HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 5THE WINGHATti TIMES,, OCTOBER 11, 1895, HQ IGH FALL SHOWN Strong, Robt Edgar. 100 lbs. flour, The annual fall show, under the Wm Dane, Timothy seed, Jas auspices of the Ilowick Agrioultural Campbell, Jas Mcl+awen. Yellow Society, was held in Gerrie, on corn, Robt Edgar, J L Wilson. Tub Saturday last, October 5th. ° Tho butter, Robt Yarding, Robt Edgar, day was find and there was a very non butter, .Robs Harding, Wni goodturnoutwilier) of visitors. The prize Strong.Home-made bread, Jas list, wilier is given herewith, gives McEw u, P P Aylesworth. Extractedhoney, Murch. Early potatoes, full particulars as to whole the awards were made; I Jas Camr.e1I, J It Williams, Late Hons4s -- Agricultural -.-- Team Potatoes, iVm Dane, Geo Burnett. Wilkinson Bros, John Hooey, Two Swede turnips, S Ferguson, C year old gelding, Jas Bell, Smith Caudle. Any other turnips, W� II :Bros, One year old gelding, smith Graig,. A Robertson, sr. Red Bros.. Two year old filly, John mangolds, R Edgar, John Wright. Cooper, Wm Evans. One year oldYellow lnangolds, W II McCracken, filly, Jas Bell, John Cooper. General J Campbell. Garden carrots, John Purpose—Team, Wm Casemore,John Cotwsius & Son, P P Aylesworth. henry, Three year old gelding or Field carrots, J Campbell, W II Me - filly, A & J Campbell, Jas Sanderson; ; Craeken, Potato onions, Wm Strong, Two year old gelding or filly, Wan 1 G Caudle. Seed onions, W H Me - Evans, John Cooper. One year old Cr<aeken, A Robertson, sr. Top gelding or filly, Geo Nay, Jas Me- , onions, Robt Edgar, W H Mc- Ewen. Roadsters --Two year old Craeken. Parsnips, W Strong, gelding, Jas Armstrong, Geo Hol Isaac Wade. Pumpkins, W It Me - land One year old gelding, A & J,Crackcn, Robt Edgar. Citrons, Wm Campbell. Two year old filly, John ; Evans, W II McCracken. Blood Lambkin, A & J Campbell, One beets, 0 Caudle, Isaac Wade. year old filly, W H Craig, Jonas , Tomotoes, John Cousins & Son, Wm Hallman. Brood . mare, general Strong. Cabbage, 5 Vogan, Wm purpose, Wm Casemore, General' Evans. Red peppers, Isaac Wade, purpose foal, Wm Casemore. Brood i1 •7 (cousins &Son. Cauliflowers, 0 mare, roadster, Snaith Bros, John i Caudle, W H McCracken. Water Lambkin. Roadster foal, John melon, W H McCracken, P P A.yles- Lambkin, John Rolston, oadster!worth. Green cucumbers, 0 Caudle, team, Jas Armstrong, Robt Edgar. I Wm Dane, Squashes, W H Mc - Roadster horse, John Hooey, John Craeken, S Vegan. Apples—Nor- Hallman. Saddle horse, T Aikens, I thorn spy, Isaac Wade, C Cousins & Alex Orr. John Hooey's special fo, Son. li I Greening, JasSalter, J best heavy draught filly or gelding, !Cousins & Son. Russett, P P Ayles- tilx:ee years old, John Hooey. Atex' worth, Geo Holland, Baldwin, Jas Orr'Armstrong, 5 Johnston. Ben Davis, lion, special for foal from his seal S Johnston. Mann, John Cousins "Carrrsns," Geo Nay. Speeial � Son, Jas Salter. Tolman sweets, J of Alex Orr for best roadster foal on Cousins & Son, R Earl. tJ the .ground, Robt Muter' J Salter, S Johnston. Alexander, CATTLE— Durhams — Aged bull, � Wm Strong. Maiden's Blush, Jas 5 Johnston, 5 Ferguson. Bull under ; er J Cousins & Son. Snow, s three years, Smith Bros. Bull under : SI, tAer, J ortll. Pears, P P P two years, John L Wilson, Cow, Ayles- Smith Bros S Johnston Two year old heifer, S Johnston, J L Wilson. Yearling heifer, Smith Bios, Jas flannel, Jas Salter, P P Aylesworth. worth. Grapes, R Earl. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. — Union Hunter: Bull calf, Jas hunter, Home-made yarn, J H Johnston, J 1 and 2 Heifer calf, J L Wilson Cousins & Son. Blankets, home - Smith Bros Herd tS Johnston 1 made, Wm Strong, Jas Salter. and 2. Grades—Cow, J L Wilson, S Johnston. Two year old heifer, S Johnston. Yearling heifer, S Johnston, 1 and 2. Eleifer calf, S Johnston, 1 and 2. Fat beast, 5 Johnston. Herd, 5 Johnston. Stfn.1t'— Leicesters — Aged ram, Jas Sanderson, Jas Stewart. Shear - ling ram,Jas Sanderson. Ram lamb; J Sanderson, J Stewart. Aged ewes, J Sanderson, 1 and 2. Shear - ling ewes, J Sanderson. Ewe lambs, J Sanderson, J Stewart. Pen, J Sanderson. Ram, any age, J San- deron. Ewe, any age, J Sanderson. Oxford Downs—John Cousins & Son took all the prizes offered in this class, being for aged ram, shearling ram, ram lamb, aged ewes, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, and pen of sheep. Shropshires—In this class, W H Webber took oil the prizes offered in. this class, which were same as for the Downs. Grades—Aged ram, S "Johnston, Thos Manderson. Ram lamb, Jas Bell, Alex Littlejohn. .A»ed ewes, S Johnston, 1 and 2. Shearling ewes, S Johnston, Alex Littlejohn, Ewe lambs, Thos Man- derson, Alex Littlejohn. SWINE; — Berkshire — Boar, any age, S Vegan, Alex Robertson, jr. Brood sow, Wm Danc, Alex Robert- son, fir. Spring pigs, Alex Robert- son, jr. Cheater White—Boar, any age, Thos Manderson. Brood sow, Alex Robertson, jr. Spring pigs, Atex Robertson, jr. PoOLTItw--(lcese, P 1' Aylesworth, Wm Evans. Turkeys, Wm Evans, Jas McEwen, Ducks, Jas Salter, • Joy McEwen. Light Wahines, Jas. McEwen. Plymouth Rock, Thos Manderson, J H Johnston. B1aek Spanish, .J II Johnston, 1 and 2. IMPLEMENTS AND GENERAL aidNII- NACTU11 S—Iron beam plow, Gillies h Martin, R Ross. Gang plow, (sillies & Martin, R Ross. Root entre'', (fillies & Martin. Single carriage, R Ross. Lumber wagon, Jas Terry. Double harness, Tolton Tiros. Window sash, home-made, Sas McEwen. Double harness, borne - made, L A Ilensperger. Single harness, hone -made, L A Ilensperger. Cabinet organ, J D Merrifield. Col- i etion cabinet ware, J E Williams: GuAIId', Robs, 1?uill'1' AND Dam •- lied winter wheat, Sas Sanderson, Jai Salter. White winter wheat, Jag Campbell, Thos Manderson. Spring wheat, any kind, Jas Me. Then, W Xl Craig. Barley, Win ivans, Jas Campbell. Large peas, .Jas Campbell, Wm Sanderson. Small peas, Geo Burnett, Jas Camp. beIl. White oats, Jas Campbell, Smith Bros. Black oats, Jas Catinp- bell, R Earl. White beans, Wel Stoekings, hand -made, Jas Salter, J Cousins & Son, Men's socks, hand- made, J Salter, J H Johnston. Mits, hand -made, W H McCracken, Jas Salter. Gloves, hand -made, Jas Salter, W EI McCracken. Log cabin quilt, W H 'McCracken; P P A.yles worth. Patched quilt, Wm Dane, Wm Strong. Ifnit quilt, W II Me, Craeken. Crochet quilt, Wm Dane - Jas Armstrong. Coverlet, home- made, P P Aylesworth. Crochet, in wool, Jas Armstrong, Wm Dane. Crochet, in cotton, Wm Dane, Jas Armstrong, Embroidery, in cotton, Wm Dane, J Cousins & Son. Em- broidery, in muslin, Wm Dane; Jas Armstrong,. Embroidery in silk, Jas Armstrong, Wm Dane. Point. lace, J Cousins & Son, Wm Dane. Berlin wool, fiat, J Armstrong, P " P Aylesworth. Berlin wool flowers, P P Aylesworth. Wax fruit, P P Aylesworth. Moss work, P P Ayles- worth. Drawn work, J Cousins .& Son, Wm Dane. Oone work, P P Aylesworth. Arrasene work, Wm Dane. flair work, Robt Muteb, P P Aylesworth. Leather work, W II McCracken. Sofa Pillow, crazy work, R Harding, P P Aylesworth. Sofa cushion, R Match, J Armstrong. Tinsel work, S Johnston. Fancy knitting, in cotton, S Ferguson, P P Aylesworth. fancy knitting, in wool, .1 Cousins & Son. Rag.carpet, R Harding. Toilet mats, Wm Dane, J Armstrong. Floor mats, J 11 Johnston,'P P. Aylesworth. Feather flowers, P P Aylesworth. Shell work, 1' 1' Aylesworth. Tissue work, Win Dane, S Johnston, Hand boquet, Wm Dane. Table boquet, Wm Dane, .7' Cousins & Son.. • Col- lection house plants, Robert Mutch, aWin Dane. FINE ARTS. ---011 painting, J Arm- strong, Wm Dane. Painting on silk or velvet, J Armstrong, 1 Match. Painting on satin, R Mutch. pencil drawing, L 'A Ilensperger. Crayon, R Edgar. Penmanship, J R Wil- liams, P P Aylesworth. Collection photographs, .J M Carter. Painting on pottery, W H Me0rtteken. Pain- ting on wood, R Muteb. BLURVALE. services in the Methodist church, As mentioned; in last week's Times, last Sunday, wer•.o very largely ORO - of the pioneers of Turnberry attended and a good crowd, consider - passed away on Monday of last week, ing, the wet weather, was present on in the person of Mr. Samuel Black, Monday evening for the supper and who had been ill all summer, Ho entertainment. On Sunday morn - was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and• ing Rev. Mr. Cobblediek, of when he first came to Canada Brussels, was the preacher, and settled near Galt, and about forty in the afternoon, Rev. .Dr. years ago moved on to the farm near Gifford, of Wingham, gaye an elo- the village, which he occupied till his quent sermon, Tile services in the death. Mr. Black possessed the in- evening were conducted by the clustry and thrift which his country- pastor, Rev. Mr. Moss, Speeches pion are noted for, was a good busi- were given on Monday evening by ness man and strictly honest. He Rev. Dr. Gifford, of Wingbain Rev. was married twice and leaves a J. W, Pring, of Nile, and. DIr. A. Il. family of five,—Mrs. Thomas Hyslop, Musgrove of Wingham. The choir of Kansas, John, of Turnberry, and sang several anthems during the Mary, Jennie and Robert at home. evening and deserve credit for the Mr. Black was one of those who help- patience and hard work which were ed to establish municipal government necessary to give the desired effect. -- in Turnberry, being eleeted by the Miss Maggie Burgess is visiting in council as reeve in 1857. and held Brussels.—Mr, Edwin Bailey came that position for -the two succeeding home front 0odericli Model School years. Ile was again elected reeve for a few clays last week,—Miss in 1861 and again in 1875 and Maud Meaty, of Wingham, is visit- remained reeve till 1881. inclusive. ing at Mr. Philip Thomas'.—Mr. Mr. Black was seventy-three years of Ben Saults, of Goderieh, was visiting age. The funeral was large.—Mrs. here on Sunday.—Mr. Will Bailey William Stewart and. Mr. Thomas has returned home from Rothsay, Stewart, attended the funeral of Mrs. where he has been making cheese. Stewart's brother, Mr. Thomas BELMOR13. The cheese factory here shipped a car load of cheese from Win;hatu to Montreal, for export, on Monday last. The factory has been quite success- ful this year.—Mr. McGrofan, one of our blacksmiths, has disposed of his business to Mr. J. G. Stewart, who has takeli possession. BLYTE1, Snaw, in Mitchell, on Tues- The Blyth fall fair was held on day of last week.—Mr. Thomas Tuesday and Wednesday.The dis- Gibson, M. P. P., attended the agreeable weather, no dubt, lessen - funeral of Mr. Samuel Black, last ed the number of entries but there week.—Rev. J. Carlton McCracken was a large erowd on the grounds and Mrs. McCracken spent last Wednesday, at Mr. John McCracl en's, of on ti'4 ednesday, a conservative esti- the Bluevale road, and returned to mate placing the number at I000.. their home in Chesley on Saturday. The show in horses, cattle, sheep, • Mrs. Warwick is visiting Mrs.pigs and poultry was good, and the s Duncan King.—Miss Burdetto Me- large.' of implements,- &c.,ntowre Oraeken has returned from Port large. The inside departments were Stanley, where she officiated well filled, except fruit, and the competition keen. The prize list bridesmaid at the wedding of her will appear in our next issue. brother, Rev. J. Carlton McCracken, e.._ of Chestley, to :Hiss Edith Thrupp, of ATTRACTIVE Port Stanley.—'The anniversary —A'tho Tzint s end Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new snbeoribere lfron new till the 1st ol` January, 18913, for 25' asnte. 'A''!✓ # . � v , I ngT4 � Catarrh in the Head Is a dangerous disease because it i9 liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption, Bead the following.: • «+I4iy wife has been a sufferer from catarrh for the past four years and the disease had gone so far that her eyesight was affected so that for nearIy a year she was unable to read for more than five minutes at a time. She suffered severe pains in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and since that time has steadily improved, She has taken six bottles of IIood's Sar- sapariIla and is on the road to.a complete cure. I cannot speak too highlyof Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I cheerfully recommend it." W. II. Furse sn, Newmarket, Ontario. Hood's Bars.:.parilla k the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Hood's Pills ttoo° rrloo qer box.. THOS. LESLIE, TAILOR TO HER MAJESTY'S SUBJECTS, (Other Nationalities not debarred). has thoroughly renovated his shop and laid in a large stock of English, Scotch, Irish, and Canadian Tweeds, Imported Serges, Worsteds, Chevoits, &c, r. --„MEAT 1 Should not only be agreeable to the taste and smell, but it should be nut so as to be attractive to the eye. My meats will bo found all that ,s desired in these respects. BEEF, PORK and MUTTON I always on hand. SAUSAGES, PLEAD CHEESE and everything in the butchering Iine, in season. As r supply no hotels, all customers have a chance- of hanceof petting the beet cuts. Our prices will always be found just right and 1 meat Will be delivered to any part of the town I. G. FIELD. winghau,, Aug. 28E11, 1805. If you need a FALL on WINTER SUIT olt OVERCOAT, Call and inspect the goods and get prices. They will be sold at rock bottom prices. "All goods made, up in the latest styles' and on short notice. Remember the stand --Nearly atppi Bite he Maed(nald Dioak, Wingbam. T. OS, li,ESIatie. RINGS! GOLD RING& I ant the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does wake rings on the premises. I maim and finish all work in the best possible manner, and guarantee satisfac- tion in every instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, manufactured as per order. 13y leaving your order with me, yon can save from 25e to n, according to sty+le, weight and quality of ring. We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., ete., at Moderate Prices. Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALS Y .PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald. Block, Wingham, Do you know:a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watahmaker and Jeweler, William? SPORTING GOODS GUNS, GUN POWDERS, SHOT AND SHELLS, DOG COLLARS. Silverware, Builders' Hardware, Paints and Glass, Wire ,and Iron, Coal Oil, and COAL. LARGE STOCK. LOW PRICES. D. M. 0 OUR SPECIAL RIVE This week will be in DON. opts an. c oes, PERFECT -FITTING At prices that defy competition, and Beautiful in Materials and Faultless in Design and Workmanship. Please note that everything in stock will be sold at cut prices. We can afford to do this, and we are doing it. We will be pleased to show you our goods and quote prices, whether you buy or not. D. M. GORDON, The Anchor House, Wingham. 'E•11:011,1VIRAIN flitialtle '' •le 1.4 nnual - I:3. 6'0 3E3 During the Fair week we give you special prices and extra values. T --AND-- NiSTL40) 'LJ 1[... We buy for cash and sell for cash. You pay i for your own goods and no more. BUTTER, AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH,.. DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY;. - i MACRRONALD Sole Agents for the Celebrated: Lehigh Valley Coal Co's. Coal, SOII11 OLtGG & CO., Stone 13loek, Wingham. LOCI. G. MC!NTYRE, WXNG1Li 1„r und to be Ahead. Now that summer is over, I'have lately returned from the ;Market, where I have purchased a heavy stook of goods suitable for the Tall and Winter Trade. I atm prepared to offer you bargains that have never .' be- fore been offered in the' town of Wingham. Ladies'. Mantles, $4.50, $5.50, $6.75 and $8, all colors. Dress Goods a full line. BLACK • GOODS' A SI OXATdX . See our all wool. Flannel at to cents per yard. le `s Fine Suits and Overcoats made to order and fit guaranteed. A. full line of Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Carpets, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes and Ready-Mad'e Clothing. otri TA.IN S —Cheilille, Swiss and Lace, in every design. A FULL LINE OF REM ONOGERIES ALWAYS IN STOON. A discount of to per cent off all goods for cash. T,,�