HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 18At recent official meetings of
Eginondville United '• Church
officers were named.
Mit. Doris Cernochen was
named - Recording 'Secretary
succeeding Bruce Colethan who
retired after 10 years of service.
Appreciation was expressed' to e
Bruce forLo-do,b well done. „
Jiin Rose, Clerk. of SeSsimi, wilt
be succedecrby Kathleen _ .
Retiring Efders were Jim Rose,
Warren Shera, Milton 1:1 ietz and -
Bill Strong.
• Elders 'to retire -in 1977 are
Mrs. Alice Boyce,Mrs. Ruth
Smith, MM. Kathleen Whitmore,
Bruce. Coleman, --Alex Chesney
Darwin Bannerman.
Elders to retire in 1.978 are Mrs
thelme Broadfoot;Hetb-Huffiscin
and Norman Eggert. •
Newly appointed elders to
.retite„in _1979 are Jim Papple,
Ken Carnochan, 'Ken Moore and
Chester -Neil. •Ken Smith was
named, chairman of the. Stewards.
lie -ineCeedi-rom 'Pepple. The
Co-Chairman is Robert
Wallace and the secretary is Ken
Retiring Stewards are. Tom
Papple, Alex- Irvine, AfthiO•
Wallace and Ivan Blake.
Ret iring Stewards in 1977 are
Ken Smith..:, Leonard Strong,
Norman McLean, Warden Haney.
To retire in 1978 are Jack Pat. rick
and Murray Henderson.
Newly appointed Stewards• to
retire. in 1979 are John Wood,
--Eric McIntosh and Ken
• •McElwain.
Youth ,Group Leaders named'
are: Messengers - Mrs. Janet-
Papple - Donna
Montgomery; )xplorers - Mrs.
Dawn papple, , Mrs. Karen
Roberts; C.G.I.T. 7 Mrs... Nettie
StiniPM; Boys Group- Tom
Papple, Rev. Roberts; Christian
Education Committee secretary ,
Mrs. Kathleen Whitmore;
Sunda S -
Miss Debbie Rose..
Womens Group, leaders are:,
United Church Women, Pres. '-.
• Mrs. Helen • Chesney; Twilight
Circle - Mrs. Ruth Smith.
Beard of Trustees are Ken
Smith, Bruce Coleman, Robert
Tyndall, Mervin Nott, Emerson
Durst,Ivan Forsyth Delegate to
Presbytry 'Moore, alternate •
Mrs. Kathleen Whitmore. Manse
Committee Chairman'', 'Robert
Tyndall; Auditors are Mrs,Aeris
'arriechan and • Mrs. Brenda
The congregation expressed •
their appreciation and gratitude
to Mrs. Doreen Strong who has
been church treasurer for seven
and a half years. Special mention
was made of the effective manner
she carried on the work of-' the'
church during the- months the
church was without _e---regular-
minister 'from Nov. 1975 'til. April
1976 also during Rev . •Robert's...
illness from to October 1976.
It is with her dedication as •well as
many. other ' people of the
congregation that the church was
able to report a very successful
1976 'and go forth with greater
expectationS for 1977 and, the
years that lie ahead:
. V.
• • " " • ' '‘" V •
This is a sale iou Can't afford to miss!
For the past 2 months we have been
planning and assembling a sore which is
onefisEkind4--We-hove-daproximately a
$250,000 stock of first line TV's and
appliances, and the best service and
warranty in the business! And,it's all
dt our RR 2, Listowel location.
Ow• ing to tote special prices on these
items, our advertising budget is limited
so we can't show pictures . . . so
We have brand names such as:
* General Electric * RCA
"The Store That Saves You Mori"
* Quasar ,,; Sharp-.
* Morse * Moffat
* Gibson * Leonarot
* Findlay * Gurnei4
* Simplicity f * Modern Maid
* Norge * Electrophonic
- • TOPS
20" Portable TV with automatic
AGC Control .. . $3ft00 .
All these
items clearing
at •savings
it" el 50 04
• ..
. 18,•671.1E.' HURON. IxPowpp,-iviARCH 3, 107T
Sugar and rSpiGe
by Bill-Smiley
Elul of the blahs Cto$-.-Morrth -
Ah, there's nothing more exhilarating ,
than a good old-fashioned Canadian
winter!(Is this the, same goy who wrote a
glum,' lugubrious column last week about'
the phygical and financial horrors of just
We just had three days of sun and no
' snow, and all those red-eyed, ,.,•••
drippy-nosed, hacking, Whiting,- snow-
shovelling Canadians of a week ago have'
• been transformed into • virile, vibrant,
smiling', sickenly-hearty exponents of the
fabulous Canadian ,Winter. ..: .
made my Stand• a day or two after last
week's column: I thOught to myself "Screw
this," or words to that effect. 'I'm gonna'
go-berserk. The Old Lady is, getting weird:
All my friends are either depressed or,
eerie. I'm'lenna make the great escape."
'So I did. A certain of young punks
7 to whom I am forced to refer-4'111y
colleagues, have been after me, slyly and
maliciously, for abouttvvo y ears, to attend
one of their poker evenings. They knew
perfectly, well that my wife vtouhic't let Me
go,,,e-ven. if I told' her it were group . of-7-
Sunday Schoolteachers,,, and We were.. only
going to play for matches. .
They got after me again last Thursday.
Maybe it was the weather, but something .
snapped. I 'said "Right: What time ?'"
'They started to snicker, and' poke 'each
other with their elbows.' This is known in
their circle as .humot. "Sure you won't
have any trouble making it? We sometimes
stay up as lateas midnight, you know,
Smiley. . How ya gonna get :through the •
next, day's work?" And so on. I treated
this juvenilia with the respect it deserved.
There was only one more hardle„, and.
you know what that was. But there was no
real problem, with her._ All I had to do was
get out andcheck all my insurance policies,
make sure the cars and the house were
properly signed. over-and promise not to
have a drink before dinner, in case 'I had
one at the poket den, and the Old Battleaxe
caved in. Oh, not completely. As I went, out
the door, she was yelling: "And 'don't
___Le.xpect the door, to_be unlocked when you__
get home, ' and if you're not here by
midnight I'll call the police."
But that was nothing. In the old days,
when she really lovPd me, and was really
jealous, she'd get physical: 'She'd -throw • '
her 'arms around my neck and her legs
around my waist, and I'd have a hell of a
time getting tfitiiiigTi the -door before l
could brush her off against a tree, or dump
her in a snowbank.
Anyway , the boys picked me up, and
off we went into the wild night..The last of
the blizzards was just easing off, but it was
blowing great curtains- of snow off the
mighty banks. I thought we were going a
couple' Of miles, in town. out out we
were heading' fof a chalet out in the hills,
FIVE LOCAL MODELERS -win aWarcla -in Annual StedMans Model Contest.
From the left Brian Moore of Seaforth, honorable mention, Paul McQuaid,
Seaforth,,,, second prize, Brad RUston, -Dublin, first prize, Barry Moore,
Egmondville, third prize. Don D'elbhtori. of-Stecfnians presented trophiel to. the
winners. Jim Neil,. of Seaforth ,also won, honoqrable mention in the contest.
(Expositor Photo)
Egmondville Church
Names new officers
It's' working for you
Canvassers will be
on you. Please give
them your support.
about 'eighteen miles away, atorthe driver
of the Dotson in which I was ensconced
"fancied himself as a contender in the Grand
Winter Rally of Montenegro, or something.
Had to call on the old steely fighter-pilot's•
nerves to refrain from screaming; "Lemme
Out!• I wanna go home and watch TV "
,:::.,...However, true grit 'prevailed, and six
hours later. I :was home, steady as a rock,
about even on the night's poker, and ready
for a few hours sleep. •
3. wouldn't bore you by telling y oo what
kind of poker these aging juvenile
delinquents play. Almost no stud or draw .
poker.' They play what we used 'to call,
before the male chauvinist crap began
"Women's Poker": Gaines like Twenty-
, seven Skip to. My Loo , ninth card vvild•
anything in your armpit doesn't count and
split the pot.four ways. It took three times
is long 'to describe the game to be played
as it did to play it.
Had a Mississippi 'gambler; or even an
old- cowhand, been asked to sit • in on just
one of those deals, he'd have ,pulled his -
derringers, Or his.38, as it might be, and
started shooting "poker"• players tight and
left. '
I hate to mention one more detail. But,
old enough to be' the father .of most of
them, I was at work.the next day bright as a
shiny new dollar, teaching with my usual
superb elegance, and looking askance at
▪ some of these' bleary=eyed •• ::1yOung
"gamblers" • who thought ,they were, -
showing the old- boy La--big night out.
Migawd, I was in roogher gars than, that
when I was 17.
However, .1 . forgive them their miscon-
ceptionS, and if they want to call a
_hangoveiu being "down with the flu",
that's their problem. <
Point is, I had made the big" break-
. through of the winter blalt's. On Saftirdey
• morning, was up at the crack Of noon, and
off skiing in the bush with my, wife. She fell,
five times. I fell once..
' Sunday, off again skiing with a gang. My
wife fell four time. I fell once. Followed this
with an aprei:ski Piffy With-old frietidS:'- -
Dandy fire going, Wizard mulled wine.
Massive injections of hot home-made soup
and home-baked bread. And home to bed
at ten o'clock with a tremendous sense of
• physicaLen Moral rectitude.
1%beti—ling good about winter ever
since, and all depression is gone. Why '
don't you try it?
You don't have td begin with a poker ,
game out in the wilds. Especially if you
happen to 'be an 80-year-old lady.
But do something. Kick the cat. Give
your grumpy old husband a goose. 'First
thing you know they'll both be chasing you
around the house , and your winter blues
'Will vanish.
• • paint it atmetteoltdcolotor beideUPer graphics
itifitine if with a warns Weedfitain
aver if In easy can" ViifYl or PaPer if filfietChltatir MOM
piRLYs 744
BOYS' .8 - 18_
REG. +it*.
opi,Ly, 04,
886. 'PM
declared only the Niagara Exact figures on the extra road
peninsula and Prince -Edward_ subsidle4 have not yet been,
CA) Linty eligible for special aid. released.
The provincial government will
grant extra road-subsidies to
areas, in Huron, Bruce and Rerth
counties which have faced higher
than normal _snow removal costs
this winter.
A request for assistance was
presented to the office of the
Premier February 3 by Liberal
MPP's Jack Riddell; Murray
Gaunt, Bob McKessock and
Eddie Sargent.
The.MPP's also approached a
committee made up of John
McBeath, Solicitor General,
James Snow, Minister of Trins-
portation hand Communication,
and James Vitykii, Minister of
Energy, with the request.
The government had previously
County council
coins for
The Property COM/nit-tee, of
Huron County Council 'has been
authorized by council to purchase
a set of the Town of Gderich
commemorative -coins marking
that commimity'S ISO anniversary
The nickel, silver and gold'coittN;;
set is' costing the county $286.69'
and IS to be displayed at the
Huron' County' Muiettm.. °
In Other business at last
Thursd'ay's council, Ineeting,! the
County agreed tar amend its
budget to allow, for a, grant Of
$16,000 to atteileh Airport
the graft„ requested by the
committee, IS to aid rn the.,
'opera:004 of the added& Airport.
The same grAnt.'„was:. made in
A committee recommendation
tiint494324iIiik..proolneild safes
tax) be otioht ihiiohiso of
sorter to hnptoveiheOflolehey of.
the County-printing. was
sled approved.
Store" that` Saves You Mot,.",
..0AINT-.4tIviNo M4d1:10485,J4MALL
Monday Saturday
. to a.m..: 5.1.J"0
friday nights. 'la 900 PA,
We are putting unheard of .prices in
these days of inflation on this high
quality merchandise from
FEBRUARY 24 to MARCH 28, '77.
These are delivered prices. For pick-ups ''''' -
deduct 3% of the price.
'Here are just a feW-examples:
15 cu'. ftFFrost Free
Refrigerator (white or colour) . . . $419.00
4 Speed Washers (white) . 5319.00
Dryers (white),. . . $179,00
Dryer with auto. dry cycle (wh.ite) . . . $199,000
bishwosher - 6 pu-sh buttons . . . $309.00 .2=
(white,pr, colour)
Simplicity Spin Washer . . . S259.00
.23 cu. ft: Freezer (white); . k. $299.6V_
Built-in Dishwasher (any colour)': . . $289.00
1Ntien you purchase a refrigerator.'choose from left
pr right: hand doors, colours,• side by Mlle models.
Mant,niodels, sizes and makes in stock, Big
values in refrigerators, ranges, washers and dryer8,'
diihwaskims,,Riond stereos.
Full console TV with Castors. Completely automatic . . .,$1119.00
45" Console Stereo with ikord . $210.00
6C' Console with record .. SVIP.00
Owing to the low prices on these Items, there will be no trades accepted, Ask to see our used deportment.
- • Tor.vtotrinir. rOat Ho n
010.411,16 RINI • &SOW
v A. {.
rUlel At C.
..t 3
ismaosed011'S 0
Province promises more money,
30" Range . . from $289.00
30" Self 'Clean Range .
with timer, Wilda or coloured .$429.00-
. nit charge for colour! -
1,1:10dWol, Ontario
29V3810 ' •
Stara tfOuria,
Olken doh Monday Oyu Friday
to. 9 0.nut Saturday'
fitil OA.