The Wingham Times, 1895-09-27, Page 7(k* THE WINGLIAN TIMES SEPTEMBER 27 1950 Farm Notes. Tlie is no one thing which would afford o armors more relief, lin-. prove lam alues and give agricul- ture a supremacy than would good and perinanent roads; and in this we Lare a long way behind many Euro. pean countries. On some soils, however carefully - * tiles are laid, they become uneven. 'There can be no harm done in lay- ing all tiles upon boards, for thus &Lid they will retain in perfect con- dition. A fain inch round or horse .shoe tile laid on a board will carry .as much as a six Inch tile laid on a ;friable bottom. Do not try to make a eheap job of 'putting oat the orchard. You plant an orchard once in a quarter of a century, and it is better to do it I right. Never buy stunted, trees xlr from the nursery, and do not stunt them in the growth. Protect, mulch, prune ancl spray them, and never •stop beeause of the trouble, Money spent in trees and plants is money wasted, if those trees and plants are left without care after- wards; they are always a good in- vestnient if given proper attention. • If the same labor and expense were devoted, an apple or a peach orchard in the East would bring as great a revenue as an orange plantation in California, Land can not be over cropped if supplied with plant food equivalent to that removed by the crop, and if the robber weeds are kept down; but deny yourself the proceeds from a poor field. for a few years and. be- gin a systematic course of renovation you will be repaid. for both time and outlay. Thoughts of Wisdom., Sense in your ads will bring dol., lars. The best ad you, can get is none too good, An advertisement does not improve with age. Advertising finest fabriC. Acis, like bread, are awn spoiled. in the making. An ad must have some push in order to have any pull. An ad should be the concentrated essence of sense. It is more important to watch ads than your clerk. United. they stand, divided they fall—business and advertising. When business begins to slacken let your ads begin to lengthen. If you have anything to tell the public do it in a telling manner. Make your ad so pointed. that it will pierce through the eye into the mind. You must have interest in your advertising if you want to make capital out of it. It is easier to fill space than to pay for it. Waste no words but weigh them all with meaning. Business may be done without ad- vertising, so will grain grow with- out fertilizers. But what will the harvest be ?—Printer's Ink. will not injure the Weeds do not act toward us as orae other pests—without a redeem- ing trait. They are among nature's great fertilizers. They spring up from every barren or unoccupied spot, and begin the work of absorb- ° , ing nitrogen from the air; then die and decay, carrying this nitrogen into the soil. With sunshine and • moisture this land becomes produc- tiye, but they must be kept under control. The L O. 0, The Sovereign, Grand Lodge,. In- dependent Order of Oadfellows, is in session at Atlande City, N. •J. The Grand Seeretary's report shows the following state of the order for the past year :— Total number of grand lodges, 56, a gain ef 1; total number of grand encampments, ; total subordinate lodges, 10,592, a gain of 207; subor- inate encampments, 2,610, a gain of 53 ; Rebekah lodges, 3,627, a gain of 335 ; lodge initiations 63,817' • ea- campment initations. 9,407 ; total lodge members 790,795 ; encamp- ment members, 134,330 ; Rebekah naernbers, 225,189 ; relief paid by lodges in North America, $2,993,- 457,69; relief paid by encampments, $284,540.23 ; by °Rebekah. lodges, $45,31.3,94; total relief paid, $3,323,- 311.96 ; revenue received by lodges, in North America, $474,328.03 ; by encampments, 615,932.O7; by Rebekah, lodges $337,640 ; total revenue, $8,427,870.53, The report gives some interesting statistics of the Order from the inauguration in North America in 1,830 up to December 31, 1894, including Gerraany, Denmark, Switzerland and. Australia,. The initations in subordinate lodges were 2,012,248 ; members relieved, 1,902,562 ; widows and. families relieved, 216,- 178; members deceased in that time, 184,894 ; total relief paid, $67,828,- 60747 ; total receipts, $176,986,202:- 60. Baby Nearly Died. Sxas,—My baby was very bad with summer complaint, and I thought be would die, until 1 tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of.Wild Strawberry. With the first dose I noticed a change for the better, and now he is cured, and fat and healthy. MRS. A. NORMANDIN, London, Ont. There are differences of opinion ,as to. the methods of treating the soil in a fruit bearing orchard, but there should be no question but that the young orchard should have the most careful. cultivation. Weeds and grass should not be allowed to grow, as they rob the ground of susten- ariee, which should be absorbed only by the young and tender roots of the trees. The experience of those who have made the test say that lumber is far 4 ' superior to masonry or concrete for silos, because it is a nonconductor of heat or frost; also, that small silos are better than large ones, because so much ensilage is not exposed to the atmosphere when using. Of • course, this depends upon the amount of stock fed, but the size recommend- ed is 12 by 1G feet. Holding Farm. Produce. A correspondent of The Country Gentleman has found one advantage in prompt sales of produce. Every farmer knows, or should know, how much money he should. receive for sales each year to meet the ordinary expense. If receipts are cut down by small crops, and. low prices, he must plan to cut down expense, or at least not to incur any extra .expense. When a big crop is stored in the es.•- pectation of better prices, one natur- ally figures receipts at the expected price, and if it is not realized, there is disappointment, to say the least. By converting crops into money as soon as they are ready for market, it seems possible to do a safer busi- ness, There is less care and worry. On the other hand; when convinced. that any product is selling tempor- arily at a price far lower than con- ditions justify, the profit that is obtained by holding goes to the one most deserving it—the producer. Children Cry for It. I certify that there is nothing near as A MaN HUNT IN LONDON.—One of the most desperate criminals in Lon- . don—a notorious housebreaker— has just been captured. He was surprised, breaking into a large . house in Bermondsey, but for the moment escaped. The police were, however, in hot pursuit, and when brought to bay the man drew a revolver, but police constable Jones pluckily closed with the ruffian, and with assistance effected a capture. The constable risked his life and we rightly call him a hero, but how many of us, by inattention to our health, needlessly risk our lives every day? Let us be wise in time and with the aid of Hollowayr's Pills we can regain our health when we are out of sorts. AINIINDINFINIMOMMIN0111 The treasurer of the Industrial Exhibition Association bas furnished , the following statement of receipts! for the exhibition. :—Gate receipts, including grandstand, 04,744.55" ; dog show, $1,582; special pictures, $1,759—total, 868,035.55. For last year the total receipts were $G5,990,- 75. Increase in 1895 over 1894, $2.044.80. "Mamma," asked little Hurry, as he sat at the supper. table with his mother and his 'Uncle John ; "is Uncle John company or only one of the family ?" "What a question!" exclaimed mamma. "Uncle John is I not strietly speaking; one of the • family; I suppose we must regard him as company." • Harry—"Oh, I'm so glad ! I'll have another piece of cake, mammy, if you please." Breaded. Tomatoes.—The tomatoes should be firm and cold. First get ready a kettle of hot fat, roll and Acted Like Magic. sift a quantity of bread crumbs, and "It has always acted like magic. I had scarcely ever need to give the second dose of Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for summer com- plaints," writes MRS. WALTER GOVENLOOK, Ethel, Ont. Wary had a little lamb, A joyous, youthf el mutton And when they played at parlor games 'Twas Mary got the butt'n.' —Tho Tisa and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the let of January, 1890, for 30 cents. At Governour, N. Y., M. T. Burn, of Tilsonburg, took 109 prizes out of 110 entries on his poultry. good as Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. My children used to cry for it. Our store- keeper keeps it on hand, and it sells like hot cakes. • MRS. PETER MURRAY, Devizes P. 0., Ont. An Eye to the Future.—"We have a treasure of a, nurse." "No doubt ; but it does seem to me that your boy' speaks with an Irish brogue ' which resembles hers." "That's exactly what we want. We are going to bring Willie up to go into politics." beat two eggs. All this is necessary beeause the tomatoes grow soft and juicy if allowed to stand. Pare and slice them, and after seasoning well t with salt and pepper, dip each slice in beaten egg and then in bread 'crumbs. When all the slices have been treated in. this manner clip them again in the egg and crumbs, then place them. in a frying basket and plunge into boiling fat. Gook • for about a minute and a half. For six people, about four large tomatoes two eggs and a cupful of crumbs will be required. . LL rgoAl an ROE Cheaper than ever. Sold exclusive- ly by T. H. ROSS, WINGHABI, —DEALER IN— MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SEWING MACHINES and FARM IMPLEMENTS. The following from the Bell Organ and Piano Company explains itself: Guelph, Ont., July 10th, 1891 To WHOM IT MAY MODERN: This is to certify that Air, T. U. Ross, el tiyitigh:nn, N our agent and that he only is authorized to offer our goods for sale in Wingham and vicinity. Any- one else who may offer to supply our goods cannot get them from us and parties desiring th genuine article shold apply to Mr. Boss only. Tun BELL ORGAN Ct. PIANO CO. I.TO. irrOgE S..../A wri ti DO YOU dir know a good watch when d Vel• yeti see it ? Of course you 11-11 do. . feta 1 11 ., HAVE YOU Ei it seen our Special Movements iii in Gold, Silver and Gold [Ai Filled Cases? New Styles J pi and Patterns. ll a 1, BOK 'inrY fit The late Norman Macdonald, St. !.-11 think of purchasing until till IA Thomas, who defended Welter and -.I BANK of MILT you call and obtain our F., TED Free of Hendershott, had his life insured for prices. $28,675: WINGHAM. The Ontario People's Salt Manu • - Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 0050,000 factoring Company, of Kincardine, ..:s Charge and suite Vice-President—A. (4, RAMSAY. soda, as well as salt. BMW:TOILS PI M UN quire the cook stove to prepare it, • - • r Winghain, Ont. Ei .41 EYESIGHT TES • plreicleensses given SITAW, The Optician. R. PresIclent—GUN STUA Rr. are asking to have their charter at right ' amended so they can 'manufacture From Omaha comes a story that is amusingly characteristic of the en- terprise of the suburban real estate dealer. • It seems that a farmer came into town the other day, called at an agent's office, and said that he wanted to trade Ms farm for some city lots. All right, said the dealer; get into my buggy and I'll drive you to see some of the finest resident sites in the world—water, sewers, paved streets, cement sidewalks, electric light and shade trees. They drove on for several miles, getting pretty far out into the country. The agent's horses went fast, and his tongue still faster as he expatiated upon. the beauty of the surroundings, the convenience of the location, its proximity to the city, the abundant means of cOannunicrtion, the im- proverilents made or projected, and the certainty of a rapid increase in the value of the lots. He had reached the middle of his oration when he incidentally asked his corn.- panion. Where did you say yelp farm was ? Oh, the other ansWered, we passed it coming out here. It's about two Miles nearer town.— Munsey's Magazine. For Oyer Filty Tears AN OCLD AND tiNtronnan Ramsev.-- Mrs. Win low' SLOW'S( Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. a soothes tho child cottons the gumsollays ell pain, cures wind colie. and Is thebeet reintdy for Diarrho%. Is pleas:tato the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the 'World. Twenty.fiVe cents a bottle. Its value II incalculable. Be awe and ask for Mrs. 'Winslow s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Palmerston. will bay° electric light. Druggiate say that their sales of Trood's Sarsapatfila rvoned those of all Jouff Pnearom,•Guo. RoAoit, Wm Gissos, M P, A. T. Salad dressing does not often re- •Wool:, A. B. Les (Toronto), Cashier—J. TURNBULL. since oil, vinegar, cream and eggs may be used. The taste and senti- ment Savings Bank—Bouts, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 la.lopzosits of CI and upwards received and interest ment of every individual may be Special Deposits also received at current consulted by varying the form of service to any conceivable extent, rates of is „;,rest. rafatnsdosaoareat Britain and the United States bopught "W hat broke up the meeting ?" i3, WILI4eQ1C, inquired. the sympathizer. "What , broke up the meeting ? echoed theiE. L. DIORDISON, Solicitor. fiery anarchist orator, fiercely. "It was broken up, sir, by an idiot in the audience who started round with a hat to take up a colleetion to pay for the dynamite." Dont Tobacco Spit or Smoke 'Your Life "Ayes,. is tho truthful, startling title at a book about No.To. Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit nitre that broom up nleotlifized nerves, ellmihitteS the nicotine elm], makes weak men gain strength, vigor an manhood. You ran p Alen or n others. There is uu substitute Or Remedy 00..374 St, Paul St„ Mentroal. Sold by, tut t)f, an L. Pills, Pride 2C., sold by Ai eta' tisk, As Xo.Tronne is soid under attareatee to with crab tree, the fr .06 or mane refeaded. Doak feed. Ad, Sterliag pears, ‘iia Hood's. C. E. Winton!, litinghttni, which I sold. last season for 0.50." dealers. Edrnanson, Bales & co.,Toronto. It is not a good plan to do much of anything in the morning before eating breakfast, or at any rate, ' drinking a cup of coffee. One is not in condi tion to work without detri- ment to the general health, and not long ago a. doctor advised a friend not even to read before eating his first meal; he said that it was bad for the eyes. Dr. McCully, of Toronto, writes to the News of that city retailing his experience in the matter of garden- ing. He says that a man with. an acre of land well cultivated can raise every vegetable in season, sup- ply his family with cabbage, carrots, (1) The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the • common' every -day ills of. humanity. DANGEROUS CONSOLATION. 111 rrJl All Ittalst In a Day or Two, Out the Day "21:17;i1g. day or two" is the thought that consles every one who is suffering beets, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, fany °Cindispositin that does not pros - cauliflower, spinach, and then have trate him. In the 'case of a per. on bed- ridden for months with disease of the Kid- neys being asked, "Did you not have any warning of this condition you are now in?" " Yes, I was bothered at first with back- ache, with occasional headaches, but did not consider 'myself sick or the necessity O medicine further than a plaster on my back or rubbing with my favorite liniment. It was months before 1 began to realize that it was useless to further force myself bage, put On the ground a half bar- to ignore my condition. The backache had become a pain in the back and sides, rel of phosphates, planted to cabbage weak and tired feeling, high -colored 30 rows, 60 in a row arid got off the urine with obstructions and stoppage, plot 70 per eent, of sound heads.q pain in the bladder, palpitation of the He add : "I have been cultivating, heart, poor appetite, indigestion, and a dull, languid feeling, with entire lack of less than a half acre these three ;ritoeinrgtil: Klildand the fiA'st signal of distrel years and gets 'all my Vegetables Off it except a half dozen Cabbages this the the assistanCeTr cx81:;saektd—nretyc-Tivver year only, and only commenced buy. Pills, the after state of misery and suffer- ing potatoes in December. Besides, lig would have been avoided. A few re- tho ground averages Inc six stiflessiic=r1 •i.resatrtsYallIncr st°tOttisleIdteblaeYeottre: barrels of apples, 40 quarts of ing affected. It is useless to expect to cherries and about 3 bushels of dvereotte this complication without a persistent and regular use of Chase's X. as a balance from 50 to 60 bags of potatoes. "He says: "I have raised off a patch of peas, GO feet wide and 120 feet deep, $33.70 worth of stock, marketed it for casli and paid the ex- pense of marketing., picking and planting besides. These were early peas. I then planted 1( 111 late tab- T LI N ko,e 18 01,11.2? A NEGLECTED COLD W111011 OITVIELOPO Into Consumption, GEA K UP rt COLO IN TIME .Y UGINO Pyny- Pectoral THE QUICK CURE POP COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, ETo. Large Mottle, 28 eta. URDOCK BLOO 1 • 4 iTTERS .314S `4. e CURES EFISPEPSEAp Ban EiLGEBE4 CONSTEENiTION7 REOPZ EY THERESLESp HER 1516DilEp ELHASINESS. .PI B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions andremoves 01 impurities from the system from a comsnon, pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. BURDOCK PILXAS act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, *4* 21 ,000 EAK CUREWs STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VIDT MS. W'OURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY! ARE YOU ? fletriz(i',71e.ecrp.°20-4;pwoce,....3):sttigatateedA tiartInria;I:lae; eyes sunken red and marred; pimplesgioin face; dreams and night lossee; restless; haggard looking; weak back; boneyains; hair loose:, ulcers; sore throat; varicocele; deposit in urine an drains at stool; distrustful; want of confidence; lack of energy and strength— WE CAN OURE YOU 1 RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY ORS. K. & K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN .S., MANLIN. CEfAS, POWERS, CHAFI BEFORE TUEAMIEST. Arron TIESAMIEST. BEI ORE TREATMENT. AVM?. TRU:I:MI:Ia. MO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Manila says:—"I was one of the countless vic- tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of nge. I tried seven medical firms and spent $200 without avail. I gave np in despair. Tho drains on my system were weakening my intellect as well as my sexual and physical life. My brother advised nte as a last resort, to consult Dm. Kennedy &Horgan. 1 commenced theirblew Method Treatment and in a few weeks was a new man, with new life and ambition. This was four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy. I recommend these reliable specialists to all my afflicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.— CONFIDENTAL; "The VIM of early boyhood laid the foundation of my ruin. Later on a "gay life" and exposure to blood ch - Di( tea the wreck. I had all, the symptoms of laggrtninhifity— unkeneYe Missions, drain in urine, nervousness, Wonklmck, ete. 8Seyphilie caused my hair to fall out, bone pains, ulcers itt month and on tongue, blotches on body, etc. I thank God I tried Drs. Kennedy & Horgan. They restored mo to health, 'vigor and happiness." CHAS. POWEBS. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS Arm IMPOTENCY CURED, 1 Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. nr We treat and cure Varicocele, .Emissions, Nervous .Debilizy, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Unnatural Discharges, SeXf Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. READER! Aro Mta victim? Have yon lost helm? Are yen coutemplating mar- riagei Has yonr mood been dieeneed? HaVe you nnyrrealrlieSa? Our Nato Method. Treatment Will. euro yen. What it hut done for -Others it will do for cod. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who boa treated yOu, write for int honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE —"Tito Golden Monitor" (illastrated), Disensee of Men. Inclose dosing*, 2 cents. Settled. 1W -NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. FRI— VATE. No ruodloines sant C. O. D. No names on bons or envet.. opeS. Everything odirifidentlal, Question Ilist and cost of Treat- ment, FREE. ORSNENNEDY to KERGAN No 148 SHELBY Si. &THOM MICH.