HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 15• Mrs. Hugh Berry Correspondent Brucefield-Tuckersmith United Church Group 1 U.C.W. January and February meeting was held on Tuesday Feb. 15 with a sin'all • attendance on account of the poor weather. Mrs. Jean Henderson and MrS‘. Vina Berry were in charge/ of the, Devotion.. In the absence of Mrs. Berry, Scriputre John 14 ; and a poem Christian Love. The offering was,received and 'dedicated by 'Mrs. Henderson. ''Let Me Call-You Sweetheart - . was• sung in unison followed by a' reading "First. Valentine" by Mrs. E. Steil; Mrs. Henderson spoke on 'only very special people which .was enjoyed by all. Hymn rib, 80 1 Wateh for our ,I;CORNERWINoaw BA RGAINS, 'Fantastic Savings • Winner of Mattress Sale Draw * ,Mrs. Audrey Malone* R.R. 2 Dublin - 1:6080 Merin St. :Seciforth RNIT RE LTD. • • GREAT PRICES Side of Beef 78! Hind of Beef 98 °. Front of Be f 68! Side of Pork 11! Loin of Pork 1.39 Lb CUSTOM PROCESSING Killing & Butchering The Most Modern Facilities In The Area, Butcher Day - Wednesday Pickup Service- Available Orders Cut to Personal Taste With Choice of Weight & thickness chblicteerns of perbrowpnackag gaper e or see through film Pas t Preezing OLD FASHIONED REAL SMOKE CUPID YOU'VE NEVER HAD ot, MEAT LIKE THIS... AT PRICES LIKE THESE Home of the famous ► tote-"Nomil Oashwoodi Sausage I 2 mite south of Da.shwood's main intersection Phony )17 11,14 Satisfaction Guaranteed ,• -W-e-Also Offer The al4kostEffeciive RPET aEANING.. • Eve,' Deyelopeci OPEN ,Mon. -1111411. 8:30 - 5:30' Friday 8:30 .9:00 'Saturday 9100 .5:00 , We TOe Pride Our - INSTALLATION AND SERVICE Wo HIGHWAY 83' o'er- ExElgit - BEHIND ACME NEON,SIGNS Phone 235.1451 • THE HURON EXPOSIT,OR, FEBRUARY 24, 1977 —15 Brucefielci .4 ;•• t. New presideni thajrs UCW WILLIAM ROY TALBOT' • William' Roy Talbot died on Tuesday, Feb. 1977. in. Victoria Hospital, Lendortiff'his 78th year_ Born; on the Blue Water highway., ,he.wasthe son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W;14-, - of Bay-field. 'As a vonn' Man, he moved to a farrnon the Blue Water higitway, COUNTRY LIFE Lahk Macintosh'; 1, Kth.'a Van Deir -,Neuchen, and Jay • Brandon• display' their winning poster which depicts lifein the rural areas -of WELCOME Janet Hoggarth; I, •and Diana Bea.rss display their winning entry in the Hensail Kinsmen; Heritage Day poster contest, the theme of which IS "Welcome to Canada", • - (gxpcsijor Photo); Canada as Thused to'be. (Expositor Photo) returned a week ago Wednesday Baytield area. from, a 2 week sight seeinp, trip • • Obituary Constance couple sees-Texas . 'Cattleman's Association. - Mr,-:Ne-15;bn McClure -returned_< home this past Monday .from ' University Hospital. London. We • . • . arc :pleased to .report he "is'' . • CorresPondent trip to Texas, sponsored by the ..,. The new 4-11 Club is "Clothes trees and grass brown 'hem •the from Arizona: .. . .„..,. ,,,„„„..,.......„,i......,...„„s„..i...,ffiri . for-Leisure".• Any girls in thiS • freezin but'' ' • ' • g:: weather;;--.1t • WAS,..n area whdare• interest ed.in joining 'love l y 80 degrees in Miami when Mr,' and Mrs. Carl Payne have . . at the Hensall United' Church on ;.Tuesday, March 1 at 7 p,m. This should, Kate Keys, ' • • '''' • . returned from a very pleasant they were there: • 262-53n2, or Joyce `Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. C. Reid of ',stay in Buckeye, Arizona. visiting , club is sponsored by the Hensall . • 482-9854, right away. -TWomen s lnsitute as usual. ' . . WaterchiWn spent the weekend' • With their' daughter. son-in--Jaw . . . , 4 "Oh Love That Will NO1 Let Me ' Prayer will be held in Kippers CorreSptindent • -"Remeinbr. the Sabbath'', congregation will be held Uniyersity Hospital, 'London, Mrs. Broadfoot gave a Brucefield 1.0,0.F. held a very'' - • ' Mrs. John Turkheim assited at following the service next . rep.' ing, " It things made New. The C.P. and T. of the Hensall the organ and•the_choir sang, the Sunday. There swill be a pot luck 1,.0._O.F, held a successful euchre anthem , "He keeps me Singing". '••ittnchepn first. ". • .,, on Wednesday night with eight ' tables; in play: Winners -.1.'were:-Ladies ' High, . Irene Finlayson, ladies low-Anita •Ilengoagh, ,men's • high-,Archie Parsons, men's low-Jo Carter.. • Lone harids•ArChie Parson, draw, . 'box of grokeries Joyce Pepper, I . . .. ' 'the nutstandin lay of Hensall te-eks new _me thbe s g P HA compbtition.. auditor's report wei,e' given and the Cemetery. -he financial report and position •of Caretaker -Sexton of bag of apples Nellie, Riley, After • • . • showed the Board to:be in a sound play, a delicious lunch was served Mopkton - beat Hensall' for the rest of the season. Scoring position financially. The selling - and committee. week" putting them- out of the Kevin Parker: Tim -Lovell- end more. in Day of prayer by Marg Consitt, Glen Koehler Banam's twice -during the last for. Hensalt.. on Saturday were price•9f plots was increased, to be Iine with, neighboring The United Church service was O.H.A. competition . Only • David Consitt while Murray cemeteries. ' conducted by Rev. Don. Beck ' • Mr. and. Mrs. David Mustard ,with ,Mrs. George Reid" and and Mr. cad' Mrs. Ervin visited relatives in the Varna and . %' Smith 'each scored one goal for orna Monktori. Credit was extended to Mrs. Bill Chessell • disappointing to see the, palm Whils mith. All women of the ••: SPORTS & PsECREATION LIMITED fi• Correspondent through Florida, They found it Couple returns • ida Payne •'taking .,as his sermon topic, •• The Annual meeting of the. , exhibition games will be played Inman • D Broughton• Tim making-plans for a spring danee, Ro6bal 011 51.1nd4y • latter's parentS. Mr, and Mrs. Bantams ose. ensa successful card party on Friday . . ... . . — . . ' Cemetor y .board meets . ... Central . United. Mirth for . his . • . . , family-. and relatis;es • •. •.•"Worth,_TirpLp.c. Block and Bradley" • Mrs. Marl jorie Broadfoot assisted. "Happy is The Home Where LOve e uc Fi re worship from page one of the closing this part of the meeting. , The meeting opened with a call to Is", Tlien felinwed by . prayer - . Hymn Book, "This i's the day The New president • Mrs.' ,-which The Lord•hatIrmade we will Margorie Broadfoot chaired the Rejoice and be glad". Hymn 181 business part. The World. Day of • ' • • • • G and.. grandson. Mr.'-and' :Mrs. ary Merritt and Greg, for the' pat two .months. enjOyed Christmas dinner on the patio ine ---r.aise $.318 the sunshine, • Mr-s-, Robert WatsoM Seaforth, Mrs. Audr,e town arid Mr. and Mrs. Don f • m Anderson 'and- Olave Little are. Dodds. Seaforth visited with the - Or • ' at 2:.10 P.m. Guest E-:-0-13 March 4 speaker will be Mrs, Gwen -:•4 goalie Steve Sararas all through The spring 4-1-1 Club project, the, season. "Clothes" for Leisure" will be • Doug • starting very son. Any girl who is . . .twelve years old' or older .12.y. March may join the club. There will.he: an organizational meeting The annual rneeting, of Bairds Cemetery Board and plot owners was held on 'January 19th. Go" was sung followed by prayer, ,Chtireh- on March 4th. ;. 4H 'Club to The W.drlds--Day of wilt --S. be observed in Hensall as Carmel • start -soon :Presbyterian Cbur0 9n Friday, fi."'" The 1976 • board was inettes • March reappointed for another year. At a meeting. on ',Feb. 16 . W,D, Wilson was given: the community are "4. invited to fake "• `P 9 162 58°9 part in this service. on 'Friday afternoon' Feb. night with good atiendance„ The following- winners were Ladies High-Mts. Ed. .Goclkin, Ladies Low-Dareee 'Mustard, Lone liandMrs. Ed Godkin, Men's High-Bill 'Rogerson, Men's Low-Ebner Trick; Men's' Lone Hands.-W.D. Wilson. Lucky draw was won' by Greg McGregor and Ken Stuart. • ''Personals • Mrs. H. •Berry was called to Stratford last week owing to the serious illness of her nephew the late George. N. Griffith. His wife Oeneviene was the former Genevieve 'Smith fOrmerly of Brucefield. Mr.' Griffith 'suffered o a severe heart'attack and died in He owned the _Stratford. Tire and Battery Company. A Memorial Service was held'at o A • south 'of Bayfielci where, follow- ing marriage 1924,: they continued to reside., • The- couple fanned, Until their retirement a few years ago to, Bayfield. Mrs. Talbot predeceased. herhushand '1976, 'Mr, 'Talbot-I .:Vet' really retired,• keeping active with his combine- and helping his families during theirbusy seasons on the farms., • .• He is survived by Mrs. Lorraine TeTtFird of Sinicoe.; Mary ..1sobel Leppingten • of • Bayficld. Wm. Talbot Jr., R:R. 3. Bitylield. Twelve grandchildren and - 8 great-grandchildren also • survive along'-"with three sisters; • Mrs. "Verda-Cameron, SeafOrth; Mrs. Lloyd. (Esther) Martins. Barfield and 'Mrs. Roy (Freida) Sc6tchmer of Bayfield. He was predeceased by •rt son in Dliwar in 1975, a grandson Gary in 1970. a, sister and two brothers. 7 'The body , rested at the Westlake Funeral Home in Zurich Where the, funeral service wa's• conducted.by Rev. J. Reddoch of St.' Andrew's 'United-Church. 'Barfield. Temporary 'emtomb- iiient was in the mausoleum in 1:143field with burial to take place later in the Etayfield cemetery. Pallbearers were his grandsons. Mary Wilier. Mr. and -Mrs. S-a''in MeCliffe have ret urned home from a 10 day Expositor 17-".---,(Contintied from Page'.-.•1.l•-.• - writing , in competition'" with member papers of sizes of the tanadian —Cdrinuni0 'Newspapers Association. The Expositor's sister paper. The. BrUssels Post. won provincial' award for, the. second year in a rOw. The Pest won the best photography. award for tabloid paper ,of under 2SO... circulation... Photos. in the, two ,,coMpulsory issues that • were submitted fort•ju'dging were taken by Post photograPher Pat Langlois Brussels and advertis- ing manager Dave Robb 01 Seriforth,' Mrs. Langlo.is is a daughter a ,Mrs. Winnifred McPhail of Seaforth. Other local papers which won awards in the OWNA competition were the Clinton News Record, which had the best local ladvertis- ing in 'papers of 2001 to' 3000 Circulation and the' Mitchell Advocate whicnplaced second-for general excellence and had the best 'sports Pap in papers with circulation, of 2000. and tinder. The awards will be presented at the OWNA convention • in Toronto. early in' March. steadily improving. • , • Mrs:Jobn ThOmpson, Mrs. Simi .. . McClure' and Mrs. Clarence Bennett travelled.19.-.Torodto on •_ .when .Mr: • Bennett .. returned to his home:there. after Spending tire,--past month visiting. 'with Mr. and mrs., • John, ThOmpsO6, Slreita. Sharon. and , Bob :and. with his sister Mr.and Mrs. Terence Hunter of CoRirne.Towns.bip. muPlbOr or 'people frOm the area attended the reception for . Mr. and Mrs. Bert McClure. thee Dorothy Setirrow) in Serdn'tth, en Saturday evening. Miss Rose Caroviliano of Mahon' visited on. Sunday • with Mr. and Mrs. Paul. . Stevenson. Daxid. Darren and Luanne.' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline,_ Peter and David visited . op Sunday. with Mr Carl Uhler of Walton, • • 'Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith:. Chris and Julie of Exeter on Saturday-with Mr. and Mrs Paul' South-gate and: Jennifer-. Lots of Plans • Court Constantine L 18.42_held their meting on Thtirsday evening, February' 10th in 'The hall. A ..committee of Marjorie Minvwfamwsl,~011.4be1341.101.M.M0.1. to be observed _ HURON 'CARPET ..THE CARPET SPECIALISTS Custom Crafted DRAPERIES by PRIDE OF PARIS -hall. . week. • • • ydoeisistherteoeattlenitartezei en th eare sp7ainn ngi.riTghea tincl A hdreW of Huron Park visited _Mr. and Mrs. • Randy Mason family danCe the-hell in the- W the hitters-parents, Mr . and '- Plans are being Made to have a $. spring holiday break. and a Mrs. 'John Skea on Sunda tobogganing party is, being held,1,-, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chaffe. this' Sunday, Feb. 27th at. Ed. and baby 'Sally visited with the' Dorrance s Hill front 2 to 4 latter's• parents. Mr., and Mrs. followed by pancake supper at the • John 'Corbett -during the last Y. The,...!Kinette. Club__of Re_nsall started their February . meeting'. with a delicious--meal.at -the`:-• Hensall Bean Poty.h-was reported at 'the meeting that, a total. of 5318.56 was collected 'during the March cif Dimes eativass—awd-the Kmettes would like to thank all the volunteer canvassers and' -AT' those who contributed, slr lr'"g0°,4r / 4 • . • :•••••:.,....v.z.t...,;;;;,??.v...A.:m • •••• • Buy any 2 piece chesterfield suite by • Kroeler, Braemore, Vitas or Troitier, you get a' FREgBONUS.-. • BeidoeSet va!ued $.59..