HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-02-10, Page 13ullett of
By ' ' raised in the . Legislature the in .progress in Toronto, • and
The . 'Oritatio' : Energy . Board• question of the OetarityHighway Division 113 of the. Amalgamated
informed the Chairman. Of the, Transport Board ruling to allow Transit. Union, Tasked StuArtSmith
--Liberal-Caucus' that a :decision ' Greyhound Lines 'Canada...Ltd, to-. make a • submission. He
••was made on :. January:- 2 to run buses -on routes betweeh ::,...appeared. before the Beard on the
granting an -interim increase to 'TotontO and B-uffald`' and Toronto 27th January; and stated that the
the' Consumer .Gas Company and - Sudbury, 'which are at Liberal Party "is opposed to lthe
pending a final' decision" on the- present .served.by Gray Coach. ..a. .. original decision 'of your,,Board . •- --rates-,ApplicatiOn currently before. subsidiary of e Toronto Transit which granted to Eastern Canada
the .Board.• In this . connection .Commission. .• • r .Greyhound,,. Gteyhound Canada -that may . force an ....onterprise $5.30 to• $$,75,_ • ;„ •
constituents have been contacting .. The Minister of Transportation .,..and4O-Stoek-Bros-.--;-the' rights •to- indirectly. owned by the people of . "•,:;
expressingme their objettieds to • and Cornmunicatioirstor run a competitive service on those Ontario .to face , an annual .7
. the price increases proposed-by • Legislature; • initially, 'that he routes which are most profitable •..financial reversal of approxi-,
Union- Gas. • .agreed-with the. Beard's reasons to' Gray Coach. Our opposition to Mately one, Million dollars.. We
rhavepursued this matter'With forgiving this /lining - complaints y our decision, 'Mr. Chairman, are concerned because the
the Minister of Energy and of poor service .by. Gray Coach, , . based on the following .poipts: effect this will have on die total:
perhaps his• comments ' might.,":„and,the_aeed for competition on (1).. Firstly, and most ftinda- " value of an asset owned by the • L .
prove • helpful . in. apswering the routes inithe•••publie interest'. mentally, the decision to allow people of Ontario:'an effect that is,
constituents' protests concerning Leonard Moy`nehan, president .Of competition , on certain routes 'tantamount' to giving away a ten
Union's Natural .gas_ prite _the",Amalgamated Transit Union , appears to us to be irE direct .. million dollar public assetto..a
.,. increases. • ' ' ' charged that telegrarirs of supPort. .contravention' of , 'privately-owned' corporatien. We
All gas utilities Are regulated ' Jr:IL:the' Greyhteitnd•Service,,--frorer..... established, and accepted policy recegeize that, in legal sense, the --••
by the Ontario Energy Beard and ' local ' • Unions, which:had been preserved exclusive carrier. frinehises e' privileges' and not
cannot make any rate .et-.price : read - in the „House by, ... the pperating -rights on 'tniajer inter- assets to b, s
old. Nonetheless, we ,
` changes without approval tof the , Minister,. „Were, paid for by urban routes. We do not belt eve... ,.believe that, if• the policy is' to , •
Board. Before granting any . Greyhound, and that although. thata.deeision to open up the bus . replace publicly owned carriers
appreyalsthe Beard examines all 'more . jobs might be .• provided, routes across central Ontario to by private ones on the lucrative •
'''televirit Materials and' through would Ontarie7 competitive licencing routeg;'-that poliey .:should:. be
public hearing, considers the because Greyhoond would' then . made a regUlateryagency without stated generally, and should. be '
poSitions put forward. by '.other, .have a cross-Canada Service, with--vecOerse to -the, Legislature. • ` implemented -in a way that-
parties including members of the drivers from the United States, or P.C.V. licensing changes - are - returns- some consideration to the •
public 'who choose JO participate. from Winnipeg driving through being considered by a . Select displaced carrier." .
The major factor in-' -price. pntario. • -- Committee. , of the Legislature, If the Board feels Gray Coach
increases during the . past few . Stuart Smith, xpreSaed concern and such a :Committee is the heS done a poor job of servicing
days is the price twhich- Ontario ". because the bug service to m any logical place for policy decisions the routes, clear directions should
Gas Utilities haVeto pay.* their small Ontario communities was on. baaic alterations to thiS policy. be given for improvements. On.
7.. 'natural gas.. Since only one • threatened by. the Transport (2) We • are , profoundly., the other hand, if the Beard,feels
percent of our natural gas supply Board's 'decision to. permit aa' concerned that a decision. of par' the time has come.„to..open good
• produced in . Ontario, this American-controlled company to
Province is heavily dependent on • operate on the two main Ontario
• ••'' • Western Canadian gas supplies, ... routes in question,: considering
primarily from Albeita„ to •make this a "sell-out to American
up the remaining .-99%. ' r • interests at the• expense of
The Federal Government has Canadian„ company owned by
the authority to set the price of 'Ontario' taxpayers", • and
,natural gaS delivered fret)) the `"equivalent to .Ontario handing
West to Toronto; their policy. has over a S-10 million public asset to a
been to relate.. the price of gas to • U.S. - controlled: company". Gray
the, price , of Canadian crude oil, Coach officials expressed the
which: ,in' turn ,,they propose view that Greyhound would skim.
increasing . •in stages• the' profits ,'from theSe two •
towards the much higher world 'Money-Making Mutes, making it •
price. Asa consequence the price impossible, . for Gray Coach to -
' of natural Bei has been raised by continue to provide • service. ,on
• considerable amounts each .Year, money-ioging routes infthe rest of. -
• oti one occasion by 50% and is the Province.
slated:fin' further increases. • 'After some: two weeks of •
It. is this price that continuing pressure in • :the ••
and other' istributers have to, pay. legislature', the Ontario Cabinet
for the' gas., delivered to their told the,,, Ontario Highway
customers. As, these are sizable TfAns.port Board to reconsider the
increases 'and 'real 'costs to the . deciSiOn ,te allow GteyhOUnd •
CoMpaniet, 'the Ontario-. Una of Canada Ltd. to compete
Energy has been -alloWifig With the publielyned Gray
them, floW---otough .f() the Coach Lines Ltd.. TheMinister of
`' •4r . consuroer.. :thee .5;are:nthet , cost Transport anti- Communications
increases "'• involVed which .the ' asked the •CifiTB ia:ire,e)tamitie•
Board examines , and on occasion the. eearionile. impact `of .the,
. pewilits'Union to to its rates.. .'decision,--and determine how this : .•
, .These latter costs are subjeCt to, would 'affect. bus " SetV)Ce to
'Anti,,IftflatiOn Guidelines. The smaller -eatiiiiiimities and Gray
former,. the :Federal'. price • of -.roadb finances'. T.T.0 and union
natural .gas is het,- ' ;... offitialS Warned that more than ••
I •woold,.. urge that. concerned' 10001itarldebs could be lost and •
citizens ' e)tpreis their. the company put in the rat •by
unhappiiness; "with this Federal • , altbatter klie .PreSident
of dieyhottint new
• 'theit-iiicalte&rat.M11:'or.diteetly.:reutes,folie,gainte•41ils• company
t. tn. the,..,,,Reonnralble_ Alastair Would "increase employment in •
dillespie,'•*fiOlstef of • ttfogy„, Ontario by aileast.09 lebt,t
Mines and jitesooreesin Ottitika,. Per4aPa itAa0 110".4
you wall no. doubt recall The te.hearini"befere 00446..
the early we Highway now
.Jack's Jottings
Leta get- ,aqg.re-sslVe.:0-MMB ea ...: .
r, a..,
. — . The RA -lime' 1.1ifethrm was'.at a looting of,milk pro'-- - 1 riA:rai . unable to attend. the annual .meeting of the .91v1M.B..
' ducers in Perth. County: And Perth County is well-known in January although Haynes' Davies, the man in charge:Of .•
for dairy products. . • . ' . .. . . • press relations for the- board, sent me an' invitation. I.
. • He was asked. td, speak. in the middle of a controversial would like to' have been there to listen, to,,GeorgeMcLAuglv. ' ' •
. ' topic:.. establishing ,Milk- pooling 'whereby all -milk pro- . • lin's ldst .speech as chairman of the' board.' He, said a 'few.
• duced was•pooledand actually belonged to the Ontario Milk .''things with which I heartily agree:" He suggested that dairy
Marketing Board When Kieft the-farm gate. producers. should get down , to seriously thinking aboUt
' • 'It was in '1965 and the milk business ie Ontario 'Was. in a allowing other ingtedients to be mixed with, dairy products,'„
sha,,mbleS: He entered:that meeting hall wheh the tension - 'The industry has stubbornly refused to Allow. .any,mixing
in • the air made' it 'crackle.. He displayed an incredible except.. for an experimental case Where vegetable and
. amount of Patience and .' understanding among dozens of . animal oils' were mixed to produce a "butter" that, was '
' ' irate farmers.. . • ,. • , part,margarine. .
• ' Through it all, -with an 'air of Calm deliberation and pet- Bat no mixing in other products has been allowed' bythe
V4tgne ..,,.
e,he atuck to his'guns: , . •
•As a result,. the dairy producers in Ontaripwere on their
way to alMost a decade of prosperity. ,
His nartre: is George iiifeLughliti,-the . articulate dairy
farmer from Beaverton who retired in January as chair-
man of 'the Ontario Milk Marketing Beata ,' . . ' . „ .. ' -. . `
Because he is •-articulate;_.44, made, his 'points coolly-and
calmly with a quiet recital ofthe facts as.he.taw them,
I watched him on a number of occasions come through"subs titutesto ••provide consumers • with „a product they •
can afford. hat will taste as goodas the real thing.. ' . ' -......-- various • :les. Most of them• he Won, Some, •he lost:. But- ..... ... ...."The dairy industry should be prepared for an aggressive . • there, is ri.' lubt about it.: he won the war to bring 'order •
"outof-chaesz •„:r-thetrtillt.businessin.Oritario:,. , . - , approach to new -products, new blends and new uses for i,•e• : dairy. his . he told the producers, at the annual meet-: , . He was appointed by 'the province. in 1965.. 'He established • :Mg in his finalspeeeh-:- • 7' • - - --. — - ----.. - --. - -.-
'' the--POoling of Illilk-,--the;:ratiOnalitatibri-Or 'fatm-totdale&•,•:,, .. , •••,'Let us Make. some aggressive' decisions for a change,. ,.. _transportation and offered inthistrial .milk.. producers a Decisions imply--1e der-ship _ and...leadership implies risk, .'' ,-.: program. of graduated.entry.,inte-flunithitk-MArket-S-. , — •' , -• BUt .let- us risk, the leadership' which will assure-that the ' .,
He - Served, three years as the appointed chaTigan and . - . . dairy .industry oes notreally become .as obsolete as some-___
then was' electedby.bis peers to serve two additional four- try toeonvinee.us it is alfeady.." .• - • ,
' • ..year terms, _Which is an' indication- of the:esteem he won •• . Strong words they are. . ..
-..:.•ihthe early years. - "" '', • • '. ' • .- . ''• ' ' : " ' .. But- that is exactly what.farm„organization,sn.eed.teday.: ____ .
. , Ile is. knoWn.as an'horiorable man. As Far as L know, he - strong words from strong leaders. such ' as George •tvl . .... _,
ever, broken a premise. In add ition, he has never been . Laughlin. , - .- ' - .
.,,a vengeful man .although, in the early years, 'he had good The milk board,..,..will_.missline and so will all fart-nets in- •'
reasons to carry a grudge: ...... ---' Ontario, .
industry.. As a result, Mr. McLaughlip maintains that the
dairy industry has lestabciut half of the table spread market,
the cream market' and the topping market. Other prod- '
bets - substitutes.- have takenovet go that today you, can
bey,,,,a coffee Whitener or a topping that looks like real
, yipped cream bUt certainly doesn't taste like it: *
Mr. McLaughlin`-suggests that dairymen take • a, look at
'combining the best features of both the real thing and the
Board might force ,a• public -routes to competition, sonic
carrier,-based in this Province, to direction should be requested
restructure its operations•.... in a , from elected representatives.
Resident Partner •
-268, Main St., Exeter
Bus. 235.0120- Res. 238-8075
-.7-Write or caltrne
'for your fre„bocikiet,
• Arnold 3; .Stinnisien •
o , 117 Goderfeh Street E
Phone 527.0410
Loners ice.'epprec ated 'by Bob Tiotter, Eldmle Rd.. Elmira, Ont. N3B 2C7
a 14 percent wage' increase for its
grader, operators in a special.
Meeting 'Wednesday night,
Jan. 19, after•th,ey hid threatened
to resign_ over council's earliler
offer of six percent.
The' 14 'percent increase;
subject to -the approval of the .
Anti Inflation board, is retroactive
to Jan. 1 and will increase the
wages of the township's two
grader' operator-0)-9-65- cents
hour. The AIB has set, a six
percent wage increase guide line
for 19f/. .
Council's earlier offer of six
manner 'that could, according to percent would have, raised the
Gray t, Coach, result in the hourly- wage by 30 cents. Under
potential- loss -of 248 jobs in t14 14 percent increase, grader
Oritarie;,,,..tiat: could result• in operators will receive $5.50 an
reductien ,of service to some 62 hour, up, from $4.85,
rural communities in Ontario: s Couricil alSe votes(, an
that could result in the el imina, percent increase . for . its r
tion of bus service:to an additional ;superintendent rincreas ing ."Firs
76 communities ins' Ontario; and hourly wage by •45 cents, from
Hullett w.
let---1 4°
Council voted Township
On Tuesday, Jan. 25 the
• Hallett Federation of Agriculture
met in Ldndesbore Hall. Durink"
the mdreing, plans were finalized
for ' the township's survey.
Members of the-township will be
visiting the farm homes_ asking la
few questions,, . "'concerning
* farming. These visits will. take
place during the trionthS of
February and March.•
'ThefolldwingYeeple are' head-
leg the workers in the diffefrnt
areas: '
Gerrit Conc. 8 and 9;
Lawrence' Plaetzer, COnc. -14 ."
west; Bill Gibbings, Conc. 4, 5, •6 „,
and 7 west; -John Van Beers;,
Conc. 10 and 11; Jerry lfeyipk,
Conc. 12 and 13 east; Ordon
_Noy andlvfaurice Bean, Conc. 12
and 13 west: Cecil Elliott, gene.
-So next' time yoU're near a:Bank s - It's one more Commerce Farm
of commerce, pick up. our SMART Service that, can help you. .,
book . ' , ' - And, after all, that's why
It sliows you how you ' . the Commerce has
can invest money in,a -Commerce farm , ,,.. 1..- .1 Commerce Retire- '''t Services = to help
• ment Savings Plan you with -the 'busi-
- , 'or a Commerce : .,,. Mess off 'drilling.
1,-Iome Owner-
ship Savings
. ,Plan in order to 7._ ...._...
fanning, you have to look after Save Money And Reduce Tthtes.
youLown retirement,' one is goffig. . , At the Commerce we call that
to do it for you. SMART
8 1,a4n east;1dipe 31Fals; jitt.,:bhli: B1y, ne njn, actinnes' . 4C, °SI: c. 6
After lupoh, NormanAleAancler
showed c, pictures000rr.,on •eroSion in
, The- aerial •
piCtureS taken along Lake- Huron
showed-many large gullies „work-
big 'their way inland carrying..
ninny ton's of soil with them
Photos of the Maitland River at
Witighard and Listowel showed
why there -Was flooding. 'Erosion,
was in fields •planted with wheat
as well as plowed fields: These
pictures showed members why
theygbien. mustl
be T erosion arid
ore concerned
about 'stepping
informing government officialS
about the serionisneSs of the'
The next' meeting will be After the Federation win De discussing
the survey has been' finished and. the findings.
UP TO THE WIRE -- Heather 'McKercher of R.R.1,
Dubli n and her dog_Heidi, who's bigger• tharOhe is,
liked one, thing about being snowed In_14st_week._
They could paly on piles of snow in the yard:-of "77'
MCKercherLs farm -that were almost• as high as the
phone wires. Heather is the daughter of Don .and
Charlotte McKercher of McKillOp.(ExpOsitor Photo)
• 'V
AgrochernicA Dix/6ton
1(e- ........ . .
As a special feature, CIBA-GEIGY • will be introducing
Primextrajt Liquid Corn Herbicide - as, well as discussing
Green Cross Patoran'ter `field Bean weed control.
Z t . N N .` i t Zi .' W. t4 IZt kV, M. 'I% ,'N. .•\ \ N\,‘,‘ \\‘' i ,\' ‘‘‘N.N . . \.% .N ." W % .` 0. K \‘‘N . !Nt\NON . V bit•% . .\\V s‘ V• 9
P /
vi You re invited to G CIBA-GEIGY 0 /
__Agrochemical Meeting- -- 0
_ , Wednesday, February 23 1977 00
at "i3.00
Refreshments will be served. Come and bring a neighbour!
4: -Registered trade mark '
.X\N N.NNS ‘'• 1/4\ s'N'N .NXNN ZaN 1.; .‘ N" 1/4‘s
Pineridge Chalet ; 2 miles -west' 6f Neilson.
Yqu're invited to hear Dr. ,Jack Tanner- of the Crop Science
. Department, ortrario:AgIricultural_College.LHis_topicwill-be,—._ _ _
"Agriculture, 1977 .to4990"