HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 9Walton
entertains a
birthday part
Mrs. Betty McCall
Several Members of the Walton
Women's Institute and friends
were at •Hurpnview, Clinton on
' Wednesday afternoon when the
residents were entertained to a
prgrnm to, help celebrate the 25
residentS ' with • February
Mrs. Herb Traviss at the piano
and• Mrs. Emerson Mitchell. with
- h er violin played a prelulde of
music as people were gathering.
Mrs. Alvin M cDonald was
emcee: for the program, A
sing-song was enjoyed with Mrs.
Bill Humphries at the piano.
Mrs, Jim Axtmann gave tut?
readings. Mrsfi TraViei and Mrs.,
M itchell- also sang •• several
favourites with everyone joining,
in. Cathy MeGavin sang a solo
• and Allison and Lesley Traviss
;sang a duet -
Mrs. M itchell and Mrs.
-Humphries pleased the audience
READY TO ROLL Three competitors in the snowmobile poker rally at Family
Paradise get ready to take off on Sunday. A good crowd participated in the eVent,
sponsored by the Family Paradise Snowmobile Club-.: (Expositor Photo)
Tuesday evening', Feb: 15th held
in •the Walton Community Hall.
Instifute 'Members in 'charge
were. Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs.
Emerson Mitchell,- Mrs. ken
McDonald and Mrs. Allan
McCall.' • - •
Prize winners were: High
Hear old time music after euchre party
There were 10 tableS in play at "lady-Mrs. Stanley Hillen, low were favoured with sonic good old
• the progreSsive euchre on lady-Mrs. Herman Plaas, 'High tithe music by Mrs. 'E. Mitchell
Gordon Murray, low man7 Flareld and Mrs. Bill Humphries.
Bolger,' Lucky chair, Mrs. Alvin
McDonald. •-- - „The next euchre will be held -on
Tuesday, March 1 at 8:30 Jn.
Mrs. Stewart Humptnies won Hostess in charge- will be, Mrs:
the door prize; -a- painted table Kathy Achilles,: Mrs. Jack
centre piece/ donated by Mrs. E. Gordon, Mrs. Harvey Craig and
Mitchell.' FolloWing • lunch we Mrs, Bill Humphries. .
with some good old tyme toe
tappink music. '
Happy- Birthday was sung,
when candles were lit, on ,tt
birthday cake, then „lgifts, were>
given out to.' the ones with
birthdays followed by cup cakes
and tea served to' all present„
' 'Personale
Allison' and Lesley- Tra"Viss
spent the, past week "Widt their
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Traviss while, their parents Dr.
Brian and • Mrs. -'Traviss bt
Waieiloo were on ;vacation._
Mr. and Mrs. ken Moffett of.
Stratford spent the weekend at '
the same helm
tune to, the W.I. euchre on
Tuesday, March 1 at 8:30 pan.
Lunch is provided.
Mr. Martin Efaaii, R.R.113,
Walton is a patient at University
Hospital, London:
Mrs, Lorne Badley, R.R.#3,
Walton, is • a patient, Room 12
east wing ; University Hospital,
London. Both patients Would
appreciate visitors.
• r .
Fifteen table were in play ',
February 16, _when Edelweiss
Rebekah Lodge held its' annual
Valentine euchre party..
Winners of prizes were: .Ladies'
High Mrs. Peter Malcolm; Lone
Rands - Mrs. Janet Blalter;;Low -
Mrs. Sandy Pepper; Gents' high -
Oordati Papple; Lone ' hands
Secord McBrien; Low - Eldon
Kerr. •
Miss ,Ethel Dennis held- the
lucky tally and Mrs. Peter
Dunlop the lucky saucer.
Mrs. Eldin Kerr was in charge
• of games and Mrs. Lillian
Grurnmett convened the lunch.
March 16,will be the-date of the
St. Patrick's euchre.
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1st arict2nd Martggges
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Head Office: 56 Weber Street, Kitchener, 15191 744-6.535 ' ,
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,OPEN 1-6
iHf SEPARATE $.110efr
SIGNING UP, — From left, Dianne. McNichol, Bill
McClure and Bill Mott of FaMily Paradise register a
'orripatisorin—Sunday's snowmobile poker - -weather co-operated and a good crowd took-part.
(Expositor photo).
Unit holds
Valentine meeting
Mrs.,Harvey Craig was hOstess
' in her home fpr the February unit
meeting on Wednesday
- Mrs. Hugh Johnston opened
, the devotions with the Apostle
Cr-Fell read in unision'. HYinn 504,
"I love 'to tell the story" was
sung. ' Scripture reading was
taken', from St.' -..Luke 6:1112,
followed-. by prayer , by Mrs.
Johnston. -
. Mrs. Fred Uhler had the topc
with readings on "The Legend of
the Valentine" and "My Belated
Valentine", also ', a poem,
"Changed but how". Mrs.
Johnston read a poem, "Make
'Believe". The offering was
recieved and .dedicated. Hymn
488, "come let us sing of a
wonderfull love", closed this
portion - of.the.-:meeting, -
Mrs. Martin Baan• presided for
the business. Miniftes were read
by the secretary, Mrs. Harold
McCallum.Roll call was answered
by 9 members. One sick call was
reported, Mrs. Cliff Ritchie gave '
the treasurer's report. -A- letter
was read about "Luncheon is
Served," but was decided not
to have it. The World Day of
Prayer was announced for March
4 at 2 pm. with Rev. Ed Baker the
The meeting„was closed with
prayer. A social half hour was
enjoyed when luneh was, served
by Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Uhler
and the hostess.
McKiitop UCW meets .
The McKillop Unit of the
U.C.VV., Duff's. Church, Walton,
met Wednesday afternoon at the
church with nine members
t Mrs. L. Godkin was in charge
of devotions opening with poem
"The Little" 'Things", Hymn,
"Lead on 0 King Eternal" was
sung, Mrs.' Godkin read two
readings "One Bit About Love"
and '!Another Bit" followed by
prayer: The Collection was taken
by Mrs. Rackwell and dedicated
by singing "We Give ,Thee but
Thine Own". Mrs. Godkin read
-"A Valentine for Clara" followed
by a puzzle. Mrs. I&Cincheott
read the Scripture. Mrs; J., tinrch
then gave the topic "God of the
Mrs. N. *McGavin president,
presided for business opening
with a prayer.
Minutei of the last meeting
were read by Mrs. G. McNichol.
Roll Call was answered by a Bible
verse containing the ,word
"Love'". Mrs. M. Hackwell gave
treasnrer's• report. '
The 'Meeting was dosed by
sirking hymn "How firm a
foundation,- ye saints Of the
Lord", • •
Lunch was served by Mrs. M,
Dennis, Mrs. J. Burch and -Mrs..
D. Dennis. . •"''
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Because the money you
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. , .......