The Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 14it's White Cahe Week and
Blindness can be pr:!vente
eet local people in Hawaii
With detachable mike -
Set Out ears eel This•-eharinel'ipotilio has buitan
ANL to out &Mil eletitteqllaturbatiCet. Squelah tort.
Volt PA and eitternal sneaker lacka. 111Urninated,.,
S/PIF rabter and th'ennerindicator, 71-
.17 .11):ey !.,td
N EXPOSITOR. FE APAR* 10. 1977 L.ara
- _at Manor..servic6-
ome from
A TYPICAL ROM? ..Fiural residents faced roads that were 'little more than tracks
through the deep snow when plows finally got through late last week. Ail inhabited
roads in the Seafprth area were expected toe open by Tuesday, but some were still
tracka... , Expos)lor Photo)
seryiee in Carmel Presbyterian,
'Church on Sunday. His sermon -
.was "If I 'dcv not Miss
Brenda Pepper presided 0,t the
piano. •
„ The annual meeting of the
. congregation which was to be
held on January 28th ha q been
postponed owing te weather
conditions., •
pineapple and 'sugar caneplanta-
tions, and large beef feedlots.
Diptheria, Scarlet „, Fever and
Smallpox have long since
disappeared from the CNIB
.registr-Y. However, today' new
cause's such as Diabetes and
Glaucoma are taking their. toll.
"That's why Most peoPle don't
-One project rests with parents.
Vaccinate children against
German Measles (Rubella). It
mothers catch this disease during
pregnancy ,the babies inaY bet
.born blind, retarded or burdened
with other ,disabilities Jhss
vaccination is a simple means of
preserving futhre Canadians from
many handicaps, including
blindness," she said.
week vacationon St. Lucia Island,
West Indies., Daytime
-.temperatures were' a steady 85.
degrees F., and there was'a large
variety of recreation available on
land, ''•
• . They landed back in., Toronto
on Thursday evening, but getting
home from there ptesented a real'
problem. They . reached Dave's
.father's ;home in -Kitchener On
Friday morning, his brother'S
home in Stratford on Saturday;
but couldn't get to Varna, until
SuntlarrnOrtiing. "
What do people do in Varna,
'when they. can't get to work and
they're sick of being shut in and
' bored 'with the' idiot box? ,and,
there was.sorne :table thumping
euchre games going on, and some
of the ladies took up needle and
_..thinthle and worked on.
'(Intended for last week)
The: ',February-, meeting - • of
Kippen East .W.1. will be held hi'
''• the Legion ,,Hall,' ,HenSall •at 2
p.m., Feb. 16 with Elaine .
• Townshend as • guest speaker.
, Mrs. James Drummond will
give the ,motto. and "Mrs. Wm.
McDowell the.cprrent events. The
1:611- call is -to be answered by' a
way to teach ',children to ,be good
titizens. All members are asked
to invite-a-friend. The hostesses• •
'Clearwater, Fla., went to church.
Sitting beside them • .were Rev.
. Alex and Mrs. Taylor. •
Mel and Lila Webster-,• ;who
sp„ent 10-days in Hawaii, 'also. had
chince „meetings,. With -people
frpirt hem...They. met Arnoldand
Nora Keys:- • or -the- -street' in'
Honoluin, and' also • ran into „Mr..
an.d •.Mrs.Bill • Campbell of'
Seaforth. They .enjoyed their stay
inflaVvaii very much,. They stayed
at the Rainbow Towers, where.
they could loOk• out on the oceari .
on one side, and the busy' airpert
on the other.,On.their tours of the
Island: they visted Pearl Harbour
are Mrs. Michael Connolly and
Mrs. James Chalm,,ers.
' Personals- .
Mr. and Mrs, Jack 'Dietz are
holidaying in Florida. .
- Mr. • aiid ". Mrs. Warren
bibbings, Clinton spent a•-•• few
days in Kippen during the storm.
- and Mrs. Ehear
Rev. and Mrs. Guy, Dashwood
, were itorm-stranded guests with
Norman Diekert. -
Thtirsdaji, Feb. 10 at 8 p.m. on
the secOnd floor of the town hall,
• On February 15 at Family
Paradise at 8;15, there will be .a
program , called_ - "Safety 'for
SiroWittobilek-.•"' is
welcome to listen and-. ask
questions. Coffee and lunch will
If your group needs the assist-
ance of a St. John's member at
hoekey, baseball, breomball.
please. call recreation office. one
of the St. .John ineMbers, or,
Betty Olativille.
Mrs. Bertha MaeGreger
"-biSrotliy Farquhar
.relprned to her home in Toronto
after spending several days with
her „,..triptlaer,S , Mrs. Emma
Farquhar. ' ,
Steve Corbett of London spent'
the weekend with his parents Mr.
No panacea pipe • 'ilrearn -
prevention of blindness really
works, AcCording to Mrs. Donna
Watson of Exeter, President, the
C.C.B.Bluewater Club, The
Canadian 'Council of the Blind,
early work bY a non-medical
group :banished many causes of
Of blindness from everyday life:.
. .
In -an interview for White Cane
Week, Feb: 6-12, sPopsored by
CCB and The Canadian National
Institute for the Blind, the
president told how trachoma, now
Oinked to eastern countries, was
epee a serious cause-of-blindness
among Indiana in Canada. ,
"CNIB discoVered. the
condition in the 193 s.," the club
:President explaine Throlugh
strong recommendation Yo the
government a doctor waS
-appointed to -investigate the
and Mrs Ross Corbett and Jeff
Mr. and Mrs. David ,Kyie and -
Mrs, Nora Soldan returned ,hbrne
this Wee1C-after speiiding a- three
week's holiday in Florida.
Burt Coleman of London visited
with his mother Mrs.'Gladys,
Coleman and bi'other- Ivan on
Saturday. •
Rev. W.D. Jarvis —conducted
Father 1,..'aragh conducted
service at .Seafertit Manor' on
Friday morning at 10 am. Mrs..
M. Finlaysdn accompanied at the
. piano for the ,lia
Gardner and Dorig Wills- sapg
Amazing Grace , Visiting with
. „Mrs: Adele „Ftselter. were Mrs.
Edna Weber, Leiland, Donna and
Robert Restenteyer of Dashwood.
Visiting --with•i^ Miss. Ettiel
McClure were Mr. and, NI.P.•
• Murray TaylOr: and ;Dana, alsid
_Mrs. Ken McClure„ Lisa & Lori,
-Mrs.-John Taylor and M. Harvey
Mr,° 'Eva VCCartney visited
with Mrs.. Ada ,Reid and Miss
Bessie Davidson also visiting
Miss Davidson were Margaret,
Leanne and Meliisa Whitmore of
•• Mrs. Mabel Clark of BaYffeld
visited her-father Mr. Erle Dow,
Miis Rita Duncan visited her
'aunt -Mis.a Catheiine Laverty. .;',"
" Visiting with Mrs. Ada 'Reid
this past, wek ivere Mrs.. Hilda
Montague , Mrs, Frankie Ball
and Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Wain of
-Mr. and Mrs.Sain McSpadden
Visited with,Mr, Zack McSpadden
and Mrs. Minnie, Hawley,
Tuesday afternoon and Mrs.
..McSpadden , entertained our
residents with her- accordion to
same old fdvourite sengs • and
hymns . which the residents
:enjoyed 'yery much -and -sang
were Mr. and
George— V010, M. and -Mrs.
,Arthur Varley and Mrs. McLean.
Mrs. W. 'Oyes and Elsie
visited -with Mr. Wilber Keyes.
Visiting Mir. Jas. Shortreed
were Mrs. Jas. Shortreed, Mr.
and Mrs. Shortreed and family
and, Margaret Shortreed
Mrs. Mary:McLeod, Mr, RQSS,
Scott and Mrs. Witt Scott visite&
vvith Mr. Win, Scott. •
- gr. Oliver 'Henderson enjoye'd,„:,_
an tutting with Mr. George ,
Caldwell: . '
Mrs. Agnes • McClilnehey
visited. with Miss Ethel McClure,
Friday afternoon bingo was
well .attendecl and winners were:,
Full House - Mrs. Gertie
Mr. Charles Ross,, Mrs. Ada Reid
and lvliSs Doris Wills. our
Corners - Mr. Wilber keYes; Mr.
Cecil Rhoades, Mrs. Ada Reid
'and Miss Bessie. DaVidson.
Straight Line -4, Mr, Steven
Fournier, Mr, Erie Dow, Mr.
Charles ROss and Miss Bessie
Davidson. Full House - Mrs. Ada
Reid,- Mrs. Lille Huche, Mr. Erle
Dow, Mr. Bert Herta),"
Mr. John Nesbitt H..S.C. field ••••
worker visited at Seatortit„Matior „,
pp 'Monday.
This pay day . • •
0•X FA M-
• •
Mary Chessell
• -
At the annual Seaforth Broom-
bail tontmatnent last weekend, the
Part Line men's team was put out.
on Saturday, but the ladies went
_ _to the semi-finals, and, were
defeated by the Chiselhurst-team
on Sunday. -
The February meeting of the '
Varna LJ.C.W. Was postponed for
one week because of the bad
, It's a small world. A week ago
- Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Parker
' of Bayfierd, who are holidaying in
After the winter storin,
Seaforth's St. John's Ambulance
Brigade—is back in aCtibn. The
Home Care Progra:in On Monday
flight 'had-Mrs. poreen Dawson as
guest along with Emma Friend,
the nurse in charge. Although
attendance was small,. they were
quite interested in the ' "FirSt
• Aid" lessOrt, , _The following
Monday night, they will be
having a fdtp then a night of
practise befOre their exam.
For the Brigade members, •
there will be a meeting,
Nip pen
.8.0011, speak
St. John's Brigade
available for events
and the Mormon Temple, saw the
They retiltned, home last
Thursday. •
Charles r and Bernice Reid
retnrned home last 'siVediiesday
fi•pin a holiday iii-••=Florida.
Stanley ToWiiShip Recreation.
• • News
Resident's of Stanley Township
are invited to the Ice Carnival, to
"Telheld on Sat., Feb. 12 at the'
Varna Arena, ,
Family skating will: begin at
7;00 p.m, This is not .'à costume
carnival; although there will be
some ,prizes dWarded. A-hoekey
game -- the Ladies vs. the Girls -
:will. follow, the 'winners to be
awarded the Orange Lodge
trophy, which 'theladies•won last
year.- The final' e'Pent. will be
broomball game for the men and ,
boys. If they cloWn it ttplike,they
did last year„ it will be •a lot of fun
to watch.
-There will be d refreshment
hobth - at the Orange Hall. Bring
ybur hockey: sticks and your
brooms, aise bring along your
, families and friends for a good '-
time On Saturday night.
Our sincere sympathy to the '
family of the late Wilmer Reid,
who passed away in University
Hospital in Lpndon on Sunday.
Dave and Bonnie Roy have • returned fro ma marvelous 'two- • Fanfare 330 Mobileiranscenter
problem. He discovered grand-
mothera wore 'kerchiefs' around
their heads, wipedtlieir trachoma
eyes with-the kerchief ends and
also -thefacei of their little .
grandchildren. Unknowingly they
, passbd"on the germs of trachoma
which led te blindness in .
hundreds Of yonrigSters. Throtgli
his work and CNIB, trachoma has
-clfsappeared -as a cause of
Even earlier, in the 1920a, a
condition knovim is babies' sore
eyes in neW born infants caused"
corneal Ulcers and blindness.' It
affected one third of the pupils at
the School for the blind.CNII3
efforts, supported by eye 'doctors—
"and provincial governments,
, brought about legislation. for the
,compulsory treatment of babies' .
eyes at birth and so eliminated
this cause of blindness.
with switchable Noise Limiter
Skip go to this ilibt161 for aasylittening. 2j,channel-ri9jtas Automatic--
Noise Limiter switch, and built-in Noise Blanker to cut dowlIgnition and
motor noise. When noise reduction is notnecessary:you can switch Off
the ANL to receive Weak signalS. Also features squelch control, PA/CB
control, PA and external speaker lacks, illuminated BOIF, meter and
channel indicator. Detachable inierdphono,
work," said the Cai Club i....DairYmPle
President. She titged every
Canadiarito keep Canada's sight
record high. ,
realize preYention practices really Visiting with Mrs. Flo -STN: "A"
Nits, TORONTO M5W• 1W2
Working With People. •
Who Ale Helping Therpselteei
'P.O. BOX 10,600
Dave Robb
• ,
- Weddings -ArtniversarIPS
Portraits -
Teain 8...droup PictOrea
'SEAFORTH 527-0064 - . .
. .
oi.,11, • 4...1t111 .•
*144 * 6 oo • * ••••• 61400 **** 61601160 60,110
****** 6041116•• •••o • *** * • **** 0464 folsolivo*.**ge. •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• st464 ** ** ••••••••••• •••••••••••
:Base, Station/Mobile
23-Channel „compact Provides .fun at home on
Tihii 'toad. Fits book shelf or dash top. Has ANL;
squelch control, inurninateCt SJIRF, channel indicator.
• betac ha We Mic. PA anotext spot,kor jacks,
has, fine tuning
urIng in the folks who area a little off the center of a
channel. 21channel Unit also hit's automatic
hen, swItchable ANL, PA function, plug-in pets-
phOne. with pre-amplifier, el. soeaiterALiels„,„.
„.Ataslost .4xg.tgo aEH1Nti.AtmE. NE.o4sioNs
- Ph -0.02 ' • • •• •
I We Take Pridein our
fat 40; viNy.k:ftooRINp-.,
We Also Viet The Most Effective
,PROcESS"- Eie;• Developed '
,L"All\HAT dittitNOAWE:7. .
it :2!hohriso:rti:oco6idpasiarnei mclabul'60. t.
t otwpi shi n
and hardware' • wii•
„Onakesesare factory. pretuned,
4I,S5t-unWaftb4le151‘;10f Lh'4061:s19.38: Top l'19ship
to bOre:'
:has trunk' mount adept& for at
to hp oft Ok.,, Can ' •
alSO be inaunteden
' rooftop, 95.
D.TROCk --
',Eite ti'6aittEilist:rtiodbrt.:0411840'n,itsghi1PlfsP,gt3:
noatord •
. oittErtmouNt . No naceSatity.., Monts -
tiasily On the Mtn: Ottttet Of '
or,.„ ObitXralt• -,(05
alba, . •
„goof, .
&took ?Wars,
1430 t 5t10'
,ittao.oioo Saturday'•