The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 15• urririon, too Our Sale cont tinues because ALL STOCK MUST BE SOLD! WHITNEY-is pleased to announce that Robert L. Plumateel has purchased the G.A. Whitney Furniture Store business:' The store which has been located on !Seaforth's Main Street for sotne 30 years will be the home of Robert L. Plumsteel Interiors. Mr. Plumsteel looks forWard to carrying on the r decorating se Wh'iipey Fine Furnitui traditiOn and will offer a complete' interio rvice. (Adv.) Local bo rettalr THE HIJ,R9N EXPQMTO.FI,.:goiLIARy. ;10,'1`A77 —15; To C (Continued from Page 1) $45.00 for 'the Day Care Centre if used. n "J ea nml ter; tohf ec°rx!Int.teni1499okff otvheer Recreational Centre instead of the former Recreation Board due. to the financial difficulties at the • Centre which had a defidit of $80,000,00,at•the end of last year. • Council censiderecl raising the yearly remuneiition paid to each Member. -They Mil decide atAe. next meeting the increase they will give themselves for • the coming year, Presently the Reeve is paid $1,185.00 per year and the rest of the council each $880.00., Passed for paytnent are the f011owing accountS,tVanastra Day Care Centre, $3,6/2,84; Vanastra Recreation ;S47651.74; Roads, $18,241.67; General $76,10.89 for a total of $102,685.14, A request for a Tile drain loan of $12,000,00 was approved. Collodi will go along 'with the town of Seafot:th to do a survey of the township for a senior citizens apartment project when Ontario Housing-does one for the town of Seaforth. Council 'was informed by a , letter front— University of ph , that tests_lone by_its Horticultural Department indibated that there was "little doubt that ozone concentrations in Huron County .'are quite frequently higher than the threshold for .1.- crop plant damage." The report stated that tobacco plants, were used in the tests carried out in six areas across the county (one on the Robert Allan • farm at Brucefield)-, Councillor fothe'riaghant - said the test results wpuld travel been theTSarne if tian Plants had bea used. You can imagine the results if an energy plant should be built. in Huron." he 'said. (It has been rumoured an numerous occasions that such a Aint might be built in the St. JosepHs area).' Councillor Frank Falconer was named• to represent the township oil the Huron cpuptyYprm Safety Association for 1977.713'„ Its meetings are held at tine' Agricultural Office in Clinton. It was , Icartid it new. Olorine, rpeu;ir e 0 : f p. co.afii aboutoSv2a5n0a, Vanastra swimming pool in order to meet health regulations,- .... The •1977 budget, for Vanastra cSoTsaidgeer:VitW4terier irtPlmattetWinilal 91):ef council on Fabiliary p. 4 ersrnit meets _ Lower Inlerest: Rates NOW AVAILABLE ON 1st and 2nd,Mortgages anywhere in Ontario on RESIDENTIAL — INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL and,FARM PROPERTIES Interim financing on new construction • or land development REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA PHONE , SAFE WAY. INVESTMENTS & "CONSULTANTS LTD: Fiend Office: 56 Weber Street, Kitchener, 15191 744.6535 t'. Branch Office : 504 'Tenth Street, Hanover- 1519] 364-312i WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH Have I a acLean • Sales Representative Dietitians answer Here are seven •-e-orrinionly A. Sorry to say.• it's an old ' asked questions about food and wive's -tale! Blackstrap molasses Mitrition: Some of the 760 prefes- is a byproduct of sugar refining. it siohal dietitians- in Ontario . contains available_iton.- btitlittle compiled the answers, as a Piiblic else. Other sources of iron,such as service:' • meat, eggs and-greon vegetables •• Q. Cve noticed that many foods are just as good (and more '. I buy arc forfificd•With synthetic , appeali ng!), and offer other-- - vitamins. -Are these, as good 'as nutrients at the same time. There the real thing?, A. Nature ',:s* vitamins are chemically identical tb those synthetically prepared by man. There is no•-evidence to suggest Q. My' mother-in-law always' cooks vegetables pressure_ cooker. Is there any logical.reason for this? • • A. Yes, there's a very good reason. Vitamins arc cons-e rved in the pressure cooker because of - fast cooking, la ck of air and the small amount of liquid used. Why ‘rou talc up pressure cooking? Q. My mother Claims that ' BlackStrap • molasses helps her arthritis. Could thiS be true? is no -proof for claims" that blackstrap• molasses can cure ulcers, cancer, varicose veins, arthritis or "spring fever" - serry! that one is better than, the-other ••• _ Q' ,VVhat',s in milk `for you?' your body gains the same-health A. Milk is the: most nutritious • benefits from bail single food on your'shopping list, 4 9: AM guaranteed' that; S'yeeY''iiieirnier packaged meats will maintain and'you tool needs milk every their quality 'up to the "Best day for nutritional h ealth. Milk's Before" date 'on the label? most important food, valueS are: The "Best )3efore" .date does Calcium and Phosphorus, not mean that the product is Minerals • essential to build and guaranteed perfect if used •befOre keep sound teeth and bones the date stampednor that it not' made even mpre,effective by 'the perfect if used after.' Handling' Vitamin-D your Dairy adds during has a great dealNto di) with the, processing: Riboflavin, a B quality and keeping time. Most vitamin :acts lilke a spark plug to meats require refrigeration at or release body;,' Energy.:... ,essential bek5v.• 40°F ' (5°C).' If in the, for mdfirtiorilial body functions, distribution cycle fronrprocessing •healthy eyes and' skin; Protein, plant to table 'the temperatures the high quality -complete kind, become higher, the - keeping--sUpports growth and helps - period •can be greatly redaced. , maintain strong. healthy". muscles The .four guides to' quality are and 'tissues ... combines with ,...how does it .taste, how does. it smell, what is 'its appearance 'and what is the." Best Before" date? McGREGOR • h b Quality BEEF GOVERNMENT • INSPECTED ). • Whiiie-$eef 90 Half fieef . Price ShibjeeticTehange N'avois; cum% WRAPPING Mutt:meg Free:Delivery . 10tlitilei.; cif,ort Me HE O .;$a39: • •• • • . 8,10Citigglitrr t tl• AtiteSiOnS •:',#TEit135t0134 ifif.262.1t48 • ,1. W"Hk" EttA140-.005RATEtity.:tuty*EAtitT4i 'EP V IT :t 0.440A.F.WEXOERit • MAINGA • VW414. 'AVNWNSSSANWIMRSNRSINOWNWO'NONSRSNWSWWW0kNiNNWSNSNNNWSNN6 k NNW\ 'I( %I %.‘1 a V. 1% •N‘ NV 4.01M (4.‘ REMNANTS-kg-NUS 1/2 yd. to ideal for small~ chOirs rk51 haisoks-e4c. 'cereal- or -vegetable proteins_ to improve their quality; Vitamin a, found in milltls fat; helps proMote normal growth, good vision, healthy , skin, and resistance to infeCtitiri:''Vitamiri A is added to skim and partly skiriimed milks. (In Canada, it is difficult 'to provide enough calcium for each family membe'r adult-b1 older ... without inchidini milk ,and foods made from milk in daily meals, Also, Milk is the mdst important fodd source of ribotlpitt in canada, and its protein ranks h igh on the quality scale with"-that Of meat. •fish, poultry and eggs.' rt. 7 , Q. I adore dried fruits; and - have been told that they have feWor calories than fresh fruit.' is this correct? . -,A,....Sorry,, but .tart: Only the ' water has been extracted in dried. • fruits and, remeirit'ef that weight,. for weight. dried fruits have more calories than their , fresh counterparis. Q. Are parsnips poisonous it left in the ground all winter? A. Nt:, they aresafe to eat. it is a common practice, to leave them in the '-ground where they • keep very_ well. 'Nylons •HornesiiUrts Cottons - Velvets • nutrition, write to: Nutrition KitoW How" The Ontario' Dietetic Assoc. 234 eglinton venue, East Suite 402 7 Toronto, Ontario M4 P I KS Encicthe .a stamped— self- . addressed envelope for your personal reply. Questions of general interest will be published in future columns. -• -Every week 'More and more peopte discover what-mighty jobs are accomplished•13y lour ,Cost HUron xpositor Want Ads. 19a il; 527,0240:- , - •• 3 w If :You. have a qUeStkiii-. on Prefinished Panelling Specia l's 4x8 NORDIC WHITE •A. Reg. $7.50 -NOW • ..15-.75 4x8 TROPICANA COCOANUT Reg. $4.95 NOW $4.45 4)(8 SANDST4NE t 35 Reg. $5.95 NOW 41 .-0 . 4x8 COUNTRY CLUB WALNUT Reg. $6.25 *NOW '•, $5 .65 ,4x8 TRAPPER CHERRY-- ;- Reg:. $72 50, NOW $6.' " BAN-EL -ADHESiVE $1 .49 tu-be Save before Spring POLYETHYLENE VAPOUR BARRIER 100" W X 180 ft. long (1500sq. it.) as low, as $10,95 40.1- SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION An 1 pc' of Repairs Phone 527-0270 , BRISTOL TOILETS reverse trap in white $48.95 MAHOGANY TRIM Unfinished BIG .SAVINGS - example 1" x 6" Jamb. Set $6.8 ° .2 Casing Set . $3:28 TOILET SEATS CfRAMIC -TILE odd Lots Smile at fil!se bargaint, STIPPLETON'E Texture Finish -as low as $1 0.95 - $64.95 nly reg. " FIREWOOD BOX factory:finished in oak and birch. Now $49 95 1 cit "EVERYTHING IN BUILDING MATERIALS"