HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 9inthro boys in Australiawaitc,„b
WI entertains seniors
'" THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH,- 4,- 1977 ;-9
McNichol, son . ot.Mr. and Mrs..
Ralph ivicNichet • and Ed.
McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey • McClure, left for
Australia, JOUnary 2b. and if all
goes well they plan to stay a year.
The two travellers stopped over
on the Fiji Islands en route to
Australia. They stayed a -whole
day-on Fiji which was a balmy 98
deg. and went for ,a tour of the
Fiji is small, about 80 x 60.
miles: Sugar cane is the main
export The boys wrOte that most
of the rAdents live in thatched
huts and areAvery friendly.
Fiji was too 'hot and humid so
they-.,didn't stay long. They
landed in Sydney, Australia. 'The
two had several friends in
Correspondent •
• Wks. Margaret Hulley
• Two lOcal- toys have rid-them
selves of our cold Canadian
winter and gone to "The land
er„, down under".• Australia. Ray
at s -
Rev. Ed. Baker of Duff's
United Church suggested some of
the members of the' communi-
father's home- • Mr. and Mrs.
David Brady and,,giris-of"London''
visited Sunday at.the same Wale,:
also visiting with his-father, Dr.
Paul Brady who is recovering
from surgery. , .•• •
.It is good to hear that Martin
Baan has 'returned hoMe from
Used -e"00 guitars 4,
New e
guitars 0()
up to OFF
We're CLEARING all guitars, cases, 'drums, •• _
banjos, electric guitars and bass, strings, '
month organs, etc.
Univer4tY Hospital, London,
Mrs, John Daiiiies of Ottawa
spent afew days last, ,week at the
home, of her parenti! Mr., and
Mrs. Alvin McDonald.
Mr. And Mrs. Frank --Kirkby
have' returned- home from a
vacation in Florida;
. t
• •
• •
and the long, hard winter has not helped us reduce it, so: •
We're Putting the Entire Stock
And we mean everything . . Sale Discounts on every item. •
, Hundreds of great bargains!
• •
, •
1 1111111111111111111=En
• BJUTLEIVS.is 13-Complete ,junior Dept: Store
Hundreds of items you need and use every day,'
And , It's Ail on Sale
—Stacks- Shirts - Sweaters - Blouses - Tops - Sleepwear - Coate, -
Hosiery - Lingerie - Underwear - Running ShoeS hildrens . Shoes
Jeans 'Etc:
I- - -.-
" . Take a drive to Butle'r's, Sale - you won't be
I. , disappointed! - •$ee the fantastic bargains, enjoy
I genuine sale discounts, -.
I - , ' Our Sa le Polio •
-/-_, -- • - , - , 1 r-.- Every item' in the store reduced.'
1 2. Scile, Prices & Discounts clearly marked.
"I ' 3. Sole biscounts on CLOTHING and,- 4 • i DRY poOps. •
1 . 1
• OPEN w Mon. to Sat. and Fri. Evening
6. to
4 .5
• •
, • •
' ” •
Hastings ,and plan to move on
. later
experience new td both. The boys
are already honorary members S a--crieketdootball .chtb_TheY
were even offered a job shark
Australia. They are staying In
The boys • have found jobs
pieking.ftuit, They also plan to
travel around al during their
stay so they have bought a car. It
took-- h awhile
• _accustomed to 'driving on the left
hand side of the road,: They have
also tried water skiing an
held in the United Church on
Explorers have
toboggan party
. son Lloyd and family of. Stratford•
church. This will be a work
meeting with quilts to tie. Bring a
box lunch for dinner. „
Sorry to report the •passing of
Miss Dorothy 'Little on Monday,
February 28 at Western Hospital,
Speaker ieMrs. Lloyd Pipet with , •
the theme '.`Love in Action."
EVeryene welCome. - , ..., service Berean ithi't of U.t.W. will
Meet on Tuesday, March 8 at the The Walton U.C.W. of Duff's
• United Church have planned the
World-Day of Prayer service with
the theme "Love in Action" to'be
held in the• church basement at2
p.m. on Friday March 4. Speaker
will be Rev. Ed. Baker. All ladies
• on Friday, February 25 with Sewers; Low, Ted Huiikin g.k
seven--tables in;-"play. Wirinets-----There---will be another ill -2
were: Ladies high, Beth Knox; weeks. In. charge will be Doreen
lone handi; Eliie Shaddick; Low, Carter, Gladys Armstrong and
Dora ShobbroOk; Men's high, Ted Margaret Anderson.
Thompson and attended opening R.R. I , TiVerton. The W.I. Card party was held Overholt; Lone hands, Mac
Play Cards
night Saturday , of Blyth and
DiStrict_Comnuin 1 ty . -Centre - -
Mr.. and Mrs. Mervin Durnin
returned w home on _Saturday,
February 27, from '2-Week
vacation at Orlando, Florida and
her parents Mr. and. Mrs.. Bob law Percy Collins on Monday at H
Itev. McDonald haS returned •
-from his- holidays-spending 2"
weeks in 'Florida and visiting his
Mother in Atwood. Services will_
resume as usual on 'Sunday,
March 6 at 10:30 a.m.
eve booth
daughter, Mrs. Vera Badley
returned to her• home , R.R.#3,
Walter' on Saturday from -
University • Hospital, London
where she had been a , patient'
after being transferred from
Wingham Hospital. It is hoped
she keeps improving and is soon
back to• good health.
Mr. Ken Badley , of Swift
Current, Sask., flew home to visit
, Correspondent:
M4s. Betty McCall
Walton Womenhe Institute
members entertained the patients
at the Callender Nursing Herne,
Brusiels, on Tuesday afternoon,-
February'22. •
Musical numbers were given
by Mrs. Herb Traviss, Mrs. Bill
Humphties and Mrs....Emerson
Mrs, ivieGavin fed in a sing
;—a soagnd---accompaitied at
piano when "Heather McGavin
sang a solo. Mrs. Mitchell gave a
Eye Popping Savings
_ We must have, mere room to accommodate our expanding.
Pvisifor AACJiic
5270053 Seaforth
• 4.-
membership fees, There were 2 Duizer to buy a light or drape to Vincent, Betty Hulley , and, 'John Radford. • UCVV.
Birthday gifts were given to the
four patients, who had birthdays ,
this, month of February,• t•,:,.; • ..Lunch of cup cakes and tea
Were Served to all those present
and closed a most enjoyable
afternoon at 'the home.
Word has been received from
put behind, the crbss. Marjorie Duizer. World Day of Prayer will be- plans Mrs. Sadie-McDonald that her .
Friday, March 4 • at 8 p.m. Prayer
wit is parents, r.an Mrs.
. Lorne Badley. . . Explorers 'leaders , Sandra ' /- They had a cjiTnp . 'week with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke. Toronto following a year's illness. of the community are cordially
. Westerhout and Marjorie Duizer fire with roasted marshmallows, 6' Mr. and Mrs. Teilinan Wester- Sympathy is extended to• her invited to -attend. - Miss Jane ' Leeming, Toronto
February 27 from 2-4 p.m. to a girls wish to express thanks to • meet at 1 pm prior to the World and Joh n Leeming of Elliott Lake
entertained the girls on Saturday, 'hot dogs and hot chocolate. The hout returned home on ' Friday, mother, Mrs. Ida Townsend, The tf.'tINAt. executive will,
Feb. 18 from enjoying a 2 week's. Huronview. spent . the weekend at their
-toboggan party on the hills at theirleaders and to Mr: and Mrs. •Caribbean Cruise.
. .
Sympathy is also extended to / Day of Prayer service. -
Harry Lear's. • Lear. Mr. and Mrs., Ray Radford, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns on the • - '
Atmwell unit xisits shu
., .
Correspondent - motion of Helen Lawson, • Glousher, A new years story read 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. fishing. , '
Mrs. Bert Shobbrook ' The committee for flowers in by Mary 'Peel and a .readingby Radford at Palm Beach.- Karen ' The •boys have an address if'
523-4250 , church • were appointed' for each Margaret Good on: how "Let the. and Shane spent 2 weeks anyone wishes to write -
The Febrtufry meeting of the month beginning in April. Plans '.lower . lights 'be burning" was ' with-their, grandparents, Mr. and c/0 Carol and Laurie -Wallace
Aimwelf 'Unit Of y.c.w-. was held, were. made for harm supper in written as a result of'a shipwreck. Mrs. Harry Durnin,• .. - - 9 Oxway Court, Hastings, • •
on Monday night, Feb-.'21 at, the May. The World Day of Prayer ,; Hymn,"Take my life" was sung. Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Allen Victoria, Australia.
home' of president, Audrey will be. held March 4 at 8 pan' ' ' The March meeting will be held returned 'home on Wednesday, • . By the way', the boys
. Thonipson. Airnwell, unit .to serve. a lunch of at the manse thanks to the kind. Feb. 25 from snding a weekend mentioned if you receive over-
' President opened meetingArb fruit bread and Cheese. - ' ntivitation....„,0 , Rev. McDonald.. , at .Dwight, near fhintsville, weight letter's in -Australia, you
., . .
some New Year thoughts and led Joan WhyternOVed that shut-in---Audrey Thompson'; Vi Burns-and snowmobiling, 'also--, attending' pay double to get •them out `of the
in prayer. The roll call •was boxes be packed and all shut-ins , june Fothergill served lunch: were Mr. and Mrs. Don Duff, ' • Post Of fice.' . . ' .. . '
' answered-by 21- members paying be visited. Moyed, by ty4rictie March lunch committee, jallith HolmesVille. and Mr. and Mrs. ..,... ,, . . .
. new members. '
' • ' - ' November • and December The ,worship service was in
' *mites were read,„by secretary • charge of, Mary Peel and
June ' Fothergill. • 7 ' Margaret Good, •opeifing with -. Congratulations to Mrs. Frank
• Treasurer's report was given - hymn I"Lead kindly light." Scrip- Kelland on her 86th 'birthday on
by Vi Burps and adopted on ture _ was read by ' Norma Friday, Feb. 18. On • Sunday her
celebrated with 'her at her-home
with her son Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Congratulations to He Nard
Clarke on his birthday Feb.-25th.
His sister Mrs. Verena Bone of
Wingham spent a few days last
London spent the weekend with sudden death of his brother-in-
What does Conservation mean
to me? This question has been
asked , the' Ausable-Bayfield
Conservation Authority of all
grade_ 7.and, 8 students in the,
watershed. They, can expics,
themselves by either writing an
essay (250-400 words, double
spaced) or by doing aposter,
There are • first, s&ond and
third prizes in each category plus
.10 hopourary. mention awards.
- The deadline for submitting the
essays and posters is March 17.
Students can-submit their entries
directly to their schnol be W. the
Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
'Box 17S Thames
' Road W., Exeter, , Entrants,
please record your name, grade,
school; address and phone
• number on a removable card
which you will attach to your
entry. •
Presentation of.the awards will
• be made Thursday,,March 31, at
the Ausable•Bayfield Conserva-
'tion Authority headquarters in
Walton 1 :4-H club held their
: Correspondent . having surgery at Seaforth February 28th at the home of . Leisure" in , sleep wear and preparing' and serving foodnd _
Mrs. Robert Hulley . • Hospital: _ Mrs. Lin Steffler.They decided to ° loiinge wear. Also told about the •coffee, which was purchased by
527-1856 Miss Sheila St. Louis and calf iliiir club "Lacy Ladies" in patterns and materials required. Rev. Baker. _ • - •
Mrs. Greta St. Long rettirned James Mailloux of ;_Windsor,the project "C_Iethes for Leisure." Then took the measurements of , A sum of money was ,realized
` home -• Saturday morning after spent the weekend . ith her ' ' ' - each Me mber of the club. but it will be decided at their next
Winthrop people
home from hospital
• •
Natite.., • ••••
Ttii44/n•<" •
I 4147/6 lot ideation
5 .
t•-• • '9.
Custom built to your requirements.
Quality materials and workmanship throughout.
—Choice of colour and design interior and exterior.
' fluid on 'your Own let, Or choice lots we have nci.:V in Kin-
. sardine, Tiverton, Wingha.in, 'Ripley, Chatham, Brussels.
Ghee Purchase from manufacturer at aifordable prices.
— Discount 3 percent, limited numbers.
— Guarantee that counts for 5 years,
•'O f fices —.Wingham- or
CALL . 357-2444, ••
The leaders discussed contents and Carolyn McClure were the
first meeting on Monday evening , .for this club, "Clothes' for only two available to look after
parents Mr. and Mrs. Eugene St.
Louis. '
„, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris and
Mr. and , Mrs. William Hodge
have-returned home after vaca-
tioning in Florida. ,
Ron Blanchard has -returned
home from UniVersity Hospital,
London after having-more surgery
on' his eye.
'A number of shed roofs and
barn roofs have caved in due to
the heavy snow on them. Some
reported loss of animals and
damaged implements:-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley
and.Debbie visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner.
Leanne Gardiner returned to her
home after spending a couple 'of
weeks with her cousins. Visiting
in the same home were. Otto
Walker and Kenneth• Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. George Wasson
and Marjorie and Mrs. Storey
visited recently with • Mr. ' and.
Mrs. Harold Storey, Ray and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hunt and
girls visited on Sunday afternoon
. ,with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H111,
Varna who have just returned
from 'a three week vacation in
396-4833 ,
310 WINGHAM " '•
Six girls were present. Officers
were eleCted as follows-President
Nanci pennett, Vice
President-Mary Alice Ryan;
Secretary-Peggy Humphries;
Press Reporter-Karen• Plaas.
• • • • tt•e`
• a
• • .
• •
• ,
• __
This past Saturday. Ruth Thamer
, .
cant's group have .a lunch booth 4 H club elects officers„, at the Alex Gulutien's farm sale
• The next meeting is March 7 at • meeting what it will go , towards.
the same home. Any girl in the Rev. Baker Wants to get the •
community who is 12 years old by yotuig 'people - involved, doing `-
March 1st wishing to take this ttljings together, in a community
club is askeeto get in tou ch -project. He hopes other 'such
with either Of the leaders. Mrs. ventures, will be considered in the
- Sterner or Margaret 'Shortreed. hiture.
BUTLER'S 5c to
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• 0 0
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•JA. 4--
!J•1••••PAUVY4b1/41,.. •
Exeter: Florida. • •
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SUTTON • 20"
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LI 40 * Yes hOrre 27-0680. S‘afotth .. • .;:`
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Starts THURS., MAR. 3 rd
Continues for Entire Month
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Belwood is 26" of the most dramatic
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heart of Berwood is the powerful „,„„
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Oeilcraft speaks for itself, adding a
touch of elegance to any room decor.
Belwood ... you owe itio yourSelf.
Capra is 20" of Electrohome's finest.
The finest in color detait and natural
color qualify, the finest in workmanship
and design..With Capri, you get100%
solid state dependability backed by
the Electrolyze 3 yeggyarranty, • -
Instavu, auto- matio-AFT and
mtife,ThliCh more.
See Capri today and enjoy iSeautlful"
color tonight.
• • 4,. ... We
arwiirtin4 n-,Eirippydire oil ErettrOffotiferAtlieht1600th v, ' iedtiont •
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