HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1895-10-11, Page 2.Z:mow;,
U1 nn +FALL SHIM. •l Schmidt, Jos Purim. King, J
The Culross Agricultttt. al Society's s J D McKenzie, J Borho, {any other
fall show was held in Teeswaler, t n
the 26th and 27th ulte,, and was the
most successtul ever betel by the
soeiety. The prize list
HoltsES — Speeding e nests—
Green Trot, L A Brink, Aloe s Bros,
II II McDonald. hurdle jt raping,
L Campbell, Ferguson Bros. Go -as -
you -please race, R AleK%ec, Levi
Lett, W Armstrong. Heavy Draught
—Span, Anthony Symons, J G Mc-
Kenzie, Thus Varson. Two year
old Gelding or Filly, Thos Verson,
Jas Crowston, Gee , Moffat. One
year old- gelding or it'"1115, And life- zer, Wm Moffatt., !!Tooled counter-
Kague. Spring Colt, Jas I outer, M pane, Thos Wilson, Joseph Strauss.
Fischer. Brood Marc, Al Fischer,
Jae Forster. ;\gt'icultut•alot'general
purpose --- General S purpose team,
Alex \t':trsttn, V Pit4nger, SD AA
Stobo. Agrieuitntggtl Team, W
Armstrong, It 11aLrslfall, .las Crows -
ton. Two year old gelding or Filly,
\P Jervis, (leu Daiy, 1e X Bela-
gessner. Oueyear old :GElding or Filly, I J H' P AIN 1 ton
Geo I)ay, Geo Strauss. Spring
Colt, ileo Strauss, `R McCullough,
Jas Afe ec, !hoot;! Marc, R Mc-
Cullongh, ,Jas McKee, Geo Strauss.
\Vall:ing7 team, R geKee, And Me-
Kague. Best broke team,(Alex Mc-
Donald. Road and carriage—Span
road horses, Levi Lott, Peter 0' -
Maley, Wm. Watson.,i Span Carriage
Horses, Alex Mel3onald, Buggy
Horse, A T Davisgp, Geo Strauss.
Saddle Horse, Levi' Lott, Ferguson
Bros. One year old{ Read or Car-
riage horse, Alex > McDonald, J
Kling, H Arkell. Two year old
Road or Carriage, ,Alex McDonald,
J Kling, Alex McKee. Brood mare,
H Arkell, R AIcKee, A Little. Spring
Colt, R McKee, H Arkell. Three
year old driver, W Whytoek, Jas
Little. Lady driver, Miss B Wet-
. "son. Roadster stallion, H H Ale -
Donald, D Balagii'. Lady rider,
Mrs A Gibson, Miss M Colvin,
Single carriage horse, W Whytoek,
CATTLE.•---•Durham---Cow, R Hast-
- ings; Wm Moffatt, Wm Moffatt. Two
year old heifer, R Hastings. Heifer
calf, R Hastings, RHastings. One
year old bull, Jos ,:Strauss, R Mar-
shall, R Hastings.. Ball calf, W
• Rivers, W Rivers; R Has',ings.
Aged bull, Kirkland Bros. Short
• horn bull, any age,aKirkland • Bros.
Herd of cattle, R Hastings.
Ayrshires—Cow, Thos Woodcock.
Bull, Thos Woodcock. Bull calf,
Thos Woodcock.Heifer calf', Thos
Woodcock. Jerseys,— cow, W J
Howson, Geo Nixon. Two year old
heifer, W R Thotnpson. Calf,
W J Howson, A M Howson. Grades
—Two year old steers, Geo Moffatt,
. P Grant, W Arntstronk, One year
.old steed, C Thompson, Jos Walker,
.Jno Kerr, Fat ex' or steer, Alex
Borho, J D Alclienzic. li 1(ireening,
kited, J Borho, 0 Swartz, Fall
apples—Snow apples, A Schmidt,
.'all Pippins, <. Schmidt,. Thos
Wilson, Any °tiler kind, A
Selneidt, Airs A Gibson. Largest
tipples, any kind, Jos Berlin. Other
fruit—Crab ripples (small), G 13
Strauss, Henderson & Son, Fall
pears, J D McKenzie. Winter pears,
13 Strauss, 1? Balm. Grapes, M
Fischer, Thos Goodfellow.
L I.DIES WORK — Patched quilt,
woolen, W A Jarvis, Felix Borho.
Patched quilt, cotton, Joseph Swit-
ted quilt, A W
'I'avish. Crochet quilt, Mrs E Nix-
on, Wtn Moffatt, Crazy quilt, D
1''airbainn, Alex McDonald. Log
cabin quilt, A Al Howson, I) A AIe-
Douatd, Cat and made dress, A M
I Towson. Collection of fancy work,
James Reid. Collection house plants,
Factory made cheese, Thos Wood-
cock. Maple sugar,M Fischer, Jos
Borho. Fall wheat flour, And Little,
Rowson Bros. Spring wheat flour,
And Little, Rowson Bros. Home-
made pickles, V Rittinger, 0 Hen-
derson & Son, M Fischer. Ilome-
made canned fruit, Geo S Fowler, P
Clark, Jno Gillies. Maple syrup,
Jos Borho, ,Tas Reid, Geo B Strauss.
Print butter, Win Kirkland. 5 lbs
butter, WIT Jarvis. Home made
bread, D A McDonald,
Rose potatoes, Thos Goodfellow, A.
Schmidt. Beauty of Hebron, Jos
Switzer, Thos Goodfellow. White
Elephants, Alex McDonald, Jos Me-
Kague. Assortment of potatoes, C
Henderson & S ' , .las 13altagh.
Potatoes, any othe • variety, I� Has-
St Son, Top
I rider o �.
in - C Ie n
t S
onions, Thos Wilson. Celery, W
Taylor, C Henderson & Son. Large
red onions, W Taylor, Alex Watson.
Large white or iyellew onions, 0
Henderson & Son t" W Taylor. Potato
Fischer"P B h . Globe
mariglds, W Taylor, R Howson.
W Taylor. Red field carrots, W
Taylor, 0 Henderson & on, Field
carrots, white,A Schmidt, Fischer,
Table carrots,I Tavler,Jno us .
Longblood beets, W Taylor, en-
derson &Son.Beets, anyother
kind, 0 Hendc son & Son, F X
Beingessner. Winter cabbage,
At the time when the first open
eaurt•of •law was established in Rus-
sia, a lady, dressed with the utmost
elegance, was walking on the Mos-
cow promenade, leaning upon her
husband's arm, and letting the long
train of her rich dress sweep the
dirt of the street.
A young officer coming hastily
from a side street, was so careless as
to catch one of his spurs in the lady's
train, and in an instant a great
piece was torn out of the costly but
frail material of the dress.
I beg a thousand pardons,madame,
said the officer, with a polite bow,
and then was about passing on,
when he was detained by the lady's
You have insulted my wife.
Nothing was farther from my in-
tention, sir,. Your wife's Iong dress
is to blame for the
sincerely regret,
accident, which I
and I beg you
you demand or him. Do you, still order upon my banker forre-
a' i
wish the complaint to ,stand ? in to i g 15
I wish it to stand, The law shallAfter he had written the draft the
give me my rights. � worthy pair withdrew amidst hisses
There ran through the rows of from the audinc�.Fi'oin th French,
people a murmur of indignation that , in the Troy Times,
sounded like a rushing of water. , -- •.. -_ - -. yes -- -""""""'s
t the cerise- Consider, camplaLLi an , t t L`E
tese i7 t�,
quence of your demand. The de -1
fendant can be punished only I-
osepiline Street • - 1h'�ngiim, Mit,
through being' deprived *Isis per-
sonal liberty, and by that you cant.,
obtain no satisfaction; while to the
defendant it might prove the great-
est injury in his position as an'of eer
who is poor and dependent upon his
pay. Do you still insist upon your
I still insist upon it.
affair tat
rote 4 a ,.
The course h
seethed to have become painful to
the lady's husband, He spoke with
his wife urgently, but without effect.
The judge was going on to further
consider the ease when a loud voice
was heard from the audience:
again to receive `ny apologies for I will place the 200 roubles at the
{. iseox, Peter c1 aug 1.
onions, M oro o c any carelessness on illy part. There service of the defendant.
Pair woolen soOcs, Airs Wm Mc- upon he attempted to hasten on.
Kenzie, .Tames Martin. Pair woolen Red marigolds, 0 /lenders= & Son, You shall not es ape so, said the During the silence which followed,
mits, Mrs Wni � McKenzie, James y lady. To -day i 'the first time I a gentleman forced his way through
Martin. Darned«sacks, A Watson, have -worn this dre s, and it cost 200 .the crowd and placed himself at the
Mrs Wm McKenzie. Ornamental S d , M Imo, h roubles which 'u must make young officers side.
work, A Caslick, Airs Geo Yeo. Em- W? B h good. Y Sir, I am the Prince W—,
broidery* W ni Moffatt, Mrs J J CIIbeg you not and beg you to accept the loan of the
My dear, madame, I gy go200 roubles in question.
Stephens. Bcrli work on wire, th to detain me. I am obliged to on
Alary A Calncy,G George Nixon. duty at once. As tb the 200 roubles Prince, I am not worthy of your
13erlin wool, raisecli, Joseph Switzer, V--I.really cannot h. 1p the length of kindness, for I don't know if I shall
A Watson.. Boquet garden flowers, Rittinger, •,W 1Taylor. Summer your dress, yet I eg your pardon ever be able to pay the loan, answer -
R J Hiscox, W Taylor. Tissue cabbage, Jos' Borho, W Taylor. for not having beei more cautious. ed the otiicer, in a voice tremulous
You shall not sill l sir, That you with emotion. flowers, Joe Switzer, Mrs Geo Cauliflower, W' 'Taylor. Yellow
Yeo. Crochet work, cotton, D Fair- tomatoes, 0 Henderson & Son, Hugh are obliged to go on duty is nothing Take the money at all events. 1
bairn, Win Jarvis. Crochet work, Gillies. Red tomatoes, V Rittinger, to us. My wife is right; the dress can wait until you are able to return
wool, Mrs E it4ixon, Geo Nixon. R J Iiiscox, Colleeytion of vegetables, must be made good. The officer's it, Thereupon the prince held out
Knitted work, co ton, Alex AleDon- W Taylor, V IgWater face grew pale. two notes of 100 roubles each, and
old, Thos Wilsoi Knitted work, melon, Thos Wili',on, V Rittinger. You force mea break through coming close to him whispered a
wool, R McDonai , , Alex McDonald. Musk melon, HuglGillies, W Taylor. the rules of the se rice, and I shall few words very softly. There was a
Sofa cushion, Al Iriseher, Thos Wal- Citrons, Thos Wil" n, Walter Taylor, receive puntehmen . sudden lighting up• in the officer's
lace. Pair stock ngs, Mrs W 1AIc- Swede turnips, ,Iugh Gillies, Jos Pay the 200 rou les and you are face. He immediately* took the two
Kenzie, Jas Marin. Hooked rag McKague. Yell wr Aberdeen, 0 free. notes, and turning to the lady hand -
mat, W Why tock, Jos Lambartus. Henderson & Son, Jas Reid. Grey- The quickly the.. ging color in the ed them to her with a polite bow.
Fancy braiding, Alex Watson, G B stone turnips, 0 II nderson & Son, G young man's face etrayed how in- I hope, madame, you are satisfied.
Armstrong. Wool work, on honey B Armstrong. Parsnips, Hugh wardly disturbed he was; but step- With amalicious smile she reached
comb canvas,, P McNaughton, Alex Gillies, Felix Borho. • Pumpkin, ping up close to them both he said, out her hang for the money.
Watson. Darned net work, A M Alex Watson, And Schmidt. Squash, with apparent self -command: Yes, now I am satisfied,
Howson. Yarn !fiat, AI Fischer, T Hugh Gillies, Jos trauss. Collection' . You will renounce your claim With a scornful glance over the
W Webster, Wool work, on Java of field roots, C ;Henderson & Son. when I tell you that I am a poor crowd of spectators, she prepared to
canvas, Thos Wallace, P Clark.Jarvis, R Ale- man, who has n 'thing to live en, leave the room on her husband's
Painting on any material, Misses
Bell, Thos Wallace. Twine work,
A Al Howson, Jas Martin. Point or
honiton lace,A Al Hoivson,I3 Fairbairn.
Drawn work, Mrs Yeo, D Fairbairn.
Fine shirt, Mrs W McKenzie. Home
spun yarn, Jas Reid, Thos Woodcock.
Pillow shams, "4 rm Whytoek, W
Moffatt. Afghan' Mrs J J Stephens,
W Whytoek. Fancy splasher, D
Fairbairn. Wall pocket, Alex
Watson, P Clarks? 011 painting, J J
Moore, Mrs E Niton. Painting in
water colors, Mrs; Yeo, Misses Bell.
P°ULTitS —Pai1r Chinese geese—W
:BlcKague, R E Little, Jno Gillies. Zinger,Mrs Marini. Pair geese, any
.Fat cow or heifer, Alex McKa ue, other kind, 0 Henderson & Son, W
Alex AtelCa este, Jno (Sillies. Cow Watson. Pair t turkeys, Kirkland
Ensilage corn, W
Giilles & Martins 1st and 2nd.
Family carriage, Alex Hergott. Top
buggy, Gillies & Martin.. Open
buggy, Gillies & Aiktrtin, Democrat,
Gillies & Martin. 'utter, A Rivers,
1st and 2nd. Sod. plough, Gillies &
Martin, 1st and 2nd. General pur-
pose plough, Gillies & Martin, 1st
and 2nd. Iron Harrows, A Rivers,
T Webster. Scufler, T Webster.
ARTICLES. — Pair, blankets, factory
umber wagon,
but his officer's pa
of that pay hardly
of 200, roubles i1
can, therefore, inti
the misfortune,
begging your par
Oh, anybody c
but welt see if it'
.1. A. maim). i, 11. SM rT,
Mount Forest. I Idstowe
and the amount arm.
-caches the sum.' Stop, madame, said the officer,
a whole year. I: who h d suddenlybecome like
e no amends fort a
xeept by again l another man,
What do you want? said tbelady,
Lou. . casting a look upon him as insulting-
uld say all that, ly as possible.
true; we'll find I want my dress, he answered
out if you have nothing but your with a slight, but still perfectly
pay. I declare my ,.elf not satisfiedpolite bow,
with your exeus,(es, and I demand (Give me your address and I will
your money, pe sisted the hard send it to you.
•oug y unfeeling ing 0n, no, my dear madame, am r
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Aclvan.eed to Farmers and
win ssMe
s e n
voice of a the hl f l' I in
woman, the habit of taking my purchases
made, C I3endeiai on & Son, Wm That is true—yc a are right, the with me at onee. Favor me with
On long or short time, on endorsed notes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought
at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all
parte of Canada at reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to got, •
looting Accounts and I otes.
Zinger. Blanke'ts home ade, husband added, d&tifully supporting the dress immediately.
R McDonald, J s, Switzer.. ,*�+'ull leer. By good hick we have the A shout of approbation came from.
x , cloth, home made; Jos Switze ! Full open court flow inasession. Go with
i('x 13 Armstrong, Jars Veld, And Mc- Bros, Chas Henc tson & Son. Ryles clothfactory ria` de, w.tn' Zinger, us before file jtldg and he will de-
Kague. One year old heifer, R E bury ducks, C, Henderson & Son. Gide the matter.
Ducks any othe kind, 0. Henderson 'Union flannel, ho a inade;'Jas Reid, r rotestetion's on the officer's lady's husband. wifecannottin-
Little, 0 Thompson, Jos Button. ! W H Jarvis. St k,'3� yarn, 'hotne 111 p p yMy •
Two year old heifer' 0 Thompson, & Son, Thos 'Woodcock, White spun, Alex McDon Td, Thos Wilson. part that he was poor, was expected , dress herself here.
Alex y Alclsague, i lex AiclHeiki Leghorns, W Taylor, C Henderson Socl?in am fact r Wm `Lin Zinger. °n duty and so 'forth did not help I have nothing tb do with you in
cow R Howson, heifer • & Son. Black MInorms, W Taylor, g y , , ,y'g matters. To avoid an open scene he this matter, sir, Uu only with the
Village, ' 0 llendersbn tSi Son. Plymouth ue
Tweed suit, Wm I owier. Assort-
ssotat- I went with them to the court room, , complainant. Be So good as to give
Jas And Ale Steers under AicIiague, mut of t�' "\ware, Ferguson Bros. {
Jas Button. Steers one year, Hocks, C Hendeson & Son, 1st andtiii where the gallery was densely rile the dress immediately, inadiLme.
2nd. Homburgs, C Henderson & Home, inside flannel, 8 Tapley.
And AZeKague, D A McDonald, C r Flannl;''sfaetory made, W Zinger, packed with a crowd of people. ,Aly affairs are urgent.
Thompson. Son, 1st and 2ncl. Houdans. 0 Hen- C°lie'' 4i in of curiosities Geo Pringle, After waiting seine time the lady, The pleasure of the audience at
S i mstr Leicester -Aged ram, G derson Son, int and 2nd, Bantams, Claa McHardy. Pump, R ,J had leave to bring, her complaint. the expense of the lady increased
B Armstrong, W Baptist. Ewes ' Ferguson Bios W Taylor. Buff
eron, D SholYers. What have ,you. to answer to this : with every word. "
It E Little, Ti Hastings. Shearling Cochins, 0 Henderson & Son Wyan- •
Z it dL
Shearling m Jos Walker I-1 lie Tavlor. Any ot$et kind, R T .owen, 1 find the people , around boil) prefer despair. U
the gallery.
Order l cried the judge.
What an insane demand 1 said the
Agents In Canada—The sierchants' .,anis
of Canada
ewes, R E Little, Geo B Armstrong, dottes, C Henderson & Son,
ear Ing ea t R E Little W C Henderson & ',Son. Brown 'eg.. Dr. Chase's Hidney,Liver fills o any On the whole v 'y little. As the
Kay. Ewe lambs, lateness of the ti ur and being re-
Baptist. Ram lamb, W Baptist, w horns, W Taylor, other I have in stook. They'wonderful pill. Send a dozen at tare a
once, T
Baptist. Oxford Downs,—Aged GRAIN -- White winter wheat, am nearly out. P. 8. --Send by post. J.. quired on duty compelled me to
said the judge, turning to the officer, Do not jest any;lmore about it I
5Linos soon . an who seemed embarrassed and half in will hurry and send you the dress as
ewes, II Arkell, Alex McKee. AIex McKee, d 13 Strauss. Red notice the lady's
Shearling ewes, H Arkell, Jas Little, winter wheat, Sas Ballagh, And dragging on the
Shearling ram,, Jos Walker, Jas Schmidt. Spring; wheat, Jas Bal- T$e municipal „ statistics of the one of my spurs
Little. Ram lamb, II Arkell, Alek lagh, V Rittingei't C Henderson & province of Ontairq fol 1894 have t hid the 'sfortune to tear
Madame old re -
McKee. Ram any' age, Henry
Arkell. Shropshires—Aged ram,
W Rivers, W Copeland. Ewes,
Robt Barbour, W Copeland. Shear!-
ing ewes, Wm Copeland, W Cope-
land. Shearling ram, li Barbour,
1Wm Rivers. Ewe lambs, g Barbour,
W Copeland. !lain lamb, R Barbour,
W Copeland. Fat sheep, W Cope-
land, R Hastings. Pen of sheep,
W Copeland.
Swnst----I3erkshire — Aged boar,
V .Ettinger, And Little'. Brood sow,
And Little, V Rittinger. Spring sow
pig, V Rittinger, AlexForgie. Spring
boar pig, Alex Forgie. Chester
white --Aged boar, lt' X I3eingessnet•,
Brood sow, l�' X Beingessner, Geo
Strauss. Spring sorsa pig, Geo
Strase, F X B'cingessner. Spring
Geo Strauss It X
boar pig, G ,
Beingessncr. 1'orkslijye, white --
Aged boar, 'nos Woodt:oek, Brood
i ►w, IT MeF ay. Spring sow pig,.
R McDonald.
FRUIT ---Winter app! Northern
Ste, C Swartz, A Schtni t. Baldwin,
Si.o. Small peas, 0 Swartz, G B
Strauss, A Caslihk. Peas, any
variety, 1? Borlttii, H Gillies, 0
Swartz. Black f Oats, 3 Borho, AI
Fischer, H McKak•. A'White Oats, 0
J McKenaie,10 Bofiho, CSwartz. Bar-
Strauss, . Jos
Borho, - 13
ley, I' Bor
Strauss. Indian torn, Thos Wilson,
II McKay. Swee' Corn, A Ai How-
son, Thos Wilson Timothy seed,
Geo Strauss, F Bor'to. White beans,
V Ititttnger, G 13 ,3trauss. Means,
any variety, Jno B#sh, G 13 Strauss.
Flax seed, R McDonald, G 13 Strauss.
Collection of grains; 1? Borho.
DAmIW Pxtonnes -Firkin butter,
hytoek. Crock
ue, Thos Wilson,
all butter, R I
G 13 Armstrong.
Loaf home'madc tad, Airs 1,1Nixon,
Thos Wilson! P McNaughton. Or-
namental butter, Geo Day, Jas Little,
I' Clark. Loaftaker's bread, W
Kirkby. Extractd Honey, 0 lien-
( t Clark. florae -
ilCrt30n & � ,
made cheese, GE'e Day, G 13 Strauss. 5,079,f 04, in 1894.
Thos Wilson, Y.
'butter, And Atelia{
G 13 Armstrong.
Little, W1 Jarvis
W. Irelano, Gourook
'W'ealth of Ontario.
hurry, I did not
train, which was
ground. I caught
, int anda
been issued by the Ontario bureau of her dress. w. u not'
industries. +, ceive.my excuses, but perhaps now
The population off the provinee in she might find herself more disposed.
1808 was 1,910,059,11with a total as- to forgiveness when I again declare
sessment of $825,580,052. The that I committ d this awkward
rate of' assessment was 15.17 mills, blunder without any misehievous
equal to a rate per head of G:56,: intention, and 1 arnestly be„ that
bonded debt amounted to 48 : she will pardon 1 e.
The onde S , .
• .., i ,
088,213or X28.17$ per head of the ; A mut moi an,tht ough the gallery
population, and *interest paid on evidently from he people taking
loans was $2.50891. The report ort sides with the delndant, and against
says; The population, and assessed , longs trains in general, and this lady
values remain ahiost the same as 3n particular. t.
compared with 092, but the tax; The judge c..11ecl to order and
!tilts have increase at the rate of 38 asked—Are you! satisfied with the
cents per head o population over , defendants exp! nations?
1892 or an advane of $1,63 or 81' Not at all satts .ed, I demand 200
per cent since 188. troubles for my to
crease of $7 362 26 in the past three auk?
been it a position do so.
tins had
tl la
added to this item nee 1886, Tho, s k
interest charges a •e equivalent to, Unfortunately 1 apt poor. My
pay 1
one•lifth of the taxes imposed. The as an officer is all Oat 1 have to '
have been. re -
railway debentures
duced from $6,729,155 in 1886, to You hear, complainant, that the'
defendant is not ab to pay the sum
The debenture ebt shows an in- Defendant,
years. Aver 60 pc ; cent Pias beer!' I would Have p
n dress.
11 you pay this
id it long before
Office Hours—From 9 a, m. to b p. Tt�•
Being N. E. part of Lot 33 and N. W.
part of Lot 34, Concession 9, East Wawa-
nosh, containing 73 acres; 45 acres clear-
ed. Farm in good state of cultivation.,.
good barn and stables, Well fenced;
good beariug orchard; good water, both
well and spring. Suitable for either
stock or crop, Will be sold reasonable.
Apply to
St. I•Ielens P. 0., Ont.
The under
Lots 30 and 1 ,
Ternberry, to rel;
of 240 acres, on whin
good fences, go
well watered
led offers hip f
soon as possible.
I am not jesting. I demand from
the representative .of the law my own
property—the dress, said the officer,
raising his voice.. •
The judge then •appealed to, de-
cided promptly. ;
The officer is right, madame. You
are obliged to hand him over the
dress on the spot,
I ean't undress myself here before
all these people and go home without
any dress on, sal the young woman
anger and t ars.
You should he thought of that
'sooner, Now yo have no time to
lose, Either giv up the dress of
your own aeeoi d, aor—
A nod that could not be misinter-
preted brought to'the lady's side two
officers of justice, who seemed about
to take upon 1 e � e
t s ves the office of
ti 1
my lady's maid.
Take your motley back and leave
me my dress.
On, no, madame, that dress is now
worth more than tido hundred roubles
to me.
.Clow much do yibu ask for it ?
thousand 'roubles said the
officer firmly. Y
1 will pay the sum, the weeping
lady's husband responded promptly.
1 hare here 500 roubles. (live me a
pen and paper and 1 will write an
or portion
m, being
s 4 and 5,
farm consists
good buildings,
, &c. It is
s, apply to
A. complete brick cottage in the Town
of Wingham, on Minnie street, one of
the most desirable streets for a residence.
Heated by a furnace; a large wood shed,
with hard and soft water in woodshed;
a good stable. The lot has 55 feet front -
ago and rune 105 feet back to a lane.
Terms easy. Apply to
Tho subscriber oli'ershls house and
lot in L' ower Wingham for sale on
reasonable terms. The lot contains half
an acre, on which there is a frame
dwelling house containing five rooms;
also good stable and poultry house; good
well, 3.0 fruit trees, &c. For particulars,
apply on the premises.
For sale, about G00 acres of land; 200
of it nearly all in pasture; with first•class
buildings; large part of it underdrained,
the balance, about 400 acres, mostiy new
land, with a large quantity of timber
still on it. About l50 acres cleared and
seeded for pasture. Land will make a
.first-class pasture. Farm situated two
miles from Wingham, On the premises
is a good saw mill in running order. All
will be sold on reasonable terms. For.
particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125,
Winghanl, Ont.
25 etc.,
fleets. told
$1.00 Bottle.
One cant a dose.
It is sold on a guarantee br alt druggists
It nitres Incipient Ociisureption mid is thiNf
beet Cough and. Croup Cure,
Sold atC is hn ln
i s Corner Drug' t
HEA td,r Ulipe
AFNS IN BACK ti §10t
• WS 114‘USINt;
jV,El,1THoL •
1,.:1 ES WtiEitt ALL LSE
Al CafA a
Best Gough B rt bead.
,r1n time, , Vold Ayw f.n..''
C SUM P,T! Q•f:4 a z'i.,
W..C., T,
(covnucrcD n?;
*Fur Gaal and t
We ealt,the• iii;'en�
to Llik, fuer, that thi
"nee Union meets th
at three ei clock •,bar
residence, Patrlt•1r stt
Ars the Miter has
space. fur air work, ti
send items of interest
day to nee of our we
The Teach'
Many thous
have happily 1
experience th
alcohol has bee
helping them t
Mr. John Burn
"what strength
of constitution 1
to the fact that
of my life, he
mind many 111
of temperance
point of view."
labor represen
are well -know
tin„ by their
assembly thata
helps men to
drives men to t
tion of Probibi
cities, counties
equally sneces
improving th
The dismal or
say that gene
lead to less wC
are falsified
many places
drink -shop is
Abstinence is
lever at pres
raising the toil
adopted the
help to swellV't
and make m
peers, now got
of honest trod
creasing the
andraising wt
more than eno
better wages,
squandered or
mere useful
DEAR BIos,--
ning bores on 1
could cure, up
duck Blond Bit
bottles to fire
and it left my 1
An Irishtnat
barrels from a
the inhabitant
was not prov
As he halted
to give his to
ceeding to ME
water, a gent
type rode up,
time of day,
'How long
water for th
'Tin years
simple reply.
'Ab 1 And
make a day?
'From 10
weather, sor
'Yes. No
Pat,' said th
'How much
The Irish
the directio
same time g
to :start, and
'All the w
there now, s
Zn errofult
tiINI tri, a 11 Est:
tire laualed.
13ktid Bitter:
extrrnally as
is uu tutting
heailit•1 poli
Bores, etre. tit
t-ulaudl NE
The G.'1
ing a new f
with patent
pol taut of
one. 19 and
so arrange
in the larg
work in tit
the engine
sump tion f
coal. An
that nu
distance tt
with Wild
Lime and
Cod Liver
forte. it if
and all Jun