HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 44 G. E. WILIAM, CHEMIST — A N D - DRUGGIST, ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House. Wingham, , Ont eetingam uius .FRMAY,. OCTOBER 11, 1895. EDITORIAL NOTES. HON. W. HARTY was electecl by acclamation in Kingston, on Tuesday. A REPortm Convention will be held in Dungannon, on Friday. 25th instant, to arrange for the coming bye election. The meeting will be convened at 1 p. TRi Winnipeg Free Press urges that a commission be appointed to get at all the facts hi connection -with the Manitoba school case. It says it believes "that if a competent and impartial commission were to say that a, grievance existed and ought to be removed, the sense of right which is strong in the people of Manitoba, would insure in the end that justice is done." .121010101mrimmemonomenuit AIMITIONAL LOCALS. —The Ontario Provincial Convention of the International order of the King's Daughters and Sons is to be held in Lon- don on Oct. 15, 16 and 17. —The TI3tES and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the 1st of January, 1800, fcr 25 cents. ''---The question of the construction of a sewer along Josephine street northward from Victoria street, was before the town Council on Monday evening, and was re• ferred, to the Street Committee to make dstimates, dlc„ and report to the Council at a future meeting. —The twelrth annual Ontario Provincial Pat Stock and Dairy Show will be held in Guelph on the 10th, llth and 12th of De- cember, under the auspices of the Agricul- tural and Arts Association; The Sheep and Swine Breeders A.ssosiations; The Dairy- men's Association of Western Ontario and the Guelph Fat Stook Club. A Past one, The following in reference to a rase won by Messrs. Beattie Bros'. trotter, " Wancht,', we take from the Cleveland Leader of October 4th: "The result of the first heat of the 2.23 class trotting, purse 0600, the last race of tho day, was a surprise to the spectators around the pool bozos. Fannie S. sold favorite at even money with a field of trine against her, and the entire field finished before she jogged under the wire. The heat had another sensation in it. A 14 to 1 shot, Wanda, a bay mare, owned by Beattie Bros., had tenth place at the start, and after the, pole had been Iost by 3. G. Newcomb, 'Wands. walked to the front rui the back streteh as though the other speeders were at a standstill, and landed the heat in 2.101, with Minuetta, a Cleve- land horse, second. The only contest of interest in the second heat was between Wanda, the pole, and Minuetta, who finished second, in the first heat. The two horses trotted side by side around this entire stretch, and the only time when there was any danger that another trotter would. be a factor in the beat was when Fannie S. came up at the quarter, but she souldn't ataxia the speed and broke. Wanda won, with Mintietta second, Ring Buzz third, and Tannic S., the favorite at the beginning of the race, passed under the wire fourth. The result of the heat Akre the speed shown by Wanda was accepted as an indication that it was merely thrown away to buy the Said, and there was little pool selling after the tecend heat. 11 was fast growing dark when the third ad fast heat was called, and the horses were given the word quick. ly, the drivers being tti3 anxious to finish at the judgett. Wanda had the pole, and after the turn was made, she had a good lead with Vertnie S. and Minnetta eotitest- ing for second place. They trotted to the three.quarter pole with even noses. There l'annie S. broke, and fell to the rear, nen wow, another horse race for third place, vita Donna Thee and Xing Buzz as the contestants. Ileither could gaitart inch over the other, and they eame tearing down the tracts at their beet clip, following moat/ma Minnetta. The judges de- eletrecl it a dead heat between the two borate, which gave them the same position the rat" and 14 watt therefore ordered C *bat tisird and forrth money be divided Donna Ines and Xing Buzz. took filet money, and Alienate WETWAB E10 (eaxerxxier.n.) We left Winnipeg to continue our westward journey a stage further, on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 14th. of August. We strike out at osallatillittmetaturstmont, THE WING DAM TIMES,. OCTOBER '11 t895. in any other of which we have any knowledge. If a man starts farming on a large scale, the enterprise will require considerable capital, but if he starts on 100 acres or .even 320 acres and proceeds with care and great economy for a few years com- paratively little capital will be re- . inured to give lune a start. From once on leaving the City on a Vale poo to $500 would be an excellent as level as a tennis court, and exbeginning and men with pioneer tending M every directionas far HS "- qualities would get along without the eye could. see. On the south even as much as that. A mistake this plain was marked by the poplar is made by many in getting too trees, which indicated the line of the much land and seeking to become 41.sitittboine river. Skirting the river we see well tilled farms, with cone fortable houses peeping out from among the trees, which give them shelter from the storms of winter and the beat of seamier. Upon the north of the river the country is fiat and is only adapted for hay. As we proceed westward, we perceptibly reach a higher altitude and the country becomes checkered with farm houses and luxurious fields of ripening grain. Fifty-six miles west of Winnipeg we reach the thriving town of Portage La Prairie. This town has a population of over 4000 inhabitante. Its great elevators, big mills, comfortable and beautiful residences, busy streets, substantial business blocks tell the story of thrift and progress, and also indicate the agricultural capabilities of the country of which it is the commer- cial centre. The " Portage Plains " have a reputation for fertile soil and comparative freedom from frost, and therefore the land is held at a good price. We spent a few days in this neighborhood and was highly pleased with what we saw and learned of the LONDESBORO. The, I. 0. G. T. Lodge here have accepted an invitation to visit Clinton lodge on Friday evening.—Mr. Robt. Reid and Lavinia Brigham were elected as delegates to attend, the district meeting of the Good Templars at Leeknow on the 15th of this mouth,—Mr. R, Adams, we are sorry to learn,is stele- with typhoid fever as also is Mr. E. large erowd went from here to the Blyth Fair on Wednesday.—Mr. Marshal Braith- waite has rented his farm near the SUITS, give comfort to tho For Suits that suit, wearer and satisfy your frieuds,you had OVERCOATS, better try US. Our garment makers TROUSERS know how todutheir • work ; don't think there are any better and yet we oharge leo more than others do for tufertor work. Ru ,eds of new fall and winter samples choose from, at prices about ba f at you havo to pay for old good. ork done for parties furnishing their o u cloth. If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot village to Mr. Howard Riddell for a I be properly made for Si Spot Cash, call great farmers in a few years. The best way is to move on by degrees, - 3 term of four years at $250 a `ea .1., I and eee our work. Our terms are cash. —There will be special sermons preached by Rev. W, Neal in the Methodist church on the 20th of this month. In the morning the sermon will be to the Sunday School and in fall.the evening in the interest of the Prodigality in. buying every League, and on Monday evening new-fangled agricultural machineLeague, there will be a literary meeting.— that is put upon the 'market and. Ali'. G. Snell has improved the tip- lwhose sale is pushed by. unscrupu- pearance of his place by putting up ous agents who are well bormsed a now fence in front of it.—Mr. R. for their efforts, is one of the great Bell has moved into the house lately sources Of debt in that country. Negligence of proper care of Ina- va,eated by Mr. W. Brown. Ohinery is another source of loss and WROXETER. debt. Machinery is too often left Messrs, Donogh & Oliver, of To - exposed to the rain, the hot sun of summer and the frosts of winter, ronto, shipped a car of No. 1 Maple while a little extra effort might pro! lumber to Syracuse, N. Y., this week. on —Rev. Ballantyne, of Toronto, vide a shelter for them. Buying long eredits or indeed buying preached in the Presbyterian church at all when the article is not an absolute here last Sabbath. -- At our Fall present need, is another error that in Show, held last week,. a goodly time leads to bankruptey. Another number of prizes fell to W 11 Mc - folly may be referred. to which Cracken and John Brethauer, and the exhibts of roots, flowers and fancy farmers everywhere should avoid. but more particularly small farmers work, was above the average, Cattle were not up to former years in in the West. After a farmer has a confining his operations within his means and avoiding debt as .he would avoid a plague, "Machinery debt" is the great sink hole into whieli many farmers in Manitoba numbers, but the quality was good. reaper, a thresher, a scuffier, or, in country. The people are on the One of the special attractions was a hort, any agricultural machine for whole reasonably well to do and sa few years and it is still as good for bieycle race, .in which five entered. have great hopes for the future, The track was in very pooe condi- work as ever, an iniplement agent because they have faithin their appears upon the scene and the tion, end as a result of which, John Province. The erops in every part of Mani- toba are exceedingly fine and have been saved in excellent condition. The average yield of wheat on the "Portage Plains ". will be in the neighborhood of 36 bushels to the acre. This faet, I learn since my return, from farmers in that section. The estimated yield from the province is 30,000,000 bushels of wheat and 30,000,000 bushels of coarse grains. Three million bushels will feed. the people and twenty-seven millions will be sold for export.. This Will realize at least $13,000,000,, which will he an average to each of the 25,000 Sarniers in the province of $1300. Besides this return from wheat, they have their oats, peas, barley, flax, rye, butter, cheese anct cattle in addition. From these sources large sums will bo realized. The profits of this year will indeed be a bonanza to the farmers of Mani- toba and will stimulate every avenue of trade, as well as relieve the province of much of its private debts. The above is a good showing and testifies to the great • agricutural capabilities ot that country. Mani- toba and the Territories, especially Manitoba, are the places for ener- getic, industrious and persevering and make for themselves a comfor- Barnard was thrown from his wheel, farmer is made the victim in many. cases of speeious reasoning and breaking it slightly. The race was dis- won by T. Hemphill, W Sanderson honest effort. Ile is told that his s implements aee old-fashioned andecond. Another special feature was a prize offered by A. Moffett for comparatively worthless, and in - order to keep up with his neighbors, the lady who could harness, hitch be should buy the latest and most and get around the ring first. This I improved machine in the market, was won by Mrs.. PeItOn, who bad And of course every agent has that kind of machine for sale cheap, with long credits to pay for them. Farmers are frequently prevailed upon to part with their Od machine for a mere trifle and invest in a new one not 0110 whit better for his work. .And thus the process of disintegra- tion goes on and the farmer finally curses the day that he embarked in farming in Manitoba. He• sells or leaves his farm in disgust and re- turns to England or Old Canada whence be came, and charges his want of success to the Country upon which he has turned his back. Now, I Litre St.• all these disasters might havo been Montreal, October 7.—The prices avoided. by firmness and judgment, of the cattle market this morning tempered with prndence, economy were as follows t-500 cattle atfrom and foresight—capital worth more $2 @I $3.50 ; 500 lambs and sheep ; than money. lambs, $1.50 ® $3; sheep, $3 ® $3.. Farmers in Manitoba and the 50; 150 calves at $2 @ $12. • Territories are especially handl- Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 7.—Cattle capped by being compelled by law closed steady for handy grades; very to buy in the dearest market and to dull and weak, with a large number • WEBSTER & CO., Opposite the Macdonald Block, Wingbere, Ont. MARXET REPORTS. WItaltiat. Wingharn, Oct. 10,1895. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 1 76 to « 00 Pall Wheat 0 62 to 0 03 Spring Wheat 0 69 to 0 63 Oats 0 22 to 0 25 ESTRAV CATTLE Cam: sn to the promises the under. signed, L Ooncessio , 'Morris, on or, about the tir.. .Tu net, seven yearl. ing calves, mos d in color. The. owuer 0413 hay tbetn roving pro. pate and p rnit charges- JO/IN GlenD 4. ept, 14th,1895. WELL! WELL! ANOTHER DRUG STORE IN. W1NGHAM! 'Zi.W.teeleeete 1,Nrho runs it? Gordon Co. Where is it? Opposite the. Queen's Hotel. Why will it pay the people. Pms.•.„ ........... o° 487° tt: tthoiii)).a.trisonlilzeewi.t ? No eocaoulsde every-.1313:It:Yr, Eggs per dozen 1'2 le Wood per cord.... .. , . ....0 1 25to to0 1 50 r> A araclulte of the O. C. P. Hay per ton .. . .. . ., .. ....13 00 to14 00 will Jae in constant attendance.. Potatoes, per bushel 0 20 to 0 25 .- Tallow, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 1 1 iccs rignt. Dried Applos, per lb 0 ee to 0 05 ot.:,sment.n.nammemer...swoutommatranamtomvoommt.ms......1 We will be pleased to see- •••,,I=a30411A.WWW:ealti.l'iuttr4=1,1:212, our old customers and as many new ones as will favor us with, a call. TRUNKS VALISES, LEATHER BAGS Special Bargains all Month. GEORGE GOOD icisassaancessiormanmazomam=szi, CMN. CHOPPING. a. narrow escape by being struck by 1 another lady driver and a wheel broken.--Bevival serviees are being held in Belmore Methodist church by Rev. W. E. Kerte—Our loud sport,. men have purchased three fine hounds and the game will now have to keep I On the. nmve.--Mr. Andrews, the C. P. R. agent here, wheeled down last Saturday to Belwood and on his return home met with an accident Which necessitated hie walking a.few miles, being driven some more, and returning home at a very early hoar in the morning, sell m the cbeapest. '1 he product of unsold. Sales, 13 cars Canada young men tO go who ws1i to farm their labor has to find a tear ket in a lambs, $4.26 0e, $4,40. • table home. None but men of pluck petition Nvith the prodwps of the . e, ety • foreign land, there to be sold in corn and energy need go, for they will be coolie labor a India, with the Serf disappointed. So they had better labor of Russia, as well as With the save their fare and remain where under -paid. labor on the plains of the they' are. There is no room in Argentine Republic. The produets Manitoba for drones or men *ho are of the Manitoba farmer are burdened easily discouraged, but for men with heavy transportation rates, end possessing the qualities of the "old necessarily so, and when those rates pioneers " of Ontario, Manitoba are deducted from the peices ob- presents a splendid field for their tained in foreign markets, there is push, industry and perseverance. but a small inargin left for the tillers .And those qualities shall be rewarded of the soil. But even with this mar - in due time by comfortable, homes gin they woulddo well were they and bank accounts. True, there are permitted to spend it as they deem difficulties and drawbacks and even best in their own interests. Every-, great discouragernents, to be en. thing they buy is laden with a countered in that country, but where heavy and onerous tax in the form is the country in which those things of a custom duty, or as an increased are absent, and where everything is price almost equivalent to the rate of sunshine and beauty That country duty imposed. The fat is plain may be fotind beyond the blue, but that the farmers are taxed and not in this worldly arenaa of actitt- • handieapped to preserve the home ities. One pleasing feature W04.market for other and more favored found everywhere and that was, eiftsseg, while they are compelled to everyone had a good word for his 'sell the products, of their toil in the country. Many spoke of the winters I neutral andcompetitive markets of as being long and cold, but Would i the world. The fiscal polley of add, "'our winters are more pleasant Canada has been extremely bard than the Ontario -winters." The !upon the Manitoba farmers, and farmers eompiained bitterly ofeeriethey are beginning to realise the fact. binations, monopolies and trusts, If the farmers of Manitoba had a which prevented th the best of their o o t Wk A preparation. which enriches and purifies the blood and assists nature in repairing wasted tissue must have a wide range of -usefulness. Such a preparation is Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites pf Lime and Soda. The uses of Scott's Emul- sion are not confined to wasting diseases, like con- sumption, scrofula or annia. They embrace nearly all those minor ail- ments associated with loss of flesh. soca &Bowl* um*, 30c, tid Si, em f rom making.fair fieldfiptftfs —for they ask for no speeial I the best of the products favor—a reasonable prospefity would of their ! be their constant eompanion, Pros. energy and skin, It is said that it perity and contentment among the °quires eapital to start farming in people of Manitoba would be power,. Vanitoba, It is true that some little MI agents to seetire immigration to apital is required, but we would the fertile land and salubrious ( entttre to say that an industrious, climate of that country. economical man can start farming in P, MAcnostrx. that country with iess capital than ' (To US Co.,ITINUBD.) • t MANLE The Best Blood parlson ! You will gi than out of a whole on GLYotrinet instea BE s AT WILLI ititv!ng secured power from the Winglyttu Electric Light Company, 1 hare put in _sfionesat the Electric Light power imuse, •Le er wintrbMU, and ant prepared to do chopping at all tittles. The patronage of the publics is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. ROBERT lAtNpR1zE, Wincham, Juiv Bith, 1895. • IP PAYS TO IThis is the experience of the grad mites the IGANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. This Week; Irwin Shoemaker pu of th Department, has accepted the position of Book- , . keeper with Thomas Batty & Co„ hardware met.. chants, at Norwich, Onk. Mr, altars has accepted the position of Steno. grapher with Wobe Gaslight Co., l3roadway, New Yark, Are you Interested in a Shorthand . or Business Course? 11 so, you cannot afford tro elsewhere for it. We payyour railway flre. Good boar t for ladies. only $2 per week ; gentlemen, $2.50. For Catalogue of either Dept: tment, ad Iress, MoLACHLAN & CO3 Chatham, Oa GORDON et CO., Wingham.. ^ - • --- • • y • - STOP A iiiiiNUTE and read what is taking place at the China, House. Marked reductions hi a number' -‘e of lines of beautiful CHINA AD GLASSWARE, to make room for NEW GOODS expected. to arrive in the near future.. In fact, some lines already passed into Stock. FRESH GROCERIES arriving daily, the quality and prices of which cannot fail to give satisfaction. Try some of our dried Apricots, Peaches and Pitted • Silver Phuns. We are sole agents for SALADA. TEA,. and have it in Black and Black and. Green mixed. Try one package and. we'll rest assured of the result. .Also, full lines of Japan and Hyson Teas, which cannot fedi to please. All orders left to our care will re- ceive our most careful and prompt attention. NORMAN A, FARQUHARSON, Obitla House, Wingham. Motto :—Good Goods at Honest Prima, IML 221,717-14.11E kr".(1=Ctit,14,t1T, LEADING JEWELER Has just ordered a full stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY. motatmiegammopmmalfiatilemysty....... • • We buy for CASH and can sell as cheap as the cheapest. OP—A FULL STOCK TO CHOOSE'FROM mwtmemitmeimarammentoolowo REPAIRING For FINE WATCH REPAIRING., I defy competition. aVr. 13.11,TT1=,..OI () NT„ promo 13.01C Tor HA1.111`,TON. WINDHAM. VE C Vit/Tit 11.8Ele, Ilt NTH WINE. orifior, Tonic and General Health I o r over offeredtci mankind. NV snot fear eoni- t snore genuine permanent benefit t El BOTTLE of .Ntlt ANLErS OEIIE mit of any other "Compon of ArPonor., Try it HZ AND GE MS' DRU COMPOTIN on the market. It contains no injurious drugs, an is based la will then know th truth. osr, DOLLAIt PEE 130 Ttiti. arviALAIT lerse.o.gi 9 STORE), WI HAM, ONTARIO* •• HO The a auspices Society, Saturcla, day was good tut whit full par awards 1 HeusE Wilkinso year old Bros. 0 .Bros. Cooper, filly, Jas Parpose- Henry. filly, A 4 Two yea. Evans, J gelding Ewen. gelding, land. 0 Campbell Larnbld year old 11311111nel purpose, purpose mare, rc Lambkh Lambkir team, Je Roadster Hallman Alex Ori best hen three ye Orr's sp lion, "0 of Alex the grou 0.tTT1 5 Johns three yc two yea Smith old heir( Yearlin Hunter. 1 and 2 Smith I and 2. S John S John Johustc Johnst Johnstc Site Jae Set ling ra.1 J San ewes, ling evi .1 Sand Sander deron. Oxford took a class, I ram, r ewes, t Shrope Webb this el. the D Johns lamb, .Aged Shear' Little' derso age, Brood son, ji son, j age, Alex Alex Po Wrn .Itts Its A • id Spa; leACT • 1tt Glllk entte cerri jas Bros. Jas mad+ horn Cab eti Spri - Ewe Jas Bins bell Smi bell