HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 20(Continued from Page 1)
Separate boards,. unlike public
. Ones who must collect
Wider levies and give back over
levies, 'can't stay in a underlevy
' position, Mr.. Lane said in answer
to 'a question from Stratford
trustee goo Marcy. _"We could
aTelinderleVy but •it's not
aped idea," replied Mr. Marcy.
better to finance as'
You go," Mi. Lane said. -
-• with the cost' of
instruction, adininistation costs,
capitol expenditures and non
Operating expenditiires were
under budget in 1976.
• Transportation topped the list.• of
, over budget expenses, , followed.
'by, plant operation and
maintenance ($17,318 over
budget), the debenture debt
charge, bank borrowing chaige
Huge crowd
presented the couple with a clock
• radio and glass bar set.
Credit for much Of the success
The fact he was retiring didn't
mean he no longer would be
interested in. Seaforth youth and
:community activity he said.
Mrs. McGonigle spoke briefly
adding her thanks.
E ..Preceding the dance the
= McGonigles were guests at .a
dinner in the Queens Hotel ▪ arranged by Mayor Cardin:). and
'7. attended by members of council.
Speaking briefly arena chairman
Bill Bennett, Mayor Cardno and
Reeve JOhn• -Flannery recalled
incidents in their association with
the McGonigles during their
• tt years in charge of the aferia,Tbek
t °▪ paid tribute to the selfless service
that had been rendered and the
long_hours that had been spent•
c4,1q: ';Pr: r7;77“9 ▪ each season in advancing the
Omni lllllll lll mmummitiiiinumminit4 interests of the community:
Weiarg g La?
- We Invite You to a
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Mr. Art Anthony
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Seatortb •
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President of Hunter Man.
Grain EleVation, etc. •
Program Chairman' - Mr. Bert Joly
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Ali You ADULTS .$11.. 49 CHILDREN $
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Won't You Join Us
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eparate School COS S0474 -/ 40 - Amre 140.1 A ar A
(Continued from Page If think you tOok adVantag9 of expense next winter with the a•stranger,," he said. The de4sioNi
repeal of an eerlier decision not to not to plow ,the sitletuati was ge4
Plow Minty Sideroad Paul 'made by the former council that
Livingston, the only property
owner on the road, apprpached
council to appeal its earlier
decision in view of the fact that it
was presently plowing sideroads . . with no residents.
- —Road_ _superintendent Allan
Nichdlson explained that 'toads
with no hemes were generally
plowed because they were school
bus routes or main arteries.
In signing a contrast, to take
ownership of his .PropeAY.,
Livingston had .agreed with
council's decision to ploW the
road, Deputy reeve • Bob • Bell , Stdereed 15-16, Concession" 3. the Day Care Centre in Vanastra
Pointed out, and favoured the The date has been pushed back to • will talk about the benefits that
ruling not be changed until May 15, to allow the interference_ nursery school can offer a pre-
another house or two had been' of the water levels in lie river s,ehodl child. A representat ive of
• built on the road. during the spring thaw which the •parent run nursery school
On the other hand, councillor could° interfere with the • that'S"heen operating in Mitchell
Frank Falconer saw Livingston as completion of construction, since last fall, will also be at the
the underdog in the situation,
passed With deputy-reeve Bob school,; with a qualified leacher,
bell ,voting againSt the decision. can be organiiedlii*wn in time
In other business, a letter from ..for September.
lloSs ,,440 AssOclates Katie Tealt- One. of the
requested ap extension in the date organiiers cif the meeting, told
'of completion for work being the . Expositor that Karen
dime on the bridge located at' McEwing, who is supervisor of
tigir uft 11 A iv,13}1.TR QED flIKNITimit
For' a. free Oetimateall4 u look at
our newest samples of Materials
. -,CALL
• Pb, 5234Z72': Bi7 Cook, Prop. "PO Your•UPPOI0Orip ,;Needs 9.yr Halt • Blyth,
.!,'Birthday •Greetings" to Mrs.
Minnie Hawley- who celebrated .
her 91st birthday on Thursday, at
Seaforth. Manor. A party was
arranged in her honour and
attending were, her brother Mr.
Zach McSpadden also Miss Ethel
'.'McClure, Mrg. Ada Reid; Mrs.
Leila Dundas, Miss Bessie
Davidson, Mrs. Flora Dalrymple,
Miss Katherine Laverty, Mrs..
Lillie Hudie ' and Miss Mary
NeVille. A beautiful bouquet of
red roses. had been' ent to her -
from' her sister Mrs. Susie ,
Hutehings and Chuck and Betty
of 'California and ,also • a law_
- birthday cake.-
(Continued from Page 1) •
theyappreciated, their efforrs on
behalf of the community during
the 22 ' years in. which Mr.
McGonigle had served as arena
manager., •
While the weather did nothing
to°. the enthusiasm ofarea-
people of two generations whO
wanted to indicate • their
appreCiation, it did prevent a
number of former residents and
others from out of town from
" Dancing was interrupted
Shortly before Midnight when
arena• committee chairman Bill
Bennett called the McGonigles to
the stage and paid tribute to their
contribtitiens. He - recalled how
theft' enthuSiasin and dedication
had, contributed _to , the
advancement and encouragement
of two generations of_ Seaforth
youth.'. -
Mayor Betty Cardno,added her,
-thanks • and on-behalf-of the town '
($6,902 over budget) tuition fees
and computer services,
The 1976 closing balance sheet
showed that instructional
supplies cost about $2000 under
budget) that business adminis-
tration expenses were about
.514•,001!- Aye& budget, including
$2,485. 54815 over what 'was "
budgeted . for. trustees' enter-
taining. The =Mint paid for the
beard's. annual Christmas party
and for an annual dinner dance
'for all staff, teachers and their
Plant operation was only about
$300 over budget and
maintenance contracts were
$1,148 over budget,
,The board is -meeting
Wednesday 'night at the board
office in Dublin to 'set the 1977
mill rate. .
go to Red McGonigle,, Gar Baker
told the creyvd as he recounted
the occassions on which extra ice
time and cooperation in providing
area facilities had advanced the
interests of the team. The
Beavers • dominated::--Seafotth_
hockey in the sixties, and held the
OHA intermediate B
championship through 1965-67.
Referring to the arena 'as a
home ,aw, from home for team
members he said the
..management under Red
McGonigle had provided a good
example to young and old alike.
Jack MeLlwain on behalf of the
B'eav'ers presented Mr. and Mrs.
McGonigle with a wall clock.
• Acknowledging the . tributes
and gifts Mr.. McGonigle said he
had attempted only to do his beSt
and added that the time spent at
the' task was not important, no
matter how long it was; providing
it brOU u'''ht results.
nicker'smith TOWnship
Council may face a..cour case
over a $285 plumbing ,repair bill it
issued to Harvey Hammond of
Brucefield on a Vanastra property
„owned by his Wife.
At Tuesday night's council- .
meeting Mr. Hammond charged
that the cost of repairing two
cracked shut-Off • valves rested
with the township as it owns' the
"Each property owner 'buys a
shut off valve once when he
purchaseS his property and like
the (water) meter it gets turned '-
over to the Ministry of 'the
Environment," Rammthid said.
Most shut off valves in new
co mmunities are located on town
propertY, and while shut off
, valves in Vanastra are located on
the property of each .homeowner,
its location does not mean it
belongs to" the 'property owner,
Mr. Hammond said.
"If you say,1 am responsible for
repairing the, valves, then I must,
own them, and I earl turn the
5th meeting to allow them to
confer-with their lawyer.
Don McLean of the Ministry of
the Environment, who was
present for' coundit's discussion
with Mr. Lliammond,- will also.
investigate charges-- by' Mr.
Hammond that the work done on
the plumbing in Vanastra, is an
exhibition of poor workmanship.
' "The plumbing water• meters
jut out from the sides of the
houses leaving enough space so
that kids can swing on them,"
Hammond said.
"The repa'lr work is'Very
poor-more the work of a real
amateur. I don't blame some of
the people refusing to let him (the
workman), in to work on their
plumbing with the kindiif work he
does," he said.
Mr. McLean has inspected,
some of the complaints and said
the Meter fix oresdid not meet
with meter regulations- -and
agreed with Mr. Hammond's
charges that it was an example of SEAFORTH
All Types of Repairs
Phone 527-0270
won't pay the bill and I'm ready
to take the council to court over it,
" he said.
Council decided to postpone
settling the matter until its April
poor. workmanship.
water on or off and can't be billed tw other business, -council
by' the Ministry of the approved a gravel tender ••
Environment for •any water bills I submitted by Sandy Construction
, get by doing so, " Mr. Hammond of Goirerich for $27,915. The-
said, ' •.: ll " other tender submitted by '
"I've talked to my lawyer and I Jennison Construction of Grand
Bend was for $33,917. ,
A tender for spraying weeds
along the side of township's roads
Was , also accepted and approved
from Fred Harburn of Staffa.
of the Beaver hockey team must Tucker-smith nriay :face ,c
Harburn will 'charge $5.75 per
mile of road sprayed.
Mrs. Hawley
tou r;
91 at Manor
Mr..F0c°,rtor. .041 net serve on. - patents witu WOUlti 10tO to see a meeting to ,answer questions
kespecting the old council's nursery school:, Seafoith, 4boitt-the experience theto.
decision-it was decided, to have., perhaps four or five mornings a Meeting organizers hepe that #
Mr. Livingston pay for snow week are ,hivite.d to a Weft, committee can. be set ;up• to, start' •
removal costs on the sideroad for' upstairs in 'the Town t1411 OP planning g nursery school for
the rest 0,f the winter, with council Thursday; 'March IQ, at 81p.tn, Seaforth. All parents of pre;
Oking ever the-OoStaikthe-winter- ---ifenough-interesfeti-2parents ---schoolersand others interested in
of 19,77,78. The motion was_ attend, it is hoped that a nursery early childhood- Tdifealion • • welcome. -
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