HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-03-03, Page 3• • •
for 'years, • _ ,
POI' isn't talking inuch about
, what he thought Of it all becatkpe
he doe,sn't want mY column to .
scoop hjs story, fiefs wearing one
ef the tWo ,"Lcnie me, I'm a
Country Single" button. that he ,
got Saturday night, buthe takes it
off whinever he goes gout of the
'You can reallkread all about-it— '
next:week•when ., Len finishes the.
intensive,research on his story. .
But I want to--thank the Singles
dance organizers for the best
Saturday night I've had in a long
time. and for making "Sure that •
singles for miles areund have, a
good time &very Saturday night.
--Luc- -man
wins $2500
in Provincial
" A local man, Herman Lansink,
of R.R.1, Granton, won $2500 in
Monday night's Provincial
Lottery draw, which was held in
Mr. Lansink, who's the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Lansink of
Seaforth, said at first he thought -
that his ticket, numbered
2313582, was only a $50 winner.
When he went to redeem the,
ticket he found it was worth 50
times that much.
"I'm going to take a day off
tomorrow and go and pick up the
money," Mr. Lansink said.
, 4ti..4441 ,1"
Me:nday-Friilay 8 a '40.-1810Mit
• I ,
THE. mAROH. 1prz
time,' If you like to dance-yoU get a.
whale lot mere chanCe§ than at
ordinal:), parties whea your
husband isn't -too keen to try out
'the danee floor.
And, the people who go to the
, singles dances are the Warmest
friendliest bunch that I've met in .
' &longtime. Nabody feels•or looks
oat of place. There are people
aged- from 20.to•60 plus there and
the dress ranges from . long
dieSses to jeans. "
- I admit that we'Were sort of
thereunder false pretenses.,I said
-before we 'gat thete....th,At wed
have to tell the people "we talked -
to thai we were writing a story
and that the questions we were
asking were a little- more than
social chit chat, ••• -
And I-tried to explained but it
just didn't work. ,"I've g9t a
confession to make," I started to
tell one guy I was dancing with
but he thought l• was going to
apologize about my lack „ of
' 'dancing skill and he went an
about how he •was . a horrible
dancer ,too. I dropped the whole,
Another man wanted to . know
why I'd come to a singles dance
with two euvs. "For protection,"
I said. (No I didn't really..singles
' dances are so friendly that
nopody needs protection.) •
Another guy told me "pat I
looked like a boy. painted out
that I had a skirt on but even that
didn't seem to sway him: ,
One person Wanted to know
, why Len was writing things down:
By thiS time it was top latefer full
• disclosure so Len said " that he
,wtites to a triend iu Europe and
was jotting do.Wit things he
wautecil to tell ker..Which Wasn't.
altogether Untrue.'
____I_gatjnto_a_Aonversation with '
one guy who spent 'part oft. last
summer digging out his
basentent," 'Why am I.telling you
that?" lie asked as he sketched
out the work on a cigarette
package. I .cCiti1tInt tell him that I
-really Was 4-very interested
because my husband; and I had
just,gone throngh -that very thing'
at our place, "Ilike basenients", •
!vas all I managed to answer.
.Those who-go .to the Singles
dances are such friendly open
pedple that' everyenelust takes
you at face yalue I guess,
•secommend going to a single
dance/ to. anYone---who- qualifies--
and hasn't been to one. Even if
you ,gc alene you'll be made:-
welcome and have,..,i very good
time. 3 •
The person who had the best
time of the three of Us Was, yoti
guessed it, Andy. He was the best
reporter, getting more usable
information „than dither Len or
me, And after one-of -the Singles
organizers ' broke the ice by
dragging -him onto the dance
floor: he hardly Sat dovvn for the
rest of the night.
He especially had furi dancing
with a nice lady who reminded
hitt' of his grandmother, except
she liked to dance more than his
grandmother dees. By the time I
found him at the end of the dance,
he was sitting trading insults with
the Singles' Club organizers as if
he'd been attending_ eyery vveek
Attending a singles dance
when yoti've been married' for
eight years, and still are, opens
up; all kinds of interesting
pctssipilitiesr We can' tell
everybody that we're thinking
about separating and came to look
the field over first before we
decide", ' my littsband alibied
after I finally talked him into
coming with me to the Huron
County Singles dance•in Seaforth
Saturday night.
In an effrirtAtcrget him to the
Singles I'd been' telling him for
weeks that reporters Will do
anything for a story. The
Fitpdsitor, you see, is doing a
story about Huron's two year old
• ,successful club for singles.
'• Reporter Len Pizzey is actually
writing it and „I tpld him that to
really get into the Atmosphere of
"tdhaenceclu.b he should go to a Singles
He Was somewhat -reluctant to
vciriciu$ .gtyles
examples pictiired here shoW some of the ways in which builders
popular in Canada during the nineteenth century. The three
in Seaforth achieved a various and pleasing effect the design
Dporways aiee ..o
There is" a great variety in the One and a half storey houses so • • • saittne 'problem. Jack and Leone
" there associate members. In the
'dance once before, and they made
ga, alone,. (Chicken, , in less . polite.
language, chicken). So then I
said, "okay, and I'll go with
you." I , checked that -Out- with
A i:eportpr and her husband would
singles Club organizers and they,.
Riddell had attended a Singles
interests ,of a good acenrate•story
be Welcomed. " . of .doorways. •
.Next probleM was the husband. The house in the top left Ticture. on Helen St.. has a
particularly beautiful doorway in the Neo-Classical style_ It .has . He was reluctant to go at all.
Maybe the singles dance conjured the characteristic sidelights to the right and left of thesloorand a
semi-elliptical fan transom Or curved 'ilvin.dow above. PilaSters - up images of those lonely days
raised section§ of weed designed Ye look like columns -, on each - before we met. Not bloody, likely.
side of the dpor support the entablature or ledge by,tneans of
Maybe, and I knoW this is true, he'
brackets. The detail above the eliptical window is particularly ju§t doesn't like going tO dances..
fine., The Window in the upper hal shoWs the influence of the, , His parents • were. scheduled. to
.. come for the vieekepti. and that Italian Gothic style. Bargeboard under the gable eaves picks up
and accents the roundrieSS of the windows below it. Though the • .was his Oltimate excuse. " But it'
entranceway here •haS been carried out uSing a number 'bf stormed Friday, they cancelled
' and I thought I bad him: elements from various styles, the overall effect is one' of
„We finally did drag him away harmony. ,
from his Own beer and his own The house in the bottom picture has a doorway-executed in the, • ,
Ciassic Revival style. It is recessed slightly with Side panels and` fireplace Saitirday night and J I... ,
the emphasis is on straight:fines: AboVe the door is one of three think'the real persuader was whit
five sided dormers projecting from the roof. The pilasters on I told him Saturday morning at
each side of the door are repeated between the windows of the -breakfast, A lady vVlia is active in
••'. &writer, ,This house, on John Stpet,,,,,is,,,ene of the most visually • the club and who hud met him
'interesting in Seaferth. before. 'asked me. if he, was
The doorway in the top right picture IS similar to the „one comirig too when ,she neard about_
, our story, .1 told him. That's trite abov,e, but it is simpler in desighn having nO sidelights. The
window under thegable heresis typical of the cottage Gothic s'tyle and it made him just a little too
cammon in the last half of the nineteenth -Century. The pointed curious to stay away: ,
'window imitates those found in the Medievhl" &lurches which
We had a. lovely time. ICS just a•
-r'Otten shame that'marrie4 peeple inspired the style. The bargeboaid in the 'gable in small but
ean',t -go_t9 singles dances all the ornate and flowing. The house in on James St.
Plan to develop 12 acre
w cost housing area
. The Seaforth 'Planning Board is last year shows that, there is a their own on an' income
looking far proposal's to develop a need ter new housing in Seaforth '$10,000. he said. •
'""12'' acre section_ of Towit„owned, at a cost in the neighborhood of • Troposals can be submitted to
land. in the Brantford St. area. ,, $20,06?).• This will . allow •• area ;the Planning' Board:through town
Their objective is to make'. new people to hudget for -a ,,,home,..of __clerk Jim Crocker's office. '
homes available at a price 'that .'
MOSTpeoplaan afford, according '
' io Board Chairman ,, Gordon _
The Board is Currently inviting, • ' nen s o t e , .
• 62 "JarVis,,,;Street, Seaforth ' died Many fine ranch hoines in the' _ proposals for development of. this , Seaforth WOMenzs Institute are
Sunday in .Seaforth Community Millarville area, „ land- with low to moderate cost _ ,., • invited to the March 'fleeting
,Hospital. . • • Mr. Haney is survived by his ..„„ „ huses. Or dmobile homes with an being held at flit home ,a.Mrs...
., • Born in Hay Township. she was wife„ Vera Jand three_sianghters,.. „erneiently ___e_signed_livingarea_of '"Lorne Lawson, Tuesday, March =--..--..--the daughter-of Mr" aid- MrS. --Kfr-s.1-1Pward (Lillian) Bradley of less than,1000 Square feet. These 8th at 8:15 p.m. This is the units . will be• placed •on sinaller
' Garnet McClinchey, of Seaforth: Two Hills., Alkerta; Mrs: Joe "Citizen and "World ' A ffairs" She was educated in Egmondville (ban) .. Sorioqpi, Huntington than .usua.1 building. 'lots . , ask. - meeting ' convened by Mrs. J.
aod for a number of ;years had BeaCh. California; Mrs. Charles outlin.ed in . the • Ministry o Keys aridMrs. K, Campbell. Roll
Rintmer says that a survey ma
Fire'razes farm
(Contiqued from Page 11
staying . temporarily with Mr.
McKay's father. Edi• who lives
across the road, The family
-hadn't noticed any pil fumes in'
the basement from...the, furnace
EfETTY DOREEN SCOTT engaged in the constructioe and
Mrs. Betty Doreen Scott, 47, of"-""Contraeting business, having built
ou re Invited
Seaforth ,Hospital, Auxiliary
meeting. March 8, 8:00 p.m. in
the board room. Special. event gjft.
shop pettily " sale.' -
., ., ' suddenly at hiS.I.Otite ;Irv-Millar. ,attoo itItIoep w7hso resimrl,nOt lOng derasS- the riding], Where theee , ' Come. and listen ta."'"'"John .
' Vilteo. • Albetta,:, ini
19 "Piciyhneif eleetiOn. ' nave ' been ificreaSeS" in Kfe..1i4r, Kitehetier, ; author,
rebrunlY 20, . Mr. B ItOn t t peptilatien,.'Ne is ,cartAng , On hiStorian • and „ eknaval 197/ in hiS 6Sth Year, ...••••.--•;.''','f'S'si oar° - ' atir dd'hune Pt his' i g, . irion, reta e t at his' firSt .,' distitSsiblis. with ,,muiticip&I ' conntiande; speaking on World I.
born nett Satilt Sfe: 'Marie, . e eetion in the rtding was ,the ok.,-hclais and paftyrepreSentatives War 11$ Mainly theCatiadiatiS at .,..'''
tarle dn'Oetebdr Vti. 19121 he by-election cif lvlay t1;710S8 and in in Conneetion 'With, the prOPOSed , Dieliffe". Mr. Mdiler tgek paii in ' - '• '; -ot
.- lived iti Seadrift Until 1-9.$0i theh „ the rata sinee he has been efiattgeS SO that" they May . be the aetiOn." at Vath b nicirk and
.MoVed to Alb‘erte with hig f4010. resPontihrd -for 4.-. ::.gerierar 'carried out fwith a Minimint. 'Of Dieppe. Mk is. being PreSented,
.: Where he. resicie4 ,at Miliarville el:editing ahtv Otte . tither hy, -conttaion ror tlie voter MO Way .:13Y ,, fIttroh - Cdtintr; Library.
- " tthtil hia daath, ' ,,,._ ' . ,„ , ,„ elettiOn. fie ' alS4 . served : at * find lie will 'Vete In a poll different . SeafOrth bratteh tii ;the ,n; kiwer
: ......., . "Ild Wag fee it 'Ong tittl# a school rdttirtiing pffieer for fatit'tederal fient that id which fie ha§ rieett library NI thursday,, Marai 1‘0"at
...., .itia &Wet,. .110". WAS' at'.0.0Y".. :,eiettibili. ' aeettootheil, - " ". 13' imit. AdMission free. . '
predeceased by her husband. John of Jasper,. Alberta. Eleven
Charles M. Scott. , grandchildren also survive.
Suryivine axe: a grandmotfier. One sister, - Mrs. William
Mrs. Ellen Adams, of Seaforth; Jackson, Millarville, Alberta and
; 'her patents; daughters, Mrs. J3,..1. three brothers, Warden and Lloyd
(Cheryl) Bonthron ef Hensall, Seaford', Clair of Los Angeles,
-Stlian K. and El izabeth A at California • also 'survive. Two
tome; sops James R. of Exeter, brothers predeceased,hitn.
• Wayne D of Mistissauga, ',Charles
Carter. FloWerbearers . were has beeh apPointed returning, Electpral 9ffice provide for a the Tdvvri Hall„ Thursday, March '.. , omes Nkciidaity, .,,_ Paul officer for the provincial riding of, review of Polling subdiviSidne.40.,;... ro at 8 pan. Karen McEwing, ,Huron7 Middlese. .i ensure"an average of 2b0 to 250 ' " McClinchey, Randy McClitiChey, Childhood EducatiOn - -,.-.-. • . . beitick . ,mcoinchp.y, Teri), Mr. Siminon s • who is the voters to each poll Mr. Simmoni - ail? graduate and *SuperviSor of the and "1.1ittlite,-. meciiiichey. , "Present reeve of Excter and a Safi-el-and added that this could , Aranastra Day Care Centre, Will be otthimvi aArritew HAN,...._ former WY& 'of that - towq ...lesult in 'a- change irf- ' the the guest speaker.
Berfraiiilitittifebo, tilitiv.y„ d'iedi . , Lierids.Au,ssel T.. bolter' of bdundarits ;, of *a nuitibeisittrolla ... ;,
M. of Petawawa, and ^Michael D from Turner Valley United before the explcision. -
The Seaforth Horticultural at home; sisters Mrs. ,lan Church on February 24 at 2. p.m. The newly renovated house and
Society invifes you to the (Maybelle) Crockwell of Bermuda with Rev. Love Officiating. Pall- contents, including a year old Wednesday, March 9 meeting at
and Mrs. Keith (Dorothy) Mac- bearers were: Fred Rishang, Jim fridge and stove were only
8 p:m. in the Town Hall. A very - ' Donald of Alberta; brothers: 4.Scanerty, Bob Backs, Robert partially covered bY insurance.
Mutat" Topic '''Flanging- a , Ketth,,,,pf Seaferth, _Beverly of Chalmers1 Budd -Ceidti and- as if a whole life time is gone,
Garden" will be breught to us by 13-4fleld, Giant of-flensAill,.Tahn Garnett Allen: ' 'Cremation with not much to show -for it,'
George Pagowski of Outreach • and William, iof Trenton, and -followed. ." Mrs. McKay
Department, Royal Betanical Donald, of Cornwall.
Rev. E. a, Nelson conducted:
the funeral tervide Tnesday at 2 ew return-in Ott. in the R.S. Bbx ;Funeral
Time, 47, High Street, Seaforth.
CrematiO'n'followe'd With burial in
EginontiVille Cemetery. - Icer a Pallbe,aters were Glen Staffen,
de to teach our children or
grandeliddren to be goad
citizens Motto is man's feet
should be planted in his ,country,
but his eyes should $lItYCS, 'the
world". Mrs.. Eric Luther of
Hensall tvill speak on • "New-
foundland". Lunch conveners are.
Mrs...L. Ca rter, Mrs. D.. Hugill
and Mrs. ,McNairn.
Garden's, Hamilton, He will
diseuss the preparation of
containers for hanging indoor or
outside, su,itable plant§ and main-,
A meeting or those who are
interested in Atatting a nuriery
Sack; Case, ' fteg Henry
SWaio, 'Jack Muir and Thomas W. Eldrid Simmons of Exeter
Housing's repert.
'business 'in Seaferth. ' She Was Alberta, and one son. Robert . Planning Board Chairman,,Mr. carried on a hair. dressing jpeggy) Durand of Red Deere. tall to be answered with "Away
Funeral services were held
• .
ICiew reqiiirements of the Chief 'schml for preschoolerS in -Seaforth' will be held tiPStairs- at
, ' •
0006 I RV -a -
Try the All-New, Prefabricated .,_ -..--..
When an' ordinary garden is Object to four sea.sons a_y_ear, the're's onfif one inside a
greenhouse - tumbler. • .
Even in the depths Of Winter, Yet' can still enjoy garden fresh, summer delicacies like ,
melons end tweet corn.'
' YOu could even'grow the kind ef vegetahles that wOuld normally tinly -grow in ituich hotter
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....c _CirlainIrs-there'ea trenteittleils tense of aChieVement lobe had from eating foolYou've
_. Ancf.besidest.cah,Voldhink_ot a .more satistying_way in which to.etiape the presSures of
- "-Modern day life than to- Speitd an' hour or twO a day in the trankuil environment of. a
greenhouse: - ' . . • - ' '
. So why nOt ca0 in at .Wisoway Home & iBuildfrig Centre ncw,i;and let us explain the best
range of greenhoUteein the wOrldlbr -Vbu. There's One to suit your garden, made by Ecreri,,_
the people who. pioneered the use Of aluritinUm. , j ' . . . . . .
Get Your Eden Greenhouie eicia'w ... be ready for Spring!
Ilitedlabfe in:9 differentliiodials. :
i ' Theries one Meatier-your needs! ,
EDEN 6' 'x 8' LEAN-TO
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' •••••':