The Wingham Times, 1895-09-27, Page 3ti
W. Co T. U, COLUMN.•
*For Goch and Konno and Native Land,'
We call the attention, of the mothers and sisters
to the fact, that the Woman's Christian Temper.
nee iUnion meets the third Monday every month
at three o'clock sharp, for ono hour, at Mire, Heltn e
4 residence, Patrick street. AU ladies aro made wog,
lAs the Editor has kindly given us part of his
space. for our work, we ask friends of the cause to
rend Items of interest on all moral queictlons of the
day to any of our member'.
Deolare the Government that
Licenses is Partner in tb.e
his assertion by an array of facts
and figures in a masterly way. lie
was rewarded, by the respeotful at-
tention of lin intelligent audienee.,
A brief dismission followed on the
motion to adopt the report, which
was accepted by the Association.
Health .and household Hints.
Vaseline makes the best dressing
for russet shoes.
Spirits of turpentine is the thing
with which tocleanse and brighten
patent leather,
Moderately strong salt and water
taken by the teaspoonful at intervals
is a euro for catarrhal cold..
Keep the stove or range free from
soot in all its parts. A hot-air pas-
sage clogged up with soot will pre-
vent the oven from bakiug well.
Special to Tho Templar,
St. John, N. B., Aug. 2. -At the
meeting of the Southern Association
of,Baptists of New Brunswick, just
concluded, the committee on Tem-
perance submitted the following
report :
"For many years we have been
accustomed at our associations and
other public gatherings to listen to
reports deploring the dreadful effects
on society of the traffic in strong
drink. We have passed manyy
resolutions condeinuatory ,of the
traffic, and have urged upon our
. Government by petitions and in
various other ways, the necessity of
Prohibiting the manufacture, im-
sortation and sale of ardent spirits,
For a very bad burn melt beeswax,
and into this pour sweet oil until it
makes a salve which can be readily
spread with a soft brush. Keep
every part covered with the salve.
If one wishes to cool a hot dish in
a burry it will be found that if the
dish be placed in a vessel full of cold„
salty water it will cool far more
rapidly than if it stoodin water free
from salt.
4 level teaspoonful of boracic acid
dissolved in a pint of freshly boiled
water and applied cool is the best
wash for inflamed sore eyes or
granulated lids, and an excellent
gargle for inflamed sore throat.
When the burners become clogged
and sticky lay them in a small pot,
cover with vinegar and add a table-
spoonful of salt; let them boil for an
Treatment of Diphtheria..
Prof. Hermann M. Biggs, patholo-
gist and director of the 13ac. teriologi-
cal Laboratory of the Health De-
partment of New York, has just re-
turned home frons, a two months'
sojourn abroad. His prineipal ab-
ject in visiting Europe was to attend
the sixty-third annual meeting of the
British Medical. Association, which
was held in London during July
and August. The most interesting
discussion during the meeting, said
Dr, Briggs, was on the treatment of
diphtheria by anti-toxine. Several
of the most eminent physicians of
England and Germany took part in
the discussion, and the results which
they reported following the use of
the treatment of the disease were
simply marvelous.
Prof, Van Ranke, of the Univer-
niversity of Munich, reported that the Yellow OSI.
mortality from .primary diphtheria For Rheumatism, Lanae Back, Stiff
in his . clinic from 1887 to 1894 Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Outs,
ranged from 42.2 per cent to 57 per Frost Bites, Croup, and all Pains and
Aches either internal or external, Hag -
all of which petitions and requests hour or two. They will 'come out as
the Government "has steadfastly fresh and clean as ever. '`
.ignored. The late Sir John Thomp- It is said that a new potato grated
son when waited upon by a large
finely and then used instead of soap
to wash with is good. The juice of
the potato, raw, of course, contain"
some principle that acts quickly and
, beneficiallyon the skin.
future. The unaccountable feature
delegation, said frankly, that the
• Government bad no present inten-
tion of prohibiting the traffic nor
won he give
would any promise for the
of the whole business is, that Chris-
tian men can see their way Blear to
support that which they are forced
to admit is dishonoring to God, and
ruinous to man ; that Christian .men
can continue to be partners in a busi-
ness which is declared (on what
seems to be good authority) to be
.•responsible for • four-fifths of the
poverty, distress, and crime of the
Growth of the Baptists,
Reports show that the Baptists in
the United States 'lave 1,022,217.
more members,. 10,209 more
churches, 8,027 more ordained min-
isters, 5,000 more Sunday schools
and 812,804 more pupils than they
had ten years ago, while the benev-
olent contributions have more than
doubled. The increase is at the
rate of 102,000 members, 1,000
churches, 800 ministers and 31,000
Sunday school scholars a year, Moro
than one-fifth of all the Protestant
church members, one•sixth of the
Sunday schools and one-seventh of
the Sunday school scholars are Bap-
tists, Of educational institutions the
Baptists have seven theological
schools, with sixty-seven instructors;
937 students and property valued at
$3,517,103; thirty-five universities
and colleges, with 722 instructors,
9,385 students, 946 of whom are
preparing for the ministry, and $10,-
379.888 of property.
Heed the Warning.
The common and ever-present warning
of yard's'Yehow Oil is an unrivalled cure.
cent. Since the commencement
the serum treatment, from Sept. 24,
1894,to July 1, 1895, mortality has Great thoughts lift us, as on angels
of kidney trouble, back -ache and weak-
ness in back, are quickly relieved by 1)r.
Chase's Pills. The original and only 25
cent Kidney -Liver Pills. When all
other remedies fail, tney cure.
been reduced to 17.7 per cent. The wings above the trivial task of the
mortality has been reduced to eon- (•present hour. Visited by these, the
siderably more than one-half ,tom , toiler amid the city's din may catch
These Moths.
In answer to a letter of inquiry
country. It cannot, and will not be written by W. H. Ryan, Grey & Co.,
denied, that the Government which asking the name and habits of the
the traffic and consents to moths which are so numerous in this
tolerates , the
partner and
alts �
derive a revenue from it, is a p
'in the business, and it is equally evi- Farmer's Advocate has this
toinay :
dent that every man who supports They are very numerous
,such a Government is in his measure parts of the western peninsula of On-
: accountable for the existence of the tario this season. This insect appears
*traffic and for all its attendant woes themiddle of May in the form of a grub
and crimes. It seems to your corn- closely resembling the cut worm, in
mittee that Baptists should no longer fact it is classed among eut worms.
stand in :the false and inconsistent It severs by night the young, sawn -
,position of passing reports and resolu- lent shoots of currants, roses, ete. It
tions condemnatory of a business in is 1?• inches long, of brownish or
'"which they continue to be partners, .liver color, having a chestnut color -
and which by their influence and ed. head and a horny spot of the
their votes they continue to uphold. same hue on top of neck and of last
Your committee are convinced that segment of body. Burying itself for
:no Christian can consistently support about a month, the moth comes out
a candidate for the Dominion Perlia from the middle of June to July lst.
ment who is not pledged to work Its fore wings are rusty red, clouded
and vote for the 'Prohibition of the with grey and black. This is one
...traffic in strong drink irrespective of the most common night -flying
of the attitude . of `his party, and moths. It may do harm in the
regardless of the consequence to hisd and walls
*party of that vote. When all the
Christian men in• this country take
such a stand, this reform, so greatly
'tcf be desired, will be an accomplish-
ed fact, but so long as Christian men
continue to 'unite with the lawless
and erilninal classes in casting their
votes to uphold the traffic so long it
Will continue it deadly work, of
destroying homes, breaking hearts, ,
consigning innocent children to 1 Wealth in Great Briton.
- shame and poverty and men and
women to the dark and hopeless No fewer than 66 persons in Great
grave of the drunkard," Britain are shown by the income tax
"V The Rev. J. I1. Saunders moved reports just published in London to
the adoption of the report. Ile said enjoy annual incomes of over o300, -
it might be fairly assumed that the 000. There are nearly two thousand
judgment of • the Association is more whose ineomes range all the
decidedly against the traffic. A way from that figure down to $50,
business whose great purpose is to 000 a year,, while those possessing
destroy the child, the home, the from $25,000 to $50,00Q year
church must be infernal in its exceed three thousand in number.
character and a dark blot on our Some five thousand people are taxed
civilization. on $10,000 to $15,000 per annum,
In seconding the notion, the Rev,. and nearly fifteen thousand citizens
i, J. Grant gave a true sketch of make return of incomes ranging
the methods by which the liquor from $5,000 to $10,000. When it is
'business has successfully incorporat- `borne in mind that the tendency
an d ncyto
ed itself into the political parties of
the Dominion—how it takes its seat
in the • high places of the Govern-
ment of the country and rules there
pared with the best years, and toy. some faint echoes of celestial music,
years Prof. Van Ranke also stated I'dead and Seeptred sovereigns . who
two-thirds, compared with the worst and the poor man walk with the
Tirmrt hook at Thth.
that under the influence of the serum rule us from their graves.'
treatment diphtheria loses its pro-
gressive character, and he gave it as
his firm opinion that the serum treat-
ment is a most powerful and specific
remedy against diphtheria.
A vel interesting statement was by us Ili},hest Salart O at
pay assured tivo, kos ; special intluconlen s o e•
o for pnrtio'tlars to
that during the last year he bad '
ELLIOTT 13ROS , of the Wingham.
Brickyard, have lots of 13IRICK. sled
DRAIN TILE on band. It is said that
other parties are selling at reduced
prices, but we cannot be undersold,
and our brick and tele are as good
as tiny made in. the province. We
can sell by the car load or 10,000 or
7,,000 tile fully as low as can be pur-
chased anywhere. We have also a great
quantity of all kinds of lumber for sale.
Wingham, May 10,1895.
The undersigned In returning thanks
for past fators,beg have to say that they
have a very large stock of
on hand, which will bo sold at very close
prides to meet the requ;ren,snts of the
- First Class Shingles, $ I.'0' per
On Farm Mortgage at low rates of in- ti Wood 15cts, per Cord, delivered.
serest on terms of five years or over.
Principal payable at end of term or `;Everything else equally low. Clime and.
annually, if desired. see us before buying,, as we will not be
JOHN BURGESS, i undersold.
Bluevale P. 0., Ont,
Agent for Huron and Erie Loan and McLEAN & SON.
Savings Co„ London. Ont. Wingham, June 7th, 1808.
Pnshini, trustworthy then to represent us in the Salo
of our Choice Nursery Stock. specialties controlled
•y In ercS 1 c or Oonuuissinn paid week,}•.;
I Steady on,ployuwut the year round. lit +ret
deb Prof. A. Baginsky Of , eveiusivii to•rttoi• ; ox1rerieneo not necessary >�in
that ma Y
the University of Berlin. He said. I
Sinners. write at out
treated 525 diphtheria .patients with
serum. Previous to the introduction
of this form of treatment the mortal-
ity during the four years averaged
41 per cent., but by the serum treat-
ment it has been reduced to 15.0
per cent. The serum treatment was
said by Prof. Baginsky not only to
reduce the mortality, but the whole
condition of the child was improved On account of the hard times and, in
by it. order to sell tor cash, I have cut down
A recent paper by Dr. Ricbot; of the prices of meat, and will sell at the
Paris, was quoted during the discus- following low rates,:
sion which stated that in Paris froth STEAK 10c PER LB.,
1884 to 1894 the smallest number of
deaths from diphtheria in fourteen
days has been thirty, while the
highest number had been 145 in the
same period. There is more of • the
anti-toxine used in Paris to -day than
in any other city in the world, and
the result has been that during 1895
the highest figure of mortality for
fourteen days was twenty seven and
the:lowest was four. No *better evi;
dente of the efficacy of the serum
treatment is needed to establish its
value and ektend its use.
Dr. Biggs, in taking part in the
discussion, dwelt at lenigth on the
importance of anti-toxine in preven-
ting the spread of the diphtheria, by
rendering those who are exposed to
the infection immune. fie said : In
one institution in this city there has
been a large number. ' of cases of
and other pleats proportionately law.
The patronage of the public is soli-
meat P
- •lass P
cited, and first v
attention guaranteed.
Wingham, July 15th, 3.805..
p-, i='� it�u—td` ..---,^t�✓•= u�i -.,,i_,-u �4 �i "t „'• u,,,,'s 4=' t-&
CJ A light, pliable, elastic bone made �r
G'' For giving from quill It is soft and yielding J
�C, conforming readily to folds, yet giving �„
STYLE and SHAPE proper shape to Skirt or Dress. Ln
4:] The only Skirt Bone that may be a
116 wet without injury.
l� to The Celebrated Featherbone 1.
l",9 Corsets are corded with this 1,1
u� L`,o'L�1�rJ D�'?SS�2S material.
tri For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. E�
l-nn14mM' �'�74, 7r_� A C 'iiC—t r rte. 0.4a.-15rwii� C' r�
...._,_ .
Rad to "Grin and Bear It" when he
bad a pain, Ton can grin and ban -
t -Once by using PEEOY DAVIS'
can Killer'
Bed and used everywhere. A whole medicine chest
by itself. hills every form of external or internal pain.
DOSE—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm f convenient).
`_. ..._ FRONTS
Returning •< erity will stake many rich, but nowhere can they make so much; tight a short time
ation in Grain, Provisions and Stock,
of Speculation.
O N --
Small Invest 1ts...
as by successful Sp
®n oo By
tar Systematic P1
originated by us,. All successful s.>eulators operate of a re, u • system.
States who
its of the United by
11 n
I It a a tlndinowu Pact that ahoy• re thousands arge amounts io a p year, ranging from a few
thousandic llarsti�n threugh Cwha in hest gets urate ldrge ueevery
thousand dollars fslL the man who incests : widfed or two hundred dollars up to 550,000 to 5100,000 or
more by those who a .est a few thousand.
It is also a fact that the who make the`lntgest `• ) fits from comparatively small investments on this
1 plan are persons who live ,ay frop•'Ohicago and i °,est through brokers who thoroughly understand
systematic trading.
1 Our plan does not risk the vha to stns linear that on invested
n lrtr ' but lcovers
a short ides, so:that whether
it b •inn
the .socket risen or falls ,� �$ -- •
warm FOR coNV,Nd' PROOFS, also o r-Uanual on successful" spoon n and„our
aily Market
Report, frill of ntoncyrmakinq pointers. ALL FREE, Our manual explains margfully.
references it: reagrtt tesur standing and succe s.
For further infOOrmatiou address
We have 'just opened up a large stocir
diphtheria, 107 cases having occurred SCRIBBLERS,
during the 108 days preceding the(' CRAYONS,
injection of the serum. The anti -i PENCILS,
SLATES, &e., &c.,
To be in readiness for the opening of the
schools after the holidays.
house by staining goods toxine was then injected, 200 units
but it does not as many suppose, sat of Behring's ,reparation being used
holes in woolen goods as it is a I , Behring's •
vegetable feeder. In each ease. During the next
days only one verymild case
Valuable to Know. occurred; in the . following thirty
tion may be more easily days another ease was reported and
Consume were
prevented than cured. The irritation, shortly after five more patients
and harassing cough will be greatly 1 attacked; two hundred and twenty-
relieved;by the use of Hagyard'e Pectoral ' five units were then injected, with
Balsam that cures coughs, colds, broil-
chitis, and all pulinonary troubles. the result that no more cases 00 -
cured. The same result was ob-
tained in three other institutions,
showing the extreme value of the in-
munizing power of the serum. The
protective period is a short one, prob-
ably not extending over thirty days
but within this time it is almost ab-
solute. In over 800 patients which
I have treated for the purpose of
rendering them immune, in no case
have I discovered any unfavorable
symptoms as the result of the injec-
tion of the serum.
It was the consensus of opinion
among the eminent physicians in at-
tendance at the meeting, who had
devoted much titne to the practical
observation of the treatment by anti -
twine than the experimental stage
rate ones incomerevenue
purpose at the lowest possible figure, had long since passed, and that the
is almost universal, • and that even) remedy had proved its claim to be
the most upright and patriotic of 1 far 4 above all other remedies for that the
izens thixilt it fair game to "do mule of diphtheria and.d e, I
Our New 300 Page Scribbler is
a' Dandy.
It has the map of Fluron County on
the back cover and is sold exclusively by
us.' Call and see it.
Popular 'Bookstore.
Wingham; Aug. 13th,1S95.
THOMAS & CO., Bankers and Brokers,
A Blessing to Every Household.
These remedies have stood the test of fifty years Feaxperien e, and are pronounced the best Medicines for
Limber of all kinds,
First-class Shingles,
and Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
--how the "majority report” of the , CL
l false with i the tax collector, it must be admitted physician would be t o Jtth's treatment)
WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
r'X10ya1 r'iOminis5}On p ay5 . C ir,,1 erdoteby trait promptly attotidos
. I eminently
Purify the blood, correct
all dilesorders
the EVER, STOMACH,al tfen aeofIDN -KIDNEYS AND BOWES g end
Is the only reliable remedy tor
DISEASES IT HAS NO EQUAL. Manufactured only at 78,
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
f- Purchasers should look to the Label on the
533 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
sfactor to (feat iu any taco of dfphtherin lie is tailed G1:ol1G 5 xxonlso,l,
the records of rho traffic, and the .that the showing, of the report is gleeting to resor i ilex i2fi, Nltiifltant. ohs
landso slip people of this and othel 1asari y i
lands to suppress it. lie backed up Britian,- New York Tribune. upon to attend.
GLAold DULAR wounds.
New Oxford. Late 683, Oxford Street, London,
Boxes and Pots. If the address is not
will continue to reduce the price for
IfY ou have any Tweeds at home, now is the time to save a dollar oft5
the making of each salt,. and get atgood fit. First-class Trimmings sup ted.
at wholesale prices for spot cash only.
If you want to buy a Suit or Overcoat you can save frcni $3.00
$10.00 on each, by purchasing from us,
Merchant Taiioi13r
Opposite the new Macdonald Block, Wingham..