The Wingham Times, 1895-09-20, Page 5TURNB.ERRY, Geo, .Fortune, jr., and his • spent a few days last week, Fiends in Ohesley and vicinity, WEST WAWANOSIZ, On the 20th of August, Mary Ann 3/eInntyre, wife ' of Mr. Thos. Mc- R.enzie, passed away, She had suf. - , fered from disease of the heart for several years, Deceased was of a quiet and retiring disposition, kind and affectionate to all ; a devoted and consistent member of the Pres- byterian ehureh, Three sons, two daughters and her partner in. life survive her. HARRISTON. The Oddfellows' Block, oecupied by 3, 0, Marilyn, stoves and tinware; C. Johnston, spring mattresses fac- tory, ,and Weltio's repair shop, in this place, was destroyed by fire on Friday last. The building was valued at $2,500 and insured for $1,500. Brown's stock was worth about $2,500; insurance, $1,100; partially saved. The contents of the factory and repair shop were nearly all removed. Loss, small, Cause of #ire unknown. BJL11!ORP. A harvest home festival was held in the Methodist church, on Wednes- day evening last, Sept. 18th. A . splendid programme of music, read- ings, recitations, &c., was rendered. —Mr. Geo. Abraham, of Michigan, is visiting relatives around. here.—Miss Minnie Fessant, of Wingham, was the guest of Misses L. and A. Ander- son, last week.—Mr. Richard Hall, of Drayton, is visiting relatives here. —Miss Eliza Clegg, of Listowel, is the guest of Miss Maggie Hooey this week.—Mrs. and Miss McElroy, of Winnipeg, who for the past few weeks were visiting Mrs.. McElroy's brother, Mr. Mulvey, have gone t back to their home.—News has reaohed our burgh of the marriage of Mr. G. A. Bremner, a former teacher of our school, who. is now teaching in Manitoba.—Miss Maggie Hall is quite sick at present with fever. We hope nothing serious will result.—Mr. Jas. Hemming, jr., who has been: suffering severely from inflammatory rheumatism, is; we are glad to say, recovering again.— Miss Maggie Abraham, of the village, is also suffering with a fever.—Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hall gb to Windsor 'this week. Mr. Hall goes back to attend his second year at the 'Detroit Dental College.—On Wednesday at 6 p. m., Mrs. Lane, sr., passed away at a good old age. The remains were interred on Friday afternoon in ' McIntosh's cemetery.—The an- TUE WJNGEAM TIMES, S.EFTEMBER 2D, i 1'resbytory oP Maitland, The Presbytery of Maitland met at Wingham, Sept. 17th, Rev. J. Malcolm, Moderator, pro tele, There were present 12 ministers and 11 elders. Commissions were received in favor of the following elders from their respective sessions: Knox church, Ripley, Mr. Peter McDonald; Knox church, Kincardine, Rev, John Stewart; Melville church, Brussels, Mr. A, M. McKay; Bluevale and Radies, Er. John Hutton; Luclknow, Mr. George Mathieson;; South Kinloss, Mr. Archibald Hamilton; Duff s church, Walton, Mr. Jonathan Moore, Chalmer's church, Kincardine township and Bervie, Mr. Win, Henderson; Ashfield, Mr. Hugh Chambers; Wingham, Mr. Gilbert McIntyre; Molesworth, Mr, Peter Greer; Whitechurch. and Langside, Mr. John Dawson,; Belgrave and Calvin church, East Wawanosh, lli:r. Donald Meiklejohn; St. Helens and East Ashfield, Mr. T. E. Finlay; Huron Church, Ripley, Mr, John S. McDonald, M, P. P. Tho minutes of last regular, and pro re nata meetings were read and adopted. Mr, Mc- Lennan gaye notice that he will move at next meeting, that there shall be four ordinary meetings of Presbytery held during the year viz, in March, July, September and December, in- stead of six as at present. The Clerk presented. a guarantee of stipend of $1000 per annum to Rev. A. K. Mc- LenrLan, D. D,, by the Huron con- gregation. The Clerk reported that Mr. Sidney 11icWhaley, B. A., has signified his acceptance of the call to St. Helens and East Ashfield, and that he will be ready for ordination i and induction on the 10th October. The Presbytery agreed to hold an adjourned meeting at St. Helens, on Thursday, October 10th, at 1 p.m., to conduct the ordination, trials of Mr. Whaley and at 2.30 for ordina- ion and induction services. Rev. D. Davidson was appointed to preach and read the edict of ordination and' induction at St. Helens and East Ashfield on September 20th and Rev. John Stewart, October Gth. Mr.' McLennan introduced Mr. Peter Me - Kenzie, of Ashffeld, who desired to apply to the Presbytery, to be reeog- nized as a candidate for the ministry. On motion, Messrs McRae, Hartley and Wm. Henderson, were appointed to confer with Mr. McKenzie. The committee afterwords reported that they had examined -Mr. McKenzie as to his ehristian knowledge, experi- ence and motives, and conferred with him as to lits literary attain- ment. The committee recommend him to pursue such a course of study for at least one year, as will fit him o enter the literary department of Knox College, in the regular way. The report was received and its ecommendation approved: A cir- ular from the Presbyterian Printing and Publishing Co., Toronto, an- nouncing. the publication of Sabbath School Supplies, as Class Registry, Records, Envelopes and Cards was brought to notice. Mr. John S. Mc- Donald, M. P. P., and Rev. D. B. McRae, were appointed to prosecute he call of Huron Congregations be- ore the Presbytery of Glengarry. A communication from the .Assembly's committee on Augmentation of stipends was read. The sum of $500, for this scheme is appointed to this Presbytery for the year. This scheme is commended to the liber- ality of the congregations. The Presbytery agreed to renew its ap- plication of last March to the . com- mittee on Augmentation of stipends in behalf of Pine River congregation for $150 per annum. Mr. McRae was apointed Convener of Committee on Church Life and Work, in place of 11ir. Ross, resigned. Mr. McRae was also appointed Convener of Committee on Conference; A petition from Whitechurch congregation asking permission to mortgage the new brick church to the amount of $1500 to be applied towards paying of indebtedness on said ehnrch was granted. Mr. R. F. Cameron .read a discourse before the Presbytery, which was sustained and the Clerk was instructed to'certify Mr. Camer- on to the Senate of Knox College, Toronto. Nett regular meeting will be held at Wingham, on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, at 11.30 a. m. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in St. Helens church, Oct. 10th. at 1 p.ni. JOHN MAoNAnn, Clerk. Lucknove, Sept. 18, 1895. BLUEVALE. Miss Jenny MoFarlanc, of Shake- speare, is visiting at Mr, John Robert- son's. --Miss Edna Kaake, of Luck- now, ucknow, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ira Etcher.—Mr. Wni. Stewart is putt- ing some improvements on the house occupied by Mr, Andrew Holmes. -- Messrs Edwin Bailey and Win. Duff !went to MoleswoQrth on Saturday.— !Messrs John DEtmpbell and Alex. !Frazer, of Turnberry, and Edwin 'Bailey, of Bluevale, all pupils at Goderich Model School, drove home on Friday evening and back again on Sunday.—Miss Agnew, of Kirwan. 1 dine, was visiting at Mr. John Collie's, last week.—Mrs. Johnston, wife of i Er, John Johnston, of the first • line of Morris, died last Wednesday and was buried on Thursday in the Bluevale cemetery, Mrs. Johnston had, been a sufferer for over two Iyears with spinal disease, which she bore with great patience. She leaves a family of small children. The !funeral on Thursday was very largely attended. WROXETER, Mr, D. Saunders, of the Fordwich "Telephone," was in town on Tues- day.—John Leckie is on the sick list and has been very sick for some ' time. We are pleased to say he is I now some better and is on the road to recovery.—Mr. R. Black was in i Guelph on Tuesday.—Mr, John i Harris is building an addition to his house.—Mr. David Barnard, who lives in Menominee, Michigan, is !home on a visit.—At a meeting of the Y, P. S. C. E., on, Monday even- ing, the following officers were elected : Hon. Pres., R. S. G. Ander- son ; Pres., Thomas Gibson ; Vice Pres., Annie Allen ; Sec., W. Saun- ders ; Treas., Miss Anderson.—A special business meeting of the ISI. L. was caller. on Friday evening last. Miss S. Bray was appointed Presi- dent, in place of D. Saunders, who has gone to I'ordwic 1.—Dir. John Barn- ard is in London this week attending the Fair.—T. F. Miller and F. V. Dickson are in Toronto.—John Put - land, who has the contract for carry- ing the mail between here and Brussels, was in town on Tuesday.— Mr. Thos. Rae's Great Dane, "Juno," was awarded third prize at the Toronto Bench Show. The Dane class was very large, proving Mr. Rae has a superior dog. ST. HELENS. Again we are reminded of the frailty of human strength in the death of Mr. John I. Taylor, of this place. The deceased had been living in the State of Dakota, where he con- tracted the trouble wbich terminated fatally here, on September 5th. He was a young man, 37 years of age, and one of a family of nine, eight of whom survive hire. Hoping to recover his health, he returned from Dakota about eight months ago, and during that time had been gradually sinking, notwithstanding the assist- ance of the best medical attendance. About two years ago he married Miss Nellie Tumuth, who . now mourns his early death with the deepest sorrow, and who has been to him all that makes a loving, affec- tionate and faithful wife, waiting on him night and day, striving with the courage born of despair to keep the grim monster from his ghastly work. But she was at last forced to part from the one whom she loved so de- votedly; and to submit to the will of God, saying,; "He doetll all things well." The deceased was buried on Saturday, being carried to the grave by his six brothers. The family, of which he was the favorite member, and the bereaved wife have the sincerest sympathy of the , entire community. niversary services of the Methodist church were conducted Iast Sabbath morning and evening by the Rev, r Mr. Fischer, of Gorrie.—The Belmore c Cheese Factory this year ranks among the best in the province for quantity, quality and priee of cheese. ' The factory will continue to run until the end of October. Those wishing to have cheese made for the winter. should send in theirmilk to the factory at once. It will be manufactured t into first.class cheese and the cost f will be the same as the patrons pay. MORRIS. WEDDING BELLS,—One of those pleasant, informal affairs in whieh every right feeling 'person takes a hearty interest, took place at the residence of Mr. Wm. Isbister, at six o'clock on the evening of the 11th, when his second daughter, Maggie, was married to lir. J. H. Miller, one ° of our most promising young farmers in the presence' of a large company of invited guests, principally rela- tives of the contracting parties.. The Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, performed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. D. Perrie, of Wingham. The exeep; tional beauty of the gentle bride was enhanced by elaborate gowning, silk laces and dainty ribbons heightening 'the effect. Her sister Mary acted as .maid of honor, and looked charming in her cream robes. Mr. Geo. Proc- tor supported the groom, The teems were beautifully arranged for the occasion. Flowers, "soft vernal tattles of the earth and sky," were -banked up everywhere in baskets and vases, The tables were prettily arranged with fruit and Rowers aiid simply groaned folder a bounteous feast of good things. The presents were many and well chosen attesting the esteem in which the bride was • held by her many friends. The evening was spent hi dancing, when all left wishing the happy couple Many returns of the, day. ?altnerston'8 tax rate is 24 Mills. With tnvalidd. Vest with invalids the appetite in caprib lens and needs coaxing, that 1s Inst tho reason they improve so rapidly under Scott's ErnulSion, which is as palatable as Dream. My Baby was a living skeleton; the dor- for said he was dying of Maras- mus: and Indigestion. At x months he weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with l-Iypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body; He began to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled boy. The Emulsion. seemed to supply the one tiling needful. Mrs. Ii;NvoN Wtf.LIAMS, May 2 t,I8e4. Cave Springs, Ga. Similar letters from other *mothers. 17on't bepr.,4Sded to accept o tubetilael Scott do Omit DAMN. 50c and $t• r Nervous Prostration It is now a well established tact lit medical science that nervousness is due to impure blood, Therefore the true way to Dore nervousness is by purify. Ing and enriching the blood. The great blood purifier is Mood's Sarsa. patina. Read this letter; "For the last two years I have been a great sufferer with nervous prostration and palpitation of the heart. X was weak in my limbs and had smothered sensa- tions. At last my physician advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla which I did, and I am happy to Nay that I am now /strong and well. I am still using Hood's Sarsaparilla and would not be without it. I recommend it to all who are suffering with nervous prostration and palpitation of the heart." MRs. DAuroN, 66 Alice St., Toronto, til,ntario. Get Hood's, because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It Is not what we say but what Hood's Sar- rapariila does that tells the story. Hood's Pills act harmoniously with hood sSarsaparilla. 25o. ATTRACTIVE i ---�_ MEAT Should not only be agreeable to the taste and smell, but it should be mit so as to be attractive to the eye. illy mean will be found all that is desired. in these respects, BEEF, POBE and MUTTON always on hand, SAUSAGES, HEAD CHEESE and everything in the butchering; line, in season. As I supply no hotels, all customers have a chance of petting the best cuts. Our prices will always be found Just richt and meat will bo delivered to any part of the town .T. G. FIELD. ~gingham, Aug, 28th, 1800. RINGS! GOLD RINGS! I am the only Jeweler north of Lon- don who can and does made rings on the premises. I mak' and finish all work in the best possible manner. and guarantee satisfac- tion in eYery Instance. Where gold is found, I always return the same gold, mnanufaotured as per order. By leaving your order with me, you can save from 25c to $2, according to style, weight and quality of ring,_ We also make to order Engraved Coin Brooches, Bangle Pins, etc., etc., at Moderate Prices, Jewelery Repairing and En- graving Neatly and Prompt- ly Executed. HALSEY PARK, JEWELER. Opposite Macdonald Block, Wingham. Do you know a man in Canada that repairs watches any better than Halsey Park,Watchmaker and Jeweler, Wingham? SPORTING 000DS CONS,. GUN POWDERS, SHOT AND SHELLS, DOC COLLARS, Silverware, Builders' Hardware, Paints and Glass, Wire and Iron., Ooal nil, and COAL. LARGE STOCK. LOW PRICES. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Lehigh Valley Coal Co's, Coal. JOHN CLEGG & CO., Stone Mock, Winghans. Thi Ur. HEAP MONEY. Money is cheap or dear accord- ing to what you pay for it, or what you receive in return for it. Now, to illustrate our point ; We take it for granted that you require DRESS GOODS, MANTLE GOODS, MANTLES, SHAWLS, ULSTlIlS, FINE UNDERWEAR, HOSE, GLOVES, FLANNELS, FLANNELETTS, SIIIRTINGS, GREYand WHITE COTTONS, PRINTS, BOOTS, SHOES, 'RU'I3- BERS, HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, TIES, SHIRTS, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, SUITS, (ordered or ready-made), OVERCOATS, WATERPROOFS, UMBRELLAS, TEAS, SUGARS, SPICES, and all kinds of pure GROCERIES, besides scores of other articles that we cannot find space to unumcrate, and we reed • O H EY, MONEY, JOEY, And in order to get it we will give you better and bigger value for your money than others do. Why? Because we buy only the best goods, in the best markets, and we sell on smaller profits than others can do, for we have no great ex- penses to keep up. Mark this important fact,namely, that large salaries and other large expenses must be added to the profits put upon goods ; so, with our small expenses, we can, until times get better, give our custom- ers the big end of the profits. Come and see the ANCHOR, at the old stand. It is one of the permanent fixtures of the town. It will afford us pleasure to see you and wait upon you. D. M. GORDON Tuu ANCHOR HOUSE, Wingham. Direct Importer. i • 0 During the Fair week we give you special prics andyextra values. ADL 3 1T 0 --AND 0 .7L We buy for cash and sell for cash. You pay for your own goods and no more. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH. DRESS MAKING A SPECIALTY. G. MCINTYRE, WING HAM, MACDONALD BLOCK, 1,000 PIECES OF CHOICE PRINTS PROM 5cts. PER YARD UP. FLANNELETS From. 4xcts. per yard up. A Choice Stock of Men's and Boys'. HARD AND SOFT HATS.;,, Direct Importation. A JOE LOT AT 25Cts. B1ACH, A Call Solicited. T. A. MILLS, WING.