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The Wingham Times, 1895-09-27, Page 1
F GUAM TImES. VOL., XXIV.---NO. 1238. WING'IAM, ONTA 0, FRIDAY, SEPTEM o © Correll w Sugar 30/ bs. for $1, herr & :o: FOR FALL WEAR. —Old, October ismixt his colors for the great annual dislay 0- IR, A1\T7:), Miliiner� Opening. ?The BEAR Invites everyone to its annu,;1 Fall MILLINERY OPENING =-ON— AT. 8 (O'CLOCK P. M. THE:WIWCHAM ORCHESTRAL �CLll� Big Stock, Low Prices, :-: Correct Styles. SOLID, RELIABLE Boot:, Shies aid Rubbers, For the cold, wet weather. If you want a little better article, at a little lower pried than you expected to pay, come to this store, nest Iialsted et Scott's Bank, Wingham. GEORGE GOOD, The Shoe Man, Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. Ap, t•t1lTw,A. 00R. YONOE ANO GERRARD STS., TORONTO, Canada's Greatest Commercial School. -,),a.;ta faculty; Superior courses; Students assisted to positions evr{ry week, write for circulars. ',SIJAW i ELLIOTT. Principals. C, E. Willianjesgalls pure drugs. Satisfaction.gOisanteed.. --So far none of t a parties who mobbed and robbed the Syri n pedlar nearFormosa have been captured. Cash for butter and eggs at Griffin's rocery. —Mr. J. W. Gree , formerly of the Mildmay Gazette, h s commenced the publication of a paper n Tavistock.' Overcoats from $12 to $25; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Geo. H. IRVIN's, City Tailor, —The last issue of he Paisley Advocate Perhaps you weren't able to begin your course at the first of this month. There' are others like you. We expect them. along as soon as work is over. Our num- bers will be increased every week. Why not come with the rest? Write us for circulars. Students may enter at any Will be in attendance. time. . CENTRAL BUSINESS' COLLEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. contained a well -write Fisher's new woolen —The Harriston b matches with the crud ton, Goderioh and wining all but the Go Heathfield's sure cure for Williams' Dr —The sun crease , last, and, accordin a weather-wise ci weather this fall will up to about the midd will suit outdoor op —The people of 'Sr Fordwich would like tion with Wingham correspondence wit Company with that Company agree to f it up, if the reside furnish the poles ax WANTED.—A smart steady industrous and well-mannered boy, to attend to the horse and do general chores about the house and office. Dn. MACDONALD. `��r —Un Monday morn g last, while Mr. . T. Drummond's hors was standing in ,front of his shop, it b came frightened at a piece of rolling pa er and ran away, turning the corner at t e Queen's Hotel and riih.?ing to Dr. Taml n's corner and from there to Oi apman's t nnery, where it Was caught. The -wage to w ich it was attached was pretty ell si ashed u15 and horse's les badl: tui ed. ` . the g` ,,. P. MoINTOSH, Principal: LOCAL NEWS. Baking Powd Conery. FAfJ —The frosts so fa damage to vegetation —Mr. ,Jas, MCGuiri secured a horse and bubiness, Williams', Littl. cure headache. T —Mr. Robt. M bicyclist of town, fast time, on Mende, streets. Bleck 'Worsted . suits from $15 up, at Geo. II. iltvne's, City Tailor. :STORE CLOSEOLOSEA AT 6, P.M. RE -.O 'EI1) NO GOODS SOLD. SELL CHHFAZ n notice of Mr. D. ills, in that town. se ball club played in Br ssels, Clin- tratf•i�d, last week, or' I match. ER 27, 1895. Williams' •. Dandelion fills cure headach . Try them. —There is quite squatty of water in town, a number of ells luting given out. —Mr. Andrew M ague shipped a car load of butchers' ca tle from here to To- ronto, on Monday, r G, T. R. Get your preserving Peaches, Plums, &e., at the old reliable Star restaurant. JAS. AUKELVIII. 4 —The Ripley Ex rens is one year old, and Editor Mooney s satisfied with the support given him b the people of the town and vicinity.V —The excavation the Union Furniture Factory is being pus d along as rapidly as possible and the won of rebuilding will be commenced in a few ys, You all know that imported pure malt vinegar is the best for pickles. We have it. N. A. PARQUHARSON. —Mr. Frank Paterson, of town, took the first prize in seri one, at the quoiting tournament at List el, last week. He was an easy winner. e: Ing Balsam is a —The oyster seas e worst cold. At tore. the crop is the largos the line on Sunday it is said. On accou to a statement of trade last year, there zea of Guelph, the small demand made n be mild and beautiful ing the past four mon e of December. This the spawnning has mu ratiotts all right. and in consequence t roxeter, Gerrie and the largest for many se elephone commuiiCR- and have been in the Bell Telephone object in view. The rnish the wire and put ts of these places will d put thein in position. is open. This year and best for years, t of the dullness of was a comparatively on the beds. Dur - hs without the "R" iplied a millionfold, e output will be sons. 15c. a lb., Kerr & have done but little in this section., Epre s Agent, has ig to carry on his You can get a stylish Ind well n ^ole suit or overcoat for the osj'st possible p.ype, a perfect fit guaran d, also the latest''^ an Gents' Furnishin at Geo,C.tnn's, opposr.a. Chisholm's Drug Store. —The annual myeting of the Woman's klissionary Societ in connection with the rGVfngham Method st church was held in the church recent y, when the annual re- port was presente society had 37 m the year .$76 ha was a prosperous I•ne for the society, and closed with an in greased membership. The reports were ad, .ted, and the following officers elected f for the ensuing year : President, Mrs. Towler ; Vice -President, Mrs. Helm ; orresponding Secretary, Mrs. Gifford ; e ecording Secretary, Mrs: Morton; Treasurer, Mrs. Elder. e% dandelion Pills �r them. eod, the champion ade a mile in pretty evening last, on the —The Missienaryl With the Wingham be preached on Sab Rev. Chas. Smith, 0 foremost preachers sermons in connection Itethodist church will tb, October 6th, by London, one of the n the conference.. —Tho Trnrss and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till the 1st of January, 1890, for 30 cents. --Service in the%Congregational church, th inst., at the usual 7 p. m. The pastor, dote,D. D., will preachy ornin * subject,—"The ," and for his °veiling ower." All are weloorne. an. Sabbath text, 2 diodes 1.1 a. ni. an the Rev. Ilenry W. taking for his n witness of the spiri subject—"Pilatces j —Private moneys to loan on mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to JOHN NNELANDS. . Dr. G. L. McKay, e Canadian Presby - 1 from Vancouver on He will be accom- and their family, Formosan assistant, saner will go Dr. and Miss McIntosh, na. —Next month Be the ex -Moderator of t terian church, will sa his return to Formes ponied by Mrs. Mali and Rev. I{oa Kow,hi while ou the sante s Menzies, Miss Dr. Do who are bound for Ch $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Corn Starch Se, Try it. Eerr & Conery. —The Town C Inti', at its meeting on Friday evening 1st, reduce , the dog tax to°1and $2, C. E. William s s pure drugs. Satisfaction gu ' nteed• —Turnberry Coun it minutes and the second letter of Dr. acdonald's describing l}is trip to the Wes and ther matter is crowded out of this ' su Get a free sam 1 f Williams' Little Dandelion Pill nd be convinced. There is nothi like it. —Mr. Samuel Yo hill, real estate agent, sold lot' 27, west sid of Ed va'rcl street, the property of Mrs. Le , of London, to Mr. John Murray, on W dnesday last, at a fair price. There is a airly good dwelling on the loot. The Tines and Weekly Globe till the 1st of January, 1896, for 30 cents, is very cheap reading matter. Send in your names. —Mr. Jas. Ellie, of Turnberry, near B1uevale, left witl us, on Wednesday, some specimens of c n of the " Leeming" and " White Den " varieties. These samples are immei se, some of the ears being 16 inches long nd having 24 rows ou same. Tomatoes, Pears, rapes, large quanti- ties received daily at the old reliable Star restaurant, and sold at right prices. JAS. McKELVIE. —The Methodist abbath School will held a Review Servic Sunday, in the churc differ from any previ s service, because it will be conducted lmost altogether by lady members of the chool. A good pro- gram is promised. ome out and enjoy au hour profitably. — G. T.. R. trains for Toronto and east leave Wingham at 6.23 a. m. and 1L20 a. m., via W. G. & B.; 6.85 a. m. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- nections by all trains. — The Willing Gle of the Wingham Ba annual open band room of the church last. The attenda having to be placed accommodation of platform was richly orated with house Pkstor Hamilton in a'^sbxief address d the Banii iLs an age that of glett\l?ing m . It showed that the from various s6yurcei nbers, and that during that intelligence "ity bean raised. The year l the Bond is "we St� this introduction by programme was disp readings, recitations, of a missionary char the evening was Priest, one of the Telugu land, India, interesting account and presents prosp Foreign Missionary Telugu field, This i cessful nlissions and world to -day. The f most gratifying to t.ie members of the Band. The doxolog and the benediction brought to a close a .: ost successful meet- ing. nets Mission Band ist church held their eting, in the lecture on Tuesday evening ce was large, chairs n the aisles for the those present. The and beautifully dec- imate and bouquets. cupiecl the chair, and scribed the object of. cy of the church to be; ssionary information and communicating ,there. The motto df y to serve.' After ie pastor, an excellent ?sed of, consisting of addresses and music, cter . The address of ven l=?Y Rev. H. C. eissioneVies elect to he speRker gave an of the origin?, growth ts of the 93aptist ociety's work\tri the one of the most' uc- ission fields in e -will offering will The old reliable butcher, Mr. J. G. Field, hat it full.supply of Sausailes,Head Cheese, &c., as well as meats of all kinds. Give him a call, —Mr. Wm. Ole Doyle, at an arbitr the formation of between Grey an Atwood, one day arbitrators were Bohol Inspector for fe Wm, A lexande, r P LIS lawn for Perth County: Atwood, appeared i township i and Mr. b' ship. The award formation of a unio Miss Wallace as returned from Toronto with a choice se etion in all the latest styles of fall mill ery, and will be pleased to haye her num rous friends and cus- tomers call and in ect stock before buy- ing. —It is said that in which weather regularly made i twice was the temp exceeded in Septe me the heat was great 18, 1881. It almos had phased all t Nilrthwest, and h Eastern Canada, f every pots was th Ontario,thetelegra •snow storm in Alb perature of 28 d frost and snow in man needs to hay tion, unexception Clothing to pass transitions of tem g represented ,7'udge SO hoick the recor Alen inconnection with yeari, melee school section Erma townships, at uring the forty years bservations have been this Province, only nature of last Friday cr. On Sept. 5, 1854, r, and again on Sept. seems as if a cold wave e warmth out of the d concentrated it m while perspiration at order of the day in h chronicled a two -days' rta, N. W. T., a tem- grees at Calgary, and any Western States. A. a pretty good constitu- habits, and a variety of through these sudden erature. So far, May as the hottest 'day this fall M pinery, Monday evening stet was the date set for the millinery ope Ings of Misses Me - Pherson, Wallace en Boyd, and the ladies of the town and viol 'ty were out in large numbers, though the evening was rather cool. Miss MoPh Ben's establishment was tastily arran d and everything showed that she ha bestowed a great deal. of attention on the display. There were hats, bonnets, fro ers and novelties in abundance. No do t special pains were taken. to have the ve1y latest, most stylish and most becoming goods in the market, The hundreds who p id her display a visit on Monday night e pressed themselves as delighted with what they saw. The millin- ' ery department is tinder the supervision of Miss Hutt, a you,'ng lady of experience. The stock evidence careful selection, and showed that Miss McPherson is fully alive to the require eats of the times. Miss Wallace's st` a was nicely fitted up, and all the latest novelties in millinery were displayed to the best advantage, and show • - ed that she had made ample proyision for her customers' want , The visitors were numerous, and many were the words of commendation of what tlioy saw. Miss Boyd's show Dom Was enlarged by the removal of a part tion and was nicely carpeted and fitted ii'p and everything dis- played in a way that f ;showed the work of a master hand. .A.11 'lithe latest in hats, bonnets, ribbons, figwers, &c., were in n • r fusion. at ...30. p. m. next evidence in p o LLI • . This Review will Messrs. Homuth & Bowles will have their opening this (Friday) vening. —Per; als. Miss Johnston, of S aforth, is visiting.. Miss Houghton. Vara. Dr. Kennedy ha returned from her visit to London. Mr. Will Jenkins, of visiting his parents. Mies Lillian Ilalstec'. of Toronto, is visiting her mother. Miss Irvine, of Teeswa sister, Mrs. T. Button. vMrs. Chas. Knechtel w s in Brussels lest ' week visiting friends. p; e,l'Ir, Geo. Mason was in London for some days visiting relatives. Mrs. P. Scott, of Brus ls, was visiting friends iu town, lust week Mrs. Coombe, ofKincat4 ine, spent Mon - their instrumental day at Mr. D. M. Gordon .Mrs.. G. EL._ Shaver, o Toronto, is a id weree-loudly en - led "Looking Back- guest at Mr. D. M. Gordo 's. J. G. Field, butcher, Wingham, gives special rates to farmers buying large quantities of meat for threshings, bees, etc. Call and see him. —The concert given Miss Houghton, in the Town Hall,. onWednesday evening last, was a success every particular. Mr. Jas. Fax, of To onto, in his comic songs, was the main a traction of the even - keg, and fully sustain 1 his high reputation. Miss L. McKenzie, of own, in her recita- tions, did remarkably well, and was loudly applauded by the and i nee: Misses Griffin and Chisholm gave solos, which were greatly appreciated by .he audience Misses Dinsley and Fisher, li solos, were excellent cored. The piece ent' ward, up to date" gi ladies, was something audience, and was w Houghton and Kerr g' duette,' which was Houghton is to bacon cess of her concert. —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, ono door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. . 'Wingham Presbyte ian Sabbath School. The usual quarter ,, review will com- mence next Sabbat at half -past two o'clock in the afterno n. Classes will form as usual, and the firs part of the review will be conducted by which, a few pointed e the main topics of t asked from each clas general knowledge of of the last quarter. �tt,e�nd the review is interested in Sabbath Auction Sale. at weak The other i Mrs. Jas. Proctor, of lot 0, concession 4, fr, D. Ttobb, Dahlia I Morris, will sell her farm stock and fin - East Huron and Mrf ploments by public auction, on friday, t blit School Ins cotor October her 4th , at 1 o'clock p. m. Te rm s— Mr. Wm. Iochhoad, of All aums of $5 and under, cash over that the interests of Elma amp tn t18'months credit on purchasers asers itchell for Grey town•� furnishing approved joint notes. Six per was in favor of the cent. discount for cash on credit amounts section. Geo. ifirkby, auctioneer. tllkaska, Mich., is er, is visiting her to by eight young Mr. B. Gerry, of Brusse s, was in. town dew fora Wingham on Monday calling; on fri ,ds, ` receiver]. Misses Misses Annie and Loui_ Boyd, of Mit- 11ve an instrumental shell, are visiting at Mr. '. hos. Bell's,: ell received. Mies l Mr. John Fyfe, who w t to yiani obs ratulsted on the sue about a month ago, return d. on Tuesday. Mr. Will Cease): left "n Monday to re- sume his studies at the ondon Medical. College. Mrs. John A. Barna d, of Wroxeter, spent a couple of days wi friends in town, , this week. lMr. and Mrs. Chas. B. =uer, of Listowel were the guests of Mr. an Mrs. A. Tipling, last Sunday. ZYleesrs. Hunter and 0 ossley, tate evange- lists, are conducting r vival meetings in Guelph at present. Mrs. ,John Charters, nd two sons, of be teachers. Alter , Dakota, will spend the til lied winter in ' uestions bearing on ' town and vincity. e quarter, will be Itev. Dr. Gifford and Ir. John Neelands attended the Methodist district meeting at , so as to test their) Blyth, on Tuesday last. be important lessons Mrs. C. W. Dickson and Arise Lot}ise cordial invitation to Tipling, of Toronto, w •e guests at Mr. s last wee fetch given to all Amos Thos. Y 1 Ur. Thos. Tipling am cheer work. d spent a few days, la: District The financial mee District of the Met at Blytii, on. Tuesd Geo. Buggin, cha presided, and all 11 triet were preset by the different present, Mr. John Meeting, ing of the Wingham diet church was held y, 24th inst. The Bev. 'man of the district, e ministers of the dis- The laymen elected boards were nearly all eelands representing the church iu Wingl.am. Missionary and ersaries were arranged ict, and special evange- to be held in every educational anti for the whole dist fistie services a charge where pra, ticable, during the win- ter. The May held in Brussel prominent minis Copal Church in �dtob been invite series of special time. `• istriet meeting will be , and Rev. Dr. Keen, a r of the Methodist Epis- the United. States, has present and conduct a meetings at the same "VPith T nvalide. a Yes! with invalids the appetite iN o pYic• ions and needs coaxing, that is just the Yeason they improve so rapidly under Scott's'Etniilsion, which is as palatable as steam. I.,' A. Big Er gramme. The G. N. W. Exhi 1 tion at Goderich on Oct. 1, 2 and 3, offer: a programme not r 'n the escclle •d by any count, showi Po- vihee; In addition to the speed tests for horse: in the roadster. + nd carriage classes, divide 1 into five event, a sawing match for w, fell there are no a large number of citric promises a big ..zcitement, as does also a tug of war betty, n ten of Luoknow's giant °, beaded by Jams Young, and "any team You can prodr'1 e, eaptained by .Jame s Connolly, of oderioh township. Best •f all is the fame 13th Batt. Band of E'•amilton, Cana 's finest musical orgar ization, engaged r day and evening cont rte. This is the rst opportunity to hear this great band, that won it first place in the great Knig its Templar parade at B stow last moot , where over one hu nd. d. ed bands were i line. The train menta are fr e and one-third s from all points n Oct, 1st and 2nd,. 3d 'th afternoon train return 00 , to 0 r r as en e d s m. an g till 'l. 4,r , p hold p to Stratford; rd an at 2nd singlefare s, good to return sine day, with 1 train out at 10.110 p. iii. arran ticket ket good ! on Sr; cone ticket apeels, wife, of Goderich, week, with •liis brother, Mr. Amos Tiping. Miss Etta Johnston i turned to Lcndee- bora last week and resu .led her duties as teacher in the school tl ere. Miss Mary Beck, ,ho was. visiting friends in London a d Strathroy for a ' month, returued'home •u Friday last. Mr, and Mrs. S. 1. Webb aur Mrs. Halsted were in istowol, last week, attending the funeral '•f Mr. J. W. Scott's second sou, John Wal ion Scott. `AIr. A. Griffin, w o has been with Mr, A. J. Irwin, dentist. or some time, left on Thursday for Phil;'delphia, to take a course in the dental ' ollege there.l� London Advertise •; Mrs. Thos. Coruyp of Wingliatrt, who h,; s been visiting r.t stirs. J. B. Hodgins' of t i e MuClary Club, for the past week, left 7r home Monday. Rev. II. C. and b vs, Priest ars visiting - friends in town, pr,vions to their departure for India. They lied to )cave for that far distant land of the 16th of October. Mr. Eph, Downing, of T3russela, lately .of the Post staff, wa in town a eonpki of days last week, He g e the Tints n , friendly Dell nn Saturday, .efore returning heme. Miss -Annie NT. ` at, formerly of Blyth, former pupil of is shotthattii' department of the Canada 13 airless College, Chatham, has taken the position of c E cnoqiap er With the VAN At en steam Specialty Co. t alien is tan excellent Th situation Of C hie one, and Miss flat is to be congratulated on securing soul' a position,