HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-10, Page 5THE HVION EXPOSITOR, 11,4ARC4 10,41977
'Alethia"presents gospel
music at Huronview
Two 'new residents were welcomed to the Home at
Monday's activities, Mrs, Augustallkevell.. and Ross Krueger:
Providing the old-tyme music for dancing and the sing-a-long
were Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson, Ntor Speir and Cecil.. .
The residents enjoyed an hour of fine gospel music on Family
Night by the Alethia. This group of seven young pebple from the
,Exeter area areDave•Rundle, Paul Sharrow, Mel Melick, Bill
Wells, Carolyn Nancy ancl!Datiid Perry. The audience had an
apportunity at the iaat part of the ,program to name their
favourite hymns and joined in a sing-song. Cecil Skinner thanked
the grotip on behalf of the residents. • •.•
Thirty 'members of the over .90 club -met on Wednesday,
afternoon and enjoyed a musical program. The fiuronview
Orchestra played several-Olnyme numbers and led a sing-song
of Irish tunes, A vocal duet by Mrs. E. Henderson and Mrs. Cox,
and one by Cecil Skinner and Nelson Lear were appreciated by
the members and also the assistance. of the Walkerburn
volunteers. Tea and cookies were served by the ladiesL
Rev. Wittick of the Blyth United Church conducted the
quarterly communion 'service for all faiths :in the Chapel. Mrs.
Rean accompanied at the organ and Mrs. Gordon, McClinchey
sang two solo numbers. Mrs. Webster, an elder. of -the Blyth
- Church assisted with the service. -
The Clinton ChriStian Reform Church were in charge of the
World Day of Prayer Service this year led by Mrs. Vanden Burg.
Mrs. Henderson accompanied for the hymns and the collection
which was taken will be, given to., Oxfam. It was received by
Gladys Stanlake and Ann Scott. Special musical numbers wre
given >ly .Mrs. Weiringa, Mrs., Van Dyke and Mis. Slotegraaf.
We are very' happy to have added the name of Ed 2eale of '
Clinton to our. list of volunteers. The need for, volunteer help 'at
the Home was brought to Ed's attention by the Huron Volunteer
Bureau. We would recommend that if • anyone in, the County .
' needs volunteer help or has. some time to spare, please get- in
touch with the Volunteer Bureau in Clinton.
Egmondville UCW sees slides
Egmondville United Church mature, there • is : a great
Women's March 17th meeting, in difference as the fall gardens are
the absence of Mrs. Helen ablaze with marigolds. So it is
Chesney who at present is. a with people, it is hard to' tell the
patient in Seaforth Community _OW from evil, the ladies said.
Hospital, was co-chaired by Mrs. There's so much good in the
Alice Boyes and Mrs. Mabel worst of us,
Goderich, they were often in ---
need 'of, such accommodation.
. Goderich, Township. Reeve.
Gerry Ginn asked if this meant
that because the 'Goderich
closed that, costs 'were now'
beginning to fall back on the
John McKinnon, of the county
Social Services' Department,
explained that such was not really
the case as even when GPH was'
in operation, accommodation was
still called for in some cases.
• - He-also informed council that
decision has been made at this
time but that a recommendation
in this connection would, likely be
made to council at a later date.
The Social' Seryices' C.ommitee-
.-grecommendation that the' 1977
rate . of $12.00 per visit as
requested by the Victorian Order
of Nurses, be accepted was given
council approval.
That rate 'increase is still
subject to the approval of the
Ministry of Community and Social
Services however.
The Dublin PeeWee hockey Dublin in overtime. Late in the
team has captured the W.O.A.A. game, Mike Kelly scored to put •
Semi-final Series 4ndividuatSTatistics [last 5..
Arrangements are • incomplete games
Honour mpg man
Ontario in the 0.M.H.A. _play- Competition and _gaining a birth
doWns. The local team, made up in the' 0.M,H.A. playdowns.
of players from Dublin and St. Quarter Final Series •
Columban playinghome games in 1. The best-of-three series began
the Seaforth arena, had ,a and ended quickly''on ,the week-
successful season,, suffering only end, beginning with a game in
two loseS in inter-league play. 'Seaford- La Saturday night. The
W.O.A.A. Championship; 'bigger, stronger and fast skating
In the best-of-five series whietr-r:-Dublin team romped to. ,a 1.2L3
began in Seaforth;" on Feb. 26, decision in a penalty free contest,
they defeated Ripley in three then travelled to Sarnia Sunday
straight gameS to, capture 'tie for ali-870.m. game at the-Sarnia
title. The Dublin team, coached'. Arena where they posted another
by Ferg, Kelly and Jack Lane, convincing 7:0 win: The team
completely outplayed the oppon- travelled by bus filled to capacity'
indicated that the series may get
under way this weekend against
the winner of the Huron Park-
Delaware• series. An announce-
ment will be made' as soon as
details are available. Come out
and support the team in its quest
for an all Ontario championship.
Statistics GP. r W. •L GE CA
Series ;
Dublin VS Ripley 3 3 .0 22 10
Dublin VSSarnia 2 2 0 19 3
individual Scoring:
G.P. C. A. Total-PM
in Lucknow.
Mike Kelly 11 .9 20
Rob-Lane 6 10 16
Louis Looby 4 10 14
Pat Melady- .8 1 9
John Hicknell 4 5 9
Gary Malone 5. ' 6 11
Brendan. Lane 2 6 .8
Mike Bruxer 1 5 6
Mike 'Van Drunen 5' 6
Brian Flanagan 1 • 1
V; Correspondent
Don M.cRae
Walter Carpenter •was
presented last week with his long
service pin by Dick Dixon
Supervisory -Postmaster Of
Mr. Carpenter has contract ed
R.R.#1, Dublin for 37 years 'and
drove horse and buggy and cutter
in whiter for Joe Hickie for 12
years. He has been assisted by
'his wife Margaret, by Joe
Kratiakopf and in the later years
by Mike' Cokert. Congratulations
to Mr. Carpenter for a job well
Colleens meet'
The Dublin Colleens had their
first meeting on Thursday night
at '7, :30 these meetings
are held at Mrs. Charles friend's
The Club is called major in
Totals $354,650
Huron • County Councillors.
increased' the 1977 County
_Library Board budget at, last
Thursday's meeting,. by $7,000,
The increase was made
possible by a grant from Wintario
to' purchase Canadian books . or
periodicals. .The increase brings
In other business arising from
the Library Bdard report, County
Council authorized the hiring of
Patricia M. H ay"asi supervisor of
the Wingharn ' Branch' Library
replacing Mrs. Margot Loucks
who ' recently resigned the
The new supervisor was hired
at a rate of $3.95 per hour,
effective January 21, 1977 and
following completion of the three
• m onth probationary period, that
rate will be increased to $4.45 per
• meats: Mrs. C. Friend and Mrs.
Maloney our two leaders
demonstrated ``Beef Loaf Cups".
The next order of btisiness was
to elect officers. President Ruth
McCreight, ViCe President, Barb
Kratners, Treasurer, Lucy
Drosens, Secretary, Debbie
Maloney, Phoning committee
Nary Jo Looby, Dianna Thorton.
Lunch committee Martha. Looby,
Vicky McCreight.
, . Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Mike MacRae
and faniily visited in Sarnia with
Mr. J ames Connors, 'Jack
Connors and Mr. and Mr.s Otto
Foster also with Mrs. Katherine
McRae -in, St. Joseph's Hospital,
Don MacRae visited his mother
in St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia,
and also with Mr. and Mrs.
CountY Librarian Bill Partridge
was also authorized to hire a
replacement for Seaforth Branch
Library-assistant supervisor, Mrs.
Sibyle Miller who has resigned. •1'
- Council supported a Board
recotnmendation to provide
worked by library staff in
connection with • Junior Story
Hours at- the rate 'of $3.65 per
hour for four hours-It also agreed
to pay., branch staff' on, regular
weekly hours at their current rate
fOr extra hours worked, on
approval of the' County Librarian.
Five appliCatiOns were received
in response to a recent •adver-
-tisement for a part-time
professional librarian. Cou'heil .
endorsed - the-- ' ' .. -Board:s.
recommended hiring of Mrs. pat
'ai3i;r•tagiie effective January 7,
1977 at a rate of $7.00 per hour for
a 1'5 hour week.
Reporter-Brenda Coleman. The
roll call was, "Why do you belong
WOAA CHAMPS—This Dublin Pee Wee teeth have
captured the •WOAA "E" championship and will
*soon be involved in playoffs. Team members are;
front,' left-Mike 'Kelly, Brian Flanagan, Ken
Whetham, 4ohn Louwagle, Gary Malone,. Pat
Malady, Gord M urray. Back left - Ferg Kelly . (coach
manager), Louis Locifiy, Mike Bruxer, Van
Drunen Rob Lane, Brendan Lane, John Hicknell,_
'Kurt Whetham, Jack Lane (coach manager), -
(Expositor Photo)
Dublin pee weer win
ents in the first two 'games 'with players and tans. It was a -
scoring 8-2 and 84 decisions. The great thrill for 'the kids to play in
third and final game, playe& in this 5000 seat arena with larger
Ripley last Thursday night, was ice 'surface where Bobby Hull and
anyone's_game until Gary Malone Phil Esposito once played junior
netted • 'the winning goal for A hockey. ,„
Ken-- Whetham and John
LouWagie shared the goaltending
,..'.duties in recording a 2,6 goals
. against average.
Seaforth 1 held their first to 4-H?".•-
meeting of the spring 4-H project, The meetings' main to* of
Clothes for Leisurp at the home of discussion, was on choosing your
Dorothy Van Doornik on March 2 fabric, .style and pattern as well as
at 7:30 p;m. The meeting was terms and notions. 'The group
opened with the 4-H pledge. This 'work was demonstrating , the
club has one new member, Laurie correct way to measure. Dorothy'
McIntosh and two new leaders, Van Doornik served a snack and
-Dorothy Van Doornik and Janet the meeting-was-adjourned. -
Munro'. Officers elected• were:.
President-Catherine Coleman,
Vice President-Dianne Oldfield,.
Secretary-floating, ,
Treasurer-Wilma Van Dyk Press
• Every week more and--rnore
people discover what mighty jobs,
are accomplished by low cost
Huron Expositor want Ads. Dial
category "E" title and earned the the game ° out of reach 6-4, for the next round Of playoffs Goals Assts Total Pis. additional payment for hours right to represent' Western eliminating Ripley from lira er although informed sources have the total budget.up to-$354,650. -4-H girls elect new officers,
Mrs. Jean Lee was program
convener and Mrs. Alice Tyndall
'read the scripture. The theme
"Spiritual Green Thumb" was
-taken by Mrs. Jean Lunn and
Mrs. Jean Lee. As we get out into
the warm spring sunshine and
plant our garden for summer,
may the thoughts of the parable
of the sower be translated into
spiritual terms. they said.
Members should make their lives
gardens in which beautiful
flowers of kindness, understand-
ing, devotion and graciousness
are being cultivated.
Wheat and' tares may be
compared to ragweed and
marigold seedlings which look
very much alike but as t they
Church in Egmondville is taking
on a new look with the laying of
carpet that .the.._... congregation -
hopes will, add a new touch of
warmth and beauty*.
The "Ladies Fellowship" met
-at the home of Mrs. Staffer, Sr.
for their monthly meeting and
enjoyed a "pot luck" program.
The ladies contributed . to the
program with poems, and
interesting devotional or current
articles. Letters from mission-
The Presbyterial Synodical will be
held in Knox Church; Stratford,
April 12 and 14,
The W.M.s . April meeting will
be held 'on Good Friday, April,
8th, following a pot luck dinner at
12:30 o'clock in the basement of
the Church. The Marian Ritchie-
members and all ladies of the
congregation are invited to
attend. The roll nail Kind of
Missions Wa's answered by eight
The Study Book - Nature Of
MissioortddarlifaS presented by,
Mrs. T.L,Scott, Mrs. MervIn Dow
read from the Glad • Tidings,
Wherever You are - You are 'the
Church' Today.
CUrrent events-were ',given by
everyone. The Meeting cloSed
With Ityrtirt SOS 'and The; Lerd's
Prayer.- lAtnelt was served, by
Megaig and the hostesS.
Huron County,Council was told
last Thursday that its Social
Service Committee was presently
considering entering, into ,an
agreement with Pineeregt Manor
Limited at Lucknow to. establish a
hostel which would provide
accommodation to psychiatric
patients recfuiring services over
and above ordinary room and
It was explained that as'
patients are released from the
Psychiatric Unit of the Alexandra
Marine. and General Hospital at
Constable Wilson
On- Wednesday, February 23rd
Constable Wilson came to Mullett
Central and showed the pupils a
film on vandalism.. He brought
some :photographs and there-
were " class discussions
• Vision Nurse
Between the dates of February.
21 and 25, Mrs. Splan, a 'nurse
from the Huron County Health
Unit .gave eye tests here at
Hullett.,The pupils who took part
were from grades 4, 8 and
Storm Safety Speaker
• On Friday, February 26, Mr.
Kane" -OT -the Hullett , Wildlife
Management Area-eama-4o our
school to tell us how to be
prepared if we get stormstayed in
a car or bus, He instructed the
pupils on necessary supplies
traded trithe vehicle and how to
beat frostbite.Most of the pupils
will, at sonic time, likely find the
information very 'Useful.
Volleyball Tournament
On Saturday; February 26, the
Hullett Volleyball teams travelled
to C.H.S.S. to. participate in an
inter-school tournament. The
boys won their first 3 games and
then they met tip with Blyth. They
couldo't get things together and
ended , up losing. With the, wind
knocked out of their sails, the
purpiiie •' conducting
confidential interviews with local
businesSmen directly. The actual
dates of his visit are'-pre-adver-
tised • in the Seaforth Huron
Expositor trierithly,„
boys lost also to. Huron Centen-
nial of Brucefield, coming in3rd
overall. The girls' team won all of
their games except against Blyth,
They claimed the runnerup title.
Pu lie Speaking •
On Monday February 28th,
Hullett • held its annual public-
speaking contest, :The
participating grades were 7 - 8,
The grades were divided into two
divisions.The winners of the
junior division were: first place;
Janice Baer, a grade 6 student
who spoke on her dog • Benji:
Second plade was won by Susan
Van Egmond grade 4, who wrote'
her speech on dolphins and third
place was taken by Jeff MeNaren,
with speech on his trip to the
't. N.Tower.
in the senior division, J ohn
Rowson from grade 7 took first
place with a speech on door-to-
door salesifien. Second place was
taken by 'Karen Farquar, from
grade 7, who spoke on Seatbelts.
Third place was Cameron Moon,
and he spoke on the history of the
Maple Leafs hockey team. We
would like :to congratulate' the
winners and 'thank the tWelve'
contestants for some excellent
The "Teen Girls 'Club" • and
`Teen boys Club" of Bethel Bible
Church teamed up for a toboggan
party. 25 teens with their four
leaders took advantage of the
snow covered hills near Winthrop
and then enjoyed a "bean-feed"
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gord
Blahchard of Winthrop.
Saturday evening the "Young
Married Fellowship" enjoyed an
evening of bowling at Exeter
followed by a visit at the home of
Mr. and Jvirs. Wm. Ferguson of
Mrs. T. L. Scott was hostess for
the March meeting of Cromarty
W.M.S. Mrs. Calder McKaig
openeji the meeting with a
reading. Hymn 570 was sung.
Scripture reading was taken from
Waft. 25: 14 30 read alternately,
followed' 'by meditation and
prayer by lvIri!.McKaig.
„The Bible ' Study , on The
Talentso Making Life Count, was •
taltep by Mit. Grace Scott.
The offering-was received and
dedicated by Mrs. Laniond. The
minutes-of-Peb. meeting were
read and approved. The-
treasurer's report was g iVeft and
18 cards and 5 visits reported.
Mrs. T.L.Stott presided for the
Mrs, Mervin DOW was
appointed NktiM;. representative
to the Dock project committee.
And so much bad in the best of
us. • -ft'
That it's ill for the most of u's
To talk about the rest of us."
Mrs. Marion Rose delighted.
the audience with a piano. solo.
Garden in the Rain.Ivlisses Alva
and Florence Eliot-a—gave an
illustrated talk on their trip to
,; England and Scotland last'
summer. _The beautiful slides of
cathedrals and flower gardens
taken in York. Durahan, Edin-
burg, Exeter and especially
Dartmouth,• the birth place -of
their father, were most
Following the meeting, lunch
and a social time was enjoyed by
Teen. Clubs toboggan
Zurich to round out the evening aries were read and plans for
with gorues--atuLrefreshments. future. meeting discussed.
The auditorium at Bethel Refreshments were served.
CroMarty_W.M.S. plans
Good Friday meeting.
The Federal , Business
Development Dank, a Crown
Corporation promotes and assists
the growth and creation of
Canadian BuSineis Enterprises,
particularly those of smaller size.
Specifically, the Bank provides
direct "financial assistance (term
loans . -Management counselling,
training, and information on
government programmes
available to Canadian Bitsiness.
Dennis Tofflemire, with several
years business banking
experience, has been assigned
the responsibility of servicing the
requirements of-businessmen in
the Seaferth zone. While Dennis
will be operating out of the
Stratford Branch office, which'
services the Counties of Perth
and Hitroh, he will be in his
assigned area several times
Monthly to conduct follow up
feasibility assessments and to
respond to referrals from local
financial • institUtioM4 realtcsts,
and"' chartered accountants- oil
• behalf of their clients.
• to addition, he also' "Sets up.
shop' at. the Queenri—IttetetA
Seaforth on the first iyhttisday
• each month and the Parker Heusi~'..
1 M'etet* Clinton on the
Thutsday of each for the
Development bank
has new rep in area
News of Hullett Centrai
Steak on jqt
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