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The Wingham Times, 1895-10-04, Page 1
VOL. XXIV.—NO. 1238. 11\ lJf A M Tim b WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4,1895. ii=© I Yellow Sugar 50 lbs. for 51, Her Conary. :o: FOR FALL WEAR. MI11111:11? OPENING Is over and was admitted by the ladies that it was ahead of anything ever shown before in Wingham. Ladies, when you want.anything in MILLINERY, be sure and give Its a call before buying: 441":" DRESS GOODS Selling here leave no room for. doubt as td qualities and values. You'i E SAFE if you buy your Fall Dress Goods frons us. Big Stock, Low Prices, Correct Styles. • $OLID, RELIABLE lots, ani gS For the cold, wet weather. If yon want a ltto better article, at w 1tte lower price than you expected to pay, conte to this Stere, next. Halsted & Scott's Bank, lvinhaut. • CEORCE GOOD, The Shoe Man, Marriage Licenses .l;sstied by FRANK PATERSON, NO 25, Vic- toric, street, Wingham, Ont. No witnessed required. & Williams' Little Dandelion Pills cure headache. Try them. —Bread is sellingat four cents per loaf for the small loaf. Cash for butter and eggs at Griffin's Grocery. —Wolk)School '�3oard will meet on Tuesday evening ne t. Corn Starch lie. a lb. Try it. herr & Conery. —Messrs. A. Meliat us. and D. Stewart shipped a ear load of eep to 'the Buffalo market, on Tuesday. Get your preserving eaches, ms, &o., at the old reliable Star estaurtin • JAS. MCl1ELVIE. —Tho prize mono s awarded at the Wingham fall fair ill. be paid out at Korman's hotel, en hursday next, 10th instant. • Mr. Wm. Bras• ile was ealledto Harris - ton, last week, by tI death of his sister, , Mrs. Thos. Walker, of that town. The dooeased leaves a hu band and seven small children to mourn ti it loss. V . lieathfleld's Healing Balsam is a, sure eure for the worst cold. At: Williams' Drug Store. —Miss B. MoInty+e, formerly on the re Wingham Public anted on the Winni-. ing staff at a hand. —Regular reeetin of the Town Council on Monday evening n t. C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. —Mr. Wm, Isfoore%is abi: ,e be around the house now, and w�11 s be out again. Oysters arriving 1 - at the old reliable erved in any style. Jas. MoKELvre. ' —A goodly numbe of Wingham people attended the Belgra a show on a onday and Tuesday last. Last season's Manties, o $8, we sell for $2.50; $8 to $12 sell for $4,; $12 and 15, we sell for $': M. H. Maarinoo. V—Mr. Alex. Ross oved into his fine new residence, on J hn street west, on Monday lash. It 11 make a beautiful home when conxple d nd the grounds levelled and beautifi d.? Overcoats from $12 to $25; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at(ri o, IL Izivlx's, City Tailor. —The band cone 't,, which was post- poned a week ago, N 11 be beld on the 17th instant, in the tow hall. A good pro- gramme is being p pared, and the public . may anticipate son thing good an ot be disappointed. Star restaurant, an 000 READY-MADE MANTLES S OOR.'YONGE AND QERRARO STS,, TORONTO, Canada's ' Greatest Commercial Schott. I,arre faculty ; Superior courses ; Students assisted to positions every week, write for circulars. SHAW & ELLIO''T. Principals,. • e are showing the very latest German styles sand prices•away. down, See our special $4.5o, • antles. $5 .and $6 M staviSasillAikalialay Z TSRS Perhaps you weren't able to begin your course at the first of ihis;Inonth. There are others,iike you. Vie expect them Our as soon as work is over. O r r;u m - bars will be increased every week.' Why not come with tlie•rost? Write us fox circulars. Students may enter at any time. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. P. McINTOSH Principal. PcurumrEs.—We have reo fragrant and deligh odors are all very quite moderate, at ed some new, u perfumes. The ce and the price. IIsamt's drug store. teaching staff of School, has been ap peg (Manitoba) tea some salary. 4—Messrs.. McGre or Bros, have the con- -- ri2iss Gummi s represented the tract of the brick ork of the machine Christian Endeavor Society in1oonneetion shop of the Uni 1 Furniture factory. with the Presbyte ran church, - at the Work will be corn enced ou the contract annual convention 1 ld at Brantford, last on Monday, it is ex acted. week. She reports he lneetiug as having The Tutus and Weekly Globe till the 1st beenan unqualified uacese. of January, 1800, for 25 cents, is very cheap The old reliable butcher, Mr. J. G. Field, reading matter, Seiui in your names. has a full supply of Sausages,Head Cheese, l —A "fakir" was all. .ed 'to engage in &c., as well as meats of all kinds. Give (his dishonest and diso itable business at hint a call. 1 the Wingham fall show It is all very well —The Sabbath ..s col review, in the 1 to say that people • sh tld not patronize 11iethodist Sabbath 5 hool, on Sunday last, these men, and that th e who are "taken was well attended. hose taking part in I in" deserve to be clic ted out of their the services did exce ingly well, the ladies I money, but we do not thi k 'fakirs' should be proving that they are quite competent to !countenanced and alio 'ed to play their conduct the review .s rvice in a very satis- I trade for a petty fe We hope that in factory manner wh n they desire. . The future the authorities the show will not innovation may be 1 peated, and with the allow anyone to engage 'n the business of a confidence gained at ` is service, wo hays "fakir" on the grounds. no doubt but in futiir reviews, some im• GetafreesampleofVJilliams, Little p rovement might bei ade. Dandelion Pills and. be convinced. WANTED.—A smart steady indnatr'one Tiiere,isnothinglike them. and well-mannered boy, to attend to the —The W. F. M. S. f the Presbyterian incise and do general shores about t•he ; church will hold their nnual thankoffering house and office. Do. MAcnoNALD. • (meeting, on M.oncla venins, Oct. 7th, at g, y� vening, "We excel ;" never was there the assortment shown before in town. See our FUit CAPES in Tasmania, Sable, Grey Persian n Lamb, Opossum, Greenland Seal, Astrachan and Baltic Seal. Our, .Astrachan Coats e thebest value. Full assort- ment of Gauntlets, . 1Vtuffs, .Storm Collars and Caps. LOCAL N S. Perfumes so a' by h ounce or in any- quantity nyquantity at 0 sue . s drug store. —The me hams ae busy ening up winter goo For a/qr od, cool sm i' Dille, call ext rs•the leading oweler Win ham. Patters .., A� , g try is begin ing to make its ap- e on the ma set." ng Powder 164. a 'lb., Kerr & y . The Wingham . uoiters would like a ch with some of he surrounding clubs, it is said. Black worsted suits from 515 up, at Eo, H. Iuvr.v's, City Tailor. •--Thursday, the 1st of November next, has been fixed as T ankegiving day by the Dominion Government. Williams' Little Dandelion Pills eure headache. Try them. ORDERED CLOTHIN We still lead, Never bef were we asbusy asiwe are nc The people know where rlhey get the best value for . :heir money. re BOOTS & SH ES You all know we _car y the largest and best stock ill town and/vices are right. ( AgrBUTTER AND EGG AS CAM. BO The only Direct Imp 0101 TANEN -The Walkerton r has resolved not to ' Sunday, except in stances. —The Titres and Toronto Weekly Globe will bo sent to new subsoribers from now till the 1st of January, 1800, for 25 cents. Mr. D. Showers is with hie celebrated the red tioket pretty M isterial Association onduct funerals on xceptional circum- —Our townsman, "doing" the fall fair pumps, and is taki —Private moneys to loan on 'mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to ti ' JOHN NEEDANDS, JOhn M Ewen, organizer of Normal Clata work nd Horn -lel Secretary of the Provititia,Sa tion, condnoted tartan, chtireh, on was held in the aft the evening. Tiler attendance at eithe 0,00OUtitea for to apprehension as t The Bev. Mr. Me the work proposed, -Mr. D. McKini Turnberry Agricultt young ; man before charged with disord show building here o show, and also refus fngd after the sho witnesses were exa man was fined 51 an 'giving his dicision, order for the society hibibion, tbey must corum, and that w that no one but the who are exhibitin remain in the build y, acting for the; ,. al Society, had a } T80 o'clock. In ad gramme, which is bei F Vni. Clegg, J p•, ; pected that the Rev. !rly conduct in the missionary from the last day of the ; present and addre g to leave the build- i ho ed that there wi] was over. Several not only from th road and the young' but from all the o costs. Mr. Clegg, in j The offering will pointed out that in mission work. o carry ontheir ex- I have order land de- i —For iiret-class tailoring and cheap get►ts furnishings, try Webster & Co. n the show is over, I Remember the place, one door south of tion to a good pro - g prepared, it is ex- fr. Smith, returned nail, China, will be the meeting. It is be a good attendance, Presbyterian church, pier churches as well. �e in aid of Foreign A YEAR IN ADVANCE Saloum, in oil, a :; cents a tin, at the City Restaurant, W. A, Johns. —Rev. Dr, Giffot and Rev, D, Perris exabauged pulpits or Sunday evening last. —The G. T. R agents have been in- atrueted to cease is ng American silver at par, C. E. William. sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed, -.-Qn Monday, th re was a slight snow fall, It is rather u usual for snow to fall in September, --There have be several nights duiin; fall weather has bee —The rain of Sun, do much to relieve that has prevailed f pretty severe frost the week, and regular experienc . ay and onday will he s rcity of water iso o time. Wanted! Arefi ed poeitiou of trust, A. letter, this office —Head the new Messrs.. D. M. Gord Gordon & Co., M. H son, Canadian Busin Leslie, in other cola embers of the society', R. A. Graham's grocery store. have any right to; _"Crescent hall," Goderich street, Sea - g, and that all others i1 forth, the residency of Mr. O. C. Wilson, who remain are trespassers. I was the scene of a quiet but interesting You oan get a stylish and well made suit I wedding on Wedn::day afternoon of last or overcoat for the lowest possible price, a I week, when two of ,eafortlt's most popnittir perfect fit guaranteed, also thelatest in venae people eo le were vedded. The contract- Gents' Furnishings at Geo.Caslay s, opposite' Chisholm's Drug Store. Ing patties were tide, second daughter Ron, and W. G. Willis, --While Mr. Joh was driving same c them got mired ne street,'and it took to get the animal otic. We have' linen rece sinceSepte 'bek�2nd,aji Served in al' iyle. The faof Mr. was offered for sale .1 thelast day of the not sold, no bid co price. It will be sol Xntelligent lady far a . & Co. Address by advertisements of i, Tiotiiuth & Bowles, 112oIndoo, 112. Patter - es College and Thos. Hs. Menzies, or. Thursday, tie into town, one of the corner of Scott versa men with a rope vi Oysters daily erlf Cit Restaurant. W. A. Jonas. A. Graham, which Iy public, ruction,. on lFanglca > 10 s.„,was ing _up= .`to tl upset 1 by private sale, ' Messrs. Homutli 8t Open On Friday evening 1 & Bowles hold their F and their store, from o'clock, was throngs large store was beaut bunting, ribbons, & magnificent appears was displayed in a good taste, and was g Miss Simpson, who partment of the ator courteously receive( them all the attenti not earo to attempt this year's styles we do not feel aqua have been assured bath School Maeda.� in evidence at this stings in the Presby I ham Orchestral riday last. A session Igave a number of noon and another in , were greatly appre was not a very large I meeting, which may Testing is Honesty. uncle of the bri ome extent by arras. I Your druggist is honest if when you ask c present from oth he date of the meeting. him for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion he! of 1)n nth, ,Minn. 'Detreit; Dr. del wen gave en outline of 1 gives you just what you ask for. He gibsoti, 8tratfor, ind los addresses were knows this la the bestform in which to Thomson, will , take Cod Liver Oil. Campbell, Goderi of Mr. and Mrs. Wi owles' Millinery Esq., second 80h of • g• Willis. Rev. Mr. st, Messrs. Honzuth l Methodist chnroh, 11 Millinery opening, was beautifully att eight till after ten ! carried a bouquet of with visitors, The! attended by her list fully decorated with i the groom was a , and presented a ' Kellam, of Niagara of a tasty luncheon,' to Brumfield en toil and Lapeer, where t spent. The floral d some. The array artieles'too numerot especially marked f• costliness and useful co, The millinery anner that showed eatly admired by all. as charge of this de - and her assistants, the visitors and gave possible. We vqould o give a description of n hats and bonnets, as from friends in tow to the occasion, but we number.from Toron at they Were greatly Stratford, Detroit, opening. The Wing. Goaerich and othe tib were present and groom's gliovae Mice aeleetions, which A very uniqiie, yet iated by the visitors. the fitting up of el of the bridal cou Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ond, pastor of the tirciated. The bride ed in white satin and vhite roses. She was , Miss Wilson, while isted by Dr. E. T. ails. After partaking he bridal party drove for London, Detroit to honeymoon will be coration were hand - of presents included to mention, but was its variety*, beauty, OSS. . Besides presents the list included a , Hamilton, Preston, Chicago, Dunnville, places. The bride- ttutifal oak esoritoir, beautiful present, was trio lights in the home e by Mr. Sas. Soott, Among the guests plates were Mrs. Crary, Miss Maud Williams, tn, Niagara Palls; Miss Mr. and Mrs. 'Geo.. ata, and the .Misses —These are the d considerable space lists for a few weeks reading, but no doul will be interested in lucky prize winners —Service in the •( on Sabbath next, Oti hours, 11 a. m. an the Rev. Henry W.11 taking for his morning subject,"The 11umil- ind for his evening ;sub - and a promise." All ,s of fall shows, : and 11 be given to prize They are pretty dry t many of our readers knowing who are the t the shows. engregational .church instant, at the usual 7 _ � p.°tri: The pastor, ote, D. D., will preach, iation of Christ," ject, "An invitatio arewelcome. � S'ree Health Lecture to I, A. free illustrated health ladies will be given in he Friday, October 11tH' at 2 p m Ladies are cordially invit d. Mrs. Aiusworth lectures under the ices of the Toronto Vievi Company. Mrs. Ainsworth comes with the highest endorsement of press and public. --Miss Garfield, won first money contests. at Goder. M- r. A. II. Mu days, having run a' heels. Tomatoes, Tears, ties received daily restaurant, and sol( G. B. Roe's poor, in one of the speeding h fair, on Wednesday. rove is a cripple these nail into one of his rapes, large quanti. t the old reliable Star at right prices. JAS. MOKKELVIE, -We understan lation among the I county, asking that ed to the senior jud made vacant by the —Mrs, W. I. II. Taylor and Ohas, 1 large prize winners show, held at Brus. prize list is givee i petition is in drone gal fraternity of the edge Doyle be elevat- eship of the county,. at of Judge 'Toms. v` le and Messrs, W, endersou & Son were s.t the East 'Huron. Is, ' last keek• The full on another page, ,• " —G. T..Et. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 0.23 a, m. and 11.20 a. m., via W. G. & B ; 0,8.11 "a, m. and 3.25 p. via Clinton and Guelph, Good non neotious by all trains. , —The next re meeting, under th T. U., will be hel on .Sunday ovenii 8.15•p. in.• '1'lte deliver an addrese. vided by a'ttnifed' will occupy the c invited to attend. lar gospel temperance auspices of the W. C. b, in the Methodist church, g next, commencing at Rev. Drs Gifford will t will e pro - choir. • music b p o choir. Dr. Macdonald. air. All are oordiaily - utissiona •y services in connection Methodist chnrob will next. The Bev. Chas. , will preach' in the. the evening a platfprm cid, to be addressed by i and Mrs. Cuyler, of latter will give' an is and privations to be endured by the n issionaries. Collections to be taken up in id of the Missionary, Funds. with the Wingiiat be held on Sunday Smith, of Loud morning, and in meeting will be 1 the Rev. Mr. Strait 1•Vhitechuroh. Ti account of the tri cctnre to vn Hall, on sea -Mr. Wm. Arm t•o;3'n, but who has business in M•ildma disposed of his basin' returned to town. prodube business, a of business in Dr. corner of Josephine ur, formerly of this carried on a produce for some time, has ass in that place and e will engage in the d, will have his place ainlyn's store, on the nd Victoria streets. —Mr. Jas. G. S ewart, • lately with Messrs. Clegg & Co. hes purchased the blacksmitbing busi ss of Mr: McGrogan, in Belmore, and ill remove with his family to that place bathe course of aweek. We are sorry to los Mr. Stewart, but can truly say that Belt ore will be the gainer by his removal th e. He is thoroughly reliable, as well as careful business Iran, and we bespeak fo him a large trade. l,t,, J. G. Field, butcher, Wingham, gives special rates to farmers buying large quantities of meat for threshings, bees, etc. Call and see him. —The residence Teeswater, was the on Tuesday evening Miss Annie McKi marriage to Mr..101 the ceremony the h to Windham. The train Wednesday, Falls, Buffalo, an On their return the keeping in Teeswat brother of Mr, N. town. Mr. Jos. Howson, cone of a happy event last, when hie nieee, non, was united ft Farquharson. After ppy couple drove over left by the 11.20 a.m. for Toronto, Niagara other eastern points. will take up house - r. The groom is a Pe Miss Maggie Gr on Tnesday. %Alin Maggie Mc in Goderich:: Mr. Geo. Sills i Smith, in Oweu So Mrs. A. McLean with friends in Lu Mr. A. F. Climie, town on Tuesday 0 Miss Lena Mali visiting Miss Maggi oasis. returned from Seddon can Is visitttig friends;., visiting Mr, Charles ind. Low.a few days know, of. Harriston, was in bnsin ess: od, . of Fordwich, is : Galbaith. Mr. Jacob Large, of Listowel, was .in. town on Wednesday on business. Mrs. M. F. Arche of New ork city, is the guest of her unci , Mr. H Davis. Mr. Ed. McTavisl , of Bervie, vzas call- ing alking on old friends in town last week. Miss Minnie W. icon, of London, is visiting friends and r cations in town. Dr. Beldeu, of Seforth, was calling on �1'OthOq r. in town on Tuesday last. his Miss Maggie Piet r returned this week from her trip to Guo ph and London. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. cLaugblin and Mr. Geo. Good spent Friay last in Brusssls. Miss Mallen, of ncknow, spent a few days with Mrs. N'Pm. cDonald, this week. Mr. Robt. Tenlan of town, was a judge on horses at the Pari :: fair, on Wednesday last. Mrs. McIver and i abo left for Detroit Thuraday morning ere they will spend a few weeks. Miss Jessie Ashto , of Howick, sent lust week in town 'ith her friend, Miss Etta Coles. Blyth Standard : Mr. A. M. Robinson, of Wingham, was in own on Tuesday and Wednesday. 111x. and Mrs. drew Linklater, of Clifford, are renewin friendships in town and vicinity. Mr. John Farqul arson and bride, of Teeswator, spent ',Cu sday in town on their way to Toronto. Mrs. Eobert J. ay and children, of Gerrie, spent a few ays in town with her Barents, thisweell. Brussels Post: rs. Geo. Good, of Wingham, was retie • ing old friendships in Brweek. 11Ir. Alesussels.this Ritchie; who has boon ill for acme weeks, ha§ re: med bis place in Mr. M, H.1llcindoo's at • re. Miss Annie Boyd, who has been visiting at Mr. Thos Bell's, eturned to her home in Mitchell, on We. esday. Miss Nellie Bell, who has been visiting friends in Toronto for torn time past,. returned home ou ' tUrdey of last week. Master John Ings a who has been visiting friends in Iiinoard' e, for the past couple of weeks, returned oma on Monday last. Mr. Abraham "t eelands, of InvorMay, was the guest rtf h s nephew, Mr. John. Neelands, a ddlipl of days .diiring the welts Mabel Stut , who has been on an extended visit in t • n, the guest of Mies M. 'Vanstone, ret nad to her home in Hamilton, this we: Mr. Geo. Jenkin , cif Grand Valley, was renewing acgnaint noes in town, this week. He has been a reel ant of that village for about a year aitd half, and likes it very wall, Miss Nelle Mcits.rdy, Gold Me ist Whitby College, Piano, Harmony tt of la ing Aeminpatiments and P' e Organ, n be e. Pupils dy will be at the een 1 and 2.30 where arrangements prepared for Toro to every Tuesday o is month. Will those who haVe speken tO her for places in Ler class for whom she had at the time to read, and also other:4 who may With te study with het, please tall dttting those hours. If artaligeteenta Oita he made with a large enough number she will devote tw