The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 4live t
Brod ogen
eels h
St Co i urnban -
Vincent Lane
The question was • put to me
recently by, a well-known friend
'Why did-you not move into town
,when you were at it?" So 'in,
answer to him and several more
. who have asked, the same,
question, .here is my answer'.
First et ail' With-out kind oT
money, we cofldn't .fuld Our kind
• of home in any town. Secondly, if
we could have it.' s doubtful if we
could affeid the 'Services. While
in the hamlet itself there are only
some' 50 residents, some , young
married couples and the
remainder like ourselves -very
. inuch seniors, the young possess
better than 'average talent, and
work in other places,. and demand
better than everage take home
Pay. „ .
As for -es oldies, it's doubtful if
we could gather up enough for a
good game of '5 and 10c poker.
• •
.,Kincerdine, Ootarto
PROGRESSIVE :Enclosed' . is my $31:60,
NSERVATIVE ;iaerirleg laiidscit::"1"9
nitric to •.
Cut out prui-
armia• ei;i0l .144 1.00.•
Ninth and Tenth Command- and funeral lunches Social
ments. A short film was shown 'in conveners were named. Mrs.
connection with this subject. Robinson presented the past
Thou Shalt not Covet. he closed president, Mrss.,..trigar Elligsen,
Choose from
40 different, panellings
66 Bale's of Brand name carpets'
60 Rol-ls of Armstrong Vinyl floor coverings-
30 • Bathroom V anities & marble tops
100 Light Fixtures •
See our Kitchen Displays •
• (Free Planning & estimates
See our Bathruom Boutiquet. 'We • stock
coloured tubs & fixtures large selection of
‘.fatidets. and accessories. ,
Westinghouse Appliances, Fireplaces . and
: Save also on a full line of Building materials,
Power &, hand 'tools, Glidden paint,':_
W allpaper, Dashwood Windows..
,Our factory trained mechanic will Install your
- floor. 'coverings.
OSIIiitemisiiminemommomemilimiamitromirommeummusiaiiiiatanomaiiiffiena :,-
881.627'. Brims. MS&IAt 6TORt,
production looks brighter, .
Fr, Oestveen came to us from'
Watfqrd four.years ago replacing
Monsignor White who retired, '41'-
82 years old ",`and is still with
us," Seems 'to enjoy shoveling
snow. Fr. Q. ,will haito , little
trouble keeping the wolf from the
door because he; s opt there all
the time with a shovel and when
spring comes. it will be the rake.
A History
St. Columban has' a historic
value as well. Up to 1900 When .
the parish , was divided to 'form
Dublin and Seaforth, it was called
Irish town. History tells us when a
flag station and post office were
introduced here; Fr. Albert
-McKeon changed the name. fle•
also built the present church
replacing the large structure
burnt in 1909.
ipersonally,witnessed that fire: -
The present,church was dedicated
in 1911, six months.later • Fr. :„
McKeon died..
Personals •
Kevin Kale has recently
returned from a holiday in
Montreal and OttaWa.' —
Brian Lane left Sunday for a
week's holiday in Edinonton
visiting Barry and other friends,
Agnes McQuaid were
in Windsor. attending the funeral
of his brother Lawrence Power,
who died Thursday after a long
illness. ,
—Mrs. Thos. Murray returned
home from Seaforth Hospital,
Mrs. RObt. Stapleten,
Kitchener. visited-her Mr.
and Mrs. Gilbert Murray on
Sunday.. . • •
Mrs. • Mary Ducharme is
spending a few days in Stratford
With Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy.
Rev. Father P. Oostveen has•
returned from a two week's
vacation in, Florida. He ,reports
'eiceellent • weather and says he
enjoyed it, very. ,much.' -
The Dublin Pee Wee hockey
team 010 have completed their
schedule without a loss, are now
I do not intend to, go' into this, if
rid are interested historic
places and things (and so many
are these dayi), there is much to
be read about in the days of the
early., settlers when they blazed
the Huron Tract . from Galt 19
I trust I have described why we
chose St400 Columban. Any tithe
you happen :to be this way, drop
in, and see us,'you will be Most
•••11, C
Seaforth . Friday. The boys are .
deserving of your support, with
your presence at these games:
You will be surprised at the brand
of hockey they deliver.
Jack's lottwas
briefed on ' the background to
government action, and is a major
step towards the concept -76f
freedom of informatidn in the
Province. Additional - copies of
bills are to, be printed so that
members of the public will have a
greater opportunity to study.,
controversial bill's before these
are debated. •
Please contact me if you would
like any further information on
any of these changes, or if 'you
wish to receive a copy of a
particular bill. -
- placed before Parliament for, first-,
' reading Bill' C.30 entitled, An Aet
• Respecting Certain Holidays. The
Legislation is • net expected do
. receive third reading. • and be
proclaimed in time for this year'
and sortie-changes to the section
'on Heritage, bay may be Made in
the . Committee stage; - For
instance while. Heritage- Canada
has encouraged Observance on
- the third -Monday in February,
last year Alberta recognized the
first Monday in Aug-4a as
Heritage Heritage bay, and some
• operators of winter resorts. are
- known to &Vont' the second
Monday in February to avoid the
crush of American visitors eels ,
brating :Washington's birthday; •
Coming on the,*ante w‘
"Canadians 'etlebratfri Heritage
• • • tay. ,
Many . school boards • will
'continue to have a Heritage bay
prayer, closing clevotiot as.i the-present-One has 'become- of Mrs: Robert Beuermann, Mrs. starting playoffs in the W.O.A.A.
hymn. age. Further investigation will - Albert" Baiter and Mrs.Robert finals with Ripley on Wednesday
The pastor, Rev. A. Horst,.,' follows. Revised plans were Robinson. The '''niissionary in a best of 5. They play back in MC K• I op
applications were mailed to Is in 'other years, giving special, that-th ent-inust-answerL introduce'legistatiort -which may
340,060 recipients of the Guaran- emphasis Ito the rich variety of questiOns. A Minister, may or may subsequeetly be passed under his
teed :-income Suppleinelit and historical and cultUral traditions not answer as he pleases, and he name.. With ,this prestige will
Spouse Allowance whO reside in-' in• our Society, may_liew he chooses. There is ceme'an added responsibility. As
Ontarip. As indicated at that time At the end of the Fall Session, ., only one recourse available to a it is unlikely that a Member will
it is essential that these applica- the Ontario Legislature adopted , Member who is dissatisfied with have more than one opportunity
-dogs are returned to the Health 0...some 48 new procedures. The an answer to an oral question, to submit a Bill; he, must choose
and Welfare Ministry of the new rules were produced by a and that is to force a half-hour an Issue or an item which appeals
(By Jack Riddell, M.P.P.) or Heritage Week as part of the Currently, there is no require- who will now, have, the same
During the week Of January 7, curriculum in February this year ' ment in the parliamentary system power as a .Cabinet Member to
usually to the ' Government:s isn't going to answer, or that the find' serious reasons for _ their
I am sure many of my copsti- advantage. For example, answer • .will be costly-.. or - opposition. .
Wells are wondering about the'proposed' legislation ma); not be'lime-consuming to-prepare. . Access to background material
observance of *Heritage Day and called for second reading, that is Under ,the new rules, • bills will be given to Members for any,.
so I. will take this opportunity to approval Jo principle, until it, has submitted by non-government government bill or policy state
bring you up to date on , this ' been printed, which enahles ' Members may become law. For ment. This will allow Opposition
matter.. .Members'-to know what they are the first time, there is provision, Members and government back-
For the 'last three .years debating. This-rule is repeated as . fOr a Private Member's Bill ter- benchers an opportunity to be
We have low taxes, no. pence,:
P.U.C.,'no tio dog Catchers; you
can let your dogs and cats ran.
They may'''. get ,killed on the
highway (some have) but we are
all happy.and friendly. .
We get the. Free Press at our
door at 8-a.m:, our R.R. 2, Dublin
mail ; y 10:30. We have a friendly
general. store, • tied our newly
decorated church , with large
•paved parking lot and school with
over three ages of playground, is
considered one of the best in the
.• The tparish consists of some
12,000 acres of highly productive
-land, dairy farmers, beef, hog
and poultry, very progressive,.
large and small.
• As late as six,yearS ago when
used to call on many of them, we
considered the average age to be
over 50. Sons were in school or
working in cities or towns. Today -
many are back, some married so
prospects for continued
with an LCW pin for her four
benediction was repeated in
A light lunch Was enjoyed,,
served, by Mrs. Prueter and Mrs.
Mervyn Leonhardt
• 1' Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
Guests'-with Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Bitched (nee Star Fischer) and
little Kari, Walton were her ,
parents Mr. and Mrs. , Ralph
Fischer, 'Lori, Gay; Mark 'and
little( Shawn Elliot, Brodhagen
to celebrate Star's 24th birthday.
A birthday cake centered. the
table. Many happy, returns "for
your birthday Star.,
Shawn's parents;,Doug and Joy
Elliot, visited' with Keith Siemon
in nwersity Hospital, London.
They have done skin grafting and
Keith is able to get out of bed
with crutches. •
- Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Win, Brown were their daughter'
and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Kettiewell, Janet and' Elaine from
Strathroy on Friday. •
White mews-adorned the altar
of St. Peter's Lutheran -Church,
Brodhagen Sunday - morning" in'
loving memory ,of Aqgust Jung,
who passed away- 251yearS ago.
They were placed there by the
family. There - were alse two
baskets of flowers front the
funeral of Mrs. Louisa Wurdell of
the chancel of the same church
Sunday morning.
It is good to trear that, Richard
Horst is•visiting with his parents,
Pastor and Mrs. Arthur Horst,
Lois - and Steven, convalescing
from 'the South Waterloo
Hospital, where he was confined
with an injured foot, , • -
Congratulations. to the" prpud
parents. Rev. and Mrs. David
home from F•
• 1
Mr. and Mrs. Glen McNichol
Sympathy is extended• to Mr.
and Mrs. Mervin Wurdel and
family of #1, Bornholm in the
passing of Mrs. Louisa Wurdel
and to Mrs. Manuel' Beuerman of
Brodhagen in the passing of her
husband. ''
ViSitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Regele,„ were Mrs. Stan
Preszcator and Mrs. Mary
Thornton of Crediton, Mr. and
Beetel, 'Who are,..' pleased to
announce the safe arrival of their-
' first child, a daughter "Laura Jean,
in the StratfOrd-General Hospital.
Rev. Beutel serve's- as pastor at
First Lutheran Church, Logan. '
,glad to hear Edward Scher-
'berth Sr.,. Brodhagen has . been
'able to join his wife Mrs. Edward
Scherbarth Str after a 'long wait
where she hs been confined at
the Hillside Vest Home for some
time., We wish theM both many
pleasant years together.
Visiting with Mr, and Mrs,
Milton Bode' and Norman Bode
Who bas .returned home where he
convalescing from surgery at
Stratford General. Hospital, were .
his, brother and sister-in-law Mr.
and Nth. Henry Bode, St.
Catherines, who also attended the
funeral of Emanuel Beuermann
on Saturday.
• Visiting with Mrs. Williarn•
Huras in Kitchener was her sister-
Mrs. Edwin Mogk who
accompanied Mrs. 'Glen Isifogk for
a few day's, •
• Friends and relatives are sorry
to bear Mrs. Harry Regele is a,
patient in Seaforth Community
. Hospital. •
Visiting with Mrs. Emanuel
':Illetietitiann and Ray, were the
former's son and daughter-in-law:
,Mr. and MrS. Wayne Beuerman,
Jeffery,' Dennis' and Jill from
London on. Sunday.
Friends.' and relatives' of Mrs..
Wilfred , Wolfe will be pleased to
hear she has returned hoMe. from
.. I
Seaforth Community Hospital.
Mr. ,,apti.:.Mrs, Gary Dersend.
Kitchener Asited with the latter's
Mother WS'. Wilfred Wolfe,
Warren, Wayne, Kenneth and
Faye,Ort Stipday. •
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert French" was the 'latter's
Remember it take but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad. Dial 527-0240.
sou-in-law apil,7,deughter Larry,
Shirley and tittle licristen.Jarrett.
Guests with Mr, Gerhardt and
Margaret WOdtlie of ,Sebringville , .
were. Mr. and Mrs. Gerclow Rose
.--anci.parlenc on Sunday, -
• tgh Wolfe- viaited ..with
• parents Mr. and • Mrs. 'Lavern -
_Wolfe while Beth., from London,
visited with her. mother Mrs. Leo
Cole and Roy of Russeldale on •
.. After spending an hour on craft with prayer, . - '
work the meeting • of St. Peters ' Mrs: Robert Robinson presided
, Lutheran Church Women was Over the business. Roll call Was
..!:__,, called :Jo_ "order and. _a._ short- ..a-weredby sayingyettatyou like
devotional period opened with about winter. Reports were given ..
. ,
singing , "0 Savior, Precious"and donations received. ,The
Savior'''. ' Scripture' lesson taken synodical budget for the. yearwas
from Luke 12; .13-21 was read by., assessed.. It 'Was decided to use
Nit's. Albert Bauer. She alSOled-in -the Christmas project Meney to
responsive reading of Psalm 19, . Supply twelve ' blankets ter
'4 followed by a reading, The Alrt of • disaster , . areas. There was
Life. Mrs. RobertFrench offered discussion on a hew adopted child
conducted Bible study on the made regarding serving meals
Sends blankets to disaster areas
years of„.service. Mr. and :Mrs.
Irvin Miller had , been
remembered with a gift in honor
of their • 50th wedding
anniversary. The present visiting'
committee reported• -calls made
and Mrs. R:, French, and Mrs.
Elligsen, Mrs. Lloyd Pructer
and 'Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth
.volunteered to continue in this
'service. Birthdays were reported
promotion of:interest in Heritage • if it Were , new, becatise the receive second and third reading.
Day haS been a special project-of • Government ha's, often made a Traditionally 'these bills . have
Heritage Canada;' an organization practice of pushieg0through bills been debated for an hour and
• created by the Federal Govern- before they are available in then allowed. to "die," • but in
merit in the Heritage preservation printed forni. , • future two of theSe bills Will be
field. ,Last. year many Kinsmen's . The daily Question Period has debated each Thursday afternoon
Clubs were also involved in, been lengthened ,to one hour, with each of the parties taking
promoting Heritage Day. which means that inore Members turns in . rotation to present this
In response to a question in the will have an opportunity to type of legislation. Unless there is
'Legislature :last Ihe • questions during the additional an objection raised by twenty
• Minister of-Culture end Reereat- fifteen .niintites. • Party Loaders Members, each itetiy will come to
• ion said the position the Govern- , will be allowed-two questions, a Vote at ,6 •p,m, that same
ment of Ontario 'had taken on and the remainder of the time, will afternoon. •
'Heritage Day, was be allotted to the other Members, These changes will greatly
,.. Ontario Government would wait taking turns' iii rotation.. • enhance the .role of the' M.P.P.
to recognize the occasion when it
holiday or Day of Observance by •
the Federal Goyernment.
On becember -21; 1976, the
Secretary 'of . State for Canada
• . '
, and Mr. An_dMrs—Don,-Dennis
Here s what s happerring to Heritage Da have returned to their homes
y after holidaying in Florida,
Federal Government prior: , to Committee of the LegiSlatere, debate before the Legislature to the, Majority of the Reuse and •
March 31st, so that the `Ministry based upon research and, study rises on Tuesday ',nights, IS of province-wide importance..
can ensure continuity of,p.ayttle,nt material and the many recorn- popularly called "the late Show.". 'The rules make it clear that ra
from March through to April. • reen'olloes; of the Ontario 'In fact, written questions bill of this type may involve the
Reminders to all recipients of Commission on the : Legislature. 'frequently stay on the - Order expenditure of public money.
the Guaranteed Income Supple, This Commission was, as you will Paper, unanswered, until the • This is in accordance with the
ment to submit their applications no doubt recall, appointed in_ .Legislature prorogues. age-old parliamentary tradition"
on time will be •submitted period- 1972, in recognition of the fact Of course, this' "situation could which gives only the Government
• ically. „ A reminder was sent that it was necessary to enhance eaSily be -rectified by simply ' the right to collect and impose
' during the week of February 4, to the role of 'parliament and the abolishing the rule that a-MiniSter-- taxes and to spend taxpayers'
thoSe people who have no ipcome po,ker-Of parliamentarians, The' is not obliged to answer, thereby money. •
and who are receiving maximum Commission members were making it possible to table a . • I have mentioned that -20.
benefits.. It follows from 'this that 'Conservative Dalton Catitp, Motion of censure: for failure to Members may prevent a Bill from
such recipients are not wiitingier Liberal Farquhar Oliver and New reply. "116vVever, neither the . being voted upon. This provision
T-4 slips before submitting their Democrat Douglas Fisher. -.• - Special COmmittee nor the Legis differs froth the British system,
applieatieffs: Additional While some people may lature approached the problem in which —allows one member's.
remindersnitill be sent oh"March consider the new rules. to be a thii way. Iestead, the new rules 'objection• to prevent the vote, ant
2, and subsequent dates to all major break4hrough..they are for • provide for another "late show' wilt ensure that each bill receives
people who have failed to return the most part of -a 'minor - or on Thursday nights; for. Members- the scrutiny that will prevent an
their applications. Again I repeat housekeeping character. Some dissatisfied with answers to oral erratic piece of legislatien....froin
that • it is essential. 'that these are no' more than repetitions of questions.. With respect to written becoming law. It will -aka force
applications be returned to the current rules which have questions, a Minister will have to . those who oppose a bill to
Health and Welfare Department Somehow. become distorted, say within' 14 days either' that he organize their opposition and to
prior to March 31st.
pies are
. .
Mrs. 'Fred KiStner of Brodhagen ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regete;
Mrs. Harold McCallum, Mrs.
Paul •McCall:to and Cindy. -
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hugill
visited Mr.„. and • Mrs. Harold
McCallum on Sunday.
Untended for week of 17th)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd• E. Regele
of Princeton spent Wednesday
visiting the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Regele.
Mrs: Harold McCallum, Mrs.
Paul McCallum, and Andy were at
ttie home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray
•Rare: Angie„ and CArrie-, of,,, •
•M ilverton . • .
February-1'0th' to March 5th 1977
Fire, Windstorm, Liability, Theft
Various Floater Coverages
Homeowner's Tenant's Package,Composite Dwelling
Directors and Adjusters
Roht-Arehlbald,R.L4f SeafOrth -527.1817
Keh Carnochan, R.R.4, Seaforth 527.1545
Lavern Godkin, R.R1, Walton .4
Ros's Leonhardt, 11.5. I, Bornholm
John MeEwIng, R.R.1, Blyth
Stanley Meliwain, Rita GoderIch
Donald mcxercher, R.R.1, Dublin
Wm. Pepper, Brumfield
3.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton
James Keys, R.R. I, SAeafGoErtNh TS 52744'67
VVrn. Leiper, kondesboro 523-4257
Steve J. Murray, 11:11.5, Seaforth 345.2172
Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec. Treas., Ph. 527-0400.
Farm and Urban Properties
SEAFORTH., 527-.0064
Dave Robb
Weddings - Anniversaries
Portraits - Industrial
Team & group Pictures
inish s I it's easier than you. think •
Lorne to the Spacious' sihowroom with the -
laigest selection of Building materials in
western Ontario.
16 ,000 -Sq. Ft. of Tremendous
"Back in the early winter months you were full. of real
enthusiasm abou't those home renovations. You•
started to panel the rea room, add•new kitchen cup-
boards, paint the living room and build a bathroom in •
the basement. NoW the winter's nearly over and those
jobs still aren't finished. If you're beginning to lose
enthusiasM, come on iryto Buildall, We'll give yo0 all
the incentive you need, plus expert know-how on any
problems you may have,. We'll also'shoW you our com-
plete line, of quality building materialS, There's lumber,
paint, wallpaper; floor and ceiling tiles, carpeting,
shelves, kitchen cupboards, bathroom vanities in .
, fact, everything you need to do the job right, from start
to finish. And it's easier than you think! Now's the time
to start in on those uncompleted [Tome improvements.
Buildall is with you, ail the way!