HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 13Rutai_tea:,,ong- Asscaciation•
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Ontario's urgent land use
problems, were.attacked,this week
at a seminar sponsored by the
Rural Learning A'Sgeiciation at • • „. Geneva Park, Qrillia. Participants,
....ft.om farm • organizations,. co-
operatives,., the, , Censtnners
Association of Canada, . Indian
bands, • several ' universities;
niunichial councils and . the,
provincial government • shared
their concerns and; identified
ways to promote .rnore effective,
land use in the province.... . _
1 Two. participants from Huron
rounty, Clarence Rairof Stanley
and Charles • Thomas of. Grey,
• tattended: • . . '
' The preservation of prime
agricultural land was identified as
,„-the first essential. Government.
announcement . of a freeze on
" 3;000-acres of prime frititland in
the' -.Niagara peninsula was
received' by-delegates AS "a step
in the. right directio.n."Th-e new
planning guidelines were also
viewed as a'' positive .,.tool . for
putting Ontario's,. most valuable
natural resource' to its best use.
Dr.E.GPleva of the department
of • geography,, University of
Western Ontario, 'h Ad already
warned seminar participants that
the • disappearance ..of good
agricultural land in OnfOriO was
reaching crisis proportions, Good
*al, planning,. and ' a_ broad
provincial land• use plan, are
needed to keep a _properbalance
between the demands for growth
and the need tb protect people's
rights; 'h-e• Said., •
- • .
HURON 'H OSTS MATCH IN• 070— Huron County
will host the 1978* International Plowing Match and
Farm Machinery . Show: Huron County delegale8 to,
the Ontario Plowmen's Association 67th annual
meeting in Toronto., February 14 and 15, from. left
(front rowrare - Earl Hilderly, treasurer and FlOwara
Datarsi, chairman local ploWing match' cornmitfee:, -
Jiro -Armstrong, host. farmer and OPA second vibe
president Roy Pattiscn, county chair'man; and bon
OMAF agricultural represeniative. Back row .
from left are - Bill •Hanley, •Huron Clerk -• Jack
' Riddell, MI313 HUron-Midcllesex;-71/17:J.LeWming,
President HOron association, Lori Stafford, Huron
Country Queen of the'F'urrow; Doug McNeil Huron -7 2....
:Courity..warglen; Ruisell Bolton, Sepretary-freasurer
Huron Association; Carob ArrnStrong, chairman
• Ladies Program; Murray-Gaunt, MPP' Huron-Bruce;
and 'Alcock, deputy-clerk Huron.
• 1 1 • . • . 1 ,
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. "Fopp,k..REFREsomtkiTs. AmtooN"
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at, the University of • Guelph,
des cribed the land bank set tip-
iti` British. Columbia and other
measures taken in Prince Edward.
Alberta andSaskatcheWav
' as examples of the 'growing
concern for the' preservatiotro of
land for, its best use<
The seven members •Jef,,, the ;
provincial executive' • ,of the .
Ontario Federation cif Agriculture
will arrive in Wingham ,from
various parts of the p rovince on
Monday, February 28. They will
hold • their monthly executive
-Meeting 0114. Wednesday, Match
.72nd. For two dafs prior to.-this
meeting they will meet With the
county Federation executives - •
organization. fie.,•Wallta to 'draw .
,people put:- and . get,them to
partici;•ote. "I want everyone to.
feel free to • conic ,and .express
their opirilenste.
'The Executive will hold' their
"meetings' at the Turnberry. tavern'
on Highway 80, about one mile
east ofWingltam, beside the
Turnberry- Central Schbol, A
general meeting kr' O,F.A,
members will .be held on Tuesday
evening, March 1 at 8t00 in •
theTurnberry Central School'.
• ,
• Delegates challenged •the
gpvernment and the opposition
,parties for more leadership in the
land use problem in a free-wheel,•
ing session' with . Bob Eaton,
• M.P.P. for MiddleseX, parlia•'
tn entary assistant to the Minister
- agriculture, and the agriculture
• critics L•the opposition parties;
Donald C. MacDonald (NDP
• East York), aed.Jack Riddell ,
• -(Lib - Hition-Middlesei). Mr.
Eaton, said' the government had
Confidence in' ocal planning
boards, , and . was strongly
committed ..to lad use' policies
that enabled the agri cultural
community to survive:.
• 114i.• MacDonald.. criticized the
government for-hot going' far
enough to - protect prime
foodlands. •He said such lands
should be ' reserved • for
agricultural use,V with decisions
made At the !Opal leVel within a•
policy framework created by the
Mr, Riddell said the ' Liberals ,
, oppose ' blanket land , freeze
policy-,. but want . urban and
industrial grbwth - steered away
.from.dass 1 and 2 farmla nd. The
• party also advocates • a pool to
compensate farmers for keeping..
farmland in production in areas of
urban_ sprawl where developers
.offerthonsaeds of dollars an acre •
more. than the agricultural value'
of. the land,
Spokesmen for Ontario's' three
• farm organizations also discussed
their 'land use policies. Bill
.Bensbn of the' Ontario Federation
At 4-H Conference • ,
•.'. •
of Agriculture said that delegates,
to the OFA annual meeting had ,
not abandoned their land use
policy -to preserve farmlands
bat decided their emphasis •
should be on sOine the farmer. -
When agriculture provides 'a
decent return;' you -can keep farm
families on their land, and jeeep
the land producing food for
Beef claim,
forms available
- Beef `Stabilization 'claim forms •
for the year', 1976 are now
available at the.'local saleyards
and the 'Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food Office in
Payments to 4enade on A, B &
C cattle sold for slaug .hter ore as
1st Quarter: Jamiary 1st -
March 31st, 1976 S1.84/cwt live.
?rid. quarter: April . lst-- June
L * „
, . . • .
OFA exec meeting in Wingham
• • 1 • .
everyone, he emphasized.
Elbert van•Donkersgoed of the
Christian Farmers Federation
criticized the agriculture code of
practice, which he said was
basically designed to make it
posSible for urban-people to
move •into agriculthral areas. He
'said there were important
decisions to be made on the land
to be preserved, and"who 'should
bear the cost. His.own Members,
he commented, were dedicated
farmers, and if they were
squeezed •out of farms in one
area, they were likely to relocated
e in another, ven•-though farming
costs :might bebigher.•
Joe Casey of the National
Farmers Union told the meeting
that preservation Of the family
farm unit was his organization's
• prime concern, and. development
. should be public planned for the
good-Of:the whole ,commodity,'• ,
A graphic description of how
land uSe. planning can be',
implemented at the local !Tie]
was provided 'by Gary Davidson,
director.of , planning for Huron
county..In six . years, Huron has
developed a county-wide plan for
land use and organized develop-
-ment of. its agricultural,
.coMtne'reial and recreational
resources. The • right of local
Municipalitiei to retain their
independent control • must , be
respected, he warned. •
Doug Heffnian,' director of the
,centre for resources development
• •
• • ..•
1976,NoP 30th,
3rd Quarter: July 1st -
September 30th., 1.976 $3.00/cwt.
• . , • • „.
1 ,
• • •
• from Huron, Perth, Brtice and .
Grey, and will hold a general
evening meeting for all ..farmers
from the above-mentioned
During their Stay inWinghatti,
the executive members plan to
visit a number of •Iodal farms to
discus's. current farm businesS.
preblems.. • •'
Following hi's election :to, the.
Presidency of the ,O.F,A., Peter,
Hannam stated that he intends to
concentrate on, building •cloSe r
liaison, between the individual
members, the •• • county
organizations and the .prOvincial
Huron-MiddleSeX Bob.
McKinley, introduced a bill in the',
COpettions -recently, to change the
name of his'. riding to Huron-
, Bruce.' Mr. McKinley said 'the
name . change • Is necessary
bee-ant-Se. - theriding . be
changed undetredistribution and
will now comprise all' of . Huron
comity . • plus fonr southern
:townships .of iaruce-County. , •
Previously Mr: McKinley's,
„ •
P requests name
ha~nge for riding
riding took in Huron County and
two northern Middlesex
townships, MeGilii,VraY and
Biddulph.. The new riding will
encompass • four Bruce County,
townships, Huron, Kinloss,
Cuiross and Carrick.
• .<
The •change will increase the
neinber of eligible voters in Mr.
McKinley's riding from 59,000
to 63,000.
4th Q Oct 1st
Communication .skills stressed De
31st, 1976
• Harvey SteWart, Rae
Rasenberg, Barry Miller, Ken
Inns, Brian Oldfield, Albert Van -
• Dyken, • Graeme Craig
• represented Huron 4-H leaders at
Provincial 4-H
Leaders Conference being held
at the Sheraton Centre, Toronto
on -February 11 And 12.
During the'- conference, 'the
leaders look part in workshops
and discussion groupS-• 'covering
numerous aspects of the 4•11.
program. With an emphaSis on
improving communication skills,. -
participant's were, exposed to
various methods of presentation
and effective teaching' methods.
'Nelson"Hawn, a '
communicator •from. Kemptville
opened, the Conference with his-
thoughts on the "Importance of
Expressing Yourself Well".
Debate,' discussion groupi,
demonstrations and illustrated;
talks, ',followed the thethe •
throUghbut the two days. 7 '
Brant County 4-,H :members
Alex No:Ty and 'Jeff •Oliver:
presented their demonstration to
the leaders at the banquet on
Friday night. Alex and Jeff
ieceiVed the GOV'eriidr John
Graves Simcoe award' at the
Canadian National Exhibition for
the best demonstration.
The one hundred delegates to y
the conference represented the
-1500--agricultural 4-14 leaders in -
the province,.
It will be necessary to supply
proof of 'sale, date, purchaser,
etc.; when completing the claim .
The'program excludes cows,
bulls and veal calVes. •
Claini forms are to be mailed
direct to the: • -
Agriceltural Stabilization Board,
Snlisidy 'Processing Services,
Room B -152, Sir John Carling
_ Building, Ottawa, Ontario. KlA
0C& • .
For 'further inquiries, contact
--(640) 994-9752. -
• .
. • • , • I
• • • I ,.
. • • A .
' •
. 4. • .
, . '••
' • 0
0 4.1 .•
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"6,0 'L ;;" 4; . L •
'''''''''''''''''''''' • • • •
Ontario Wheat Producers' Marketing, Board
Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing Board
Corn and Malting Barley Specialists
Tuesday, March
9:3 , o.rn.—esrly bird coffee
10:0 .a.rvir program begins
Elm;yA4, 2 Miie's :IN,of.Hensall '.
ednesday, March 16
bird coffee
10:00 9.m.—program begins
ya- •
Pick Up Your Free Tickets At Any
, • .
Of Cook's'Elevators Centralia. Kirkton iftki
262 2410 Q28 66 229-8986 --6 1