The Wingham Times, 1895-10-04, Page 3THE WINGTTAM TIMES, OCTOBER 4, 1895,
4F01 God and Flume and Native Land,"
Wo call the attention, of the mothers and sisters
to the face, that the Woman's Christian Temper -
,.nee Union meets the third Monday overt month.
at three o'clock sharp, tor one hoar, at Mrs, helm s
/residence, Patrick street, Mi ladies are made wol•
As the Editor has kindly given us part et his
epaoo, for our work, we ask friends of the cause to
send items of interest on all moral questions of the
day to any of our members.
Liquor Dealers Burred From
Membership in the L Q. Q. F.
At the session of the Sovereign
Grand Lodge of the Independent
Order of Oddfellows at Atlantic
City, N. J., amendments to the con-
stitution, introduced at last year's
session, carne up for final action.
The first amendment was the addi-
lon of another section to article 16,
_A roviding that, no saloonkeepers,
bartenders or professional gamblers,
shell be eligible to membership in
the order. •
This immediately raised a spirited
debate which lasted for more than.
three hours. The vote was finally
taken amid the utmost confusion,and The most positive men are the
the amendment passed by a vote of most credulous, since they most be -
167 to 32, the requisite number
being ,135. This amendment had
been successively introduced at the
an .ua1 sessions for four or five years
past, but its supporters were never
able to pass it until now.
Gems of Thought.
Love your enemy to death and he
will make a good friend.
A true hero is more often hewho
endures than lie who does,
It is not what people gain, but
what they save, that makes them
He who can have what is neces-
sary, and does not want what is
superfluous, is not poor,
An Immense Bridge,
The greatest bridge which the
world has seen or conceived is, about.
to be erected by an engineer, Cana-
dian by birth and breeding, says the
Ottawa Journal. It is the new
bridge to span the Hudson river
between New York and the west.
All preceding structures of the kind
are belittled by this projeet, The
Victoria bridge, the Brooklyn bridge,
even the Porth bridge are bantlings
besides the structure which is to
The wealth of a man is the num- overcross the Hudson river with a
ber of things which he loves and span more than half' a mile from pier
to pier, 150 feet above the water,
and with a width of 125 feet bearing
six sets of railway tracks,side by side.
Twenty-five million dollars is the
estimated cost—about a third of
what the construction of the Cana-
dian Pacific railway actually cost
from ocean to ocean across a vast
continent: The engineer whose plan
is accepted for this bridge is Charles
Macdonald, of the Union Bridge
Company, of New York ; he was
born in Gananoque, Ontario. the son
of W. S. Macdonald, of old United
Empire Loyalist stock.
blesses,° which he is loved and
blessed by.
He who has but little wealth, and
at the same time would be satisfied
with less, is rich enough to be happy.
What a young man earns in the
day -time goes into his pocket; what
he spends at night goes into his
The electric telegraph will never
be a substitute for the face of a man,
with his soul in it, 'encouraging
another man to be bravo and true. •
More Kind Words From Hamilton
Regarding the Great Remedy
Which Cures Rheumatism
in One to Three Days.
Mrs. Phillips, Sr., corner Hunter
and Grath streets, Hamilton: Several
months ago I was afflicted with
rheumatism, which completely crip-
pled me. South American Rheuma-
tic Cure being recommended to me,
I procured a bottle and obtained per-
fect relief from the first few doses. It
is without doubt the quickest relief
for rheumatism I have ever seen,
and I heartily recommend it to all
sufferers from this disease. Sold at
Chisholm's Corner Drug Store.
The Sin of Fretting.
An article in Health Culture by
Helen Hunt brings to our notice If we would only try to be pleased
some things with which some people with our present circumstances, bow
annoy others on occasions. The ,such more true happiness would
article is called "The Sin of Fretting," flow from such an effort than from
and is as follows : •constantly striving after changing
There is one sin which it seems to conditions, with problematical results.
me is, everywhere, and by everybody Every heart knows its own bitter-
is,underestimated and quite too much ness. .Our real troubles are often a
overlooked in valuations of character. secret ; our deepest afflictions cannot
It is the sin of fretting. It is as toile- be told. Perhaps it is a feeling of
mon as air, as speech ; so common
that unless it raises above its usual
monotone, we do not even observe it.
Watch any ordinary coming to-
gether of people, and we see how
many minutes it will be before some-
body frets—that is, makes more or
less complaining statement of some-
thing or other which most probably
lieve themselves, and advise most
with their falsest flatter and worst
enemy—their own self-love.
No man can for any considerable
period appear one thing to himself
and another to the multitude without
becoming bewildered. • as to which
may be his true self.
Sympathy, love and unselfishness
give happiness. It matters not what
our physical condition, what our
materal surroundings. With these
as our ingredients we shall extract
the glorious elixir of life.
Some tears belong to us because
we are unfortunate ; others because
we are humane ;, many, because we
are mortal. But most are caused by
our being unwise. It is these last
only that of' necessity produce more.
Some mines are like caves of stal-
actite and stalagmite, rich in. treas-
ures of beauty, the existence of
which you may never suspect because
you bring no light yourself to dispel
the darkness that conceals them.
25 Cents vs. Kidney Trouble.
For 2 years I was dosed, pilled, and
plastered for weak -back, scalding urine
and constipation, without benefit. One
box of Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills re-
lieved, 3 boxes oured. R, J. Smith, To-
this kind that makes deep grief seek.
solitude: Ostentatious grief is never
deep, and seldom sincere.
The essence of htihmour is sensi-
bility, warm, tender,, fellow -feeling
with all forms of existence ; and un-
less seasoned'aud purified by humor,
lug sensibility'is apt to run wild, will
every one in the room, or the car, or readily. corrupt into disease, false-
on•'the street corner, knew before, hood, -or, in one ward, sentimentality. by telephone. • Do you think she
and which most probably nobody Twill accept me? She—She ought to
can help. Why say anything about THE ESCAPE or A MURDERER.— iif you ring her up properly.
it ? It is cold, it is hot, it is wet, it is A man in Yorkshire was recently
dry ; soa>riebody has broken an ap- arrested for the murder of his em-
pol.ntment, ill -cooked a meal ; stupi- ployer, but after being in the hands
dity or , bad faith somewhere has of the police for nearly a week,
resulted in discomfort. There are awaiting his trial, he actually sue- l She—Very, full, thank you.
plenty of things to fret about. It is 'ceeded in inaling his escape. He II,
simply astonishing how much annoy- has not yet been recaptured. How
ance and discomfort. may be found in , he succeeded in getting away no one
the course of every day's living, even 'I(can imagine. The police consider
atttlie simplest,'if one only keeps a I the escape to be almost miraculous.
sharp eye pat on that side of things. 1 But still more wonderful is escape
Even Holy Writ says we are born to from death of a man whose health
trouble as sparks fly upward: But was ruined, and who found himself
even to the sparks flying upward, in' almost within the very grip of death.
the, blackest of smoke, there is a blue j This roan in his hour of desperation
sky above, and the less time they ; turned to Holloway's Pills, and he
waste on the road the sooner they • was saved. To -day he is sound and
will reach it. Fretting is all time healthy, in. the full enjoyment of
wasted on the road. - vigorous life.
Short Journeys on a Long Road Peach Preserves.—The skin of
You Will Never be Sorry.
For living a white life.
For' doing your level best.
For being kind to the poor.
looking before leaping.
your faith in humanity.
hearing before deciding.
being candid and frank.
thinking before speaking.
harboring clean thoughts.
discounting the tale -bearer.
being loyal to the preacher.
standing by your principles.
stopping your ears to gossip.
Jim. Webster's Advice to the
Jim Webster, the Great Texas
Chicken Thief," was brought up be-
fore an Austin justice of the peace.
After the evidence was all in, the
judge, with a perplexed look, said;
But I do not comprehend, Webster,
how it was possible for you to steal
those fowls when they were roosting
right under the owner's window and
there were two vicious dogs, in the
It wouldn't do yer a bit of good,
Jedge, or me to 'splain how I cotehed
dem chickens, for yer couldn't do it
yerself if yer tried it forty times, and
yer might get yer hide full of buek-
shot de berry fust time yer put yer
leg ober de fence. De best way for
yer to do, ,?edge, is for to buy yer
chickens in de market, like oder
folks do; and when yer wants ter
commit any rascality, do it on de
bench, whar you am at home!
For asking paraon when in error.
For being as courteous as a duke.
For the influence of high motive.
For bridling a slanderous tongue.
For being square • in business
Relief in six hours.—;)istressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great South American Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages ill male
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you wa t quick relief ad euro this is
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
A young woman calling herself
Miss Annie C. Gorman was arrested
at Stratford, where she had been
collecting for the Young Woman's
Christian Association without author-
ity, on Monday.
Positing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale
of our Choice Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled
by us. Highest Salary or Commission paid weekly.;
Steady employment the year round. Outfit lr.e
exclusive territory ; experience not necessary ; bite
pay assured ,vol kers ; special Inducements to be.
ginners. Write at once for pa Welders to
For sympathizing with the op-
For giving an unfortunate fellow a
For being p2,tient with cranky
Fall Faire:
()wick, at Gorrie,
Oct. •5
" 9.10
Oct. 8' - 9
On account of the hard times and in
- order to sell for cash, I have out down
I the prices of Meat, and will sell at the
following low rates :
. and other meats proportionately luw.
The patronage of the public is soli-
cited, and first-class meat and prompt
attention guaranteed.
Wingham, July 15th, 1395.
Near Zarich a tree blew down on
yin Indian tent, killing the man and
woman who were occupying it and
iinjurying their daughter.
—The TIMES and Toronto Weekly Globe
will be sent to now subscribers from now
CH the 1st of January, 1896, fcr 25. cents.
He—I believe I will propose to her
She (to waiter) --Let me see.
Have you ice •cream? Waiter—
Yes'm. How would you like a plate?
When Baby was sick,w
„ e Save her Castoria.
When she Was a Chna, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When alio had Children, she ave them Castoria.
What we truly and earnestly as-
pire to be n so
that in sense we are.
the bacic,cover and is sold 'exclusively by
The mere aspiration. by changing us. Cali and see it.
the fmomentame of the mind, for a moment
realizes itself.—Mrs. 3'amerson. �� LEX. ROSS,
• P
� I
v ;x.15•`.:.:4>:��\�tz,
for infants and Children,.
years' obervaton of Castoria with the paronage of
millions of persons, pormit ns to speak of it without guessing.
It is unquestionably the '!zest remedy for Infants and Children
the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It
gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have.
something which is absolutely safe and2raotioaijy perfect as a
child's medicine.
Castoria destroys Worms.
Castoria allays Feverishness.
Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd.
Castoria (-area Diarrhma and Wind Collo.
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles.
Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency..
Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air..
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the ,stomach and bowels,
giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castoria is put up in one -size tattles only. It is not Bold in bulb.
Don't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise
that it is "jest as good" and "will answer every purpose."
See that you got C-�.-S-T®-R-I-A.
The fao-simile
signature of
is on every
.t,,:' °t Cry for Pitcher's Castorias
We have just opened up a large stecer
SLATES, &e.,,c.,
To be in readiness for the opening of theschoois:after the holidays.
Our New 300 Page ,Scribbleris
a Dandy.
It has the map of Huron County on
Rear. Canon Fulton, Protestant , Popular Bookstore.
' pe cher esti, be Instantly removed of St Viracient de Paul I J h A 13th 180'"
Is the characteristic title of a profusely
by dipping them in scalding water, chaplain y Win alp, ' ug. , u.
hundred pages n of containing
then icolto and rubbing off Penitentiary, dropped dead from
1 ay'
wa r,
descriptions of summer resorts in the • the peel; but if this is clone the Iles
reaadii matter scnew, the illuetrat ora
Y g will darken a little unless cooked
aro new. and the information therein immediately. For white peaches,
ill be naw to almost everyone, therefore, it is better to pare with a
Road" sail be sent free to anyone who i kettle three pounds of sugar to four Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
apoplexy after a run to the railway
station, on Monday.
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.—
One short puff of the breath through, GEORGE THOMSON Proprietor.
A co of "Short Journeys on a Long ; sharp knife. Put into a preserve the Blower, supplied with sac
the surface of the nava .
will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to cauda of Peaches, and cook until this Powder over
Geo. H. HcArroitD General Passenger p p + passages Painless and delightful to use,
Agent Chicago,
clear. Then retrieve
the • relieves instantly, and permanently
Railway, Chicuntil Fever, ea
'Oil October 18th the citizens of tenet'. Half a dozen of the kernels S ole. 6° cents. At C
o Milwaukee & St. Paul the fruit is it
Chicago, fruit and cook the juice . it
oures Catarrh, Hay 1~ v , Colds, H d-;
+ forms a syrup of the proper consis. ache,,Sore Threat, Tons itti andnDrug
Stratford will vote on a by-law to, from the pits should be added to the
raise 00,000 tO give that city sewer- syrup for each Jar.
Wild C Ilypophosphites of bronchitis and similar complaints. Used discharged. judge
Cod Liver Oil in .perfectly palatable sprains, bruises; genet chilblf►ins, frost girl's mother was tiliKious to remote`
d mood bites lame p
Henry Gibson, Listowel, charged
Il el eves with ' t,• f 1 1 about his wife's
Yellow Oil used internally relieves savearing ase y
1Vlhlburn'at Cod Liver Oil Etnalaion and Dares croup, sore throat, asthma, age in his teenage license, has been
with i leery, . The ud e said Gibson
Limeand Soda and pure 11orwegian externally it mires rheumatism flumbago had no motive for perjury, as the
VT...S.184; �W•1",0112411,2.1:;L: t.;
G (�
Lumber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any part of Wing.
�f`0rderaby mall promptly attendee
of cit i THOMSON,
Bos 125, witighain. Ont
11 best foru ha golds bites Outs• wounds e
farm, it is the
es cog , ' back, neuralgia, ate. , ,
and alt lung troubles.
the mar riage. .
i�:l r and SHAPE
For giving
•11 Ladies' Dresses
For sale by leading
A light, pliable, elastic bone made
from quills. It is soft and yielding
conforming readily to folds, yet giving
proper shape to Skirt or Dress.
The only Skirt Bone that may be
wet without injury.
The Celebrated Featherbone
Corsets are corded with this
Dry Goods Dealers.
and Burns are soothed at once with
Perry Davis'
It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam-
mation, and prevents blistering. It is
the quickest and most effectual remedy for
pain that is known. Keep it by you. "
A Blessing to 'Every Household.
These remedies have sosod the test of fifty years experience, and are pronounced the best Medicines for —
Family use.
Puri'hy the blood, oorreet all disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND PQ« zu: a>
invaluable in all complaints incidental to females of all ages.
[stile only reliable remedy for bad egg, sores, ulcera, and old wounds. FOR RRONCHI2IS, SORE
dors throughout Manufactured
n y at 73, New Oxford. Late 533, Oxford Street, London,
and,coldby a
L.—Lk—Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
533 Oxford Street, London, they aro spurious.
-_. ,...eser..calmn..-.em.....
will continue to reduce the price for
$4.00 SPOT GASH.
If you have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar on
the making of each suitr°and get a good lit, First-class Trimmings supplied
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can sale frcln 18.00
$10,00 on each, by purchasing from us.
Opposite the now Macdonald Bloelc, Winghani.