HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 13---"OntariO: dairy farmers are to receive a price increase of Ave per • cent for the milk they produce for table use; effective April 1. • In announcing the increase, the Chairman of 'the • Ontario Milk Marketing Board, 'Kenneth, 0. McKinnon, stated that for several years the Board has determined the price to.,its producers by using ONVENIEBiE ARE CORD ALLY INVITED TO SPEND TOPICS OF CURRENT INTEREST WILL BE PRESENTED BY Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing Board Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing Board Corn and Malting Barley Specialists A I' ••(-4.1- .;* f • I , • —0- -1.1 • " .4111 I ".0 CATIONS-FOR "FOOD & REFRESHMENTS AT Nt7C)N"-- TWO DATES & KIRKTONoWOODH COMMUNITY CI KIRKiON, ONT. PINERIDGECHALET. Hwy. 84, 2 Miles W. of Hensall Wedneiday, .114601: 11.6 9: 3 0 cian.--Learly bird coffee 10:00 cr.m.--ii)rogrorrt begins -‘.• q:3 1 a.m.—early I3ird toffee, , 10:00 CI. m.—program begins. ,-• • PiCh Up YOU,' fteejiCkets At Any Of t &VS:Elevators Henson — Kirkton 162#2410—, 228.666i, 1294986 , I: \n. HURON EXPOSITOlii. :MARCH 3, loTT 13 VCA - qpproves-..*672 iPQa Dairy farmers to ge 5 0,0. fO Despite heavy snowfall even in the early part of this winter the Huron County Road Department has managed to shOW a surplus of $134,467 on its 1976 bildget. According to County Engineer Jim., Britnell this surplus is approximately $63,000 higher than had been predicted in October, He said it can be attributed to • several unusual factors in 1976. , One reason, was the late approval by the Ministry of Transport.and Communications'of an additional $20,000 of subsidy for municipal drain assessments, a ' second reason was , the unbudgeted' receipt of $28,600 from Armco •to cover the repairs to the Sal tford bin.:_wall_that.the department had carried out and paid for several years ago. A third reason • was what Mr. .Britnell called a "Surprisiitgly'low bid" on our hot' EVerybetly you meet is, talking about the weather. probably agrologists are no exception. Daily extremes and severe weather cause problems for everyone. ' Will we face even more extreme weather in •the future? What are the long-terin trends and predictions? Will agricultural production strategies 'need to .be shifted to cope, with changing- weather patterns? • The Western Branch, Ontarid Instititte of A grologists, is 'hosting an open meeting for In Huron County , ad budget has $134,46 sur effects Cif weather ties has continued to rise.", 'as follows: Prince Edward Island He. noted such increas es for The five per cent increase, in $12.45; Nova Scotia $13.46; New .. ... •\ - the most recent two years as producer terms, amounts to 60 -- Brunswick 113,20; .t., Quebea petroleum products up by 23:73 cents per . hundredweight, $12.75; Ontario $12.01;. Manitoba per cent; • building replacement therefore the farm price for raw $12.36;'" Saskatchewan .$11.70; 49.0 per cent; building repo `milk in Southern-Ontario will he Alberta $12.97 :Alia British, t ,raised .ft•oin $12.0f per Columbia 414.80. 19.7 per : cent; farm machinery ..... _ 18.5. per cent; hired farm labor 26.5 per cent and electricity 19.7 per cent. ' • , The increase in the. producer price is in compliance with the Anti-Inflation" Arearci guidelines. Mr . McKinnon pointed out that Huron COunty has agreed to ' the low level of increase was only co-operate with the University of possible because of the good. job ' Guelph in a' Rural Development that' producers were doing in, Outreach Project to be carried out managing their farms. • The• in the county over the next three members of the Ontario Milk to six years. agrologists, farmers- and the --are invited to attend this Meeting. Marketing Board felt that this County „ councillors . voted . to general public to .provide, ,some •on Tnesday, Mardi 15 starting at modest increase is badly needed, J - give" the project their support to these questions. 8 p.m. The location is Ontario . by' the dairy prodocers in the when they met idregular session Dr. Terry . Gillespie, agrime- Hydro Builing ; 1075 Wellington Province. , • ' • 4•••••at Goderic.h lastihnisday. ' teorologist fro,m the University of Rd; • S.'; London, Ontario. - . ,As there is 'no government. The project. 'funded by Ag rotog lists to stud tmilk, as dO not know what the -final table use, in Ontario and other' y „the cost of producing 1§75, and in the :two-year span Mr. McKinnon concluded, "we _, Weight. for ravif, milk destined for with other agrktiltural commodi- consumer price increase will be." provinces in January, 1977, were 41— Huron council ,approyes Universifir" resources for development. $577,356 grant from the .Kellogg • Now that" the University has Foundation, is aimed at been assured co-operation 'they developing means by •which are expected to appoint a project resources and expertise at the director in the near future and University can be put to.use in the 1 County council has appointed rural development process. Godprich Reeve Bill Clifford as its Huron was chosen because it is an . representative. - on- the project area-already.in Contact with the advisory board. • University of Guelph-and one • proceSs. The county planning board is to act as the liaison agency betWeen which is advanced in its planning the councit and thp University team. Annual progress reports are to be submitted to council and the agareetnent- _approved on Thursday provides that the County or the University may withdra* from the project .if 'differences are encountered • . . mix °paving on County Road to roads, .$300,000 for overhead allocations; Huron County will at Listowel, _the lowestS of five which cannot be resolved by Numbe.r 12. and $215,000 lei the purchase of have to raise $1,123,000 but has a tenders for two tandem axle . ad'i ustment or dialogue.. The surplus is to be transferred new maChinery. - surplus of3134,000 from last year dump .truckS complete with box, in other business arising from to the 1977 budget. ' $40 000 has been set aside for .. ,- to make.' up the remainder ,of its hoist, -Snow plow and wing, will the report of the Plaimidg Board In ;1976 the County of Huron culvert ,construction,• and share of $1,257,000. ' — -Su-Plily such at A` cost of $83;094. „to council last Thursday .the spent $1,305,660 on flied costs.$880,000 for road construction The' budget, Road Committee Valley Blades Limited will be councillors '• - approved a for county • roads. This sum and paving. Under that last item a , chairman Robert Lyons noted in :paid $2,407 each for two ,recommendation that the 'Covered roadside maintenance, section 'of Road 30 from Clifford his submission te council, is' underbody snow plows for :planning departthent •'•••13e•• hard and gravel surface west for 2.5 Miles 'will be built, a highly dependent on several mounting on County sanders..,, authorized to make application to maintenance, winter control and four mile section of road 1 thin-Es beyond control, like how - The Road Department will the Ministry -of Housing for a safety devices as welt ,its "-south' 'faun earltutr—witl—Fe-7tmtch snow falls and how much purchase a motor • grader from Community Planning Study Grant maintenance on. "bridges "and' constructed as well as paving a competition there is in tender • Dominion Road Machinery- for the preparation of a model culverts, 'overhead, the purchase four mile section of road 8 , calls.___ Limited for $57,200 and will buy -rural zoning by-law. Gist 'of the and machinery and construction between Clinton and Surnmerhil "If the_Dalanee of the winter is 1500 cedar -fence posts posts from programis estimated at $3,400. -- _ of a sand shed. and a 9t:3---mile portion of road 6 •,: as severe as ' the past ff itea erYy-n Fawn for $3.acfi. Another $740,238 was spent on _road construction and paving. . The estimated-budget for, 1977., approved by County Council at last Thursday's meeting, , was $2,892;000K-An Increase of only _ Guelpil will discuss long-terin weather trends and the ,type of climate we are likely to have over, the next several decades. A panel discussion on "Crop production strategy for ; a 'changing climate" will be chaired by Roy Jewell, P.Ag., Of CFPL - Radio, T.V. LOndom,Dther panel members include Pat Lyndh, Soils & Crop's Specialigt, Stratford; Hugh- Scott, P.Ag., cash crop. farmer from•Staffa as well as Dr. Gillespie. "' ' Farmers and the general public $60,000' over the estimated budget approVed for 1976. • • The • new budget provides - $2:074.000 for fixed costs related an economic formula as a guide. "The' formula," he said," more than justifies this five per cent increase. , "The last increase iii producer returns for third- milk," Mr. McKinnon said, "waa Ott -4ril 1; between Highway four and Kirkton. ' Huron Coenty's- 20 per cent' share of constructing a boundary r,„_filge between_ Grey and-alma ships will come to $85,000. Of the total $2,892,000 bilL. the Ministry of Transport and Communication will contribute $1.570.000 through • its regulation in Ontario controlling the level of the consumer price for milk, the 'total amount' of. the increase, in addition to the producer position, is, dependent on the forces of .competition. "For this— reason," months and if the prices bid for paving and gravel exceed our ,esti .mates we will, as in the past, reduce the total cost by reducing ,the length of some-projetts-cnrby deleting some budgeted item." In other_ business the road 'committee announced the granting of a' number -of tenders. Harvey Krotz Motors Liniltert a ' hundredweight to ' $12;61 ' per- hundredweight and in -Northern. 'Ontario front $12,58 per hundred- weight to $13.18 per hundred- weight. For comparative purpOes; producer prices -.per . hundred- Centralia Farmers Supply Limited was given a contract valued at $13,725 to provide steel fence posts, wire, tie, wire_and A female carp may spawn up to 300.000 eves. budget of '$67Z$QUQ Was. apPrOvaby the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority at it's Weal meeting February Wroxeter. Of 'dip total, $41740 will be used for water and land Management Projects in Turnberry and Howick townships` and -along the area of the Lake Huron shoreline managed 'by the Authority. ' • - The 1977 budget represents an increase of 38.5.percent over that of last year. Levies to member municipalities are • to increase approximately ten, percent,• with the balance of the increase being Council also voted to establish a subcommittee to conduct a review of the Ontario Building Code. It was., agreed that_this,__... subcciirunittee should consist, of three members and G.H.Stirling, R.M.Wiltiamson and H. Knight, along with 'Warden D,A.McNeil An his ex officio capacity, were appointed to the new body. met by provincial grants f9r Conservation 'projects. mills.diSc IiAs •whthanies 111B: it.ttdgeet'ses:rl:PiriaPnlitG":)t:IThati6et immediate • exterior renovations are needed if any future restora- tion is to be Carried out on the structures.. the committee recommended that a local engineer be engaged to provide cost estimates for varying - degrees of restoration.. In other' business at the meeting, • Lorne' . Murray of Moorefield and yitppe Jihot..0 u4tQwci, Were-"retnined. for Anotheit term as, president and vice-president ,of •the Authority. . . Walk It, to met, • 4/011 • AMIICIIWIIM7 Walk a ki4c,Today. • Seafortly Phone 527-1910 "or FERTILIZER *SEED GRAIN *FORAGE SEEDS See Us for friCe$ Order your SEED GRAIN requirements before the variety you may want is gone. • OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED ,a,••••• - t . ,•• r .