The Wingham Times, 1895-09-27, Page 88 M. H. McINDOQ.I AUTUML. DRESS U000S. The goods are here and. values aro exceptional, whether in the cheaper linesor in the finest and most Hovel makes. Our counters are piled with new Tweed Dress Goods, New Effects, New Combinations of Colors, new weaves, makes them irresistible. Fancy a good. Tweed, 42 inch, for 23e; special Heavy Serge at 20e, and extraordinary values at 5Oe and 75c in French and German novelties. Come and see us. We shall be pleased to show you fashion's latest freaks, as well as the wonderful values. Avail yourself to buy the best of goods at our prices. KID GLOVES. Odd sizes, 50e Gloves for 25c, Black and Tan ; odd sizes, $1 Gloves for £Oc, Black and Tan. We have passed into stock our new FALL KID GLovass. Call and see the new styles. Great values in Carpet, Curtains, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, J. D. King & Co's. make, and John McPherson's Best Shoes. t inch Grey heavy Flannel at Oe • yard, at M. H. WINDOWS. Town council. • .A. special meeting of the Town Council was held on Friday evening , last, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Special Committee appointed to arrange proposals of agreement with the Directors of the Union Furniture Company, and other business. Members present—The Mayor and Messrs. Sperling, Holmes, Herdsman, Neelands, Golley, Dawson, Dore, Wilson, McKinlay, Gordon and Reading. The report of the Committee was read. It contained the following data for agreement : No of workmen to be em- ployed, 50, for an average of ten months in .the year,and the manner of keeping and computing time, in proposition, similar to the old agreement; the Company to pay Government fee for the necessary legisla- tion and assist Counoil in obtaining passage of the Act ; repayment of loan and other conditions of agreement to be secured by Ara mortgage on lands, buildings and machinery, and further 'secured .by satis- factory insurancepolicies in favor of the Corporation to felly coyer amount of the liability; the old mortgage and agreement to be cancelled, the Company aoknowledi• ing to haye already received §1,425 of the $8,000, the balance of the $8,000 to be Minded to the Company when the machine shop, a three story brick building 0Ox9O, is completed and machinery therein, the term of ten years to date from time said balance is paid to the Company; Ioan to be xepaid in five equal annual instalments of *1,600 each, during the sixth and each succeeding year of said term, without in- terest; costs of agreement and mortgage to be divided between the Company and the Corporation. The following clause was added by the Council : That the other buildings, originally proposed by Mr. d VIE WING LIAM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 27 t8951 10 Cline when President ot the Company, be ereoted within one year, the Company failing to do so, that 42,000 of the loan become due and payable. The report as thus amended was then accepted. Moved by A, Dawson, seconded by D. blaKiulay, that a committee composed of the Mayor, Deputy -Reeve Holmes, and Counoillor Gordon be appointed tadraft the agreement between the Union. Furniture Company, of Winghein and this Corporation on the basis of the report passed—Carried. It was moved, seoonded and carried, that By - Law, No. 251, 1895, for the taxation, &e., of dogs, be amended by placing such tax et $1 and 2, instead of $2 and 135, as now exists. Moved by Reeve Sparling, second- ed by Deputy -Reeve FIoImea, that this Council pay two-thirds of the conviction W. Henderson va. S. Kinsman, and costs thereof, being 1Vlr. Henderson's claim for damages done to sheep on the Oth day of June last, the amount being $27.10— Carried. On motion, 4300 was placed to the credit of the School Board, and the Council adjourned. BORN.4....4.1.11.,11•••04 Joltrsyoj—In Lower Wingham, on Sept. 21st, the wife of Mr. Wm. Johns - t n; a son, Nze f BRowte--In Wingham, on Sept. 20th, the wife of Mr. hired Brown; a son. j I)ONAI,D$oN—In Culross, on the 7th inst., the wife of Thos. Donaldson; a son. SALTozr--In Stratford, on Sunday, Sept. 8th, title wife of Rev. G. F. Salton, Ph. B,, a son, BLASIXILY.—In Brussels, on Friday, Sept. 13th, the wife of Mr. James Blas - hill;; a son. MARRI's:D. CORRIOAN—TAUGHER—At St. Bridget's Cathedral, Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 25th, by the Rev. Father A. A. Note-Baert, Mr. Jos. Corrigan, of Toronto, to Miss Kpte Taugher, of Turnberry. pf SHERIFF—TORRENC$—Un Wednesday, sept. 13th., at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. A. MacKay, Mr. John Sheriff, of West Wawanosh, to Rose Mary, eldest daughter of Mr, Peter Torrence; of Kinloss.Kf It PETRIE -- KILPATRICK—On Tuesday, Sept. 17th, by the Rev. A, MacKay, Lucknow,4 at his residence, Mr. John William Petrie, of Lion's Head, to Eliza, third daughter of Mr, William Kilpat- rick, of Ashfield: t/(SMELTzee—REED—At the residence of he bride's father, by the Rev. I. B. Wall - win, B. A., Mr. William Smeltzer, of the Township of Ashfield, to Miss Barbara Marcella, daughter of Mr. Paul Reed, of Ashfield. Ross—KNLcriTEL—In Brussels, on Sept. 10th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, E.D., Miss Tillie, daughter of Mr. Wm. Knechtel, to Mr. Wm. Ross, of Fergus. KILLouen—HOARE—In Auburn, on Wednesday, Sept. llth, at the residence of the bride's brother, by Rev. Mr. Baugh, Miss Lucy Roare of Auburn to Mr. Wm. Killough of Grey. TURNBULL—IRELAND--dn Morris, on Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Joon Ross, Ar. Oliver Turnbull of Grey to Miss Clara Ireland,third daughter of Mr. Jas. Ireland. VBiePtiEttsox—In the Township of West Wawanosh, on Tuesday,Sept. 12th, Duncan McPhersou, aged 75 years, 11 months 24 days.coo McCUTcrEON—In Morris, on Tuesday, Sept. 17th, William Henry, infant son of John and Mary McCutcheon, aged 4 month and 23 days. Of JOHNSTON—In Morris, on Sept 10th, Elizabeth, wife of John Johnston, aged 34 years, 9 months and 11 days.t:c VIHENneesoN-10 Belgrave, on Septem- ber 23rd, James M. Henderson, aged 32 years, 4 months and 17 days. VSHIELL—In East Wawanosb, on September 23rd. Jennet. beloved wife of ,tr. Andrew Shiell, aged 77 years and 2 ayes MIILls. CALL ON Campbell, THE NEW DRUGGIST, FOR PURE DRUGS. Try his BAKING POWDER, ONLY 25 CENTS PER LB. It is the best. H, F. Gordon's Old Stand, WEST WAWANOSH. The death of Duncan McPherson, of the 12th concession, removes another of the early settlere of this township. He was in his 76th year, and was born in Inverness, Scotland, and came to Canada in 1851, He resided for a few years in Puslinch township, county of Wellington, when he moved to the lot on which he died. His wife died about thirty years ago. There are left two sons and two daughters, Mrs. Rev. Chas. Rutherford, New York, Marian, John and William at home. The funeral took place on Saturday the 14th, to the St. Helens cemetery and was largely attended. Deceased was a Presbyterian in religion, and a, Reformer in polities.—Messrs. E. Gaunt & Sons, of this township, were large prize winners at Toronto and London fairs on Shorthorn cattle. -- Mr. Wm. Cameron,who lost his house by fire some time ago, has his new Ione completed. It is a solid. brick structure, and. is commodious and I comfortable. ITO SMOKERS To meet the wishes of their customers The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., Ltd., Hamilton, Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of 64ITR 9, SMOKING TOBACCO, This supplies a long felt want, giving the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent piece or a 5 cent niece of the famous "T. B" brand ot pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every niece. II II A WORD GEOo • IN SEASON TRYLN • has just received full lines of all the most fashionable OVERC9ATINGS, SUITINGS, PANTINGS, &C, And can and will make them up in the latest styles, and on the shortest notice. 11..41.1111. Call and see the Goods, get our prices for Coats, Suits and Pants, and see that our prices are as low as the lowest. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. An inspection of goods invited, whether you buy or not. CEO. Ha IRVIN, CITY TAILOR, Wingham, Ont. Opposite Bank of Hamilton. i-- iiiYY !s cl Awa ky al 11 MI IE 19 a II II THE NEST PALACE CLOTHIIVG HOUSE. john Ruettel & Sons, in Macdonald. Block, Wingham.. Or..10r321-1IITC4-.. OT_JCIVTIca:TIVC+. OLICYTITI3N-Cr. We are determined to turn out First -Class Clothing, to do the best of work, give you a good fit, use nothing but the best of Trimmings, as chea as you can buy inferior made Clothing. Come and see our $1.6 Fine Black Worsted Suit, made upto order There is nothing to equal it in the Our Clothingis upto anyCitants,. made up to order,. are acknowledged the cheapest ever said. Dominion Our 3 50 lack Worsted made City Clothing in the Dominion. We make Gentlemen's Clothing -a study, .which produces the best results to our Customers All we ask is a trial, to judge for yourselves. Competition is the life of trade and the best man. is sure to win. No surrender is our motto, In (BENTS' F`U'RNISHINGS we supply a long felt, want in the Town of Wingham. We keep nothing but the best and the nobbiest goodss you can get from us the latest in HATS, CAPS, NEC WEAR, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, in fact everything a gentleman.wants. BIG MEN'S SHIRTS we make a specialty and will always keep a full supply on hand. In READY-MADE CLOTHING we can do better for you than any other house. We get them specially made to our own order,and we examine every Garment before it is put in stock, so that customers can. always get a perfect Garment. Our Goods are arriving every� day and we have the choicest stock in FRENCH, _ ENGLISH, SCOTCH and ENGLISH WORSTEDS, OVER.COA' 'IN FS,. GENTS' FURNISHINGS and RE. !�DY-IVJ Wxnghar . COKE AND SVE US. NO ThO` 3LE TO SHOW GOODS. JOHN Et1ETT, I & SONS.