HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 1610 THE HURON 'ExPostrok. MARCH 1977 For Best Results S a WORLD Day of Prayer March 4th, 1977 Egmondville Church. • • r ,Speaker- Miss Elford. All ladies, welcome, 1.85-2 SEAFORTH Junior 'Hockey Club will hold their general meeting . on March 10th, 8 o'clock in the library to elect officers for forthcoming season. Anyone interested in participating please , attend. 1-86-1 -.:Fettes. Tours 'Trove- We h ave a .number of great coach tours lined' up for you departing in the- near future. Our helpful hostesses together with experienced Arivers will welcome you aboird most:Modern 'Coaches.. Most admissions and side-trips pre-arranged and Paid for and..S,e is baggage h'andli tips and taxes: Pick-ups enroute. • . HERE IS A GLIPSE OF. WHAT WE ,HAVEi, 9-DAY,-FLORIDA MID-TERM. Departing March,18 , 4-DAY WASHINGTON CHERRY BLOSSOM-FESTIVAL Departing April 1. ' 4-DAY NASHVILLEaTHREE DEPARTURES„April„92,„ ,,,,,, • May .20, p ct. 07. ,21-DAY 1DEPARTURES April 17, Sep 19,0ct. 16 ' . 3-DAY HOLLAND TULIP FESTIVAL-TWO DEPARTUREMay 10, May 12 14 44 144 19-DAY BEST OF BRITAIN DEPARTS May.21,- Only 'WILLIAMSBURG W. VIRGINIA JAMBOREE.. DEPARTS May 27, Nov. 11 For a free brochure containing complete details of the above plus, romantic Europe, Hawaii„. Etc. Please call,. write or drop-in at. "YOUR ONE STOP TRAVEL CENTER" Fettes Tours and Travel Mitchell 348-8492 Mt. Forest 323.1545 1-86-1 Classified Rates, WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words: ;Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street ntirnbers, phone numbers or prices count as 'one word per set, Words joined by hyphens' count. as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $2.00, 7c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 5c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSETIONS $1.54 per column • inch. ' (Minimum size in this category 11/2 inches. Accepted•in multiples of half inch.) Box NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 2G words., $2.00, 7c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $2.00, each additional word 7c. IN memoRiAms -42.00 plus 10c per lirre'61 verse COMING EVENTS - 20 words $2,00, each additional word 7c. Three insertions(fol: the price':.- • of 2. cARp OF THANKS - 30 Words $2.00, each . additional word 3c, 50e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY NOON INWEEK OF ,INSERTION. No cancellation inu ple Insertion • advertisements after NOOn, Tuesday Deadline far classified ;acid Tuesdays ' w. THE will be held in the Board Room, HURON County Assessment Building, 46 COUNTY Gloucester. Terrace, '„Goderich, --,,,,,-,•-•:, HEALTH UNIT Ontario on Wednesday evening,/ invites you to attend the OF HURON COUNTY • Child Health Clinic Health Unit Office SEAFORTILCOMNIUNITY HOSPITAL on THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1977 from 9:30- a.rit .74: I. Health Surveillance 2. •Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4. Hearing Screening 5: Fluoride brushing of child- ren's teetrto prevent cavi- ties for age's .3 to 5 years. 6: Vision testing. .1-86-1 • 100.00 merehandise given monthly, 1St draw late !January at d our "Keyboard Kapers " program. Tickets and details at PULSIFER MUSIC, SEAFORTH. This month's special: new & used electric guitars, amps drums, organs, pianos, etc., at up to 50% saving. Phone 527-0053. t- o-u 2 Lost, Strayed LOST on Thursday, Feb. 2,1 at Seaforth Legion, all weather dark overcoat. . Please return to Flannery CleanerS or the Legion Hall or phone 345-2249. 2.86x1 3 Found- - FOUND St. Bernard young dog, dark muzzle; Harold Pryce 527-1637. ' 3-86-1 4 Help Wanted Experienced Bookkeeper - GM dealership requires mature person for general office duties including typing, accounts receivable and collection, payroll,. etc. Duties to commence April 18, 1977. Please reply in writing stating experience, qualifications and references to WRIGHT CIIEV-OLDSLTD. 13 Main Street North Seaforth, Ontario 4-86-2 COUNTY OF HURON REQUIRES A, SOCIAL SERVICES FIELD WOR ER :Axon rottay Aa;eci . SECRETARY WANTED The successful applicant l will have exceptional proficiency in shorthand, typing and machine transcrip- ' tion• for use in such secretarial duties as •confiderkial correspondence and the taking of Minutes at some • evening meetings as Well as oiher officeCdutiVs.Thfs"- pOsitiOn requires 'a person' having the ability to accept • 'responsibility with a 'minimum of supervision. ' , ' Starting. Salary will be coirrinenturate'-''ivith qualifications and experience in accordance with the Board's ,salary scale. • A full range of company paid benefits include, - 01-11P. Blue Cross Drug Plan and 0.H.G.R.S. Pension Plan. Applicants should submit a resume by March 8 to: • - Mrs. V. Zonneveld c/o The Huron County Bd. of Education - 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario N7uM ILO _ H. TURICHEIM D.,I.COCHRANE Chairman of the. Board Director of Education 4-86-1 Mk. J:A. MackINNON ADMINISTRATOR: 'COUNTY OF HURON SOCIAL SERVICES COURT HOUSE GODERICH, ONT. N7A 1M2 MORE THAN 2000. will be paid to our regular part time school bus drivers this school year. •• Why don't y ou 'supplement your income? Regular & part-time male or female drivers are required. We will assist in obtaining licence. UNITED TRAILS INC. Phone 527.1222 • 4-79-tf Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost fluron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527.0240. 5 Bus Opportunity EARN SOME $$$ (PART TlivIE )": Sell panty-hoie, men's socks, tights, etc. Get your free catalogue. Act now! Nycole Hosiery, C.P. . 252 Ste-Julie, Que. JOL 2C0 5 -84-4 Western Canada School of AuctIoneering Ltd. 'Canada's first. and the ,.only completely Canadian • course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade' Schools Licensing. Act. R .S. 1970, C, 366. For particulars Of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215 - . S.81-9 Situ,a1tons Wanted 17 year old student wants job after school and weekends, full time in summer, has farm experience. Ask for Dan,' 523-9406. _ 7-8623 WILL do 'hous'ekeeping by day or week, five out, contact Box 3258. The Huron., Expositor, SeafOrth, OntaO. 7-86-2 AVAILABLE to babysit in my own home, Walton area, 887-9078. 7-86it 8 Farm Stock For Sale OPEN single cross gilts, Tom Papple, 527 0940. , ','8-85-2 HAMPSHIRE boars, registered R,0,P. tested: serviceable age, back fat down le .40, days• down to 140. Paul McNally, 357-3724. 8-84.4 10 Used Cars For Sale FULLY equipped bus camper, also • .Fargo bus suitable for campers. 527.1316 or Brussels 887-6647. 10-86-1, ONE 1965 Chev. 527-0566. ' ' 10-86-1 1971 POntiac Catalina, 2 &kir hard top l 30 automatic, Bawer steering Stbrakes: as is . Best offer, 262-5936. ' 10.864 11. Articles For Sale - . ,• 'PAINT CLEARANCES price • discounts on discontinued high gloss, semi toss,' machinery enantels and varnish. First come- . first Served. Crown HardWare, Seaforth, 5214426, 41-864 • , To give rlaway St.1, Berinard dog, 617t0566. 1146-1' BB prepared for ice sipriu.,-Nitioco 86iOtAtqiUDOO watts 1,1,5- /36 rttlips complete with shaft 627-011. Or 527-0560. 11:864 11 Articles For 'Sale • e 5 Border Collie pups. Apply 80 • ,.'GentgeSt, East, Seaforth.11-86x1 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE At The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. ,1.1-78xtf HARD MAPLE,- split, $50.00 pet truck load. Call daytime 482-3162, evening 482-9921. 11-86-1 QUANTITY of hay and straw, 482-9204. 11-86x2 1 Dana Electric guitar:, No amp, comes with case, strap and more. Give me an offer after 6:00 p.m. 527-0561". - 11 -86x1 •, ONE person's junk is another's gold 'mine. Turn your unwanted articles . into cash with an EXPOSITOR classified, 527-'43240. 11-73xtf ONE Kodak square' shooter #2 Camera like new, grey, flannelette sheets. Phone 345-2757. 11-86x1 • CLEARANCE Sale of Mobile Homes. All stock on -hand drastically reduced. ' 2 & 3 bedroom. homes of all sizes. Ontario Hydro approved and free delivery. No reasonable offer refused. To view Phone 689-4823, Merli n. 11-85-4 QUANTITY of mixed grain straw, large bales. Mersin ..Wurdell, Monkton, 347-2774. 11-85-3 Seed Grain aatcrResIthiLdBralritntl 4w2o0rkajesia3nd, ' 4 barns, 1 building set up for 600 • , "-OATS . - hogs, liquid tank, 2 solid brick Garry, Elgin and Russell homes and many other extras. BARLEY Spring possession. This property Keystone, Eierta and Trent ,could sell as 2 separate farms. If . interested in' baying a' poultry, Custom mixtures available from dairy or hog firm or you require these varieties. " - "*• 'more information on the abiwe ,Spring wheat and stormont oats , Contact -also available in mixtures. Peter Damsma, R.R.#5, Clinton Early order discounts until March 5, 1977 WHITE BEANS Certified• Seafarer and Kentwood D.C. Red Clover, Timothy and plough, down Clover. Art Bolton 527-0455 Russell Bolton 527-1428 11-84-3 SWIMMING Pool !Sacrifice , Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributer has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season, • V2 price, guatanteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings 1 ,519-433-2611. 11-78-tf COPIES Copies of your important papers documents while you wait.: Letter size, 25c each. ' ..THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11.78xtf TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 23.54951 Phone 482-9849 MAURICE GARDINER REAL ESTATE LTD. ' • St. David Street GODERICH, Ontario 14-86.3 GEORGE R JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED ' FIRMER BOX 249 1WESTSORNE-ON11(76g Springtime should arrive on the 21st and with it sunshine and flowers, enthusiasm for gardening and the hope of vacations. Since last week we have acquired the right to sell a parcel on the. Maitland. It's mostly riverbottom land overgrown with cedars and small trees, scratchy shrubs, vines, wildflowers and tangleweeds. The price is $13,000. The deed calls -fbr ten acres hut an aerial survey encourages eighteen. It does have a clear, cold .ever- flowing Spring. * * * ** For those• who Wish for a comfortable home take a look at 112 Goderich Street West. If you find it to yonr fancy let, us show you throggh it. It has ,all the attributes to make a house a home. ****** • If a new house is in your future we would be• flattered to be your guide. . • ****** The future lielangs• to only those•-•„-: . who litigate- for it. - • WILLIAM M. HART Seafor th *** - -Salesman 5/7-0870 527- 1972, s STRIP tickets for admision or refreshments, single and duplicate:Miell"Urem Expositor, Seaforth. • f1-i3xti LEADING swimming pool • wholesaler must dispose of 1176 all aluminum pools, stack"" acrifice price t9r.. &ova* needed factoryWarehotise • Brand new • swimming: include: fitter, walk.ateuhd tenet. and WarripityAke IS' X 2 $058.00 ta$h ttriftl'; 41i Pe collect dhys oVehhiii 1.51944: 1:148.-tf` Additional Ciassified ne xt *i• P.3 443 ONE used wringer washer in "A" one condition. Box Furniture, 527-,0680. 114564 , ORDER your crisp juicy apples from Art Bell's Cold Storage. Also potatoes, honey and freih cider. Phone 524-8037. 11-78-tf _12 Wanted_ To_Buy, YOUNG couple interested' in buying small farm, in the Seaforth to Mitchell area, Will be willing to build on property. Call 345-2740. 12,86-2 WANTED to buy in Seaforth area any amount up 'to 600 bales of straw. John Oldfield, 527-1436. 12-86-1' 13. Wanted . ;WANTED - Retired person to, provide • ,companionship for • elderly couple. .Fdr- . information write post office Box • 98, Seaforth. - 13-86-3 14 -Propeity For, Sale Large cash crop and hdg farm ADDING machine rolls, type- writer ribbons for most machines. The Huron Expositor, 527-0240, Seaforth. 17 -62xtfP, SPECIAL SALE: New and used electric guitars, arriP,s drums, organs, pianos, etc.., at u. to. 50% savings. Pulsifer. Music, , Seaforth, 527:0053. 11 ,784 ' GENERAL MAINTENANCE requires MAINTENANCE .PERSONNEL for its Plant NO. 3 in Strafford and.Plant No. 4 in Mitchell Applicants mustbe experienced in the General Maintenance of ritacliinbry equipment and buildings or have mechanical experience * Full range of Company Paid Benefits - HIRING RATEOFPAY $4.90 per hour TOP RATE . $5.35 per hour PRESENT' COST OF LIVING $ .36 per hour Apply to Personnel Department TOlephdrielSteckkil#1436titit....63 4:86-1 21.;AZIVW 1030 Erie steer StrOtfordi Ontario NSA 6V7 p•-• • bib Cr • 1 Coming Events RUMMAGE SALE, s ittirday, April 16, .„First.,.,..gresbyterian Church, 2:00 p.m. Rummage and White Elephant. 1-04 CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday . 8:30 Admission $1.00 restricted to sixteen years or over, 15 'regular games .of $15.00 , $5-least on split, 3 door prizes, $50 consolation. if Jackpot not won. Jackpot • $240.00 in 58 calls or less. • 1.86-1 ,RESERVE May 14th now. Sean Fagan - and the Dublin COrporation are coming to Seaforth. 1-86.10 • Bingo EVery Monday Night at the VANASTRA CENTRE R,R.5, Clinton • P.M. 15 regular games of $12.00 3 Share the Wealth . Jackpot $200.00 must go. Door prizes and many other specials. Admission restricted to 16 years or over. 1 Conking Events .....544Mbrz,311 "4416PI,fr BOX 709 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527.0050 KITCHENER ICE CAPADES March 20th .$10.00 per person 6:30 p.m, performance ***is** , ROY CLARK SHOW LONDON GARDENS March 25th $15.00 per person 10:00 P.M. pe4ormance ****** ROGER WHITTAKER CENTENNIAL HALL April 29th $15;.00 per person .8.;opp.M. performance ****** Summer"Brochures available on request 1-67-tf THE 66th Annual Meeting of the 'Children's Aid Society MARCH 9th; 1977 commencing at 7:30 P.M. The Guest Speaker.will be DONALD KEILLOR'. Director of Huron Centre for children and youth: Memberships "available at the door. ' The public is cordially invited to, attend. • 1-85-2 1' Coming Eients. Deechwood Pottery's regular show and said • SUnday, afternoon • 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. 2V -m . north of St. Columban 345-2184 • 1-85:tf • GOT, an event coming up? 9000 • pepple will read about 'it in THE EXPOSITOR Coming Event:. classified. Buy two insertions and get the third one free. -Phone 527-0240. 1-78xtf • Huron County Family Planning Project invites you to attend a - FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC every Thursday from 6:30 - 9 P.M. at Huron County Health' Unit, Shipley Street, Clinton. For- information. CALL. 482-3416 1-86-1 17 year old girl *requires a full time job doing any type of work, has.seme typing experieficeApply to Box #3259 The. Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 4-86-2 • MANAGEMENT Opportunity: Working for large Canadian electrical company. Must be ambitious and have a car. For interview call 524-9024. 4,86-2 WANTED' IMMEDIATELY: We need 5 ambitious people to start work immediately regardless of past experience. Applicant most he neat in appearance and have a car. Can' earn $264.00 per month, part time, or 5704,00 per month full time: For personal interview call 524.9024. 4-86-2 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted , 11 Articles For Sale GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. FlacO, your low priced Expositor classified at 527-0240. 11-78xtf To complete applications under the various social servl s ..programs. To maintain "a case load of approXimately 75 families. And to provide limited family marriage and emploYdient counselling. Preference Will be given to applicants with a Community : College Social Services Certificate or Municipal Social --Services experience. Salary range $9,700 to $11,600; excellent fringe benefits, a car is required. • • Apply in writing by noon, March 7, 1977, with full resume to: Polite Constable • TOWN OF,S,EgotTif Applications for the position of • Police Constable will be received by the undersigned' until S P.M. on __. • MONDAY MARCH 14th, 1977 Applicants Must meet the requirements for police constable as set forth in the Police Act. Please include a complete resume of experience • and personal characteristics and at least.' two character• references. Applications must be 'in a sealed envelope plainly marked as to JAMES CROCKER' CLERK TREASURER P.O-Box 610, Seaforth, Ontario NOK IWO 4-86-2 Looking for a part time, job ? Sell Huron EXPOsitor Subscriptions. Pick your own hours Phone 527-0240r ' for more information 4-84-tf Portable-- dishwasher,, - harvest gold„.1 year old”BarrOom - divider, one G.E:vaetitiM cleaner, 6 months old. 345-2065. 11-86-1