The Wingham Times, 1895-10-04, Page 6• • to enter on Collector's Roll for the am ;womb current ,year the amounts aesessed. by Engineer for drain expenses against Lot a W .1, 17 awl 18, Concession 12, MDA, OV20311 4* 1896% —Carried. Moved by Mr. Ortfielt- --,—”'"----""*"""""—"" thank. seconded by Mr. Gemmill, EDITORIAL Non& that Elliott Bros. be paid Turnberry share of drain on Wing - SIR OLIVER MOW•kr has sailed for ham boundary—Carried. Moved, by home, and it is said that his healthis mr, croicksbank, seconded by Mr. full,y restored. Geinmill, that the Clerk be instructed Tim affairs of the Province of to enter on Collector's Roll for the Quebee seem to be in bacl hands. current year the amount of the ex- nen.ses on the Powell and McKinnon The deficit this year is $1,500,000. drams, in the same proportion as assessments by Court of Revision on Powell drain and in the same pro- portions as original assessment on the McKinnon drain. — Carried, Moved, by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Diment, that the Tax Col- lector collect all taxes and return to Treasurer on the 14th day of December next—Carried. The fol- lowing accounts were passed and cheques issued : Thos. Pope, $1.G5, for gravel; Geo. Henderson, $1, damages ; Jas. McEwen, $6.35, •appointment to the position of gravel and damages; Daft '& Stewart, Minister of Agrieulture. $1,04, lumber ; Robt. Elhott, $5.75, printing; Robt, Lowry, $4, charity; THE HARAS NATIONALE, a Moir John Dimeut, $2, Court of Revision tread horse breeding concern, has on Drains; John Musgrove, $2, fatted. This is the company that Court of Revision on Drains ; Well. McPherson, $2, Court of Revision on Drains; Win, Gemmill, $2, Court of Revision on Drains ; John Burgess, $2, Clerk of Revision on Drains; Mrs. Eadie, $6.30, gravel and damages ; John McCracken, $2.30, gravel and damages ; John Little, $2, gravel ; Arthur Magee, $2.65, culvert; Oliver Mills, $2.50, culvert. Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seconded by Mr. Diment, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, October 14th, 1895; at 10 o'clock a. m.— Carried. JoaN Tim New Brunswick Legislature has been dissolved and .a general election will be held on the 10th Mr, GIROITARD, M. P., has been appointed to the Seprcme Court bench in succession to the late Judge Fournier, Mn. Wm. SMITH, M. P. for South Ontnrio, a practical farmer, is being put forward by his constituents for receives an annual snbsidy from the Dominion for touring six stallions about the country. THE question of the location of the Grand. Trunk Railway car shops, whieh has been, affecting several towns in Westeru Oetario, for years, has been settled, and the shops are to go to London. THE election in Kingston to All the vaettney caused by the unseating of the Hon. Wm. Harty, COmInitiSioner of Public Works, will be held onn.the 15th instant, the nomination. -being held a week earlier. Hon WM. Harty will contest the constituency again, and may be elected by accla- mation. GENERAL HERBERT has said good• bye to the Canadian. Militia, after nearly five years as commander in this country. He was not very popular with the rank and file, and his retirement will not be regretted among that part of the force. Col. Gascoigne will be his successor. T URNBERRY. Minutes of Council meeting hold in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, Sept 23rd, 1895. Members all preSellt. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were • 'read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Diment, that the minutes of last meeting in reference to publishing of By -Law No. 11, be amended. by striking out the form of publication UNLESS NEUTRALIZED BY EXERCISE and adding that the By -Law be mon FEEDING IS EXTREMELY published in pamphlet form and HARMFUL. served on each party interested, and that the minutes of last meeting be I assert that it is the duty of the adopted. as amended. — Carried. good housewife to keep down the ap- Communications were read from petite of her husband, writes the Messrs. Garrow & Proudfoot, also Rev. F. S. Root in the October from Messrs. Cameron, Holt & Lathes' Home Journal. Particularly' Holmes, re bill of costs in suit is this necessary in the cases of well - Bryce and Louttit, et al ; also from to-do professional and business men. Messrs. Hardie, re outlet for drain. In the families of mechanics earning The Reeve reported that D. Hastings low wages such a warning is almost had -completed culvert on deviation wholly unnecssary, but it may be toad, near Jobb' s bridge. Mr. said of most men in good eircum- Ihment reported that he had let a stances that they eat too freely of job of gravelling on 13. Line east of rich food. If men would begin care - gravel to Mr. Hupfer, at 31cts per real also let a job of building culvert on B. line, opposite lot 2, to Arthur Magee, at $2.65 ; job completed and recommend payment. Mr. Musgrove reported having let a job of building ctdvert on deviation road, Lot 13. Concession 4, to Oliver 111.111s, at $2.50, recoznmend payment. Moved by Mr. Diment seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that our Reeve be instruet. BURGESS, Tp. Clerk. BEART DISEASE OP TWENTY YEARS' STANDING RELIEVED IN A DAY. MR. AARON NICHOLS, WHO HAS LIVED ON ONE FARM FOR 70 y.EARS, TELLS 'WHAT FIE ENO'WS OF DR. AGNEW'S CURE FOR TRE HEART. This is to certify that I have bought two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure tor the Heart for my wife, who has been troubled for the past twenty years with heart disease. The first few doses gave relief, and she has had more benefit from it than from all the doctoring she ever did. The remedy acts like magic on a diseased heart. I am pleased. to give this certifieate. Aaron Nichols, Peter- boro. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. TEE WINGRAM TIMES, OCTOBER 4, 1895. TILE TIT3;:aGIVATZOIST. Hie oat was one of many hues ; A carpet bag he bore; And an old pair of overshoes 'Upon his feet he wore. He seeped disgosted and irate As onto me be saki; "I certainly shall leave this State, Aga elsewhere ask for bread. "I don't see why," continued he, "People make such a fuss Because my habits render me Somewhat ubiquitous 1 "I'm called a tramp, and from the door They torn roe oft away; Upon toy head invectives pour Enough. to turn it gray 1 Said I: "If you would do of work A little, now and then, You'd, win respect; but while you shit You'll be despised of t An Ideal Oetaber Magazine. ! great Lincoln's apprehensive distrust of marriage is revealed in some ex- , tremely interesting letters from the President in the October Ladies' Home Journal, in which John Gil- ' mer Speed discusses "Lincoln's Hesi- tancy to Marry:" The letters are !given publicity for the first time, and ' are addressed. to Lincoln's most Intl- : mate friend, Joshua Speed. Edward 8, Martin presents a review of the various theories advanced by scion. tists in the effort to • dettnitely locate the Garden of Eden site, and shows how far from solution is the problem. Dr. Parlthmst's October article treats of "Religion in the Family," and is ono of the most forcible arguments , that has come from his pen. . "The Woman Who Most Influenced Me" series of papers is enriched by a con, tribution from Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Edward W. I3ok eclitori. ally discusses "Where American Life Really Exists," and outlines those communities where its best and pur. est phases are found, Robert J. Burdette contributes "The Strike in the Choir," a humorous article in his brightest vein. How to fit up and furnish "A. Japanese Room" is. told and illustrated by F. Schuyler Mathews, and Nancy Houston Banks Writes of "A Painter of Miniatures," Mr, Bangs has another report of "The Paradise Clab," and Elizabeth W. Bellamy's serial, "The Luck of the Pendennings," is increasing in interest. "Early Autumn Costumes" are described by Isabel A. Mallon, and "Novelties in Dress Designs" by Emma, M. Hooper, Miss 'Underwood illustrating both, In the same issue are suggestions for evening parties and church festivals, helpful, practi- cal . papers, a guide to scrap -book making, etc. Ruth Ashmore diseus- ses "The Girl and Her Church," and Maria Parloa "The Science &Trench Cooking," while the usual attractive departments are complete. In its offerings of poetry the October Journal is 'unusually engaging. Eugene Field's "Dream -Ship" is, perhaps, his best effort along the more ambitiouslines of verse -making; W. L. Taylor has exquisitely illus- trated. the poem. The best works of such artists as W. L. Taylor, B. West Clinedinst, Frank 0. Small, Alice Barber Stephens, Abby E. Under- wood and F. Schuyler Mathews are shown in the 'current ' issue. The October Journal blends interest, entertainment, instruction, usefulness and artistic excellence, and is the magazine par excellence for the home. It is published by The Curtis Publishing. Company, Nos. 421-427 Arch Street, Philadelphia, at ten cents per copy; one dollar per year. --- Not a Soar Loft. In scrofulous cases under ordinary treatment scars are left when the sores are . healed. The action of Burdock Blood Bitters is assisted by applying it externally as well as inter.nally. There is no cutting, no knife, just a natural healing power over abseesses ulcers, sores, etc., that leaves the flesh'as clean and sound as a babe's, The Ontario Town, The Belleville Sun, has set quite a number of its contemporaries think, ing by publishing this bit of advice : . More towns die from lack of eon- fidence the part .of the bushiess men and lack of' spirit than front any other cause. 'When a man in search of a home or business location goes into a town and finds everything brimful of hope and enthusiasm over the prospects of the place, and all earnestly at work to build it up, he soon becomes imbued with the same spirit, and as a result he drives down his stakes and goes to work with the same interest. When, however, be goes to a town where everyone expresses doubt and apprehension of the future prosperity of the place, moping about and indulging in mournful complaints, he naturally feels that this is no place for him, and at once shakes the dust off hisfeet, feet, while he pulls out with all pos- sible speed for some other place. Consequently try to make a live, energetic town out of the one in which you live. When you are working for or saying a good thing for your town you are accomplishing all the more for self. • Acting on this suggestion, several of the provincial journals have been taken to writing of the advantages of their respective towns. Many of these are charming places to live in, and others only want a little brush- ing up and a little more of the local pride and enthusiasm of which the San speaks to be equally attractive. Large cities have their uses in civiliza- tion, and it is foolish. to belittle these, or to characterize the • drift of the - population in that direction as an unmixed evil. The impulse 'which sends a clever, energetic youth to a great centre is a perfeetly rational and. healthy one. He is going where the battle of life is keenest, and where there are the strongest. in- centives to thought and action in the spheres of commetce, of politics, The Evils of Over -Eating. of law, of religion, of social reform. Bat it is not, we think, a healthy form of eivilization where the smaller cities and towns are impoverished and neglected for the sake of two or three centres. Ten places of 10,000 each are better than one of 100,000, if we must choose between the two. And there is no reason why the in- habitant of a 10,000 or even a 1,000 town should allow his mind to stagnate or to be occupied with trifles. Our Ontario towns are well supplied with schools, churches, news- papers and libraries, They stand midway between the great city and the country and enjoy the great advantage of being nearer to nature than a dwela, citystreet ; and fel and systematic physical culture iler in str f communion with Men gives in early yontli and continue the stimulus to thought, thought gains in praetioe through life, good health delicacy and serenity from the con. would be the result. Beyond the temptation of those scenes where age of forty—at a period when .sn human activity does not obtrude many are physically lazy — the itself. An Ontario town, with ample superior valu.e of exercise is apparent spaces, with an tmp011uted stream but ordinarily, this is just the time flowing through it, with gardens when the hygiene of athletics is neg- where old-fashioned flowers grow in leeted. 'There is no reason why a profusion and in just ft little ed to see our Solicitor aboutpunching-bag, disorder, punching -bag, rowing-mathine, pul- and with fields for the boys to play the ley -weights andother apparatus ball in without being hauled before suits and take what actio Mater of tasting Costs on Bryce should be relegated to college boys a magistrate; is a refreshing sight n he may and elerks. But having done think neceessary in a good to city eyes. We hope they will all Carriedthe Matter .— deal of work in his tinm it is almost take the Sun's adviee, and keep a . Moved by Mr. Diment, impossible to persuade a business or good conceit of thernselves.—Globe. seconded by Mr . Musgrove, that as a professional man, trirning forty, ta portion of the Grey boundary line give any sort of is attention to physical 11,11 irig Cured, M a bad state of repair, that we OtAtUrfl if such training bas beett DeAn Stns,—I was troubled with run - expend $15 in gravellieg the swamp previously neglected. Henee„ I say rang bores on toy face which nothing portion, provided the . Township of it is the duty of a, woman to keep eould cure, up to the time I tried Bur- Gtrey expends an equal amount, and from her husband all rich compounds bo?,tles my face waa completely cured tlo It -Blood Bitters, but after taking two that the Clerk be instrueted to write that will nititeatetY ruin his diges- end it left my flesh clear and sound. to, the CouneiL of Grev strafe& the 'Von. High feeding is occasionally A. HEATI/Ell8 tion of this Council in the matter. neutrabzed, by bard exerMse; but in - • • 27 Woolley St., Toronto. —4/tarried. !lioved by- Mr. Diment,) the absenee of the latter it is mi- .fnrly of — seconded bk Mr. Gemmill, that chlevona in the extreme. Mr. Norman Cbittick, eme. If your drainage By -Law No. II, 1895, be nsily peed and the Court of Boylston &med.—Carried. Moved By Mr: Muigrove, seconded by Mr. treatment husband will stand the Walkerton, fell from a scaffold at , Winnipeg and was killed. begin by switching off from the heavy breakfast of 'steak, hot pas A good appetite and refreshing mice p , potatoes, ete., and set before liim are essential to health of mind and body, ill, that the Clerk be 'Detracted' eggieon teas% 084Meal AM e offee.thin. • and these aro given by Hood's Sarsapa- What They Agreed to Give Up. A poor woman had lost her bus - hand, and was left with five children and nothing to live upon. A neigh- boring family, named Brown, in which there were several children, felt =eh sympathy for the bereaved woman. .All the little Browns were very sorry when they heard their mother's tale of the widow's woe. How can we help ? said Janie, the eldest. We've no money at all. Mrs. Brown smiled, and said : No, you have no money ; but, if you would like to give up some of your pleasures, you carnearn some. How, mother ? You might give up having sugar in your tea, for one thing. But it's so nasty withoat, mother. Well, perhaps you can think of something else. All of you go into the garden for half an hoar, and come and tell me what you fix upon. Off went Janie and , Harry and Sibyl and wee Abrade hand in hand, and walked solemnly arouncl the garden for just half an hour. When the clock struck they kb: in again helter.skelter, Well ?.said the mother. Janie spoke : We've thought of everything all round, mother, and$ For Twentpfive Years if you please, we should like to give' u N up our lessons WINGHAM SAW MILLS The undersigned in returning tbenloi for past favors,beg leave to say that they bave a very largo stock ot LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, • BARRELS, WOOD, Up on hand, whicla will be BON at very close Prices to meet the requirements of the hard times. First Class Shingles, $1,10 per Square, Wood Mots. per Cord, delivered. Everything else equally low. Come and see us before buying', as we will not be undersold. 111aLEAN & SON. Wingham, June 7th, 1593, . . MONEY TO LOAN On Parm Mortgage at low rates of in- terest on terms of five years or over. Prinoipal payable at end of term or annually, if desired. OEN BURGESS, Bluevale P. O., Ont, Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Co., London. Ont. • JOB PRINTING; IINCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bic /lead, Circulars, ace., &a., executed in the beat style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address It, ELLIOTT, rtmes•Ottlee, Wiugham. BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to announce that env Book e or Magazines left with its for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Bindingin any style will be Oren on application to the TIMES °BIOS. WEATS,BADEMARks COPYRIGHTS. CAN 1 oiapaiN A PATENT it For a , s MUNN znj etc. ag oval,Trital :pi olttiryir e t experience in the patent business. lotnrountoa. titans strictly confidential. Ilan dbo ok of in. formation concerning Patents and how to ob. tale them sent free. AISO a CORIOg110 Of median. teal and eolentifio books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive motel notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with. out coot to the inventor. This splendid paper, heeled weekly, elegantly illustrated. has by far tho largest circulation of any selentiec work in the world. s3 a year. Stunple copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, .2.50a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Every number contains bean.. tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses. with plans. enabling bnilderato show the latest designand neure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., mw Yenta. 361 BROADWAY Caveats and Trade -Merles' obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATh FEES, My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with description and statement as to advantages claimed. .ear.hro charge 4.ematte for an opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the application anti 2;4 Ls ectiled for until the p?tent is eillowed. "Itrvsrotts4 Guin," ton. taming full information sent free. All 00analtillls cations Considered as strictly contionuid. FRANKLIN N. HOUGH 025 2' Straws'. 41.4n :117:115',71` ' A 1Norw y Pirie: Syru*. ' Rich In the lung-lwalingtirtuca orthe Pine combined with the soothing end expectorant . properties of other pecteral hetbs and bathe. , PERFear OURS POO COUGHS AND COLDS , Hoarseness, Asthma, Brenehltls, Sore Threat, Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL und LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other rernediett yield promptly to Oda pleasant piny syrup. Oligns seta, AND 1400. PER isOrrLsr. ittILD UV ALL DUU0618V*4 • %stressing Cough Cured, .....”, cough for some4ime, I triticl Dr. Wood's E1AK N ins..41-losing a most distreSsing Norway :Pine kiyAlln, rind aftei: taking a - rtt jot few doses fou na great rehof and onel'J LI bottle entirely eti ed Me. It is the best ( cough znetliame I have ever taken. WA.1AIM PIEZIII4 Belmenuo, Man. THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND -Epenlindam C'ima •—IS roman= EVERY FRIDAY MORNINOr ▪ —AT trEB--.. TIMES OFFICE, JOE,IgPHINE STREET WINGRAM. ONTARIO. Subscription price. Si per year, in advance .....— ADVARTISINO RATES: Sluice 1 1 yr. I a zne, 1 2 um. 1 11710i ORS I 0413/41,/MO 00 00 $40 00 1 $20 00 8 00, -,.....• — —..... - .... -. • , .... -...s.r ,-.- .-• Ralf 4t) 00 20 00 12 00 if SO, Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 8 00 One Inch 5 00 8 00 2 00 1 00' Legal and other casual advertiseineete, Ro. per line ter first insertion, and 80. per line for eaeh subsequent • Insertion. Measured by nonpareil male. Local notices 10o. per line tor first insertion, and Bo. per line for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances %Vented, not exceeding 8 111364 nonpareil, 21 for first month, and 50e, for each subsequent month, /louses and Farms for Sale, not ,exceeding 8 lines 81 for that month, 50o, per subsequent month, 1 Larger advertisements itkproportion, These termwill be strictly adhered to 1 Special rates for larger advertisements, pr tin longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without aneroid* directions, will be inserted till forbid and oherged accordingly. Transitory advertisentente must be paid in Advance Changes for contract advertisetnenW must be In the office by Wednesday noon, in Order to appeau that week R. ELLIOTT • ?item:woo AND PUslaellia DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET, Wiseman, . •• . . . ONTARIO; — —.—..... lxr B. TOWLER, ALD.O.M., ' V Y . Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontarle —coroner for County of Heron— Office Upstairs, next to Mr Alorton's office, Wing. ham, Ont, OFFICE HOURS. -9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5 p. tn., or Re; Residence, Diagonal Street. T P. KENNEDY, M, D., 51. 0. P.8 0, Gold Medalist of Western University: Late Horn Suceessor to Dr. J. A. Meldrum.) Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special atten. tion paid to diseases of women and children. Office—Formerly occupied by Dr. Dieldrum,Cornet of Centre and Patrick streets. %tumuli • ONT -D11VANSTONE, . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eta., Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate Interest. No commission charged, Mortgages, toolt • and farm propertt bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINGUAM A. MORTON, BARRISTER, ion Winghani. Ont. E. L. DICIUNSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANR LIAMILTON. LOAN. 010ce—Meyer Block, Wingham. MONEY DENTIST1M-3. 8. JEROME, L. D. sovnutuast. • Is manufacturing first.cless sets oi teeth es cheap its they can be made a sits • in the Dominion. Teeth extradited absolutely witimut pain, by his new process, guaranteed perfe,tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Rouse, ARTHUlt J. IRWIN, D. D. B., L. D. 8., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania Dental College. OFFICE...MACDONALD BLOCK. • JOHN ItITOME, GENERAL iNSURANCE AGENT WINOI{ASf. ONTARIO .11. AD DEAls18, Jit„ WINGDAR. A. LICENSED ADOTIONEER FOR TEE pOITIVV, OF IHIROR. Sales attended In any part Of the Co, Merges Moderate. JOHN COEItIE, WINGIIATit) ONT., tICBNSED AUOT/ONCBR Pan rtrs count/Es t061 AND AIME, orders left at.the Tinge office promptly attend ad to. Terms reasonable. jAAIES IIENDERSON, LiestiSrat A trortonazit on Cennfise '1080H Asa 13nua. Alt sales attended to promptly and on the Shortelif Retied, AllCharges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. necessary arrangements can be made et the Tints` olliee WINeitAitt ONS' Money tel Loan On Notes, Notes Discomited Alt Ett AsoNABLt rtATES Money advanced on :Mortgages at 51 pot runittrith privitere 01 paYing at the end Of any year. littArg IOW ageounts collectormono:too. Beaver Bleck Wingtiam, Ont. rll""N""Mill""1"" E FITS Ideals troth's and eit iteleItill FM, to hamar. 01*o ltkprolt *nil eat 0(1140 Yddreat. LA icor IN CANADA., ,woudeusammiuipimmuaimegikai.6.0** nee An "Tht An Th.( Wh Ani Likt As 3 Ala The Olin ing froi to t vol test the yes We at A it 1719, you by trui dir elm boa rig the by hat 'ac ask ly fIo tio