ... ' iiiillifi . lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . ...... MUM niage• Prices effective till 0107.0 IMMO -E PItic• OF-THE. CROP . . 11•77.1 =NM IMO 1,.... P.M 7.10 11M1111 ‘11W ••••tr'' =Pink or White'. . SIM mon 111••••••• mild•I -. 401111W • , IMO •••••::"""..". mow .••••711 MIMI mai mom lelliiir•10001100111 011M7 minl OMNI -9.11.1111111111.11111111011.1.1 !GRAPEFRUIT 7/89c1 .,... NNE 1••• --qmmown.- -=-0-ni -Grawn-N-o-;-1 = . -,-----=: ::---4104,-Golden-Y-ello illimil"Illirmr_____._ =- ...,.....imgmoormin....' = sm. = . 21111.11. •••••.' liOr imM17 -7. aft BAN A NITS "Nr-- .... ,------.2---. t'CARROTS - 2 , 8 a 0 .7.-.....q NZI: ' ChiqUifa , • -r. '', --7.-- -. aug. Schneiders 7641=P•ir ..,, 1 ...-x. WIENERS z . - Ont,Grown . . . , . • -. -.. ...... Ow 00' ..... Nam sow IMMO .S ..."*Sloo.A.. 1 111. 79 , ..,.., -_=MUSH ROOMS. 99 * =- ' ,,. . .... , . • Lb - - /,‘ • ,- -„,,,.... ..... Nib. moo emme -- -tig .... r Pkg. . .'N. EEProd USA Can No 1 _ .17-1 , • - Lk - %,..N'4 ,.. = MOO OWEN "." ki I I illt‘"- tt‘‘ ICELERY STALKS 59c.-1 t - .9111 ..., thiiiiiimummigimmimmainimmilimmiiiiiigi , , , thiummumminumilimiumimmummumumiliiiiiim OW it. ,1 - 4 - = ' ' I 41111 ittt4 . . . . .. = LeOIXor e et Pkg.. °IeleggerelOs i i-(1 , iONION RINGS' 2/*1i York ..... °O.° 1.... Alm& • • LL I. i LI LI y S ,,,,qu."4"11111111jE"r. .., ........."-- E Kellogg's Eggo . ..... -WAFFLES .... Reg. Flavoured 1114. , .... . MOM ••••I MOM OEM &MN aillik .1111:111. Smooth ......e.....i.mw.... a --..m......-.. ....- = .........--- ..... .... =E Imil" PEANUT' ---- -=4 z 29 B ird's Eye AIM PAGHETTI ,_ ECOOL WHIP ,nn ..... ..... .,....... , sfr MIMI MIMI NM, with ,.Tomato Sauce & 'Cheese' ,4•14. = ' 1 litre °S."t! ,S: B UTTER • z-- :=, . ..... ..... . • 28 Oz. $ .:::- Eweocin's ....:..i - ...... .... MEE ‘. . Es COOKIES ...... Choc. Mallow Pk g. Choc. Eclairs 14 oz, 99 0 IMO = 114. 2 Lb. . • i ...... =. Tins elms mom mem Men Jar I • 4.9 11 /4111/4 =1"."..u." ..*%•. IMO 4170111• MIN 7.1 , MEM _ ‘4 'n'll= Betty Crocker . 7IMn MAI 41111 1 IiiiIA%4%‘ •••• 140 ( I 10%4°4 15 Oz, N. ,-.., . .., Fr.-SNACKIN CAKE .69c= . E .... • 1.7 . 40101/1/ doe. 1EKIDNEY-BEANS j/*11. .40; ,/dts, „, A, _ E. StOkley Dark Red or New Orleans 14 Oz. t • MUM •I▪ FIl• N MI limml - - 011111111.11r 511111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111110 .&._4010kt '7 64° 10111111.111114 inon• NM .111m6 ge: :::: PAPER-weir- 7.--- - ;ALPHA BITS . --,..m..r.- Hill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110. 44" 'V an Camp "--""11.11m1"."7: : = P o nt • io Oz. Pkg. ,69° =am ...... .:- =PORK PORK --...-- .. ..........-,..,' .,.., . ...... MIN IMO NUM • MIN White Swon=r = Aim "sr am imms : OEN 1 111..t TOWELS ,... ......_ -- Mop.le_lepf Individually Wrapped 16 az, N.. ...• lll , • BEANS , . ., 1 111•7. ..... ORM MOW 7111110 .07m. ...„,.. ICHEESE SLICES 1.49 E' I sa-;.4 OMB 1•71.77 0•11.1 . ,. a t 4• \ I- LARD •1 Lb. 6 a ...., .. , 1.4 Oz: 3/.$1 _;... Tins i. . . . NMI 114., maw si q, • lhafkg. 99. - .-,z.4. ..... E. Canada Packers Tender Flake ..= NMI ...MI Nt7l =IN" INOM. MUM PAO 2 __...‘.144. Imm• •717•• 11•7•MI •► 2/91 i wit,/ 0,4%,' . Inn IMO MUM 0.1•7 NM OMB 1411 1 tkl'' a Schheiders Family .... `74111111titt4 , .... - MOM MIMI E- BEEF PATTI ES_. ES 2 Lb' 1 ‘110/Mili ......... . ... I ' .4 111,„ ,. = IMMO , = Schneiders Country frozen - - 0).-e-r- . OWN MEE ISM ..••Ifork i SAUSAGE piit.,1 .19 i , - ..,*s,,,ocii,,, 1 c . : - - " 11 " e- • • • • ". • ,, . . 0 • rt. . re ,,,,, . .. . i MOE Alit "41111.11.1.411.011101110 • 5:.Schneiders ' 1.1 h. 990 = ' 41111111 I ' ."111111111111.11111.1111"w' = no, . ....= aim Whole'Kernel --moseurar -..- = ;SKI LET STRIPS .. . ...it,. st.willicirn . •-rwimiri.-- ...,:- . . - F: Schtterdirt: frozen , . Ma ' . v-qp-r wirmirmr ....;- = = • Raspberry or StraUtienl-- ..... ..,, = allie ; i ti.. i am . MS 7 mi.. 1 CO R N . , . .1•17. •••• WWI • = ' API '..t. .' E. IM EAT P1E$ 4 Oz. 690i ......... 9° 1.16. = d* . , : -4.7 IMMO OMB LI • .1P. 24•0t. • Ea lit_ ' far e.:... Mill1111111111111111111111H10111111111111111111111111i11011111filla _'>11s * 12/01.- 3/$1 . '''' = .4%."' . = 1.10:0.40,.• Tint PPM ) --1 .!' ' - '... 111411NO IGISCIF .... 11'01006 ---Troitoido- . MIMI FOC)I STOP ES STORE HOURS' .... a Mon. TWOS, Wed, Sot, ..9-a = WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES:. MARTINHO-YOUNG Caroline Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Young of Seaforth, and Manuel Martinho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinho of Pombal, Portugal, were married March 5, at First Presbyterian Church by Rev:E.G., Nelson, Vickie Harris of R.R. - 1, Seaforth, was the Maid of Honour. Groomsman was Manuel Gaspar of Leamington. Al Young of Arnprior acted as. usher. ' Organist for the ceremony was Mrs. Carol Carter. Following the wedding, a supper was held at the Commercial Hotel. -(Rhoto by Frank Phillips) = 14144. ..... Aft MEMO 7 1 • • • 7 • I Red Cross donations are I MI .1 go° MOM ,... MINI 171171717 Seafatth .Ontario • • • MEW .. • ... . liturs and Po. 4-9' 1.1.' .-.;111111011111111110111iiiinilliOnlipiiiiiii101111iiii10110$0111111101111iillfilffillnl!Illffilill010110101111111100101111)10140111111011010111111111111111111111111111111thiO101110., N▪ O •