The Wingham Times, 1895-10-04, Page 22 TH14 LAMENT Or A 14ISKOZTABY EQX. Forgotten. and forlorn live, 'Upon iv dusty shelf, And feet so downoast and so sad I badly know myself ; A missionary box am. 1 And better clays have Rea, orcopper, silver, yes, and gold, Within my walls have Wee. Row 1 am empty, no, not quite. For something you may hear— A mourninl jingle from my depths By pennies made, 1 fear ; I scorn not pennies, no, indeed, Their worth too well 1 know, Bat twopence only in a box Does make one's spirits low. The missionaries say indeed That pence to Pounds. soon grow, But elder people ought to give— We want our risoney so.t, And thus, in emptiness 1 *Alt And dustier grow each #ay, While heedless af my silent plea You round mi work an.play, My words are pin and weak at best, I know not how to plead, But look upon the distant fields "To harvests white" indeed; The heathen bo n thickest gloom. ' Do you need a stronger pleat Then listen to His voice who said— "He did it unto Me." The smallest offerings for his sake Into the treatury given, He with an eye of love will note And own one .day in heaven; And even here you'll have His smile While you the words believe That far "more blessed" 'tis to give Than only "to receive." —The Juvenile. 1.0141MOORMIPPMMIW ••••••••••••••aarm...••••.... BRUSSELS FALL FAIR ' The East Huron Fall Show was held at Brussels, en Thursday and Friday of last week, and was a grand success, all the departments, except fruit, being well filled. The prize list, which is given herewith, will give full particulars as to the prize winners HORSES. Heavy Draught — Stallion over three years, J Shortreed, A Speir. Brood Marc, A Speir, T M Brown. Mare colt, A Speir, T M Brown. Two year old Filly, J Shortreed, A Speir, Yearling Filly. J Shortreed, A Speir. ' Heavy Draught Team, P McIntosh. Agricultural—Brood Mare bovineB G 3t h ol 37 7 13 ni Pi is sp Sh BtJaE Ja sin SM ye an Co of Co ye 2tt De De cal 8ra 13n, Jr Gr T 1st hei T rn2nd 3Vi I Vat raised a foal in 1895, Geo Christopher, ' as Stinson. Horse Colt, T W rown, Mare CO, Geo Christopher, as Simson. Tito year old Filly, T oss, S Omens, Two year old b eiding, Jas Shap. One year old Filly, Geo Christopher. One year Id Gelding, John McKinnon. •Span a f General Purpose Horses, Jas n enry, Alex Stewart (16th con). I 2 oadsters Stallion under three A ears, W Leatherdale. Brood Marc, aving raised a foal in 1 895, Amos mith, MeArthar, F McCracken. j piing Foal (Colt or Filly), Mrs Sage e Ball, F ivfeCracken. Two year c d Filly, J Strachan, j Ball. Two j ear old Gelding, J 0 Leary. One s ear old Filly, Mrs Sage. One year j d Gelding, H Kirkby, • Mrs Sage. & uggy Horse, Jas O'Leary, Jas s ergason, T McLaughlin. Roadster p eam, F Bellows, D. G. Hogg- , G arriage—Brooa Marc, 16 hands B hi gh, R Pollard. Two year old ' 11y, R Pollard, W Robb, W Knox- G wo year old. Gelding., II Kirkby, y t and 2nd. Yearling Filly, L j oilingher. Yearling Gelding, Bird. U. ros. Spring Foal, P ATe Arthur, L ollingher, W Robb. O'Leary eeial, roadster, J O'Leary. THOROUGHBRED CATTLE. Durhain—Bull, over two years, Jo ortreed. D Milne, Amos Smith. Ja 11, under two, years, E Fehmeir, B s Spier. Milch cow, having calved an ce last show, A Smith, R Corley, Ja Milne. Two year old heifer, A ba ith, 141 11 Harrison, D One 13r ar old heifer, A Smith, R Corley', bl Milne. Buil ealf, R. Corley, lst M d 2nd, D Milne. Heifer ealf, R rley, Amos Smith, It Corley. Herd go Durhams,.A Smith, Milne, E pe rley. jerseys --Bull, under two Ge ars, 0 A. Deadman, 3M Burgess. Ge leh cow, G A 'Deadman, lst and bu d. Two year old heifer, G A A adman. Yearling heifer, G adman, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Heifer f, G A Deadman, lst, 2nd and Br . calf, G A Deadmari, Jas Hamess, mess, G A Madman. Herd of seys, A Deddman. Native or ado Cattle—Cow, M Harrison, and 2nd. Two. year old. heifer, Ross, R One year old fer, M II Harrison, W Armstrong. 'o year old steer, T Ross, lst and . One year old steer, R Corley, I Harrison. Steer ealf, R Corley., Harrison. Heifer calf, II. rrisott, 1st and,2nd. Pat tow or er, M Harrison, lst and 2nd. ex or steer, T Ross, 1st and 2tid. Leicosters and their Grades—Aged THE WINGITAM TIMES, OCTOBER 4, 1895, , amm ng, aunclerson. 0 Headerson Son. Varieties of iSheariing ram, Jas Saunderson, N winter apples, A Stewart (Grey). Cunning, Ram lamb, Jas Saundeed Winter pears, Mrs 0 0 Ross, son, lst aud 2nd. Pair of ewes, Jas' Stewart, jr. Clusters of grapes, Mre iSitunderson, N -Cumming. Pair of. 00 Ross G A Deaf:linen 0, b shearling ewes, Jas Saunderson, N John Davidson, Mrs. E Stewart, Cumming. Pair of ewe lambs, Jas 'Apples, any named yariety not in the Saunderson, W Grieve. Downs and , above list, Mrs T Ballantyne, John their Grades—Aged ram, J M T Brown. Smith, MeEwen Bros, Shearling ROOTS AND- HOED CROPS, , ram, MeEwen Bros. Ram lamb, J Bushel early potatoes, named, J T Smith, lst and 2nd. Pair of McCallum, A Smith, E Garvin 0 M. ewes MeEwen Bros, Pair of shear- 'Lennan, Bushel late potatoes, ling ewes, McEwen Bros., W Grieve. named, 0 Milne, John Brown, A ;Pair of ewe lambs, J M T Smith, Smith, W H McCracken. Collection Jas l3urgess. of potatoes, 1 peek of each, named, PIGS. E Garvin, W 4in1ey, 0 Henderson Berkshire—oar, over one year, & Son. Six Swede turnips, Jas Dorrance, Boar, Boar, under one Edwards, W Armstrong. Six turnips, year, Jas Spier; Jas Dorrance. Sow, any other variety, 0 Henderson & Jas Dorrance, let and 2nd. Sow, Son, John MeCatcheon. Six white under one yea3,', Jas Dorrance, lst field carrots, 4 Gardner, W 11 Me. and 2nd, Yorkshire—Boar, over Craeken. Six .Altringham carrots, one year, H ,Lamont, R Nieholl. .1 McCollum, W Taylor. Six Scarlet Boar, under on year, R Nichol', lst Nantes, J MeCallum, W Taylor. and 2nd. Sow4 R Nicholl, 1st and Six long blood beets, W Taylor, J 2nd. Sow, under one year, R Nicholl, McCallum. Six blood turnips beets, 1st and 2nd. hester Whites—Boar Jas Sharp, .Tis Burgess. over one year, la Edwards. Sow, ns4Y PRODUCE. under one year 11 Edwards. Any Twenty-fiv pounds tub butter, Other Breed, N med—Boar, under home -made. W Armstrong, Jas one year, R Bet s. Sow, W Arm- Wilkinson, M H Harrison, Jas• Me - strong. Callum. Five pounds table butter, POULTRY. Mrs G Christopher, Jas Ferguson, Pair of dark Brahmas, C Hender- Jas Wilkinson, W Armstrong, Trio son & Son, J 0 Lyons. Pair of McKinnon. 50 pounds factory light Brahmas,-.,J 0 Lyons, Geo Ir- cheese, Niel 1VIcLauchlin. 10 pounds win, Pair of black Spanish, 0 Hen- home made cheese, Jas Davison, Jas derson & Son, 1st and 2nd. Pair of Simson. plymouth rock's, J C Dyons, Geo DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. trwin. Pairof'1% e Leghorns, W Taylor, lst and 2nd. Pair of brown Leghorns, W lst and. 2nd. Pair of silver spangled Hamburgs, Geo Irwin Pair blankets, Jas McCallum, Geo Johnston. Counterpane, Mrs E SteWart, Silas Jackson, Skein yarn, home syun, Jas41eCalluni, W H Me- U'erson on, Cracken. Gentleman's Suit, Cana - Pair of black Hamburgs, Hender- dian Tweed, D Ross. Ten pounds son & Son. Pair of Polands, Geo. maple sugar, H McCracken, J G Irwin, Ed Moore. Pair of Bantams, Lyons. Quart inaple molasses, Jas W Taylor, J. McKinnon. Pair of • Simson, W McCracken. Honey, Heath...xis, Geo. 'Irwin, 0 Henderson strained or extfacted, 0 Henderson & Son. Pair of dorkings, 0 Hender- & Son, A Smith. ;i One bottle grape son & Son, Geo Irwin. Pair of wine, Mrs T Ballantyne, Jas Wilkin- Langshans, W . Taylor, Geo Irwin. son. Rhubarb 4vine, W H MeCrac- Pair of Coehins, 'J 0 Lyons,,lst and ken, Henderson & Son. •Straw - 2nd, Pair of Wyandottes, J berry wine, Mrs T Ballantye. Elder - Lyons, 1st and 2nd. Pair of turkeys, berry wine, Mrs T Ballantyne, W 11 bowers, Grieve. Pair of geese, D Showers, W Grieve. Pair of Rouen ducks, W. Grieve, Jas Spier, Pair of Pekin ducks, Geo rwin, J C Lyons. Pair of Ayles- ury ducks, C Henderson & Son. Pair of canaries Mrs T Ballantyne. Pair of game fowl, J Lyons, 1st nd 2nd. Pair of fowl any other awed breed, Lyons, 1st. and nd. Collection of fancy pigeons, D Lowry. ImPLEmENES. Patent arm wagon, John Wynn, as Walker. One horse buggy, overed, Jas. Walker, 1st and 2nd. utter, Jas. Walker. Road cart, as. Walker. Iron harrows, P eott, lst and 2nd. Turnip muffler, J Gilpin. Turnip cutter, Cardiff' Best, J J Gilpin. Pump, howers, lst and 2nd. Wide Farrow low, Cardiff & Best, lst and 2nd. eneral purpose plow, Cardiff' & est, Gilpin. Subsoil plow, Gilpin. Turnip seed drill, J J ilpin. Set doubletrees and neck - oke, Jas Walker. Farm gate, ohn Lunsborough, W. Richardson. heelbarrovv, -John Wynn, Jos. alker. GRA IL Two bushels white fall wheat, Jas urgess, 0 Henderson & Son, Geo hnston. 2 bushels red fall wheat, a Burgess, Jas McCallum, Jas urgess. 2 bushels spring wheat, y variety, ilenderson & Son, s McCallum, Geo Moffat. 2 bushels rley, C. Henderson & So; John own, 11 Edwards. 2 bushels aek oats, W Armstrong, Geo offatt, W Armstrong. 2 bushels ite oats, Go Johnston, Jas Bur - ss, A Smith. 2 bushels small as, Jas McCalln.m, Jas Burgess, o Moffat, 2 bushels large peas, 'Moffatt, 3' Bali, Jas Spier. 1 shel timothy seed, Jas McCallum, Smith. PRU/T. BaIdwins, Geo Johnston, John own. Patneuse, Milne, M H rrison. King of Tompkins Co. , No McCracken. 4Tomato catsup, 0 Hen- derson & Soni W Taylor. One quart apple jelly, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs D 0 Ross. QUart rhubarb jelly, Mrs T Ballantyno. Quart raspberry jelly, Mrs. T,Ballantyne, J 0 Lyons. Quart, jelly, from any other fruit, Nellie Ross, E McLennan. Loaf home made bread, white, Mrs T Ballantyne, John McKinnon, Mrs McKelvey. toaf home made bread, brown, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs Mc- Kelvey, Mrs MeCallum. Fruit Cake, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs MeCallara. Jelly cake, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs D 0 Ross. Oatmeal cake Mrs D 0 Ross, John McKinnon, thleetion of canned fruit, )W H 1VIeCraeken, D MeLerinan. White sugar beets, W H McCracken, 1 Taylor. Parsnips, W II McCracken, Jas McCallum. Mengel Wurzel, long red, R Corley, W 11 MeCall ro.. Yellow globe T i mangels, W McCracken, John Brown. Red lobe mangels, Jas McCallum, W aylor. Long yellow mangels, Jas 1VieCallum, W H Md- Craeken. VEGETABLES. Onions from seed, red, W H Me- Craeken, W Taylor, '0 McLennan. Onions from seed, yellow,D McLen- nan, W 11 McCraelzent Taylor. Onions from seed, giant 'wee, W Taylor, W 11 MeOraaken, 0 Render. son & Son. °miens, from top sets, Jas McCallum, W II McCracken. Onions, from Dutch sets,john Brown, W H 1VIeCracken! Quart top onion sets, W 11 McCracken, Ill MeCracken. Quart Dutch sets, W II McCracken, W Taylor. Potato onions, W II Mc- Cratken, W Taylor, Corn Yellow Canada, 3 MeLaughlin, W Taylor, Corn, White Flint, W Taylor, <J Me - Callum. Collection of corn, W Taylor, W II MeOrtieken, 0 Render - sou & Son. Winter cabbage, W Taylor, W II MeCracken, Curled Savoy, W Taylor, W II McCraeken. ,Red pickling cabbage, W Taylor, W II MeOracken. ° Cauliflower, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son. Pump- kin, 0 Henderson & Son, H P,dwards. A Death -tan, John McKinnon, Squash, 0 Henderson & Son, 3 Mc- rtheru spies, g II Harrison, john Kinnon. Collection of garden re ' Me wi in (Gr & 8 Joh jas pip son Ga Mrs Wm Har Mutton, .1 Greetungs, Geo Ir - n, John MeKinnon. Golden ssets, John 13rown, A Stewart ey). Spitzenburg, C Henderson on. Seek no farther, R Corley, n MeKinnon. Tolman sweets, Spiers, John MeICinnon. 20.,oz Quart any other variety of beans, pins, A Deadinan, M Jas MeCallutn, Pi' Garvin. Citrons, Wealthy, 1) Stewart, ,jr, 14.1 Hendercon & Son, John Wynn. vitt. Ribston pippins, Jas Spier,' Citrons, long Californian, W 11 Me- PLOWIMS 40119 PLANES. allowed in the s hools: Mr. Peter Geo Nott. Colverta, jas Spier, fOraeken, 0 Henderson & Son. Table baguet, Minnie Stewart, 'Mrs Glaassen, of Rom ern, has written , Brown, Roxboro russets, M II Watermelons, W I McCracken, Gee; Ballantyne, Hand &spot, Mrs T Dalian. strong letter in sport of tlie move rison, D Milne. Maiden's blush ', I duce, W MoCracken, W Taylor, Tomatoes, W Taylor, Jas Burgess. Plum or Cherry TornatoessW Taylor, 0 Henderson. & Son. Quart batter beans, E GarVin, W Taylor. Quart white beans, E Garvin W Taylor 1Tohnston Musk Cracken. Cucumbers, Jas Burgess, E Garvin. Celery,white, W Taylor, W MeOracken. Celery, pink, W Taylor, 0 Henderson & Son. MaNUrACTURES. Set double farm harness, H Dennis, 0 Richards, Single buggy har- ness, 0 Richards, II Dennis. Axe handle, Jno Wynn, Jas McCallum. Colleetion tinware, Wilton & Turn- bull. Cattle robe highly recow. mended, R Smith, WORX. Arrasene work, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Strachan. Applique work, Nellie Ross, Mrs A &radian. Braiding, Mrs. B Stev4rt, Mrs Geo Nott, Berlin wool mirk, flat, Mrs T 13alliin- tyne, Mrs Geo Nott, Berlin wool work, raised, Nellie Ross, Mrs Geo Matilda '1,1e01 land, lira T Ballan- Moffat, . anclbead, work, tyne. Berlin wool flowers, Matilda Meaelland, T Ballantyne, Bead work, Nellie Ross, M meCielland. Bonnet,mrs Geo 'moffat,Jas =Callum. Berlin wool and silk, flat, Mrs A Straehan, Airs Campbell. Cone work; mrs E Stewart, lst and 2nd, Cord work, mrs. W 11 Hele, Mrs T Ballantyne, Crewel work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Nellie Ross. Card board motto, liars Sage, ist and 2nd. Croehet work,'. Nellie Ross, arra C Campbell. Darned net, mrs Geo Nott, Arnaldo ileOlelland. Croehet work, cotton, airs E Stewart, Lillian Ainley. Embroidery, cotton or muslin, Mrs W 11 Hele, mrs E Stew- art, Embroidetiy on worsted, Nellie Ross, airs 0 Campbell. Embroidery on silk, Nellie Rilss, Lillian AinIey. Fine shirt, mrs.3 Moffat, Matilda me - Clelland. Fanet knitting in cotton, airs E Stewart,. mrs Geo aroffat. Fancy knitting in wool, mrs E Stevv- art, John Wynn. Faney flannel baguet, Mrs T 13allantyhe, Mrs D C Boss. Collection a cut lowers, Minnie Ste,,vart$ Walter Taylor. Colleotion, ot Dahlias!) Minnie Stewart, W Taylor, Panelos, W Taylor, Minnie Stewart, Phlox Druni- mondi, W Taylor, Minnie Stewart, Asters, C Henderson 4it Son, W Taylor, Stooks, 0 Henderson ,f4 San, W Taylor. Petunias, C Henderson ct Son, W Taylor, African Marigolds, W Taylor, .l4Henderson ct San. Preneh Marigolds, W Taylor, Henderson tt- Son. Dianthus, Henderson rk Son. Balsams, Minnie Stewart, W Taylor. Zinnian, Minnie Stewart, 0 Henderson tt Son Gladiolus Spikes, Minnie Stewart, W Taylor. Verbenas, Minnie Stewart, W Taylor, Chrysanthemums, Pgrs Smith. Perennial Palm Minnie Stewart, Mrs J B. Smith. Double Hollyhocks, W Taylor, Minnie Stevrart. Varieties of flowers not speoified in above list, Minnie Stewart W Taylor. mast mums. Five pouud roll butte; John McKinnon. Loaf of borne-rna,de bread, Jas Wilkinson. 6 Swede Turnips, A Gardiner, W Armstrong, Six hong Bed Mangels, A Gardiner, 3 Mc- Lauchlin. Six Yellow Globle Mangels, Jas McCallum, A Gardiner. IT DONS BOTH. _ . SOUTH AMERICAN' KIDNEY CUBE NOT ONLY RELIEVES KIDNEY DISEASE IMMEDIATELY, BUT IT ALSO HEALS AND REMOVES THE TROUBLE,. Those dragging pains in the loins that are a common symptom of kid- ney trouble are most distressing, but they are only the forerunner of more acute pain, and will develop rapidly if an effective remedy is not applied. No medietne acts on the kidneys with such speediness ai South Ameri- can Kidney Cure: it gives relief in the most distressing eases in a few hours. But it does not stop here. It shirt, airs Geo Nott, airs Geo Moffat. is a great healer, and its continuous Feather fiowerst H Kirkby, Airs W use for a short time completely Blashill. Feat* stitching, Matilda banishes the disease. It is a cure for alcOlelland, Jaq ateCallum. Hair kidney trouble, and only it, but it flowers, mrs J R. Smith. Point lace, never fails here. Sold at Chisholm's Nellie Ross, Mrs A Strachan. Lamp I. Lillian Ainley, 1 '-s Geo Nett Lace/ Corner Drug Store. Honiton, Nellie , oss, Lillian Ainley. ....to• Lambrequin, B rlin wool and bead, Prudent Self -Esteem Not Offen- sive. mat, airs 0 Campbell, airs E Stewart. Censure is not aroused by the Leather work, Fred meCracken, prudent exertion of ability. To think Pah, wollen mits, airs Geo moffat, highly of ourselves in comparison Fred =Crack . Pairwoolion with others, to assume by our own gloves, W H iv Oraeken, Fred me- authority that precedence which Cracken. N tting, NellieRoss, none are willing to ,c,,rant xmist mrs w H Hele e quilt, Jas always be invidious and offensive; =Callum. Crochet quilt, mary but to rate our powers high in pro - Haines, mrs 0 CampelI. Patchwork portion to things and imagine our - quilt, 0 Henderpon & Son, mrs Geo selves equal to great undertakings, Moffat. Log icabin quilt, airs 0 while we leave others • in possession Campbell, Mr Geo' Nott. Faney of the same abilities, cannot with quilt, mrs T Ballantyne, mary Harris, equal justice provoke censure. Knitted quilt, Airs E Stewart, Silas' . — Jackson. Rag mat, mrs T Ballan- I In Your Blood, Geo Nott, Nellie Ross. Rope silk, I k,a,ge13-116hod affliots tyne, nes Geo Nott. Ribboscene, Mrs 1 Is the cause of thatyutoriueredaa,ntdiatbnhagisui}:deeafseoenl: mrs Geo Nott, Nellie Ross. Roman.; thqn and poor. is Aat is why ysou harnve co e Embroidery, Nellie Ross, les A , no appetite, cannot sleep. Purify your Straehan. Shell work, airs Geo blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, which moffatt, mrs E Stewart. Sofa Pillow, I will you. an appetite, tone your Berlin wool, flat, itrs 0 Campbell, Is mao , and invigorate your nerves. Mrs T Ballantyne. Sofa Pillow, Mons Prr.,r,s are ea to take, easy in Berlin wool, raised, W H McCracken, action and sure M effeo 25o. Jennie McArter.1 Sofa Pillow, Braid- I ed, Matilda McClelland, Jas McCallum. Passed With nors. Sofa. Pillow, patchwork, 3 Ball, A bright ybuth, under ning exana- Mrs , w Blashill, Pair stockings, ination for admision to U'ofof the woolen, Mrs Geo Nott, W H Mc- government dep rtments, ftkund him- Cracken. Pair; stockings, cotton, self confronted with the que4ion Mrs E Stewart, Mrs Geo Nett. Pair "What is the distance m the soeks, woolen, Fiffid 1VIeCracken, W earth to the 'sun,?" H McCracken. Fair socks, cotton, Not knowing the exact num er of Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs E Stewart. Straw miles, he wrote kn. reply hat, Mrs McKelvey, Mrs 0 Campbell. "I am unablelto state aceurat ly ; Tatting, Mrs A Strachan, Mrs W 11 but I don't believe the sun is n ar Bele. Tinsel 'Work, Mrs A. Strachen, Mrs enough to interfere with the pro er Geo Nott. Tissue paper flowers, Mrs 0 performances oflny duties if I Campbell, Mrs A &moiled. Wax flowers, this clerkship." Mrs ry Ballantyne. Wax 'fruit collection Mrs 0 Campbell: Wax shell collection, Mrs (3 Campbell. Drawn work, Nellie Boss, Jas Simeon, Utehing, May Harris, Jae Wasson. Lis AIM. Thought it Was Consumption. MAU $108,-4 was troubled with a nasty cough and I really thought was going into conaumption. I took two bottles of Hagy rcl's Pectoral Balsam and can say tha it not only cured me Collection of pitotographs, H Brewer, at once but th t I never had a aough Collection of stiffed birds in Oil,SO, W since, It is the best remedy in the Leathordalc, John Wynn. Collection of stuffed animals, W Leatherdsle. Pencil world. Gilson Wximar Black Cape, Bonaventure Co., Quehee. drawing, Mrs W Hale. Water color landscape, Mrs C Campbell. 'Water color 16 Yeailt of Itching. figures, Mrs C Cimmbell. Oil painting landscape, Mrs W g Hole, Mrs W Blashill. Oil portrait, Mrs Campbell, Mrs W 11 Hole. Black erayan drawing, MraMo. Iielvey, lab and nd. Colored Crayon drawing, Mrs. Ilele, 1st and .2nd. Spatter work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Aire A Straolian, Painting on pottery, Mrs /tele, Nellie Boss, Mrs Mile, Painting on placques, Mrs Chase's Oietatent Painting on silk or velvet, Mrs D 0 Bassi bleed and uleera i Campbell, Ura Itess. ornamental . pentnamthip, Mrs T hallantyne. Business An agitation 1 penmanship, W McCracken, Girl's' amongst the penmanship, Mrs Smith, Afro. Me;• Northwest Tei Itelvey, the use of the t Win. Golding, ooinmerolal traveller, 160 Esther st. Toronto, says : Por 15 years I suffered untold misery froth Itehing sotnotitnes called pin wortne. Many and many weeks have I had to lay off the road from this trouble. tried eight other pile ointments and so called remedies kith no permanent Va- lid to the intense' itching and stinging, which irritated y scratching would One half a box ef ured coMpletely. being worked up1 ermaris of thei Itories te have I German language me ons, Wu Mc- tyne, . I Walter Taylor, Buttonhole or dreste Inent. HALSTED & SCOTT 454,1\1-1:CIZS. Josephine Street WNW, not, J, 11Attov.o, Mount Forest, I • J. scaact e Deposits Received and Interest allowed. Money Advanced to Warmers and Business Olen, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral security. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable charges. _Special A.ttention Given to Q01., leeting Accounts and Notes. Agents in Canada—Vito Mere:tardy Baal of Canada 011iee Hours—From 9 a. m. to 5 p, A. E. Agent. FARM FOR SALE, part e Being gi.4N0 E. peaorntcoesfstlioont9,3g3 aaelltdWN:awWa: nosh, containing 73 acres; 45 acres elear. ed. Farm in good state of eultivatien; good barn and stables. Well fenced.; good bearing orchard; good water, both. well and spring. Suitable for either AstIo)pcklyotrocrop. Will be sold reasonable. ANGUS or JA MEd Helens P. 0L.Dobat. FARM TO RENT. The undersigned offers his fartivbeing Lots 10 and 11, Concessions 4 and 5, Tsrnberry, to rent. The farm consists of 240 acres,on which are good building.s, good fences, good orchards, &o. It is well watered. For particulars apply to ,TAS. ELL:16T. • • Bieevale P. 0. FOR SALE. A complete brick cottage in the Town of Wingliam, on Minnie street, one of .e the most desirable streets for a residence. Heated by a furnace; a large wood shed, with hard and soft water in wood shed; , a good stable. The lot has'55 feet front- age and rune 165 feet back to ..a lane. Terms easy. Apply to JOHN NEELANDS, Wingham, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Tile subscriber offershis house and lot in Lower Wingham for sale on reasonable terms. The lot contains half an acre, on which there is a frame dwelling house containing five rooms; also good stable and poultry house; good well, 16 fruit trees, &c. "For particulars, apply on the premises. B. 0. KITTSON. LAND FOR SALE. For sale, about 600 acres of land; '200 of it nearly all in pasture; with first-olass buildings; large part of it undercirained, the balance about 400 acres, mostly new land, with a large quantity of timber still on it. About 150 acres cleared and seeded for pasture. Land will make a first-c/tuo3 pasture. Farm' situated two miles from Winghain. On the premises is a good saw mill in running order. All will be sold on reasonable terms. For particulars, apply to Post Office Box 125, Wingham. Ont. 0 nsurription. Valuable treatise and two bottles o medicine sent free ba any Sufferer, oive Express and .Post Office address U. /la SLOCIJM z Ltcf.,"mumemseetamaniminualammemmougm'orente, GIVES ritESR- S S AND ep,R rifftES.:C 1srSiPAT.ION Irtinte,t. s toWnti',Z I tlk, s. •E'Oba'rito'N§•6 r4714t. BEAurihk's "COM4.t. 450;c0R,AGASW wa. -NOT' CU An Agreeable Laxative and HERM TOO. 1d by Druggiets or sent by Mail. Sal) 590,r d $1,00 per package. Samples free. The ravorite Tenni poyym les for the Teeth and Breath. 2On, So d at Chisholee Corner Drug Store. #F91 We to thf once thr. Itakfty oatue. As Woo. smut it day to 140 Nct Gran Orcle Guy, etitut sessio The: „rovi Atm baste shall the. • Th debut three take the a 167 bein 13een 8,1111,11 past, able and wont rhea pled tie I pr feet is wi for" and suffe Chis A Hel som ann artit and " me ikm eve! It • mo the. mo Wa get les th' eve onea. an it P di poi di nes sin an tin ati sh. tr ev th( sic V91 VV, 111419A MOORE OF THE FAMOUS CORE FOR SCIATIO PAINS. t IN .91t ,TIGHT Alter:7 1N OE 054 Zoo's Remedy ler catarrh Is th nest, Easiest to nee, and 011 C ATetSe, FR Pe! IA 14 by drug giete or sent by aii. sea ittnatetinkWArron,