HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 3THE W INGTIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 11, 1895,
W.. C. T. U. COLUMN,
(c0NxuCT.Im Br 61111 WIXOM:RC P,BAN(1.)
'For Gori and Mollie and Native Land."
We callit>o• ali'olden, of - the mothers and sisters
to ;he ince, that the Woman's Christian Tetnper-
ancoUnion meets the third Monday e\eri• tuonth
at three c; clock +harp, for one hour, at Mrs. Helm's
residence, id 1'a tc ic t l street, t All ladies are made wel
Some time ago in the state of
Michigan, a young and enterprising
book anrapt was in the country,
travellin tom town to town, selling
can do a great deal, but it cannot do
everything. It cannot stop the pass-
ing of time, it cannot make us young
again, it cannot renew with health
the enfeebled frame. In the face of
the demon ill -health, rieh and poor
are on an equality. Rich and poor
eou,l:, have to seek the same remedies, and
As the Editor has kindly given us pert et his a work called "The Early Christian wise indeed are they if, in their
send items fur of intr erest nowu tsk till morallsof the gt questions a of le int J1Ig1I'tyrS," which lie Sold at $ $ a CO',olsorrow and suffering, they turn to
day to say of oar members. delivering the books and collecting Holloway's Pills and Ointment.
the money as he went along.These are within the reach of the
Ile hadbeen two days in a certain poor as well as of the rieh, and it • is
town and had taken a fair number no idle testimony, but the natural
of orders there, when a little before result of long experience, which has
declared Holloway to be the poor
man's friend.
The Teaehina of Experience.
Many thousands of individuals
have happily proved in their own
experience that abstinence from
alcohol has been a powerful factor in
helping them to attain success in life.
Mr. John Burns, M. P., recently said,
"what strength of mind and strength
of constitution bo possessed was due
to the fact that, in the earlier period
of my life, be hacl poured into his
mind many illustrations of the value
of temperance from a physiological
point of view." The majority of the
labor representatives in Parliament
are well-known teetotalers, illustra-
ting by their presence in that
assembly that abstinence as certainly,
helps men to the front as drink
drives amen to the rear. The adop-
tion of Prohibition by communities,
cities, counties and States has proved
equally successfully in raising and
improving their social eondition.
The dismal croakings of those who
say that general abstinence would
lead to less work and lower wages
are falsified "by the experience of
• many places where the common
' drink -shop is totally suppressed.
Abstinence is the most powerful
lever at present in existence for
raising the toiler's condition. Where
adopted the pioney which used to
help to swell• the publican's takings,
and snake millionare liquor selling
peers, now goes into other channels
of honest trade—creating work, in-
ereasiug the demand for. workers,
and 'raising wages. There would be
more than enough work for all, and
better wages, if all the money now
squandered on drink was spent in
- more useful ways.
noon he called in a grocery store,
where be found the proprietor alone.
The old grocer asked him what he
had, seeing from his sample that he
Prospective boarder : Do you have
was an agent of some kind. He good. milk ? Summer landlord ; Do
replied, "I'm taking orders for a 1 wet Why, this place is only forty
work called "The Early Christian minutes from the city.
Martyrs" and have only a few copies
The old man's eyes beamed with
delight as he said, "Is that so? Why,
it was only a few nights ago my wife
and I were talking about that book
'and wondering how we could get it.
She wants the boom, bad and so do I."
The agent delivered him a copy, and
as the old roan gave him a $5 bill in
payment, be said ; "Now, look here,
don't you go over to the house and
sell a copy to my wife, because we
only want one in the family."
"Certainly not," said the book
agent, "I wouldn't think of such a
thing," and bidding the old man
good Morning, be left the store,
It was then abort 11.45 and the
train which was to take him to
Chicago started. at 12.15 p. m. He
said to himself, "I have just time to
sell a copy to the old lady and get on
the train." •
So he entered the nearest drug
store, and getting the hone address
of. the old man from a directory he
at once hurried there. Of course, be
had no difficulty in making the -sale,
as she was anxious to get the work,
and having received the $5, he made
all haste to catch the train.
The old man came home for
dinner long after the book agent bad
gone. His wife came toward him
smiling and congratulating herself
upon having secured what she had
so long wished to possess, a copy 'of
"The Early Christian Martyrs." He
did not smile, however, but swore,
angrily, and muttering something
about be would fix him, hurried out
(not stopping for dinner) in the hope
of reaching the station before the
train started for Chicago, thinking
that the book agent would be sure
to leave town as soon as possible after
this. •
When he came within 200 yards
of the station he saw from the top of
the hill which sloped down to the
station that the train Was on the
point of starting, so recognizing a
friend of his who was nearly at the
botton of the hill and consequently
close to the train,he began gesticulat-
ing; and ..shouting to hila to stop the
book agent. . His friend could only
catch the words book agent, so he
approached the book agent, who was
Running Sores Cured.
DER SIRS,—I way troubled with run-
ning bores on my face which nothing
-could cure, up to the time I tried i3ur-
dock Blood Bitters, but after taking two
• bottles ins face was completely eared
and it left my flesh clear and sound.
37 Wool sley St., Toronto.
Equal. to It.
An Irishman was hauling water in
barrels from a small river td supply
the inhabitants of the village, which
was not provided with waterworks.
As he halted at the top of the bank
to give his team a rest before pro-
ceeding to make his round with the
water, a gentleman of the inquisitive
type rode up, and, after passing the
time of day, asked :
'How long have you been hauling
water for the village, my good man?'
'Tin years or more, • sir,' was the
simple reply.
`Ah 1 And how many loads do you
make a day?' smoking a cigar on the rear platform
`Prom 10 to 15, accordin' to the ' of the car, and asked him what the
weather, sor.' 1 old man on the hill wanted. The
'Yes. Now I have one for you, !book agent pretended to scrutinize
Pat,' said tbe. gentleman, laughing, ; the figure in the distance, of course,
'How much water have you hauled' knowing full well who he was and
altogether?' what he wanted. In a few minutes
The Irishman jerked bis thumb in he said, as an idea seemed to strike
the direction of the river, at the him':
same time giving his team the hint i "I know ;, I know now. That is a
to start, and replied: customer of mine. Ile wants a copy
'All the water that yez don't see ' of 'The Early Christian Martyrs,'
there now, sir.'—Scottish Nights. i and like a fool I nover called on him.
I forgot him. If you want to do
Rot a - Sox Loft. i him a good turn," he added, just as
In Perot'ulous cases under ordinary i the train was going to move out,
treatment scarce aro left when the `:ores "you bad better take the book from
are Healed. The action of Burdock l me anti ,gree it to him, so he won't
Blrod .linters is assisted by applying it be disappointed'
—The Turns and Toronto Weekly Globe
will be sent to new suhsoribers from now
till the 1st of January, 1850, for 25 cents.
Worthy Your Confidence.
The SU000b$ of Hood's Sarsaparilla in
conquering sorofula in whatever way it
slay manifest itself is vouohed for by
thousands who were severely afflicted by
this prevalent disease, but who now re-
joice over a permanent elite by Hood
Sarsaparilla. Sorofula inay appear as a
humor, or it may attack the glands of
the neok,orbreak out in dreadful running
sores on the body or limbs, c'..ttaodng
the mucous membrane, it may develop
into catarrh or lodgiog in the lungs lead
to consumption, Colne as it may, a
faithful course of treatment with Hood's
Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working
upon the foundation 'of all diseases, im-
pure blood, the system is clarified and
Vitalized, and vigor, strergth and health
restored to the body.
Miss Passe indulged in somewhat
withering sarcasm when she was
talking of you. It is her privilege,
poor thing. She is somewhat with -
ed herself,—Indianapolis Journal.
Relief in six hours. .)istressing .Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac -
Ten -year old Barky boy: Mammy, eonnt of its exceeding promptness inreliev-
maminy, I can't reach the roostingeve ypart f ttheltuivarytpalssagesbinckmale
nest on my toes. Mamnhy Johnsing: sue:female. It xelioves retention of and
Stan, on your heels, chile. Ain't and pain in passing it almost immediately..
you got any interlectr ..lity ? If you Iva t quick , elief t d cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
MI E. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga store.
Ten n, says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer 'saved my
lire,' 1 consider it the best remedy for a
debilitated system I ever used. For
Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 eta. Sold at Chisholm's
Cornor Drug Store.
Prohibition missionary : You are
so poor only because you are in-
toxicated half your time. The
bibulous one : Thash not it, gent.
I'm only 'toxicated half m' time
'cause I am so poor 1
Yellow Oil used internally relieves
and cures croup, sore throat, asthma,
bronchitis, and similar complaints. Used
externally it cnresrheumat sm, lumbago
',Trains, bruises, galls, chilblains, frost
bites, cuts, wounds, insect bites, lame
back, neuralgia, etc.
Mrs. Dickson, widow of the late
Registrar of Huron, died in G oderich
a few days ago, thus ' following her
husband after a few months. The
deceased lady bad been seriously i11
for a few weeks, and her death was
not a surprise to the family's many
Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
andNeuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warranteed at Chishom'sdrug store.
exttinftily as well as internally. There d The price is 5.'
is in, nutting, no knife just a natural { The man gave the book agent $5
lienlieg pother 1>ver abscesses, ulcers, foe" his• friend and took the book
sore`., etc., that leaves the flesh as clean and the train started for Chicago.
Lnrl sound ht; it babe's.
Now would be a grand time for
farmers to set the gang ploughs at
work. The ground is getting in
good condition for•that purpose. Rag
weed is growing more luxuriantly
than ever was known before, and in
fields hitherto free from the weed.
Canadian Thistles are true to their
instinct and are hurrying up for a
second crop of seed. Wild peas and
wild oats, where they have the mis-
fortune to be, are making a new
start. Gang ploughing will check
much of this and annihilate some of
it, besides it will tell 25 per cent. on
the crop next year.
AS the book agent leaned back in
The G. T. B. has lately been try- i his seat he took a small book, ton-
ing a new style of locomotive fitted tabling a list of towns and wrote
' with patented devices, the most im- opposite this town the words, "Not to
poi tant of which are two cylinders, be visited again."
one 10 and the other 29 inches, and;
Dia lever think
so arranged that the steam is used • b tl unless you have
Is that performer familiar with
your music? she asked at the con-
cert. He must be, replied the com-
poser, who was writhing ; he takes
such liberties with it.—Washington
Catarrh relieved in 10 to GO minutes.—
One short puff or the breath through
the Blower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this Powder over the surrey° or the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly and permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay.Fever, Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis • and Deaf-
ness. 00 cents. At Chisholm's Drug
' Mr. Robert IIoward has sold his
farm of 50 acres, lot 42, con. 3, East
Wawanosh, to Mr, Wm. J. Taylor,
of Ashfield, for $2,300. This is a
fair price, and wont' indicate that
farm lands aro advancing in price.
Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures Incipient Consuinption. It is
the best Cough Cure Only one cent a
dose 25ets , 50e.ts., and 51. Sold ut Chis-
holui's Corner Drug Store.
Johnny is learning to be a station-
ary engineer. Is he learning fast?
1 should say so ; when he quit work
last night his face was grimy as a
stovepipe, and he had machine oil all
over his clothes!—Chicago Record.
Thought it Was Consumption.
Da AR Sins, --I was troubled with a
nasty cough and I really thought I was
going into consumption. 1 took two
bottles of Haayard's Pectoral Balsam
end earl say that it not only cured me
at once but that I never had a cough
since. It is the best relnody in the
GRACE WIIITn,13lack Cape,
Bonaventure Co., Quebec.
Sir Benjatnn Richardson, M. D., of
England, thinks that the normal
period of life is about one hundred
and ten years, and that seven out of
ten average people could live that
long if they lived in the right way.
They should cultivate a spirit of
sereno cheerfulness under all cir-
cumstances and should learn to take
physical exereise in a scientific
way. No man, he trays, need be
particularly abstemious in regard to
any article of food, for the secret of
life does not lie there. A happy
disposition, plenty of sleep, a tem-
perate gratification of all the natural
appetites and the right kind of
physieal exercise, will insure lon-
gevity to most people.
Yalnnble treatise and bottle of medicine sent Fra, to any
3uner.r. Give Express and Post Mee address. H, 0.
ROOT, M.C.. 186 west Adelaide Rtrret, Toronto, Ont.
EAT A �; N.
On account of
order to sell for
the prices of 1
following lot
its the larger one after it has clone its That :you cannot a we i
' fire smaller. When tested pure, rich blood'? Hyatt are weak, tired, Short Journeys on a Long Road
work in languid enc'�j ,�11 run down, it is hemmer) Is the oharact[�ristic title of a profusely
elle engine iii�v 46 loaded cars from your bloo,lPis impoverished and lacks illustrated Wok k containing over one
hundred pageit of charmingly written
descriptions ol'summer resorts in the
Brockville to Montreal, with a con- vitality.
sumption Of four and a half tons of come country Horthy and west of Chicago, The
coal. An ordinary engine hauling Tlood
bloo I readings matte is new, the illustrationsi
that number of cars the same e are new,and the information therein
tensa �lses
five tons of coal.
Bis �;
.hese troubles may be over-
t flood's Sarsaparilla beoause
Sarsaparilla makes pure, rood
It is, in truth the great blood
our r. r
will be new lei almost everyone,
e hard times and in
, I have cut down
at, •d will sell at the
. 1®e 1
and o er meats proportio
\\a\\��\�t.���\\\\"p\\\`\'.�.\�,'•\�:"�1\\'�0.�"l�`\`��\'\�:b�'`iii`;�'Y``c'"+1"�'`�..'`�a'�"*>`,* ��\f,\\\. ,`
for Infants and Children.
O Y Q-31 E S,, Do You Know that Paregoric,
Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, and
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine?
Do Yon Know that opium and morphine aro stupefying narcotic poisons?
Do You Know that in most countries druggists aro not permitted to sell tarr
without labeling them poisons'
Do You Know that you should not permit any medicine to be give
tnloss you or your physician know of what it is comtposed ?
Do Yon Know that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and tL• e.
.agredients is published with every bottle?
:1 o You Kw' v that Cactoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel PIt u:.te.
...t it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than
' .11 other remedies for children combined r
Do Ton Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
-:tber countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
" Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense 1
Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government proteetdonwe0
because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harialoss?
Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria aro furnished for 35
cents, or one cent a dose?
Do Yon Knee that -•;hen possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest P
Well, Vitra,things are worth knowing. They are facts.
Tito fes-sim.ilo
milts ctnrn of
its on every
Cil9d 6e:: Cry fog Pitcher's C a toraao
The most prompt pleasant and per-
fect cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat,
Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy,
Pain in the Chest and alt Throat,
Bronchial and Lung Diseases.
The healing anti -consumptive -virtues
of the Norway Pine are cotubined in
this medicine with W+1d Cherry and
other pectoral Herbs and Balsams to
make a true specific for all forms of
disease originating from colds.
Price aec. and roc.
1421,, le.' ^1 .4. 't�''t
--. ." -. ._ - i,.:-e�--gal; -•,L 1-; '1-J1 ;`L.:, i1.., �:T�V'i-�gr��. +'I'
GEORGE CHOMSOi'1, Proprieior.
Pu61•iur, trtiotworti,y own to represent us 1•, tite sale
of aur 5)holue Nnrnar} stock tprti:dti n eo, trolled' -••••• a,
by no. Highest Sulur) or t'ouauioslnu paid weekly.
stendv employment nit the year round. „neat ree;
1 exelusire territols ; experience lint necessary ; hitt
gittieritaiiiaLite±4towin boefo nii`tici Iar6itto11t3 to be -
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specially.
WOOD delivered to any ;art of \�'i,•,;•
,ss irders by mail promptly attend 60
Box 158. \gingham. not
[� Cl
telt' law. ( i
is soli- f� to The Celebrated 'eatllerbone '
Ladies' e 9 Carset's are. corded -with this;
i�TJ n xer�+�-Kr►7 -=^ 8f�/3��7 material. r�
t e .
For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. r
� r-->r-1^-t'+y=1 -4- [ -1 rj-t'i,..'ry 4`►i i47?r•-.1-s. _.1-, er-Ir> ITTITX5 i :l
I[TI Alight, pliable, elastics bone melds
rl For giving from quills. It is soft and yielding �r]'
readily to folds, yet giving tr
proper >er she a to Skirt or Dress.
`, STYLE a °-� SHAPE + p The only Skirt Bone that may be it
wet without injury.
T e patronage or the ptil•,
and tfret-class meat an
tion guaranteed.
GEO. S)iIIa% .
1 inn iatn, Only 16th, 1805.
ones Pitts cure liver ills. constipa-
with Wild Cherry, llypophoephites, of indigestion. will enolase t Cents (to pay postage) to
t C3
Lime and Sots tend pure Norwegian Gli;o. H. isle► ell's, metal Passenger
• Cod. Liver Oil in perfectly palatablei Live fix though llfo were earnest, Agent 'Chita�io, Milwaukee tit St, l'aul
to 'i Ill,
R, A copy, of " fk3hort Journeys on a Long
Milburn's Cod Livor Oil Emulsion n, biliousness, jaundice, alek hes , Road" will besent free to anyone who
res. It lit the best for coughs, wide, -lid life mill ba so. TtvYilway, "CLI gee
, tinct all lung troubles, a
We have
r} 1
just opened up a large stock
SLATES, &e., &c.,
To be in readiness for the opening or the
schools after tho holidays. .
Our New 300 Page Scribbler is
a Dandy.
It huts the trap of Huron County on
the back cover and is sold exoiusively by
us. Call and see it.
Popular Bookstore.
W inghani, Aug.13th,1805.
with, it colicy baby or a colicy stomach
isn't pleasant. Either can be avoids
by keeping a bottle• of Perry Davis'
FAINXif,t.Mt on the medicine shelf. It
is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps,
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrhoea.
just as valuable for all external pains.
Dosis—Oneteasnoonfel lu t hall Blass of water or mill_ (warm IP cI on ient
A Blessing to Every Hou :e.o1d.
Theta remedies hi oso stood the test of Atty years oilperience, and are pronounced the best itedieinee for
Family late.
Verify the blood, Correct all disorders of the LIVER, S'roltACir, 'KIDNEYS ,AND non EIS ahs
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of alt ages.
Is the only reliable remedy tor had cgs, bores,, ulcers, and old wounds. Wilt rsloNCi•I1218 tl0Rlt
eo d b al Me Medicine tie Vendors throughout theAnorht 73, . e v t xte t. 1, u of rtl Strcre, Le 1
t °Parebasers sltoak'l look to the /Abel tin the Boxes and Pots. If the address, is 'mit
03 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.