The Wingham Times, 1895-09-20, Page 6`tuamGttmrz
.4''1tIb/ X, S1iPTE:1I13E1i '20, 1895.
$on. Wilfrid Laurier ii Ontario.
AA portion of the meetings to be
taken by Hon. Wilfrid Laurier in
the Province of Ontario during the
month of Oetober next has been
m n-
arrangecl for and additional cle o
stratione will shortly be announced
ill, time to allow ample node() for
n,d'Vertisiug The set sedule for the
present is as follows :
Tuesday, Oct 8, Morrisburg.
Wedeesiay, Oct 0, Prescott,S0ut11
Thursday, Oct. 10, Brockville.
Saturday, Oct. 12, alerriekvillo.
Monday, Oct. 14, Renfrew, South
Wednesday, Oet. 16, W'F estpart or
Thursday, Oct. 17, Sydenham,
Addington county.
The meetings will be held during
the afternoon, and out of doors if the
weather is favorable,
Tian: English agriculturists hav-
.. ing succeeded in effectually barring
oat Canadian store cattle, are trying
their hand against our cheese.
THE London Free Press says that
an election will be held in West AUBURN.
The residence of Mr. E. J. Powell,
Huron before the Dominion Perlia of London,uncle of the bride, was
merit meet in January next. Our the scene f a very pretty wedding
friends in the constituency should. be on Tuesday evening, the 3rd inst.,
perfecting their organization and be when Ethel illav Stevens, of Colorado,
ready for the struggle, come when was married to Cassius Ernest Canis,
it may. • of Auburn. The ceremony was per -
SPEAKING of the origin of the : formed by the Rev. Thos. Cullen,
word Canada, the Ottawa Citizen j pastor of the Askin St. :Methodist
Church, in the presence of a few
notes that : "A little boot: on Jacques ]relatives. The bride was attended
Cartier, published five years ago by j b her sister and cousin, Edith
Mr. Joseph Pope, of that city, states :Stevens, and Iv era Powell, brides -
that the Indians employed the Huron i maid and maid of honor, respectively.
word 'Canada' to designate a town ; ! Mr. Thos. Gerry, of London was
and, further, that Cartier found that I groomsman. A delightful tea was
it applied to the country lying along ;partaken of after the ceremony. The
the River St. Lawrence from Isle ; happy couple left for Auburn, where
aux Coudres to a short distance west ; they will reside. The presents were
of Stadacona." i numerous and costly.
is very difficult to detect. It urges • Ireland mister of the bt.'i(le, and MI , . satistbetory security to the amount of
that the Board of Agriculture make
an expert inquiry and suggests that
this explains why the Canadians :are
able. to undersell the British farmers
Prof. Robertson, Daily Commissioner,
says the statement of the North
British sagriculturist is not true. Ile
says that not a single box of this
class of cheese is made in Canada,
that tinnier the Dairy Products Aet
of 1893 the manufacture of :mita-
is prohibited under
tjoll cheese p
heavy penalty, and moreover -ander
b the Dominion
brothe' of the groom. $14000 and that a by-law be passed
The Culross Connell ]net at the confirming said appointment—
Town Hall, Teeswater, September Carried. Moved by Jas. Bowman,
2nd, 1895, as per motion of adjourn• : seconded by Geo. Kirkby, that by -
merit. The Reeve being absent, ' laws No. 9 and 10, as now read, be
Wm. Reid—J. Johnston—That as adopted—Carried. Moved by W.
the Reeve is absent, that MZr.1la:eKay, Isbister,. seconded by Jas. I3owinan,
Deputy -Reeve, act as chairman pro , that the Reeve be instructed to con-
tem—Carried. The minutes of last; for with our solieitue respecting the
meeting of Council were read, Wm.'dudgment given in the action of
Reid—P, Kuntz—That the minutes ! Morris vs, Huron, and report at next
of last meeting of Council, as just meeting ---Carried.' Accounts were
erad, be adopted --Carried. presented as follows, namely: Jas,
passed 1 Report on culvert opposite lot 23, Watt, balance for gravelling on S.
ion Act t, y •2nd boundary, $4.08 ; Jas. Cook ditch
Parliament, the imNorttutioit of on. 10, Culross. September , on 6th c oncessil- lino $0.31 ; S.
oleomargarine into Canada is 1St15 s
1 el . prohibited, Prof Robert- According 10 motion of Council of Love, north approach ton Clare's
abso nt 1 p I 1 ave examined the bridge, $20,50; I . Cantelo , i g
son says that filled or imitation
cheese from the United States may
have reached England, but it could
not be confounded with Canadian,
as all American cheese passing
through the Dominion for export is
branded at Montreal as "Product of
United States."
Everywhere Wo Go
We find some one who has boon cured
by Hood's Sarsaparillf, and people on all
bands are praising this great medicine
for what it has done for them and their
friends. Taken in time Hood's Sarsapar-
illa prevents serious illness by keeping
the blood pure and all the organs in a
healthy condition. It is the great
blood purifier.
Hoop's PILLs become the favorite
cathartic with everyone who tries them.
25o. per box.
as sittanb, 1 22, south approach to Clark's bridge,
bridge opposite lotcon, 10, and pp g ,
have it under repair at the present $48 ; P. Oantelon, placing stones
time, which I consider '.will make it around pier, filling washout and
serve the publio safely for some gravelling, $12o ; Jas. Russell, putt,
years yet. J. J. JOHNSTON. ing in culvert on Clark's hill, $8,50 ;
Wm. Reid --P, Kuntz --That the Jno. Forsyth, repairing culvert on
report of J. Johnston re bridge on
river, lot 23, eon. 10 and 11, be
adopted —Carried, P. Kuntz —Ji.
Johnston—That as Patrick Taugher
is dead and Mrs. Tougher has ap-
plied to this Council for assistance to
pay for doctor, coffin add funeral
expenses,. that a grant of fifty dol-
lars be made her, as she states she is
now able to support herself—Carried.
H. McKay—J. Johnston—That tis
application has been made to this
council to have the fences removed
on boundary between lot 35, con. 4,
Culross, and lot 33, con. 5, Kinloss,
that the Clerk write the council of
Kinloss requesting their co-operation
in having it opened by passing a
motion to that effect and that on a
motion being passed by Kinloss coun-
cil it is resolved that our Clerk
ACCORDING to the report of the
Fall Fairs.
Superintendent of Insurance at Oa j The Western, London
tawa, which has just been issued in I Proyint eat, Uontreal,
Guelph Central,
the completed shape,the fire insurance l Listowel
corporations received in premiums, Mildmay' Carrick
Palmerston Horticultural,
last year $6,711,369, on account of ; Hay, at Zurich,
Canadian business, which is $82,266; South Pertohn, tLMary's,
less than the premiums of 1893. ' Mitchell, at Mitchell,
There has been a great increase in!
,CClintoerry, Tiinghaixi,
the life insurance business. The , Milverton, l Tornington
new business taken last year aggre- Teeswater
gated $49,525,257, which is greater ; East Huron, Brussels,
than the business taken in 1893 by • Stratford, North Per"-
" 12-21
" 12-21
Sept. 16-19
6th concession line, $2.25 ; Herald
Office, Brussels, part pay on print-
ing contract $18 ; Jas. Parish, build-
ing culvert $8 ; Jas. Cruickshank,
cedar, building culvert and digging
ditch, $13.50; W. Martin, gravelling,
$4 ; Jas. Porter, ditch on sideline,
$10 ; D. Stalker, repairing culvert,
$2; R. Taylor, repairing culvert, $1 ;
H. Richmond, repairing bridge, $4 ; I
Thos. Coultes, spikes and putting in
culvert, $3 ; Jno. Richmond, tile
drain on south boundary, $3:68 ;
S. Thornton,. damages through
hauling gravel, $1; Wilson & Brooks,
balance for gravelling on West
boundary, $19.50 ; Jas. Golley,
inspeeting and spreading gravel on
West boundary, $8.63 ; R. Cardiff,
tile drain, $5 ; S. Love, inspecting
building of approaches to Clark's
notify the owners, viz : Donald bridge, $2 ; Aaron Lindsey, digging
Keith, Teeswater P. 0., and Joseph ,Engineer's drain, on lot 26, conces-
Waddel, Whitechurch P. 0., to open sion 5, $60.46; W. Rutledge, digging
the same—Carried. Wm. Reid—P. ditch on 2nd line, $2 ; H. Mooney,
Kuntz—That By -Law No. 7, being ato pay for Mrs. Young's passage to
By -Law for the purpose of raising old country, '$30 ; Misses Exford,
and collecting county rate, mnnici- charity, $6. For gravel—E. Bosman,
pal equivalent, township rate and $2.85 ; S. Forsyth, $3.50 ; Jno.
special school ate, be now read a Mooney, 50cts ; W. Innes, '$3.50 ;
first, seeoud and third time, passed, Mrs. Gray, $4.S0; Wm. , Forest,
signed and sealed—Carried. , J. $1.90 ; Geo. Peacock, $2.50 ; L.
Johnston—Wm. Reid—That the
Township Clerk have printed the
proper number and form of Collec-
tor's notices—Carried. H. McKay-
P. Kuntz—That as the grass season
for this year is almost over and as
there is a feeling that passing a By -
To Make Room for New Goods.
1 leave a number of
i COVERS, tCo,,
left from the old stook. All will be
sold at a bargain for Cash..
A complete stook of
—AND -
kept on hand.
Anyone wanting anything in my line will
be convinced by getting my prices before
buying elsewhere. Soo my Fancy Tables
" 19'2° Law prohibiting cows from runnin
Sept c3.24 at largelais oing to be a chtnmence $—.2e ; A. Ashton, $5.25 ; D. Erring-
" 23-24 ment of strife between Teeswater ton, $4.80 ; D. Sommerville, $3 80
" 23-24 and Culross, and although this coup- On motion of Thos. Code, seconded
2• 244:9255 cii has received no friendly favors by Jas. Bowman, the Council then
' 21.25 from Teeswater and has still an un adjourned to meet again on the 23rd
• 24-25 settled account with them, still, con- September next. W. CLARai;; Clerk.
McDonald, $2.85 ; J. Bing, $1.20 ;
D. Farquharson, . $4.30 ; Hugh
Ramsey, $1.25 ; W. Little, $4 ; D.
Scott, $5.25 ; S. Walker, $7.70 ; Jas.
Evans,. $3 ; Jno. McCracken, '$5.55 ;-
Jas. Shorrie, $4.40 ; Jas. Timmins,
$7.20 ; J. Leech, 85cts ; Geo.
Henderson, $1.82 ; R. Wright,
•«--Mr TILT:—
Subaoriptionprice, $1 per year, in advance
- - i9 ratio1' Y.Omo,riiii
1 1 Y' 1 I a nna. ; x mux
Oue column 800 00 840 00 ; 800 00 .. 806,
halt " 90 00 20 00 12 00 0 OR
Quarter's 20 00 1200 7 00 S OG
One n
u Incl00
1 600 8
1 ..QIl 1
Legal and of ler oasualadverttsomouts, 8o, per lino
for first insertion, and Je, pet• line foreach subsequent,
insertion. Measured by nonpare1 wale -
Local notlues 10e. my line for first iueortion, and
50. per lino for each subsequent Moodier.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations,
and Business (Thancos Wanted, not exceeding 8 linos
nonpareil, 51 for first month, and. 50o, for each
, subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Salo, not .exceeding 8 linos
81 for first month, 60c, per subsequent month.
Larger advertisements In proportion.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or for
I longer periods.
1Advertisements and local notices without specific)
directions, will be inserted till forbid arid charged
I accordingly. Transitory advertisernonts must be
paid in advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon, m order to appear
that week
in White Maple. R. ELLIOTT
Remembor the plane --Opposite Mao-
donald Bloch.
Residence -Opposite Foundry. 'p SII MACDONALD,
' Wingham,.
INCLUDINO Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bit
J. Heads, Circuiars, se., &a, executed in the best
style of the Art, at moderato prices, and on short
notioe. Apply or address
Timms Office, Wingham.
sidering the position of Teeswater, it
tg 26-57 being near the centre of our Town-
" 26.27 ship, and th"e Culross trade being
principally there, and the chureh as-
sociations being mostly there, that no
By -Law prohibiting cows from run-
ning at large be passed at present,
but that the matter be left over until
the voice of the ratepayers be heard
on the subject at nomination—Car-
The Finance Report was read as
$4,322,410. Seaforth, Tuckersmith " 26-27
East Wawanosh, Belgraye, Sept. 00, Oct. 1
THE annual meeting of the Domin- ' Wroxeter, Oct. 1 - 2
ion Millers' Association was held in . Walkerton, Northern
Toronto last week. The attendance + 1-.110'n°1',,
I Howick, at Corrie,
of millers was very large. Strong ' Clifford
resolutions were passed condemning , Blyth,
the Dominion Government for reseid- GODERICH.
ing, within the last ten days,tbe Order The work of re -slating the Court
in Council prohibiting the mixing of House roof and fitting the base of
Manitoba wheat. It was argued that the cupola with galvanized iron is
the reputation of Manitoba wheat making progress.—Last Friday John Graham
throughout the world would be in- . Graham, an inmate of the jail who
jured by this mixing under the has been a familiar character about
sanction of the Government, and an town for many years, succumbed to
agitation throughout the country the infirmities of old age, and
was threatened if the Government through the kindness of a few citizens
should persist in the reversal of its' who respected the old man in his
previous policy. I poverty, he was decently interred on
' Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday
TUE Board of Arbitrators•appointed another inmate died, an old woman
to investigate the question of the named Sheppard, whose husband
'unsettled accounts between the ; was found dead a couple of years
Oct. 1 3
1 . 3
Oct. 3 - 4
Oct. 5
Oct.8 9
Dertinion, Quebec and Ontario ago under what for a time was thought
Wo are pleased to announce that any Books or
Magazines left with us for Bindingwill have, our
prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style
will be given on application to the Totes Chloe.
Acted Like Magic.
"It has always acted like magic. I
had scarcely ever need to give the
second dose of Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry for summer Com-
plaints," writes
MRs. WALTER Govnr Locx, Ethel, Ont.
The following notice of the death
of Mrs. Jas. Leech, of Gerrie, we
take from the Gerrie Vidette: The
subject of this memorial was born in
follows: Donald Grant, building Nova Scotia about 67 years ago; her
bridge, lot 21, con. 12, $18, and eul- maiden name whs Margaret Ann
vert, lot 18, con. 10, $10, total $28; Christian. She was first married
Angus McKenzie,'per W. H. Carter,
40 yards gravel, $6; Thos. Pennell,
culvert at lot 30 and 31, con. 6, 55;
Alex. McKenzie, work on con. 6, lot
30, $2.50; Mrs. Taugher, Doctor's
bill and funeral expenses, $50;
Weiler .& Son, cedar plank, $6.43;
Hart & Riddle, stationery, $1.85;
F. X. Messner, spikes, 33 cents; John
Voisin, 28 yards gravel, $1.96; Her 'life was marked with .beautiful
Anthony Voisin, • 60 yards gravel,
$4.20; Nicholas Sehsimplicity and Consistency, in the
m tier, 6 yards service of .her blessed Lord and
gravel, 32c; A. G. Steiitart, printing,
Master, and to the very last she
manifested a practical interest in
every depb.rtment of Christian use-
fulness and in the ordinances of
God's House and worship. She was
deeply interested in the Woman's
Missionary Society and a successful
leader of a elass of young ladies who
testified in the most tender and af-
fectionate manner to the high estima-
tion in which their leader was held.
Her illness of less than two weeks
to a Mr. Black ; after his decease
she was married to Mr. Jas. Leech,
of Gorrie, January 28th, 1864, and
for 31 years has proved to be an help
mate for him.` She was a kind
neighbor, affectionate friend, and
since the year 1862 has been an
earnest and devoted Christian and
member in the Methodist church.
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
11IUNN & CO., who have bad nearly fifty years'
experience In the patent business. Communion -
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In-
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob-
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan-
ical and scientific books sent free.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special noticeinthe Scienttific American, and
thus are brought widely berorethe public with-
out coat to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent frees
Building Edition monthly, $2.60 a year. Single
eopiqs, 25 conte 'Crusty number contains beau-
tifpul plates, In colors, and photographs oe new
houses. with plans. enabling builders to abow the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained, and all patent
^ business conducted for MODERITI1 FEES, My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model. sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
.IIFTI-lY0 chard a iti anode for rest opinion as to
patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the
application zrill.no0 he called for sesta the
potent is allowed. "Imre:sloes' Guinn," con-
taining full information sent free, All OOmmuDi•
cations Considered rs Strictly Confidential.
FRA 1p1( LU ll , H. HOUGH
926 Ir. lilfsocltte,
Governments held a session in Mon.- to be suspicious circumstances. This etc., $35. The amount of gravel
poor old body had apparently no paid Heath in last Finance Report
treal lately. The question taken tI friends, and her remains, after being was 84 yards, instead of, 44, as
'was as to whether the $10,506,000 prepared by undertaker Brophey for. printed. P. Kuntz—J. Johnston—
mentioned in the Dominion statute of . shipment to Toronto for use in some That the finance report, as just read,
1873 is fixed and determined as to ''of the colleges, were claimed only at be aceepted and cheques issued for
the items composing the amount,, or the last hour by, a brother and in- the same—Carried. J. Johnston—
whether these items cat be investi- terred here r Wm. Reid --That this council do
gated, inquired into and objected to'
--•-- now adjourn to meet again in the
b the Provinces of Quebec and Valuable tit Know. Town ball, Teeswater, on Monday,
1 Consumption may be more easily Oct. 7th—Carried.
Ontario. The arbitrators delivered 1 t revented than cured. The irritating CaIA s. 13tJxrOl Tp.Clerk, o -
a unanimous judgment in favor of and harassintt cough will be greatly was severe and precluded the p s
the provinces, holding that each item relieved by the used Bagyard's Pectoral -—a-MIS. sibility , of nluclt conversation, but
in the account delivered by the Do- - Balsam that cures coughs, colds, bran• The Connell met in `Connell room, she was ready, and was wonderfully
minion was examinable on the chit's, and ail pulmonary troubleb, • Morris, on August 26th, 1895, accord• 1 sustained by the presence of the
merits, and that the items were not j ing to adjournment. Members all' Divine Comforter. And on Aug.
established by the Dominion Act of j
GTJLRCSS, present. Reeve in the chair, Minutes 26th, the weary wheels of life stood
1873, or otherwise. ; The residence of Mr, -)avid Ire of last meeting reltd and passed. still and the Master saki, "it is
' land, was the seene.of a joyous event Moved by Geo. ltirkby, seconded enough, come up higher," The
cin .ovnoN cable says that the on Wednesday, Sept. 40, when his by W. Isbister, that Thos. Code be, community in which she bas so long
her el die
, church of
I3ritl it Agrieulturistd and the c
North resided alleges eldest daughter, Margaret, was instructed to have l.nglneer s drain r s
on what it terms good authority that united in Hymen's bonds to Mr. at lot 8, 7th concession line, eleaned I have both sustained 11 loss whleb will
a considerable proportion of the sox John Mines, of Teeswater. The out according to award—Carried. i not easily be made up. But her
Called :*tall Milk C 1Ceee froth. Canada Teat nage eeremiony was performed Moved by W.1sbister, seeonded by! sorrowing partner feels the bereave•
i by Rea", Jas. Malcolm, the bride atldl Jas. Bowman, that Jno. Mooney be Ment most keenly. That lie may be
l really made from separated milk ,e p. -graciously sustained and comforted
y p I graarn being i espectively assisted l appointed Collector for the cut 1 ent friends.
with oleomargarine, whieh through the ordeal by Miss Martha year at a, salary of $85, ott giving is the earnest prayer of malty friends.
'r;](j. B. TOWLER, M,D,C,M.,
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
--Coroner for County of Huron-
OfficeUp.stairs, next to Mr Morton's Oleo, Wing.
ham, Ont.
Curds Hoons.-0 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m., or ab
Residence, Diagonal Street.
and all Summor Complaints and Fluxes of th
Bowels. It is safe and reliable for
Children or Adults,
Poe gate by all Dealers.
For Twenty-five Yea:
T.P. KENNEDY, 1r. D., M, C. 1'.S, 0.
eJ (Successor to Jr. J. A, Meldrum.)
Gold Medalist of Western University: Late House
SurCoonin London General Hospital. Special /Men.tion paid to diseases of women and children,
Office -Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum,Corner
of Centro and Patdell streets.
Wiest= - ONT
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat
interest, No conuuisstot changed. Mortgages, t
and !arm property bought and sold
OFFICE -Beaver 'Block WINOnare
Wingham, Ont.'
Barrister Etc.
Ofiice-Meyer Block, Wingham.
DENTISTRY. -J. S. J ERO11E, L. D. S., wrxonAB.
Is manufacturing first-class sets of
tooth as cheap as they can bo made
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by his new
process, guaranteed perfectly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the
Brunswick House.
ARTHUR J. IRwIN, D. D. fl., L. D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennaylvanib
Dental College.
PDEANS, Ja., WINellAai,
Sales attended In any part of the CO. Charges
JOHN CURItflI, WnvonaM, ONT.,
All odors left at the Tlltas wilco promptly attend,
'cd 10. Terms reasonable,
All sales attended to promptly and on the Shorted..
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All necessary Arrangements can be made at tit
I 'FM NW ofilce
WIseilAtt oxr
Money to Loan an Notes.
Notes Discounted
Motley advanced on Mortgages at t eteenn t itt
at the end ore er.
privilege of paling t ny y a . Notre
and accounts collected.
ROBTv 110011100.Beaver Meek Vin l no, Ont.
Veloiblo teatte. end bottle et tuoeltin. seat i»r to Ins'
iiafter.r, 'owe hapless sae rept me mums. 8.14
NOM, i1.0,, its W.,t Ade1614. UtM.1.TOredte, Oat __ __
13ill Nyo 0
.at tri ;'eneral
Endowment NV
Dream of Wea
-tion in New Yc
ber of extrem(
were asked by
physician, wkly
^cealeci his see
that at the elb
ed flannels a S
the Freneh Bi
worked with b
town wool.
Ile asked
shown themseln
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questions, ancll
"Did hernia
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This was ti:
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but as to hem
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and I would sl
even to a well
3 ork .
He alsoCitygaol
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understood hie
"Are you a
have you ever
This questi
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I was invite('
about eleven 3
doughnuts an
I now look '
ing with sham
Little did
would have to
it in after yea
life insured.
The cider
crab apples, a:
cask, which w
Some two of
brandy had b
in it, and the]
in to be cold,:,
leaving in. the,
tilled spirits o:
and felonious
I remember
•crisp, frosty n
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back tradeoutaf,
Is it not d
Inc all about
personal ]lab
never told
dearest frier
surance come
with a large
keep off the
the helpless'
so small a hl
Short Jour
Is the charas
illustrated b
hundred page
country north
reading matt
• `' are new, and
'will be new t
A c of
Read" will bl
Will enclose t
Geo. II. Ilea
.Agent Chico
Railway, Cir
'will be sent tf
till the let of