HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 7fitome .,nuttino....toee
courte. corn. -feted
With winter weather settled
dowh and peopleable to get back
toa regular routine, the St: Jehn
Ambulance Brigade were able to
get...their eight week Home Care
course finished. The exam was
written on Monday night and
members will get their results by
mail from the Nursing Division Of
St.„ Johns.
The brigade would like to thank
Gordon McKenzie and the
:.Seafortit CommUnity HoSpital
. board for the use of room, bed
and supplies at the :hospital.
Mrs. Emma Friend was the
R.N. in Change and. Joyce
Whetham helped with the exam.
Thanks .44P to 'the 'people of
Seaforth who are starting' to
recognize the group as a "future
need" for the community. • • ,
Odds n'Ends
by Elaine Towpshend
at kids say.
e ire
Our. Craft!
Four Licenced Body Mgr) to Serve You.
Class A Mechanic
* 24. HOUR. TOWING *
Vehicle inspection Centre
Brussels 887-9269
can get
tax help
Senior citizens with incomes of
less than $5-,000 can .have their
income. tax returns 'filled ont for
them by volunteers,. The
program, spOnsored by the Huron
Volunteer Bureau, Willstart at the
Seaforth- Library on Wednesdy,
March 2 from 9:30 until 11:30
Senior citizens who are unable
to get' to the Library can ask
volunteers to come to their homes
to complete their tax returns. For
more information, seniors who
are interested in the service can
call 527-1664 between-9 and 4 or
the Huron Volunteer Bateau at
Classified-Ads pay dividends.
THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR, 'FEBRUARY 24, 19n .777 . • . ,• — .•
of Dublin, , the RN who' has Jaught the eight week
home nursing course, sponsored by the `Seaforth St.
John's Ambulance Origada looked relaxed Monday
ds—her student‘ CoMpleted their Course,
(Expositor Photo)
Kids say the darndest things.
A fie-year-old boy listened to,his father
trying' to sell house to a young couple.
The prospective' buyers decided' ,they
sitoUld think it over.
The father was prepared to 'wait; -but his
son piped up, "YOu'll harit. to make up
your minds, you Inowl''
How much would you like to bet .that, in,
' fifteen or' twenty years, that kid is a
first-rate salesman? " ; •
, Another man put his car up' for sale, and
a -neighbour came to talk about a deal.
When-he left; the car owner went into the
house' to tell his wife how much the.
neighbour had offered for it. His young
son obviously wanted To get rid of the car
and wasn't -at all, intersted in the price.
. He pointed, out, "'The question is , Dad,'
As' he going to buy it?'
My four-year-old nephew . has an
Obsession for. Corvettes, mainly due to his -
father's coaching. Every tine hespots one.
on the street, Brian exclaims; "Wow! Lbok _
at' that cool Corvette," •
He urges .his dad to catch up to it, but
that's difficult to do in-a. '67 AmbaSsador. •
Anyone, who takes' him' far a drive
around the neighbourhood, has to :pass a..
certain driveway in a certain ..crescent
because that's where ,a certanAgreen
Corvette Lives. •
One daylastsUmmer my sister pulled up
-beside a sporty 7Corvette'-at-a--stop-light;,--- -
'The windows were down. in both cars:
Brian leaned out his side and sh outed to
the driver, "Cool . car; -man!"
The driver -grinned, straightened his '
shoulders and raised his chin. A
with a passion for Corvettes had just made
The olderthe kidsgrovv, though, the less '
,t innocent. their remarks become.
For example, -my twelve-year-old niece,
Janice, has.becornecalorie conscious; that
• is, she's conscious of the calories' I eat. •
• . When reach for apiece of pie or cake,.
• she .tut-tuts, .'.'You'll get fat, Elaine."
Nevertheless I have no worries about nay,
future,,thanks to Janice and her cat Corky.
You see, Corky! is going to become a movie,
star and will be even more successful than
Morris. . When ., he, becomes rich . and .
famous, he and his • mistress are going to
fly:lye: into a mansion in Beverly Hills. ,
I convinced Jan that an estate would be •
• too-large for her and Corky to, live in alone.
Then .1 added that surely she could make
. some arrangements for her poor old Aunt „ •
"Sure,"she ansWered;-. you can have
tleliemrai;o'us t7e.Onm.y.:a. .
biother,' Dave,
seems to have only one description of his
sis9tesre: "e',Svehnel"'ilsgermazyy
;mother and I
vvere discussing'my p lans to move into an'
apartment and live alone.
Suddenly, from hiS chair in a corner,
DaVe• bolstered ,:_tny cause , with - :this
reasenins.:, "Why Shouldn't she be on her
own? She's almost fOrty."..
Some teen-agers tend to exaggerate.,, and
that stretch of Dave's 'imagination brought
him a dirty look - among other threats..
Kids do- say' the darndest. things!' —
Electricity Powers Your Life
Don't Get Your
Wires Croised!
The way to get
the most power from
the least amount-
of energy is to be
sure your wiring
system is in super
shape. That, not
only makes sense,
it makes for, good
---citizenship ..
Do your part:
fix it up!
Family care workers
BED. MAKING SKILLS — The'People who took the St. John's Ambulance home
nursing course at Seaforth oommunity Hospital this winter sharpened a lot of skills. this' winter
Mary Coyne, left and Betty Glanville work together at making "a "Patient's"
bed. (Expositor, Photo)
WMS meets
"Measure of Life".
Following the singing a liyikn-
717 the roll call was answered by
,A verse on "Love" by fifteen
members. The treasurer's report
was given and the offering was
received and. dedicated.
Members were pleased to learn
that Mrs. Anna Jack is to be the
speaker for the Spring Thank-
offering meeting in April. Mrs.
Edith McMillan conducted the
st'udy period and opened with a
poem 'T'Was a sheep not a
lamb'.'. Mrs. Ann .Agar read the
Scripture the "First Epistle of
John" folloWed by prayer by Mrs.
• Mrs. Esther Thompson read
about conditions and justice-for
the Indian people at Jatriel 'Bay.
Mrs. Edith McMillan. continued
„ . furtherby reading' Land for• POURING CAREFULLY — Maria Palih practises' disp'erislog mediCine at Heather , the-Futuie", The Native people's
John'Or AMbulartite,• That'S Gwen O'Rourke, another class. pa:rttptpaht try .the, essentially apolitical one which is
haakgrouhd.' '(Expotitor•Pnbto) .
Kilbarcharti .corresporident •
invite ne-w members
The Fainily Care Workers held.
their February 17 meeting in the
Board Rooms, Clinton HoiPital:
With a good attendance, guest ,•
speaker for the evening was Mrs.
Kenneth Devereaux of Seaforth
who talked ,on Nutrition. She was
as Nutritionist at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
The 'association welcomes new
Care. Workers:' After the meeting
-;a'Social half hod"' was enjoyed by
The President, Miss Jean Scott
presided at the First Church
W.MS. on Thursday and opened
the meeting "with - a poem
Biddhagen Watches al the final te6sioh• of the',hom'e nursi ng course sponsored 'by — struggle for control of their land is
candied in 'both moral and legal
terms, members' '"'
r-7No Obligation
We Connect.. you To. Cable!
• 11, 30 Days We CO BackAnd
A)*Ite -conaect you to your original aerial and it. costs you nothing or-
B) We 'charge you $15.00 for the installation and 20 4 a •day---for Cable Seer-.
vice (for one• outlet) from that day on. .
Ditcovers:-..sourco of ..-q-vote This offer expires in 30 days
1f,,knowing God, they ft not
hands in prayer both fot.
And th o'Se who call them
. friend •
For so the whole,rentidearth is
every way.
Botintl iby goldtchairis about the
feet of God. 1.
I have read this Whole passage
with itch better understanding
of its' content than When I Studied
.,; Wherefore let thy voice rise like
- a fountain
For ine night and day
For what are men better than
sheep or gba'ts
That nourish a blind life within...,
(BY M.E.Turnbull)
I am grateful'to Mrs. VViri. Ball
for --bringing me the - book
, Containing,the quote I,,asked for hi
it in 3rd form at age fifteen: Age
does develop one. "
Mrs Jean and Miss Marilyn
Hillis made it arlad; Saturday,
from Ingers011— ,They reported
driving conditions good although
-• rain 7Siturday afternoon. -The
celehranon . was' well. worth
waiting for. • • • • •
Mrs.. A. W. Silery • returned
. today, Saturday,- after spending
Vie. last tWo we'eka . in VfOnto.
Mary Medley, broret, is'
'our ,host repont tpsideht..
; 'With this hrighrtutiShinP out
snow Will take a beating: I am
hear The, crows from
•Munti's' 'bush •46, "'"the ..firsi
harbinger" Of spring,--They . are.
Usually heard on the bright sunny
days of February: .
I ant reminded' that todar, is
Valentine's Day, ..by receiving
many pretty cards. Here are the
Roberts mentioned .,.,.:ter• his
• It • is from , Tennysoh's Monte
"D'Arthim. 1 remember the look
she, bra-tight 5$ • One" used In
Literature in • 3rd fOrm N High
School Orkde II no*:
. Here IS. the complete quote on
'Prayer' . •
'Nord things ate wrought by,
Thatt,thiS world. 4reirils of .."
Phone your Operator and ask for Zenith 8.2110,, and lecive 'yoUr •
Name,'Address and Telephone Number . 9. our Telephone Answering
Service (or write us at Mitch'Iell.Seaforth Cable T.V., Mitchell,- Ontario)
We will contact, you ju-sf prior to hooking
arft-nOt.tibieitci service of this time HOrptirhayi Egmondville ,
.ondihe dritort'-of Seafitorth south of i.he:'Railvitily Track
last week's "Notes" which Rev. the brain they hastened'back owing to the words of a Valentine Song which I '
w01.pass on to .y
"Among the winter's happy
days cornea:one in February
4 When old and young send
'Valentines to make each-
other merry.
Shop windows full of
Look just like gardens growing.
With red and pick and blue and
" white and ',gold and silver