The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-17, Page 20SD S RevieW
(By Annette Branderhor,s0
In the, boYs haskefhall games .
of i Thursday; FebruarY to, with
St. Marys 'at, • SP.H.S. the
Midgets lost 31 'to 28.., There -Were
2 foul shots, no points, and top
scorer Was Mike Van der Veldon
With,10 pts. °
The Juniors won 44 to 25, ten- ,
points from 25 foill shot attempts;
Alut.24 Pts• by top scorer; John
. The Seniors lost 58 to. 48,' with
10 pts, from 19 foul shot
attempts, nnd 12 ,pts,-
scorer,. John Cairns. •
week., and it con erns, the
Conduct yoursely2s in an= adult'
manner; then, star otif. you.
don't like it then get the students
council .to-buy you a sand box.
Thg way some` of you' act, that's
all you could handle! ":PardtiS
Stealer February 18th at 9100
(.Formerly Studebarker
-Aenette Branderhorst' seniois
Boye..Dasketbill ' Seaforth 48 St. Marys 58
Midgets . Top scorere Jell) cairns,-
. St. marmii, Settforth 28 12 pits, Tom Nigh': '4 pts; Mike Mike Vander Vetdon was toP.-Reiger, pts; Doug•HenderSon, 6
scorer with .10 pts; Dennt.7-74pts';" Marc Robinet, '7 Pte;
Oleary,.4 pts; Mike Scott, 4 pti. fo, „ •
Logic' at your fingOritp*:
Three models to choose from VictOr
104 EleCtron0 Calci)iatori Victor
id Slide-00a f=lecirontc
Calculator; vow, 407 Sctenttir6
- • .idotrtirtie Calculator
. •
Nielsen, F. pti; Steve Heuther, 2 Beuernian, pts:
better Care of the equipment in.&
Lot& kids on
i'Reach for iwop".
ettfo;.t*i pisttiet High
Seltool•"getith (et the Top" team
(Den Melady, Joanne Primeati,
have Stith add
be dtt Sattitklayr-tehtuatir lott.
Witch, ft Mid be proiltil
read Shot attenipts:' 2/ pts for ;0
... .................. ioniors,,
' $eafo rth444,StOVitolgr: 25
"1",op scorer was. John Niefseri;
. 24 pts. Dave -Eilisi'8.-pts; Ron ,
—Scott 6• pts; Jim Watson 1. pt; .
,,, Chuck Stewart 5 Pts. •
Foul Shot attempts: 25 i pts. 'for
:l-'OK - •
rite only one thing o say thig pts; SintMcbonaid, 2 pts,;.Kdvin • Foul shot attempts: 19It.S. for:
students' lounge.If yon cant take
Fora free estimate and a look at
our newest stimplesof..inaterials
TALI.• •
• "Put Your UphOlstering Ph. 523-4272 R: Cook, Prop.
Needs In Our Hands" Blyth, Ont.,
ive the local
merchant a fair
This messqge' couttY.,9f
The Huron County Board of .
Education decided Monday to set
up a committee of education
professionals,parents,, trustees,
ratepayers and, administrative
personnel to evaluate the county
edueation :system , in a three
month program to be kicked off in
two weeks. The board will be the V.
first sytem in western Ontario to
take 'part in the exercise and
hopes to work out geographic
details in. a special meeting on
F'ebri4rY 21•
The prOgram 'is being
sponsored by the Ontario
Ministry of Education and-has'
three major aims. The board
hopes 'tp cOltect• information at
both the -local andPrOvincial level
to enable education achievements
., be more clearly perceived. Tit
ey hope to' collect information to
assist in the. areas of accounta-
bility and development and to
ptuvi o e sional growth
experience ' for the people
nvo Ye 7-7
The program was' outlinettby
two ministry representatives from
the Lpndon regional office. Pat .
Fleck, the regional director of
education for , the Western
Ontario Region and Jay
• Lotkerbie, the superintendent of
supervisory services, explained
the six step pattern in the project
and told the board that if' it
wanted to set up comm 4 tees to do
the evaluation it had wetter do it
AT .
'The Separate Shoppe .
OPEN 1-6 OPEN '1-6
Seaforth, Ladies and Mens'
Lawn Bowling' Club held their
February social on Tuesday
evening at 8 p.m. at the Masonic
Hall Rooms. A,good turnout was
in attendance and' wieners were
f• or the' bridge - Ladies' high was
M• r's. ,ida Close with 4430 pts.
• Men's high bridge was,.-Mr. Jbhn
Patterson with 3340. For euchre
it was Mrs ., Viola Taylor with 87
pts and Mr: Chart es Eyre • with
86 pts.
Social Committee was Mrs.
Effie Stephenson, Mrs. Grace
Coinish, Mts.' Agnes' Eyre, Mrs.
Glad, ,..Wrighf and Mrs. Mary
FinlayStin: ' ,
Mrs,,Ita.chel filchl chaired the
businesS and' the next social will
be March 15 at 8 p.m. and the
'Committee - in charge will' be
Convener) Mrs,. Grace . PePper,-•
MrS. Mary Felkar, Mrs. Thelma
Dale, Mrs. Lillian Pepper aud
Mrs...Donna PatterSon,
A' morning opt to listen to an
• interesting speaker or program,
have coffee • and talk to new'•
people, ActiVities andbabysitting•
for your kids at. the. Same time.
' If it sounds good; ydtrilte grad
to know, that • tliele-7Seaforth.
• Recreation office, along-with • a
few individuals,' is organizing a
neWprogram. called Morning Out.
which" wilroffer all of that.
Recreation director Clive Buist
Town bowlers. • • •
hove social
ft, n o rn n 9
says the program' will •be for those who are interested in the
wonien of all ages and that men adult program .or in planning
who are interested will, he activities, the kids wtto attend,
welcome to attend towsMothers - Isobel McDonald, of the Huron
will be able to bring their Volunteer Bureau, who has tfe"6
pre-scheol age children becatise active with a similar group in
there'll be a separate program of . Gpdericb, called Women's Day
activities for them. Mr.- Buist.says
it's hoped that the' program.will
operate 'one, morning a ',week to
starten the second floor of the
town hall, where there is a room
for the adults and one'for the kids
beginning in mid' March.
Right now he's, looking for
people, whO will helrget the
.program started and form 'ati
executive to plan the early
_ meetings.- An organizational
meeting wilLbe held on .Tuestay,
February 22 at 17:36 p.m. in the
lower library and he hopes that
Out, will be at the meeting A to
sttase the -experionces,. of the
Goderkh group. - a
Anyone who wants more infor-
Mation about the program can call
Mr. Puist at the recreation office,
521082. ,
Junior:F:armers named a new executive at a meeting
• at S.D.H.S. Tuesday night,. They are, back row,.
from I.,,• Brad CarnOchan, .Vice-President; -Larry
Huron 130arc!. of Id.
Coyne, County..Direbtor; •Bob. Henderson, Manager;,
front, I., are' Pam Geddes, County Direbtor; Nancy
Dietz, Treasurer; Marianne Kale, atintY Direbtor,
and Vanda Storey, President. (Expositor Photo)
servic To 7evaluate. its
a e a break
PrinCipals of Huron County
schools will be. asked to work with
staff to'develop a calendar for,.•
-the balance of the 1976-77 school
year to -makeup instructional time
lost due to Severe winter
conditions that have plagued the
county this winter, Superinten-
dent, of education R.B.Allatt told
the county board of education
Monday. The number of lost days
this year combined with the
difference between rural and
Urban schools closures prompted
the recommendation to try to
Make tip time in the next four
-Time is important". she said.
immediately and lay the grOund
rules; decide, on the area to be
looked 'at and .get eithejlitta, ifs_
and - buts, dealt with.-
Mr. Fleck Stipported Mrs.
Hazlitt's approach adding that 'if
the 'board wanted the survey
completed this year it Would have
to meet and decide What area, to
evaluate_ : He said the area would
have to be decided on by at least
two weeks time so the staffs of the
schools could be briefed. on the,
Mr. Allan suggested to -the
board that the executives ,of the
iiiiron County branch 'affiliates of,
teacher' federations consider the-
. advIsabilliy of .rescheduling their
county '' wide orOfessional
development days for.April
one of the .' four P.,D,DaYs
scheduled for the end of June
when the ehildren have 'already
been 'dismissed. Another
P.D.Day,, March 7, will also
become ae instruction day for
Die requeSt was made
because, according ,t0 Mr. Allan,
the time allowed for severe winter
The first step the board will
take of ter designating the, area
to be studied is to set up an
internal evaluation corinnittee.
The internal 'committee will have
as wide a representation as.
possible and will include public
and' ' professionals. The'
committee will undertake a role
review`' involving teachers,
truktees and administration.. It
'will also complete a questionnaire
-sent'.to., the public aimed at
gaining some insight into 'the
opinions and feelings of people on
the quality of education 'in the
system. Program reviews will also
be ddnete determine the value of
the curricultim of the schools.
The internal committee shOuld
be finished their work by May
and its report will then go to, an'
external committee. The external
group is made up half of. mitiistry.
• employees and half 'gip
professionals from outside the
Huron Comity system. They
- review -1.4e77.7intertral- report -in -
relatio trite their own knowledge of
education ,Systerns.
• From thete the two committees
do an co-operative review and•
prepare an evaluation report that
is given to the Huron County
Board and to" the minisry. The
report is then left at the board's
discretion ,as to what they do with
it and ,.the final step is an
examination of any follow up'
activites the board feels are
necessary.. Mr. Fleck explained
that the designed impact of .the
evaluation also increases the need
'for immediate action. He said the •
reports_ questionnaires and
comments ofthese involved are to
be impulse, reactions rather, than'
thought out opinions. He said the
ministry would like a "snapshot"
image of 'the education system
from' the participants and 'to get
this the people mast offer
immediate reactions td.gliestions
rather than going home and
:,thinkitig about, them. •
• Fie said the ,board can expect
imprOved communication within-
the education systeM as well as
unfiltered perceptions of parents,
teaeherS , administrators and
students as to their expectations.
of -the-system. He said they
should get an assessment Of the
, strerights and weaknesses of the
whole school operation both by
pc..uple—wh o-are-Trart- of rite Systems
and by; role exerts who' ar,e_part
of the.ministrystaff,
He said staff roles will be.
_clarified, both teaching ' And
administratiye, and parents and
taxpayers will offer views on their
priorities for education. He added
that as well as opinion from the
public a line Of communication to
taxpayers should be opened as a
result of -participation in the
• Mr. Fleck said I 1' systems had
taken part, in the evaluation
projects in two year •histery
and each had developed
distinctive alternatives to handle
what . they discovered were
problems in their areas, He said . „ . '
the boards had all-discovered
areas of weakness but the -areas
differed in all 11.
A town is
of people.
It is schools.
It istown government.
-4t is industry and jobs.
It is retail businesses.
They all have to work together. All must
have, the suppor/of,thepeople,
Or there Is no town. •
Give your local merchant a chance for your
business. You sriPtildn't spend-your hard' .
earned money with hirftunleis his selectibh is
adequate aild-his'price competitive. •
But give him the first„opportunity to make
the sale.
For thelocal retailer pays-the highest •-
percentage,bf lOcal taxeS_He..most 6f/en
is .the civic leader who dedicates hiS time and'
talents to hiS town. He is contacted first •
for'contributions to charitable projects.-He •
• proVides join Without his store you have
no town.
Mr. Fleck explained that if the
board wanted to complete -the
program this, scheol year it would
have tO designate one specific
area of the county to enable the
six steps-to .be completed by the
end of Jane He said the ministry
was prepared to do an evalpation
of the .entire county but wouldn't
be able to 'complete the study in
the four months remaining in the,
school calendar.
Shirley, Hazlittsaid she felt the
evaluation had considerable merit
and that the board should move
as Soon as possible to get •the
program underWay. She
however 'that a special meeting-
ghould be.' . set up as soon as
possible to "enable the board to'
fully undergiand what is involved
in the study. .
Princif5als will decide
How to make up lost days
conditionS*When the school year
calendar was given ministry
approval has already ,been used
and additional time lost...Some
rural areas. have lost as many as
15 days while schools in county
'towns have lost few if any days,
due to bad weather.
The provincial education act
which governs all school
calendars requires schools to be
open for a minimum of 185
instructional days and ,,to meet
'this requirement the P.O.Days
may have to be abandined in
favor of teaching classes.