HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 121,20,-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, FEBRUARY 24, 1977 Letters Ord appricieter).by Bob TroBer. Elilele Elmira, oni. NB 2C7 The theme has,. been repeated two or three limes. The connections and intet connections of the huge Weston em- pire and Argus Corp. hdvebeen listed to point out -that a great degree skf manipulation is available to these cOnglorm 'erates. Whether the manipulation has taken place is not for this reporter to •say. I have neither the time nor the money to make the, necessary investigations. But these enmires can control a product, from the time it leaves• the farm gate to the time it reaches„,,,the consumer's__ table. And by control, I don't just mean the processing and the retailing. I mean the packaging, the transportation, the storage, the wholesaling and the distribution, ' Another name can be included in the list: ,McCain Foods Ltd. •McCaie:s,„ according to Farm and Coutry magazine, is a completely vertically integrated corporation. It buys • potatoes from growers'on contract, loans them Money, con- . trots .karth machinerY dealershipS, a; string :Of processing plants, a trucking company, fertilizer ouifets and'3,,000 acres of growing land that, at one time, belonged to individnal farmer's. So Powerful is this company's grip on the potato -industry in New BrunSwick that one farmer complained when he bought Seed from the corporation which had a poor germi, nation record and tried to: claim credit, from McCain. The company denied-fesponsibility: An investigation was launched by_ thefederal Anti-Corn- bines Branch about charges that McCain gave grower con-. tracts only to those farmers who bought eqpipment from Thomas Equipment Ltd. And who owns Thomas Equipment?' McCains, naturally. The investigation petered out. Why? Who knows? 'What is knoWn, though, is that the four McCain brothers — Andrew, .Robert, Harrison and Wallace — are Or have been bigWigs with the. Liberal party federally. From time to tiMe, this column has enumerated the rea- sons why farmers Must work together in• the marketplace to combat the huge multi-national conglomerates connect- -ed with the foodindustry. HU ON • Mil_WINEMILA...ialaa SVIVittfitUit_ MEISEEKEM'A .1l. ‘.1k21:_l JI.WH.. ITO -1:•)' q ...„ . . jo Lon, n Deere re__ __ ___, .,,____ ..„ . Dviden it t5-. lt, k 1..1 You pon Ask 1111. This Deere classes Name coupon 's can apply dealer's only to any your dealer $50 Coupon $75 Coupon of machines worth it af. your to any one about money. 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Use of the coupon is limited to -- products which can be delivered as deterimined by dealer's orders and machine availability. NOTE: (1) You must pay any, sales tax on.the total purchase price—excluding the Long Green Dividend; (2)- this coupon is void Where prohibited, restricted, or utaxed. Offer expires;, ne 15..4977. - . -"::'SeemIthe‘Equipitterit People" foriong green dividend% TRACTOR BLYTH LTD •"1 r Edit*Osfiiht:McC.atns Now, there is nothing wrong-with being a member of a poll; Beal party. In• fact, I think every Canadian should have some sort of pa rty.af filiation." . . Regular readers of. this ailtunn know that the writer has been a Conservative supporter.• for years and I don't care who'knows it. But when a • suspicion is rampant that' such political af- filiations get favors for a litie.company like McCain, then that's carrying thirigstoo far. Why- do, .I -think• it has gone too far? Because the federal Foods; is considering a $2.5 million handout to McCain Foods Ltd. 'id build a potato processing plant •in southern -Manitoba. The annual meeting of. the Huron County Pork Producers at the Clinton Legion last Wedees- day, Feb. 16, returned chairman Elmer. Harding, R,,R. 1, °mite; first vice chairman-Tom Papple, R.R. 4, Seaforth and secretary "treasurer Lloyd Stewart, R.R. 1, Clinton _to the Association's ' executive' for' 1977. The meeting of 100 also, , returned two-thirds' a its• 1976 township directors and delegates, who will represent.the association at the Ontario Pork Producers'. Convention in Toronto, March 17 • • Here are 10 ways producerican cut hydro bills without affecting production. 1. Check the insulation, . ceilings and attics. Use insulation with a minimum 'resistance to heat transfer. of R28 far: ceilings.; h'isplation in the walls of farin huildings flrl,.residetice's Should be . a minimum of R12. 2. Check ventilation systems in animal ,housing buildings., The Ventilation system should be tied :Dock Producers Producers hold. .annoat —.."Rechicing energy waste on the- fain-fean save producers money," says Grapt Webber, agricultural energy Conservation supervisor for Ontario Hydre. ' present, :the grading system e ute dto bills down. Any hog weighing in over graduates from 170 pounds and 170 pounds is ineligible for the grade index set at 100 to 112. The' • • • and 18. New • faces to the directorate are Colborne, Harin• ' Kloeze, R.R. 3, Goderich; Stanley, - John Paul Rau, R.R. 2, Zurichlii • - Stephen -• Simon Brand, R.R, 1, Exeter; McKillop = Robert Robin- son, R.R. 4, Walton;,MOrris - Don' Henry, R, R. 1, Bluevale. Re-elected 'tor the coming year-- are: Ashfield - Rims Fatly, R.R, 1, Dungannon; Goderich - , Barry Taylor, R.R. 3, Clinton; Hay - Joe Miller, R.R. 1; Dashwood; Usborne = Ron Dougall, Exeter; Grey - Jim' Williamson, R.R. 3, Walton; Hullett • Lloyd Stewart, R.R: ;^1, Clinton; Tuckersrultb - Tom Papple,' R.R. 4, Seaforth;' East,,: Wawanosh • Adrian •Vos, • Blyth; West Wawanosh - Allan Miller, R.R. 1, Lucknow; Turn: berry - Glen McMichael, R.R. 1, Bludvale; Howick - Elmer Harding, R.R. 1, Gorrie. The -six - directors at' large for 1977 are: George Moncrief: R.R, 3, Goderich; Don Geiger, R.R. 2, Zurich;-John Coleman, R.R. 1, Zurich; William Leeming, R.R. 4, Walton;peerge Campbellp,R.R.r, savings in ?the 'years• to come," • resolution will be presented at the says Mr. Webber. , March convention for approval . eSeifh.r x Seaforth; Keith Small; Frasdr, c1, R.R. 2, lyt let W rafrxone tr theersa; .n dj°Dh i t Ad "Tsfily ,RR.Rt , Zurichhave name, a u,pIcnoin onincgojunntactrilnonporkwpirthoduntehrea • convention, the Huron: group also , - -drifted a resolution regarding .a grchaandigneg system,lntn * Present hog • The resolution asks the Board to negotiate a grading system to graduate from 180 pounds and down, i it meets with""the approval of the packers; At road Crew the tank of Corn Hullett Township merfe p ' Blyth put road crew wages at $5'.50 per hour for road grader operators and $5.75 per hour for the road superintendent. Council' also beard from two' ' delegations representing school bus drivers and a group 'of citizens seeking a landing strip. An agreement was reached • with bus o_perator Ralph. Briffinea, to revise some bus routes to bypass concession roads'blocked with snow. ' • Council has yet to reach a final decision on a request to close sideroad ZO and convert it to a landing strip for srop dusting. The sideroad extends for an eighth of a mile and ends at. the South Maitland • River. Hullet council is also reviewing the banking services offered by CoisCIP Seaforth Farmers Co-op Annual Meeting pirld Dance- Wed. MarChl9t 'atthe Seaforth- Legion Hall Tickets available at the afice or from.directors We ikiit0 know out teisitemert -by MIMEO • The federal handout is being touted on one side --the Mc- Cain side -- a boost for potato growers in Manitoba. It would give them a handy processing plant. But those opposing the move are well aware that McCain forced. New Brunswick farmers into stiff competitive posi- tions when the coMpany imported cheap potatoes from its ()Orations in neighboring Maine. And those; same opposers are aware that 'cheap 'iportS' could come into Manitoba -from the Dakotas. McCain has become Canada's biggest - potato exporter and sells at least a dozen brands of potato chips, frozen, French fries, frozen vegetables and desserts.-Sales are now cloSe to $150 million-a-year. Whrin the ever-lovin' world would McCain need $2.5 mil- lion Irorn•the taxpayers of Canada? The political links and themassive handouts from the pockets of Canadian. tax payers may. not be connected but the coincidence seems' just,too big a hunk of foddento swallow. • It's time, too, that Manitoba Premier Ed Schreyer Join- ed with the federation of agriculture spokesmen to light this smelly gift from Ottawa. But the last report I heard was that Sehreyer had given his blessing to the project. , Bedfellows make strange politics. Don't heat or light a whole 'area when part, will do. Put up -a curtairi-to keep heat and light in one,' section of the building. 7. Reduce heat in farm build- ings to the requirements of the animals or birds. Many farmers are over-heating buildings for personal comfort: For dairy cattle, temperatures Of 7 deg.c or 45 deg. F. are sufficient. 8. Use proper wiring. Ten percent of the production _of an electrical device Dna farm can' be lost thrinigh too-small wiring. 9. Check -the accuracy and - location of thermostats: Make sure the thermostat is located B.M.Ross has, also been hired • to prepare plans for the building of a new township garage east of Londesboro, to replace the present building * Road superintendent George Hoggart will apply fora building subsidy for, $70,000. The next council meeting is_ Set._• Tor FiF.,18th, 1 p.m. w--h-en the Tamblyn' arid_ Berway Municipal drains will be presented for public hearing. Advertising... points the way to better buys.' CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY DOATIO • No objectionable odor problem!.. Thii season, use economical, effective- - Dyfonate. Always follow label direc- tion g carefutr'. 0`ttes.1.14. of StaucierChernkal Company, U.S.A. Get those corn roo nsectici e Distributed in Canada by:. Chipman Chemicals Limited Winnipeg, Stoney Creek, Longueuil • Stauffer CHEMICALS orate in with the heating system. Make where it will not be unduly Sift you • are not pumping affected by a nearby animal,. Use 0 purchased- beat— ()adders - a thermoiriefer to check' the unnecessarily: 3. Light only necessary areas. 4. Keep light bulbs, clean. A clean 60 watt bulb is more effective than a,• dirty 100 watt that 175 gallons of water are bulb. wasted per. month: 5: Install dimmer light-controls "Although some , of these where practical or install timer energy saving ideas may mean devices to switch lights off and on spending more Money' new, they automatically. ' will result in, substantial, savings 6- Localize .heat :and light. in' the near 'future and greater with Don Dodds and Russell Convention in Toronto March 14- Bolton of Seaforth and provincial and 15. The Huron delegates are director Bob Henry of Blyth. The part of District 7 which includes the counties .of Perth, Waterloo, Wellington; Grey and• Bruce. 0 accuracy of the thermostat. 10. Make sure taps aren't dripping hot water One drip of hot water per second can mean Smile • At a toad construction site, a sign reads: "Road closed — Do not enter." The other side proclaims: "Welcome back, EXETER oTARM EQUIPMENT .LTD. WALT.OINT -S6rving Agriculture Since'' 1936 YOU ARE INVITED to come and see us at the March.1st to 5th FARM HOW London . AVI employees will get paid time and and . their current . banking coming year with about one the County. committee Will meet to appoint a — a half for, any work done over and institution, the Bank of Montreal,' •Petcent of the menthers on hand sixth member to represent the for the voting last Thursday. - Of the 600 wheat producers in southern, portion of the county. above a5-hour week and double Londesboro. the county, only 11 attended the c rew' t .overtime hlie Huron County 1Whea; meetings generally are, attended" Hullett gives road Wheat producers " Election meeting poorly attended time on holidays following . the In other business, council A motion to--postpone elections • At present, no committeeman annual meeting in the Clinton Feb. 4th council meeting. ' extended ' its agreement with until another meeting yawn more The employees requested tobe Seaforth Coninninity Hospital to members could be presented was Town, Hall to return. John Beane rqprestrit- the- which supports the, heaviest Eidter-area, of Clinton as president, and Bev paid 'overtime in lieu' of the, fact pay . $3 per patient for capital voted' down by the gathering. - Hill . of Varna as secretary- wheat production in Huron. Three that any earlier 14 peezerit Singe expendituresr engaged the Provincial director Bob Henry ' of ' - of the committeemen will • repre- treaserer.. --..• ' ---- ' increale, now before the Anti- services ofd.M.Ross0to appraise 7-Blyth blamed lack'uf advertising sent the county with the reinain- Inflatifin board may ' not- . be ' its 15 brids complying with 'a and the poor travelling conditions Hill ,and Beane, were also ing three to act as alternates to approved. The wage increase will 'Ministry of ' Traniportation and for the poor turnout, but said that— elected as committeemen along the • Ontario ' Wheat ' Producers CoMmunication edict. Produe-ers elected their executive b-y. only 35 - 40 members, or five and committeemen for the percent of the wheat producers in • Dyfonate has continued to prove its effectiveness year after year for the control of rootworms. ' • Dyfonate is easy to use. kfree-flowing granular which •does not excessively. wear out applicatithi equipment'. • Cut costs "with economical Dyfonate. 0 •