The Wingham Times, 1895-09-20, Page 7Sill Nye on Life Insurance, examined three years ago .at tailE" Aencral office of the Mutual Endowment Widows' and Orphans' Dream of Wealth Insurance Associa- tion in Now York, and quite a num- ber of extremely personal questions were asked by a handsomely dressed physician, who only partially con- cealed his scorn when he noticed that at the elbow of any red nledieat- cd flannels a September twilight on the French Broad Ritter had been w,orkcd with lemon -colored German- town wool. lie asked if pimples had ever shown themselves on my grandfather's side. I said no, which was true, although I 'was careful not to say that he had. a raising once at the base of the clavicle, I considered that fair, as 1 was there to answer questions, and not to volunteer in- formation. "Did hernia ever break out in your family, and ifso, how far back?" This was the next question, and coming as it slid from. a man whom I did not know from Adam's off ox, as the saying goes, I flushed up to the roots of my hair and told him that my grandfather, while trying to move a barn, had incurred hernia, but as to flow far back it was, I regarded that as nobody's business, and I would shrink from saying so, even to a well-dressed man in New York City. He also gavo me a little ausculta- tion to see if the swallows had been nestling in my bronchial tubes, as I understood him. "Are you a habitual drunkard, or have you ever been such ? " This question I answered in a guarded way, yet truthfully. Once I was invited to visit a neighbor about eleven years ago to try some doughnuts and eider made on the place. I now look back upon that even- ing with shame and sorrow. Little did I dream then that I would have to say anything about it in after years in order to get my life insured. The cider was made of Siberian crab apples, and. placed in a brandy cask, which was not thoroughly re- novated. Some two or three quarts of the brandy had been allowed to remain in it, and then the weather turned in to be cold, freezing the cider solid, leaving lathe centre a dose of dis- tilled spirits of a peculiarly restless and felonious nature. I remember driving home in the risp, frosty moonlight, but I did not unharness the horses until the follow- ing day. The following day a special provi- dence brought on a merciful snow storm which wiped out the tracks I Made on that memorable night. .The examining physician inquired If I had ever had delirium tremens or discharge of the ear. I have not, although I had a discharge from my employer twenty years ago, but it did not become chronic, and to -day I regard myself as perfectly recovered from it. I was asked age of grandparents, if living, and answered that if living inateral grandparents would be respectively 120 and 114 ; parternal grandparents 118 and 112. Now the company is trying to crawl out of the policy on the ground that my grandparents were not living at all. I did not pretend that they were living. . I said that if living they would be those ages. I hate a corporation that wants to back out after it has made a fair and square trade that way. Is it not disgraceful, after asking me all about my private affairs and personal Habits—things that I have never told anyone, not even my dearest friend on earth—that an in- surance company, claiming to stand with a large umbrella spread so as to keep off the storms of adversity from the helpless heads of widows and orphans, should seek to crawl out of so small a hole as that ? f) THE WIN GELAIVI TIMES, SEP" TM EE 20,1895. Presbytery of Huron, The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday, the 10th inst,, the Rev. Dr, McDonald, of Seaforth, presiding.. It was decided to ask for the same grants as last year, in aid of all the supplemented congregations. A min- ute was adopted, expressing regret that the Rev. Mr. Moray had resign- ed the pastoral charge of Leeburn and Union Churches, satisfaction with his work daring bis pastorate, and hope that he might soon find another suitable field of labor. Arrangements for missionary meetings were left to the sessions of the various congregations. Ministers were also enjoined to have at least one Sabbath missionary service in their charges before the end , of the year. Mr. H, A. McPherson, theological student, at present assisting Dr. Mc- Donald, ,in Seaforth, read a. discourse, which was cordially sustained by the Presbytery, Mr. A.. Ii, McLeod, of Brucefield, asked to be recognized as a student for the ministry, and after the usual examination, bis request was granted. Wanted a Cheek on His Dqy.. Anyone could see he was Getman, and ilia tongue confirmed his nation- ality, as he addressed the night clerk at the G. T, ii., depot, I vane a cheek on mine leetle poy, You want what ? asked the Clerk. I vant a check on mine poy. Ile vas ride with his 'mother dis way, and the conductor charge him all the price. He vas only a •leetle fellow and I was. cheek on hint to take him once more home again, When the clerk explained his powerlessness to grant tae man's request, pointing out that the proper proeedure was: to have bought a half ticket for the boy before ,starting, the applicant grew surly, "Fell," he said, •'I shust stay to home next time 1 takes mine little fellow to be robbed by the Cr. R. T. The clerk stated that he bad re- ceived notice from Mrs. Gavin Ross, of Hensall, that she intended to appeal to the Synod of Hamilton and London, from the decision ar- rived at in her case by the Presby- tery, at its last meeting. A commit- tee was appointed to confer with Mrs. Ross, who was present. From their report, after conference, it ap- peared that Mrs. Ross complained, not so much of the decision of Presby- tery, as of certain statements of the Moderator of Ilensall Session. The appeal was, therefore, withdrawn, and a new committee appointed to look further into. the case, and to bring about a settlement, ,if possible, said committee to report at the next regular meeting of Presbytery. Children Cry for It. I certify that there is nothing near as good as Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. My children used to cry for it. Our store- keeper keeps it on hand, and it sells like hot. cakes. MRs. PETER HURRAY, Devises P. 0., Ont. Father's. Hoax. clergyman, a quite a sensation in hick consists of seven daughters. The revere was absent from r of days in an The daughters from their father, that he had "married x children;" and erred home at a cert f h news effect o the to the happy , weeping and wailing of naughty things was neglected, and the arrival came it but inviting. last the Rev. Mr. X. was alone. He greeted daughters as usual, and as neglected apartments merry twinkle , in 'his daughters were nervous aI anxious. � At last 'ed Courage and ask "Where is our mother heaven," said the go "But where is the en whom you married 11y, I married her my dears," he replied. A cl widower, recently createdhis house- hold, w grown- up dao reverend gentle- man home for a numbs adjoining country.,received a letter which stated a widow with six that he might be exp certain time. The was a great shock There was and all mannersaid. The house when the day of was any- thing At came, but he his he viewed the there was a eye. The and evident- ly the eldest mustered ed : ?" "In good man. widow with six cllildr ?" "Why, to another man, d. Short Journeysort a Long Road Is the Characteristic title of a profusely illustrated book containing over one hundred pages of charmingly written descriptions of summer resorts in the country north and west of Chicago. The reading matter is new, the illustrations are now, and the information therein `twill be new to almost everyone, A copy of "Short Journeys on a Long Road" will be tent free to anyone who s(to a os to 0 to centpostage) Will enclose ten pay p Giro. H. 1lEitrl"oRD General Passenger Agent Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Ohieae'". --The Tants ami Toronto weekly Globe Wall be sent to new sulf:laribers from now 1111 the 1st of January, iS9(, for d0 cents. You Don't stave to Swear Off says the St, Louis Journal el Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bac the famous tobacco habit Pure. " We know of many easel cured by No -To. Bac, one, a prom.nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco .fakes him Molt." No•To:Sao sold and guaranteed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy C'o., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal, --- roe Over nifty Years AN SCID AND WILL.TRIID 1 U+OY,--Mrs. Win slow' s,.uthiutr Syrup has ouun used tor dt'ur fitly years by ,,shrine of mothers for thew cuilureu venue tt•eth 11 , WW1 perteet success. Lt soothes the chili dOGI0tie hue gums, alloys ail pain, cures wiuu tune, and is tnebest ruueey ter Ltarrotwa. Is pleasant to the taste. cold by Lru;gists ut t:tcry part of me Worlu, Twuuty.nvc cuu,tt u nettle, Its ,,ague is inoalunlable. lie eine and ask tor Mrs. Windows Suotttiug syrup, and mice nu ether Iiia.. Love is precisely to the moral nature what the sun is to the earth. —Balzac. They that govern must make the least noise.—Selden. The greatest learning is to be seen in the greatest .plainness.—Watkins. —The Toms and Toronto Weekly Globe will be sent to new subscribers from now till theist of January, 1806, for 30 cents. Uncertainty and expectations are j oys of life.—Congreve. • As sight is in the eye, so is the , The Optician. r lszamenswmprozom BEST FOR _ASH_ EST oft sir.6.r.'r��•'rx-'u�.,�=-,'-..+,��------- ..�_�_. _,.. ;1EY AY, J1 YOU rr &'li(�U i �!!./�;'jig/%!a�, know a good watch when ,' Cheaper than ever. Sold exclusive- . [ ] by you sec It ? Of course you fl y e. rr T. H. .O , //iv�wntiG>�1i�1v17 � ? —DEALER IN— MUSICAL N— eu II.JICAI. INSTRUMENTS, P� in Gold, Silver and Gold C and Patterns. 1. seen our Special Movements r , often bring coughs and colds, while rill 1 AVE. Yell r' / ti/IP SEWING MACHINES / �i Filled d ases� New Styles r d FARM IMPLEMENTS l e C j all 11 The following from the Bell Organ IL's and Piano Company explains itself: r Lr Guelph, Ont,., July 10th, 18195.. DON'T YOU think of purehasing until r our goods for sale i winham and vicinity. An . n g ! ✓ article sherd apply to Mr. Ross only. TTunBISLI. ORGAN fi YIANO CI- To wnoir IT 1+TAX CONCERN: (u HI This is to certify that Mr. T. H. Boss, of wingham, rf is our agent and that he only is authorized to offer r one else who may offer to supply our floods cannot c you call and obtain our ri get thorn from us and pagenuine desiring; the - prices. rrr ri EYESIGHT TESTED free of 1'4 f.J Charge and suitablelenses given. r ta �fMTtaSHAW yr at right prices. I mind in the soul.—Sophocies. J Wingham Ont Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25o., 50c., and 81. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. There is none so homely but loves a looking -glass. --South. Covetous men aro mean slaves and drudges to their substance. --Burton. There is pleasure in poetic pains which only poets know.—Cowper. Heart Disease htelieved in 30 Minutes.—A11 cases of organic or sym- pathetic heart disease relieved in 30 minutes and quickly Cured, by Dr. Ag- new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm's Drug store, Wingham. All philosophy lies in two words, 'sustain' and 'abstain.'—Epictetus. The world is only saved by the breath of theaschool children.—Tal- mud. . Shiloh's , cure, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold at Chisholm's Corner Drug Store. If fame is to come only after death, I am in no great hurry for it.— Martial. . In our world death deputies in- temperance to do the work of the age.—Young. The Guelph Maple Leaf Base Ball club'have won the championship of Canada for 1396. Rheumatism Cured in a . day.—Sonth American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism andNeuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 8 days. Its action on the system is remarkable and mysterious. ' It removes at once the cause of tho disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Warranteed at Chishom'sdrug store. The Power. of Eloquence. History teems with examples of the power of eloquence. A good story of an incident which occurred the other day in a Cardiganshire chapel, where the congregation was made up largely of seafaring men, is now going the rounds. "A figure used by the preacher related to a captain at his wit's end when navi- gating his ship through a narrow, shallow, winding channel,abounding with rocks and strong currents. The faces of some of the listeners were perfect pictures as the preacher eloquently described the details and difficulties of the voyage. The ship ran against a bank, and in a thrill- ing' burst the preacher shouted, "What shall we do ? "Maven knows," cried an old sailor, "for you I If ou wa t wick relief ad sane flits is are going starn foremost I" -•-•London' your rsm5ay, Sold at Chisloln'i s drug Lxchange. store. —Mr. Massey, of the Massey -Harris Manufacturing Company, Toronto, says he will begin the manufacture of electric buggies shortly. He is also going to build bicycles during the winter and sell them at a dollar a pound. Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.— One short puff'of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Head- ache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and. Deaf- ness. 60 cents. At Chisholnz's Drug Store. Mrs. Burton Harrison has written a new novelette, dealing in the main with the "fashionables" of New York at the Horse Show, which The Ladies' Home Journal is about to begin. Mr, W. T. Smedley has illustrated the story. Relief an six hours.—Distressing Kid ney and Bladder diseases relieved in sig liourti by the "Great South American Kid- ney Cure." This great remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its exceeding promptness in reliev- ing elieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, bank and every part of the urinary passages its male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately, ONE GIVES RELIEF. R-I•P•A•N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. ORGANIZATION OF FARMERS. A. 11EATURE IDP TIRE DAV. 00. LTD. r/ , PYNY - PECTORAL brings quick relief, Cures all Ir,- tlammatlon of the bronchial tubes, throat or chest. No un- certainty. Relieves, soothes, heals promptly. A Large Bottle for 25 Cents, UAVIS & LAWRENCE CO.: Lill. PROPRIETORS. MONTREAL. Janes Rogers Speaks Earnestly. The development of Farmers' Institutes and other means of education on successful practi- cal farming has proven beyond a doubt that the present day farmer requires to be a student of his work. The most successful ones are not, as a rule, those who do the greatest amount of manual labor, but they aro found ranking first as prize -winners on all agricultural products. James Rogers, a resident of Tilsonbiu'g, Oxford Co., Ont., for 45 years, has taken numerous first prizes during the year. A. successful. reliable intim, his statement will be of interest to many: "I have suffered for seven or Dight years with Itching Piles ; the torture and agony X cannot here find words to describe. Night after night was kept awake with the painful itching. I tried all the physicians and every known remedy all to no account, not even relief. In talking over my curious trouble with Mr. Chas. Thomson, our well known druggist, he recom- mended Chase's Ointment. To my wonder and surprise. I got relief from the second applica- tion. I firmly believe olio box sufficient to cure any case of Itching Piles no matter of how long duration. I would not bo without it for ton times its cost. In volunteering this testi- mony and my consent for the manufacturers of Chase's Ointment to use it as they wish, it is that like suftorersmayknow they can be cured." , Price GO cents, sold by all dealers. Edman - son, Bates & Co., Toronto. Hmm ffr5 li you have CATARRH, and desire to bo cured114 51 fyf without risk of losing your money, we will send " a Or_ MIOIDE INHALER and medicine for that + d' -^^•e without as;ting a cent of pay it advance. Af:cr a fair trial at your own h 'me, and you find It a ;.;en ul ne remedy, you can send us $3 to pay for same. if not satisfactory In every way you can rcturn the Inhaler at our expense, and need not pay one cont. Could anything be more fair? You have everythi ng to gain and nothing to lose. If the remedy Is not all we claim, we aro the losers, not you. Just think of being cured for 53. TESTIMONIALS Rev. J. E. MAVETY, Methodist Minister. Ot- tawa, Ont.. writes:—"Your Germicide Inhaler in two months radically cured my daughter of chronic catarrh." Rev. J. S. Noasus, late Bond St. Church, To- ronto, Ont.:—"Your Inhaler and Medicine has y proven genuine in every respect." MR. J. A. MCNAIR, Schaw, Ont., writes: "Tbc Inhaler you sent has radically cured me of cat- arrh. It is worth many times your charge." ex\ TIj1 GERMICIDE �CCiI !RIMER ece U AQU 1 l=A&) CHRONIC -_ CATARRH,„„ 1,t EDICAtttHW'•'s ,ORS to eau, Medicine sen': on trial vel haut In advance. Ma. DounLas. Conductor, ix Ontar is St„ Toronto: "Your treatment in a few weeks cured me of catarrh of long standing." Ma. T. Mites, eo Christopher St., To- ronto:—•'Your Inhaler and Medicine cured me of a case of catarrh of ten years' stand- ing. This is a golden opportunity. ORDER TO -DAY. You run no risk. You can test it to your satisfaction "without money and without price." You only pay for the good you get. For remedy on above liberal terms, address MEDICAL INHALATION CO., 450 YOIJGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. 454:5M a,,rttN 115 •;* qrsts. irk AB1T fisSi LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN of ignorance and folly in youth, overexerts Til kinC he aln-veaoid luta e�'A "111 i 11 ES U LT ed by lust fwd exposnro aro constantly w ee .t.bappinoss of thousands of promising young men. Some fade and wither at saeaa fruitless, Oat the blossom of manhood, while others aro forced to drag out a *weary, melancholy existence. Others reach matrimony bat find no solace or comfort her pulpe. ry e victims are found in all stations of life:—The farm, the office, the workshop, iSthe trades and the professions. RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. c Wu. A. WALSER. war. A. WALKER. 1t1118. GItAS. FERRY, CHAS. FERRY.* mIN YO un -� SEEFOIIIt TfEAVIENT Arisa TrEATnERT Divorced but milted again {" f;9 -'NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED Viiti7HOIIT WRITTEN CONSENT.`Cuai t" Wm. A. Walker of 16th Street says:—"I have euffered1 untold agonies for my "gay life." 1 *was indiscreet when t young and ignorant. As "One of the Boys" i contracted Syphilis and other Private diseases. I bad ulcers in the mouth and throat, bond pains, hair loose, pimples on face, finger nails came off, emissions, became thin and.. despondent. Seven doctors treated me *with IMercury,RA Pota'h, etc. They helped me bm lint could not cure o. Finallt afriendinducedinn totry Drs.liennedy& ergen. BURDOCK BLOOD r; igtr�aafitr� SITTERS Grails DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. ILI US SSA BAB. uniocits ait the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the went scrofulous sore. EICItDOCIC PILLS actgentl¢ 74 lliereughlq oil the Stoalach, Liver sea Bowe& SVPI-IilCS EMISSiONS STRICTURE CURED Their New Method Treatment oared mo in a few weeks. Their treatment as Won Ai .pe Yon filet yourself gaining every day. I havo never hoard of their Sailing to euro in acing/:go 'race; '9103 o !!r'CUI:E$ GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFcINDE! vi Capt. (`has. Forry says11 I owe 0 rs life to D. E. St E. L At 14I learned a bed habit.At 21 .1 had all the s mptome gs,of Seminal Weakness and Spormatornctea, Emissions iNw. re drain:ng rand weakening my vitality. I married at 24 under advice e;Q ray family <leder, bet it wee n Mead experiotOA- In etirliLNA I51.4( \yin Were divorced. I wthon consulted Drs. H. ds K, who restored mo to, manho,'d `"�'hrtheirNoeMethodTreatment, Ifeltanow life thrillthrough Only nervus. We were united again endure ham. This was IWWWI�six years ago, Drs. It. &K. aro scientific specialists and I heartily recommend them." R p.., pr We 1, eat and care Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, S'e i tale 4IT'eakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse* K • Kidney and Bladder Diseases, •{t9 3'O � CURftp 17 YEARS IN DETROIT`, 200,3'00 NO 131stc Vii EADER Y Aagsou albeyuBoabyon nonhselig; you arontewta pg? mG NewMethod Treatment will cure von. What it )is done for others it will' do for,, yrou, 0.00NSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated yon write for an hottestopir io t Encl.'s' '""ef Charge. Chtirdeereasonable. BOOKS FREE 'Tho Golden Monitor"(fl net ate ), Uisoases of Nen. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed, • "NO NAMES T SED WITHbU1`' WRITTEN, CONSENT. 1211io VATE. No medicine tient C. 0. D. No names oh boxes or envel opes. Everything confidential. Question list and Cost Of 'iresttl men FREE. • DRS. KENNEDY 8� K nn�� � N�� � 8HT cT IMPOTENCY '111 vARICOVELE EMISSRCNS CUED