HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-24, Page 1There's a little grey in the red man make it hard. to believe that
hair that 'gave him his nickname, Roy "Red" McGonigle is 65 years,
but thespunk andthe"gPirit of the' old.
k-WELL DESERVED REST. That's what Roy
:•••••• "Red" MoGclnigle and his wife Hazel are anjwing
after Red retired his' year after 22 and a half years as
manager of'the Seaforfh arena. Roy will be.ponoured,
by the town at a •dance tomorrow night,, Where? You
guessed it, at the arena. (Expositor Photo)
OMB ok s !libber
jr ••
„ • 7`2"-. • •
ns stucry p ar
of car the popular summdr playground Keith Snell and the club 'taken through areas of Africa.
draw by Stu Copeland.
Following the business meet •
ing, Bill Hodgert showed slides
__end described" details''of, a trip
which he and Mrs. • Hodgert had
Seaforth Lions have approved a and miscellaneous $754.05. Club'
complete study- of -Lions Park activities contributed $8^,353-.54:-
facilities to determine the extent ,,Other busineSs included a
oLimproventents_and..replacereyiew ,g4 p !easier rural.xelations
ments that are necessary to bring ' night March 14 by chairman
An Ontario Municipal. Board
hearing- in"; Staffa 'Tuesday
approved bylaNgs •passed in the
Township of Hibbert itt accord-
ance •with the official land usd
plan for the Township.
The Board,heard from Donald
.1. Logan,, employee of:P.41111es
Planning and Engineering
Limite,d of durliegton , the 'firm'
Which drew up'the land use plan
at the request of the Mitchell and
District_ planning WACO. Mr.
tOgan ,anoveie,irquestions about
the plan put to him-
Mitchell; lawyer for the
Township.,..Also heard et Tues.
• People don't
"WhOle No. 56.85
, • -74-•.• • ft •
• ".1,4%,-'`
• •
1$11 00 a Year in Advatice
Single cony 2$ cents
S fires
1. • .7
Weekend fires completely wetting it down. smoke in their bedroom. Mr.
Beuerman was able to reach the
downstairs phone to alert the
Seaforth Area Fire Departinient.
He returned upstairs, but
heayy smoke prevented him from
leading his wife and.two-children
back down the stairs. Mr,
13euerman lowered, his wife and
one year old son Brad out of the
second floor window.. He dropped
his three year old son Donny into
the arms of a neighbour who had
arrived at the scene, and then
jumped himself., All escaped
not yet asleep when they noticed injury
„ . • 14, ;111,,,
- •"'Az • "1" . °:;” • eg's
FIRE- STRIKES — Neighbours survey all that
remains of the Bill Murphy home, R.R.5, Seaforth,
-Mr: Murphy, who was alone in the nouse when fire
struck 10:50 'Saturday night.; escaped
;barn was threatened. by erriberS from the burning_
home, but firemen Were, able to prevent it' from, :
igniting by soaking -it With water.. Cause of the fire •
has not yet been determihed but damages were
destroyed nee Seaforth area home - Thee family lost all of their
4annodthCearased extensive damage to
A fire of undetermined: 'or-
iBill . officials
belongings in the house. Fire
. An estimated the
levelled the house on a farm' cause of the blaze is continuing,
owned by Bill Murphy of R.R, 5,
men were called to the, scene at
10:50.'0 .m,
Seaforth, Saturday night. Fire- :
' R.R. 4, Walton, escaped from
Chief Halley said Monday.
The Neil Beuerman family 'of"
Mr. Murphy, who was alone at -their home early Sunday morning
the home, awoke to find the house throUgh a second storey window'
filled with smoke. He attempted when fire broke out in the rear
to douse the fire, but was driven portion of their house.
out of the house by smoke. Mr. . Mr. and MrS, •Beuerinan were
Murphy ,ran -to the home of
neighbour Len O'Rourke for help.
CMlyinoments before, a passerby
who had noticed the fire, arrived
at the O'Rourke hoMe and asked
them to call, the 'fire department.
When Mr. Murphy arrived, the
- -call had already been put through
PattY:.11.11.6urle. -
When the Seaforth area'fife
departmeWarrive a-at-the -scene
two and a half miles east of
Seaforth on Highway eight, the
from Wintario to assist in carry-
ing out the work.
Willey reported. Mr's. -O'Rotiike
According to Darwin Banner-house was ablaze, fire chief Don
Said that only'moments- aftei Mr. man, ' chairman of " the Park
4trphy, ran to " their house, Committee, the study •estimated ,
flames were shcioting out of the to cost $2000. will be carried out
,Murphy home. F. MacLaren of London., From the ••
by the engineering firm of James ' .: ... .'' ground floor windows of the
A nearby barn was endangered study, an indication of the costs
by wind carried embers. Chief involved in the uP•rdate, program
unharmed. Firemen arrived at „the scene within ... estimated at $25,000, (Expositr Photo)- Hulley.. said that firemen were will be available and will form .the F .
able to save it from damage by basis of an application for a grant
minutes but were unable to saVeitie..blitisa. A nearby .
Fireman were able to contain
the flames to the kitchen and
• bathroom, area, which were
gutted, Heat and smoke damage .
'to the rest of • the house was
The family -is staying at • the,
home of Neil's /nether, rs. Orville
Beuerman, who lives nearby. „
Chief , Hulley said - the fire
started in a room *adjoining the
kitchen, but the cause has not yet
been determined. • •
The loss 'has been estimated at
/ •
The study will involve the pool
Red. leaves' arena, ,,ter •."
years as manager . mechanical facilities, which were
including the Jet* arid
,,, Saturday to 2 p.m: 'Siihday, and fatter • development.. ,age. His family had.,fit oved here4 - liketscales at the piatte.2s.chOP1
• • . . to deposit all out-Of-teVin Mail in '-villagest-att4...-Thattiletk and _to' „froth the West -oast, and he had e.figura ate :'an essential part of
• ',••%, the redletter box beside' the protect existing-farmlaiit never skated before. At the time, learning the , control and
• platform lithe letter chute. The Esaard Sought assurance he had noe serious 'thoughts about -Confidelfee which malt difficult
Postmaster Orville Oke said he that existing busirves in zones skating competitively. It just tasks.,,seein effoqless.
made a cheek of the,mail Sunday '148f;dOwn for non -colninerdal use happened.as he;,ent along.,, ..,.v;,, 'For three hours each morning-,
at 2 p.m. and found o7 Iowa to .-wobv-lie-,Aflowed .to continue Thelottrhoutiof practice; the .they "trace figtrfes on the ice,
- out-of-town points in the" regular operating and that, in the event of Mental and physical effort have striving to y:,complete each
chute. They would not have left "fire, such businesses could paid off. • maneuver a Mini-bet of times
.„: " Seaforth' until late ,Monday „ approach ,:council .fcir special In the recreation room,, of the , without deviating at all from a
afternoon. . pertnission to rebttildi in 'the osier's .home there ate Shelves • petfect„ l ick It is slow and
#iir trig* dtiVe0 , (Contgued citi Page '6) Canada's top male skater, and the Pram 9t20 till 10:36 there ‘N
44 • 4 " 41. 4Nairbm • •
tl letters bite the tod box where was able to assure-the board that' "'medals he has Won in five years of of each day which Aka tens last
they were plokod ,no 7--k‘u. provisions were built into the competition. One trOphy Wes Won enjoy,
riiinuto later ' by the Stratford by^laWs to, aecomodate 's'uch a in 1964 by Ron Shaver, who is Peed Skating
•1975 respectively. aged* competition, they must practise
,.,At leak at the Seaforth, Post y 'These bylaws set down various step in his gOal, of • competing . school figures. Though. in-reeent
Of4ce.tri‘tY don't". ," zones for housing, development, against' the best in the World. ' years school figures have 'been
• • They ignore the Sign hanging village and 'rural commercial When he began taking figure made to !count less • in inter-
on the letter chute on the outside • areas. Mr. Logan told the Board' , Skating lessons at -the age of national coMpetifons, they must
of the Pith Office building asking that the tomprehensive. zoning , seven,. Lloyd wanted only to learn be mastered if 'a skater has any
people duringthe houre front 1:30 . bylatirS are-designed to preserve .to Skate as well as other boys his desire te be the best And, too,, ry
reod';fsigns •
r ' •
People don't read- signs,__Iv.
twp, zoning plan
(Miter Oke Out those 87 , non-entrimercial -zone. Mr. Logan flied with .the trophies knit' -unspectacular work, and the part
What strikes yotr* you first person whom Lloyd would most
meet him, is the p e, the like 'to emulate. Lloyd Eisler's
maturity. He seems older than his name is now engraved on a small,
thirteen years: It is born-,of long plaque on the base of that trophy.
years of work, and the pressures There are pictures too, of Lloyd
granted by the MiniStry, of of competition. . • ...„. , a and Lpri. They are a well matched
Housing June 4, 1974,, Logan It is Sunday, afternoon -and pair, slim, strong, with .dark b air'
said. - 'Lloyd-Eisler,,,It. is savouring his• acid dark eyes; impressive in their
Hetold the 'OMB that the land - day of rest. There are, exams at matched red skating suits.
school to think about, and another To win the -NovicerPairs use plan 'is a broad document,
-designating rurarand , residential long week of pushing himself for championship, Lloyd and Lori
'land use areas, and containing hours on the ice, but he is have' trained long and hard. Since
`general recOmniendations about. relaxed. He exudes the. quiet November -15flf,”" their day 'his
up by Phillips after detailed study '
of the TownShip. Public meetings
• were held to discuss the plan,
which was completed in 1972, hex' '
Jenekry 6, 1975 and August 7*, = championship in Calgary only singles as well 'as in pairs
Ska- seems o der h on 13 a builder from Dublin.
Mr. Logan, told the Board that
the land use plan had been drawn • • •
free skating, and a chance to
practise the jumps, spins and
turns which, make up their free
skating program. •
From 10.;,30 fill 11:30, Lloyd, and ,
Lori are free to rest and eat, while
on the dance routities- are
practised by those who take-part
'in that-aspect of competition.
At 12:X), they are back On the
lee, skating 'together, doing the
lifts titni-jurrips which make tip
(Continued on Page 18) .
who practice lived 'at the arena
day's'ineetizzcze objectienS to 0 •
the plan --by -Peter -E.:
objections to the plan had been study has become -a habit. ice, beginning a clay which will
said; •Approval of the plan, was
land use'policy. . ' • confidence of a young man for begun early. ••
He indicated that rate payers' ' whom the routine, of 4practice and At 6:30 a.m., they are On the
" But he is and• that's why the
nian, that thousands of kids have
C&Ileci 'Red retired as manager of
the Seaforth Community Centre
-this year, after 22 and a half years ,
on the job.. Tomorrow night Red
and his wife Hazel will be guests
at a dance in their , honour,•
sponstjreti;F, ,*by t1:1 of
Seaforth '"`"' '127n:1
' The "father i6f the-arena" as'
councillor Bill Bennett called him '
last year, remembers the first'
night that Seaforth's arena was
Open. The late Leo Stephenson
Was manager at the arena, then.-.
.arld,Roy and Wazel helped; Mr.
Stephenson's wife' ..Effie sell
, tickets and refreshments in the -
arena booth, 2500 people packed
The, place to watch hockey games
and a kids costume carnival over
the three night opening weekend,
You can't manage an arena for
, ail those years without, having.,„.
great deal of affection. for the kids
who come and skate. The
lvIcGonigles„still hear occasionally
'frem many of the kids they've met
over the years and latelY1 at the
arena they've seen the children of
that first generatien they watched-
over in e fifties learn to skate.
There w e the rink rats,-boys--
For the fifth time in six years
, the Huron ExpoSitor has won
awards in the annual Ontario
Weekly Newspapers Association
Expositor editor Susan White
'won a Premier. Award for the best
column in member papers of all
sizes for her weekly "Something
- to Say.-” The three consecutive
Columns submitted for judging
were froth lasraiiimer and were
'and worked for nothing to have
the "prestige" job of cleaning off
„end flooding the ice at half time,
during hockey games. This •winter
fin. the first time there were-,...n6
rats, "There' were a coujitt
last year but they're not .needed
now with the new flooder",' Red
McGonigle says. Kids will help at
--the-arene- these-days:Jlf you Tay -
them," he adds. • '-
Then there are the little kids,
learning to skate for the first
time. "1 really like the tiny kids,
Expositor wins
A date, time and place have
been added car and ati.exectiti1-ie
'has been -formed for Seaforth
new Merning Out group, Now all
that's needed IS' a competent
b'aysitter chafge.'"
Morning Outwill start Tuesday
- morning, March 8' and run from
9:30 to 11:30 upstairs in the Town •
Hall, an organizational meeting
decided Tdesday night in the
lower library. Morning Out
sessions,, • with speakers and
program's for, the adults and
bahysitting •for
continue evety. Tuesday-morning ,
until mid .tune, with no meeting
being held the week of the March
Scher), break,•
Susan. East and:Mary Carroll
Were named co-conVetiers onlie
group. Peggy Douse Will look
after'publicity', Harrison is
says Hazel Mcbonigle, but the
_olderonessemetinies cause a few,
The mcGonigres; who have no
childen of theft own,,were also
involved with kids when' they
-• served as chaperones .at
Seaforth's Teen town, one Of the
biggest teenage dances in the
- county-in the shoties-:-1•' Lowering
the drinking age killed Teen'
Town", Roy says.sKids would go
to the hotel for a few rounds and
(Continued Page 181 "•.
Europe", . ""HOW I met Illy
husband" and-"Tolvtaripesa with
Mirna." .
The classified advertising '
, pages " of the Expositor 'were
-judged the best in Member:"
papers• in the 2001 to 3000
circulation range. The classified
pages are laid out every week by
staff member Cathy Melady.
• last summer the Expositor won
the national, -award for editorial
titled "The terrible two head for (Continued on Page 15)
installed more than twenty years
ago: During the past two or three
years, some difficulties-have been
experienced in the pool operation
because of equipment failures
and it is expected the study will
reveal' the extent to which,the,
equipment should be renewed
The electrical distribution
system was first installed- in the
early thirties -- more-than -forty
years ago - and while there have
been revisions from time to time,
the necessity for a complete check
has been evident in recent years.
This too will be covered by the
At the same time, the
engineers will examine and make
recommendations' concerning the
ball field and lighting as well as
work which may be recommended
. While it 'is not expected the
can be undertaken .at one time,
the report will form the basis of a
continuing program of improve-
'ment and updating which' might
continue for several. years.
Decision to undertake the study
was 'agreed to at a meeting
Monday evening, in charge of
Vice president Marlen Vineent.,At
the same tirne,the club 'approved
a recommendation of the. parks
-committee that the recirculating
pump at the pool be rebuilt at a
Mrs. Joseph MCC'ennell died in ._• cost' of $521. Pump specialists Seaforth COmmanity Hospital on
who examined the:pump said the Monday. She was in her 73rd
pump. when rebuilt would he as • year. She had been a patient, in good ors better than a new pump hospital hereand inLondon estimated to--cost $1720. _October when she was injure-clip Members received a financial an accident near London. ,statement for 1976• for the ,park. A member, of `the - board of During the year total expenses Seaforth - Community Hospital
amountedto $23,030.48 including since its inception and the former wages of $11,482.34, Mainten-
Scott Memorial Hospital since ance and repair $4,355.35 and 1955 she served as president in booth :stock -$2,623.62. Revenues 1972-73. She was a long time
amounted to $22;738.51 including chairman of the public relations pool $3,518.50, -16511'• $2,998.99, "'"/, committee of the •hospital and rentals $833,- grants $3;300.i thiongli the years had • been donations $2,980. and car passes untiring in advancing its
interests. The flag on the hospital
grellnds was flown at _half mast
and the' monthly •board. meeting
scheduled for Titesday night was
cancelled out of respect and in
recognition of her 'contribution.
She was an active member 'of
St. - -.TaMeSr Woman Catholic
Church and in the Catholic
Women's League. She mat a past,
president of the local, regional
a'ild Ontario -divisions of the
C.WAs. •
Mrs, McConnell was elected
parish • representative to the
Deanery council and on being
elected chaff-Than of 'the council St. James', ROMati 'Catholic
in Charge of other babysitting became a member of the Bishops_XhIIreff with Rev.. ELI Laragh. and
- the only layman and Rev. John McConnell officiating. volunteers while pothers enjoy Council
only woflian en the council and Temporary interment •followed the Morning `Out program.
the only delegate front., Huron - in " Pioneer Mausoleum. Anyone who is interested in
Pallbearers were Edmund Daly, supervising - the „ children's Perth. • •
program every Tuesday morning . An accomplished pianist she George Daly, Prank Sills, Harvey
can call reeteaden director CliVe Seaforthtauht niattiisdic atroeia pSuupccoess.aion 'of ADetsale,, liGoenoc.:warGoyepttalleltbeaantedeiHwaerrtmy
Buist at 527-0882; `• '
A aeSarate-rbom In the Town • Since its "formation Mrs, Donald' Stewart, Perg tannin,
Hall is availible for.the ,adult and
MpacttCollinn hwaosrktakoefn the
eh active
n a,nd Judge. R.
,(Centinucd-ou Page s. •
. • V! ti,A.4.".-2 •••`.: ‘A'••' ;;••• '
d awar s • - particularly as it affectS the river -
flood control and„ river erosion
SNOWMOBILEBS'. BREW Alec GlarlVitle was"
kept busy stirri4 a large pot Of baked beans for tha
. snowmobilers who- came out to the Family .Paradise
poker rally-on SundaY- near Walton. NiOraphotos On '•
, the Walton page. . , (Expositor Photo)
rs. McConnell dies
;noted, and that two sets of Lloyd and his partner Lori Beier not end till 5:30" that :evenitip.•
amendments had been passed on won the Canadian Novice Pairs. Since both Lloyd and Lori skate in Motch
-Et -teeks bobysi-tter
orning Out begins
in ehargeof programS and Grace
Hussey ''.•. will 'organize
refreshments. '
After hearing from . Isabel
McDonald of -Goderiell who is
.'involved with a similar, group
called Women's, Day-Ottt there,
the gotip• decided tO try and hire
hahysittdt—fOf the Mornings,
perhaps someone who' has taken
Child care courses .or had a.IOi of
'elic erience 'and have that perscon
Society and at the 'firne of her
death- healed the service- to ,—
Born in Seaforth 'she was the
daughter of the -fate John F. Daly
and Mary Phelari,,,,
in 1953 slid JoSeph —
McConnell who survives together
with three brothers : Editind, of
Seaforth, John F. of Toronto and
George of Niagara on the Lake.
The remains rated at the
WhitneyeRihey Funeral Home, .•
Seaforth, until Thursday morning
when` Requieurn Mass Was said at •